
A Perfect Murder

After the death Of Ashley Young, the President's daughter, in her school, a group of investigators were given a mission to work on the case due to her sudden and her mysterious death. In the course of the investigation, some suspects were fished out. Her boyfriend who has always had a bad temper issue, her bestfriend, her school child, and her cousin who have never been in good terms with her. One amongst these is conceived in this perfect murder. But who? And what was the reason for the murderer murdering her? The mysteries behind Ashley's death was something the investigators had to dig deeper. Will they be able to find out the murderer even when things look top notch impossible? Find out on this mysterious and suspenseful drama as we unveil who the murderer is on 'Perfect Murder'.

Favyhm23 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


"I want you to tell me the truth, Simon. What happened that night? As the detectives in charge of this case, Mary and I deserve to know the whole truth." Detective Daniel spoke.

Earlier, they had brought Simon into the interrogation room for questioning. The room is dark. It was only lit by a bulb dangling from the ceiling. His hands were handcuffed as he sat there, crying his eyes out.

"I didn't do it. Why should I kill my girlfriend? I loved her so much. Give me a reason why I would kill her." He spoke, crying.

"Because she cheated on you." Detective Mary added.

She threw some photos on the table in front of him for him to see clearly. "The whole world knows of your anger issues, Simon. You've been on the internet quite a lot of times talking about beating some guy or girl. Two years ago, you were accused of beating Cassandra, the daughter of the CEO of LeeSang Industries. You were sued of attempted murder after you heard she cheated on you with some other guy. At the age of sixteen, you beat up your female teacher in her own home for failing you in your exams. At that time, she was three months pregnant, and she lost her child because of what you and your gangs did to her. You were also sued for that. On your seventeenth birthday, you brutally raped a girl who was your junior in the same school as you." She halted her steps and held his gaze with her palms placed on the table. "You have committed a lot of crimes back then. You were only able to get away with everything with the help of your father. For all the crimes you've committed against a lot of people, including the ones mentioned, your father helped you out because of his power. He cleaned up your mess. And this time around, you messed with the wrong people. The Young family. The daughter of the president of our great country And you know what?" She stood upright and started walking back and forth in the room as she spoke. "Mr. Young's father was once a mafia, and he followed his father's footsteps when he was much younger. Later, he decided to take a U-turn with his life by becoming someone greater and better than his father.  So listen."  She halted and caught gaze with his.  His eyes were quivering with fear when she began the story of the president being a mafia before now.

"There's an old saying that says that old habits die hard. The president, Mr. Young, could be awakened and switched on to the mafia he used to be, hiding it from without the world finding out. He might decide to take this matter way more personally. You of all people know how this country works, Simon. The only thing that can save you and your father at this point is spilling the truth. Daniel and I are in charged with this case. You can tell us anything and everything that happened that night. Remember, all fingers are pointed at you for being Ashley's murderer. Therefore, Simon, did you murder Ashley Young?" Her questions came so directly, like a bomb being dropped on him.

More tears flowed down his jaw. He was starting to lose his mind right now. "I know I've done a lot of bad things in the past. I know that all the sins I committed back then are unforgivable. But Ashley was different. I changed a lot because of her. I didn't kill her. I loved her too much to even think about that. I kept running back to her, even when she kept pushing me away. Even when we do go to parties, drink and dance with other boys, I never for once raised my voice at her. And it's because I loved her. So tell me... "

"All those things changed when she cheated on you with your best friend." Detective Daniel's words cut him. "Fine.  Let's all assume that you changed after meeting Ashley. But the monster in you was resurrected when she did such a thing with your own best friend. Not once, but twice, and countless times, Simon." He crossed his arms across his chest and started gallivanting back and forth in the room. "On that same day you found out that Ashley has been having a secret affair with your best friend; the video of how you beat up the boy, your best friend, went viral. You didn't just beat him, but, you beat so hard to coma.  You were like a wild dog in that video." He tsked.  "Because of you, Simon, the poor boy is in a coma, lying there half-dead in the hospital with no hopes of him waking up soon. You further had a serious misunderstanding with your girlfriend Ashley at school. You even threatened to kill her for hurting your feelings so badly. Like that wasn't enough, you gave the daughter of the president a tight slap in public at school. Because of what you did, the board of directors at Moonlight High School has ordered your suspension. So Simon," he turned around and faced him. "Who on earth wouldn't believe you're the suspect from all the ill tapes released about you?"

He ran his fingers through his hair and tugged it tight. This whole mess is causing him to gradually lose his mind. His nose was leaking out some liquid substances as he kept on crying. He looked confused, shocked, painful, and tired at the moment.

"Here," detective Daniel threw a picture at him on the table. Simon gradually raised his head to look at it. "That is the autopsy of your late girlfriend, Ashley. Just take a good look at her body. Marks were everywhere on her body. From finger marks, which are clearly shown on the neck to show that she was choked by the murderer, to chain marks, which are also seen on her neck and every other part of her body. It is clearly shown that she was badly flogged with a chain by the murderer and also strangled and dragged by it. Except from those, five knife stabs were spotted on her stomach. To make matters even more complicated for everyone, Simon, the school's CCTV cameras were disabled that same night. And you, Simon, after searching on Ashley's phone, you called her to meet you in school that same night she was murdered." He threw another picture at him. "That is the CCTV footage from the bar. That same night, you were very drunk when you entered the car, a few minutes after you'd texted her. We assumed you went straight to the school to do your business with her. So tell me, why won't you be counted as the suspect? Your finger prints are on her body and no one else's. It would seem, after doing the fingerprint test, that your fingerprint was the one on her neck and wrists. So, justify the claim with all the evidence that you didn't do it. Your words are not enough to prove your innocence. Simon, the only child of the Vice President and the boyfriend of the late Ashley Young, you murdered her, didn't you?"

Simon's eyes quivered from left to right simultaneously. "I didn't murder her. I saw her that same night we spoke. I only went there to plead with her to give us a second chance. To apologise to her, but..."

"You'll never spill out the truth that you did that, right?" Mary butted into it. "Just like every murder case or criminal case you've been accused of, Simon, you've never spoken the truth, and how should we believe you?"

"I'm not lying. I just went there to beg her to come back to me. She, She...."

"She kept pushing you away." She continued.  "And because she kept pushing you away, that was when the beast sleeping in you unlocked and brutally murdered her without thinking twice. Because you told her, if you can't have her, no one else will. And you proceeded to murder her in your drunken state. Isn't it, Simon?"

More tears flooded his eyes. He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking really frustrated. His voice was also starting to break due to his tears. "I know that night I was drunk, and I regret ever drinking before going to meet her in school. I know I can't remember anything right now that happened that night. But I know I didn't do it. I didn't kill her. I can feel it. I'm sure."

"Then be sure of this." Daniel threw another picture. Simon's teary eyes widened. "This is the picture of you taken to the hospital with your clothes covered in blood. This photo was taken by a CCTV camera a few blocks away from the hospital you were at. The hospital records for that night you went to the hospital after murdering Ashley were nowhere to be seen. Actually, just at the time you went in. And I personally think that your father just did the dirty job like he always does. To cover his son's sinful acts once more. Is it true or is it not true, Simon?"

"That night, bloods... no..." He shook his head. "This time around, it wasn't me. The bloods..."

Daniel scoffed.  "You're doomed this time around, Simon. No one, not even your father, is going to save you this time around."