
A path to Godhood

A newly dead soul discovers that he has a chance at godhood

ironpriest · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Battlefield pov

The battle started as soon as the two sides met, and it was an explosive clash. As Odarr sat on the ridge watching the battle he saw how they were fighting and saw that there was no cohesive fighting strategy. He was quite surprised that he saw those of a slightly higher rank holding themselves back from wading into the battle almost immediately. Odarr quickly realized that there was no real reason for them to go into the battle right off the bat. The weakest are fighting the hardest while those slightly stronger are making their way into the battle not long after the start.

He started heading towards the battlefield quickly realizing that he had no choice but to enter the battlefield quickly if he did not want to miss any kill he could get. When he made it to the blob where the battle was happing, he made his way to the front quite quickly earning a couple of quick kills. As he surveyed the battlefield, he quickly realized he was out of the easy kills and had to start struggling.

As Odarr made his way to a stronger opponent he quickly realized this would probably end in his loss but he got a total of 4 kills of people the same rank as he was. To jump from level 0 to level 1 you needed 10 soul warrior coins from 10 different people. Odarr had never taken one of Orena's coins because he thought she would not give one up for him although even though a level 1 coin was worth 2 levels 0 coins.

As Odarr started his duel with a man who most likely a few coins short of leveling up he quickly realized that killing this man would not be as easy as he thought it would be. It quickly showed Odarr how hard it would be to kill men above his level without certain techniques. As he was dueling, he quickly gets an idea of how to kill this man he builds up some of his energy into the tip of his club. When he struck the man he was dueling, he released the build-up energy as soon as he struck causing an explosion as soon as it hit, killing him instantly but using a tenth of his energy in an instant.

He quickly realized that if he was going to use this technique, he was going to need to practice because he used 5 percent more energy than he was planning to. He quickly grimaced in thought as he planned to get at least a few more kills but he quickly looked around for someone to fight and he saw an injured level 1. He moved quickly "so you think you can kill me just because I am injured" the level 1 spoke at Odarr.

Odarr felt the level one's blows and quickly realized he would need to you every drop to get this man down. As he slowly built his energy, he danced around the blows and counted down until he built up roughly guessing he would need at least a blast of 50 percent swing at him. Odarr peered around to make sure no one was paying their battle any attention. He smiled and spoke "yeah I think I can kill you but afterward I'm most likely to die"

As Odarr swung his Oni War club he broke the level 1 in half, and as Odarr stood there he felt it a sword smacked into the back and through his chest killing him instantly. As Odarr was pulled back to the landing pad he was handed a bag with 5 levels 0 coins and a level 1 coin for a total of 7 points quite close to level 1 worth of energy build up. As he started to head back to his place to relax, he thought about what he had seen on the battlefield.

He quickly realized that he needed to act quickly on the next battlefield he would have probably been able to get to level 1 after this battlefield if he knew how it worked beforehand and he needed to get some training on using his energy, but he saw her and for some reason he saw felt that presence of happiness that he thought he would only feel on the battlefield. that for some reason that made him extremely happy.

"so how was it," Orena asked him quite plainly

"it was everything I thought it would be but at the same time it was over so quickly" Odarr replied in thought

"now that you have been there, do you think you can go back," Orena asked him thought

"yes I can go back and I think I was born to be a War God" Odarr replied with steel in his voice