
A Paladin in Demon Slayer

Ace is drinking alone in his house while watching his favorite anime, Demon Slayer when suddenly his whole house began to tremble then a mysterious man wearing a royal outfit appears before him. The Man draws his sword and pierces Ace's heart. The last word that Ace's hear before he passes away is "This is the last chance we have, save the world we failed to protect." -- I don't own anything except my OC!. Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/MisterRen

Mister_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Chapter 45 - Training the Recruits.

The interview took a whole day to finish.

In Miach room, three people can be observed discussing something.

Miach with very deep eyebags yawn then said, "Naaza and I determined that Ace should be this Familia new captain."

"I don't mind being vice-captain though," Ace said directly.

"I insist please Ace be this familia's captain," Naaza earnestly said.

"Can you at least tell me the reason why you come to this conclusion?" Ace questioned.

"It should be obvious it's because you are strong. Your name should be enough to keep some unwanted people or gods in their place. Don't worry I will still handle those things you don't want to do," Naaza genuinely said. Ace cannot sense even a little bit of lies from her words.

"Alright no need to butter me up that much after all I also cared for our familia," Ace said as he stands up and pat the shoulders of drowsy Miach.

"For my first order, Please get Miach some of his needed sleep."

Naaza smiled sweetly but didn't let Miach and Ace see it. She is really grateful for Ace for coming into their life. Because of Ace, their tremendous dept is not far from being paid. Knowing that Ace really cares for their Familia gave her these fluffy feelings.

Miach has already fallen asleep on the chair so Naaza just princess carry him and laid him on his bed.

"Naaza follows me," Ace said as he left the room.

Naaza follows Ace into his room where Ace seems to have a conflicted face making her nervous about what he's about to say.

"Naaza right now I've been thinking that you are too weak to be vice-captain...so I'm sorry to say this but I'm firing you!" Ace said with a straight face.

Naaza's entire world comically collapses as she tried to plead her case.

"Please I will do anything, but you can't take my body...that is for Miach-sama."

How can someone be this bad at acting, her voice is flat but at least she is trying...

"Thanks, we're on the same side my body is also for Miach," Ace said.

"What did ya say ya doofus!" Ace is really confused about why the sudden change of accent.


"Enough jokes, I called you here because I will make you stronger enough for you to protect this pharmacy while I am in the dungeon." Ace said.

"It is one of your weird skills again?" Naaza question.

"Hey! Don't call it weird I prefer to call it unique, Now show your back to me..." Ace said.

Naaza didn't question again and begin to undress but was stop by Ace's facepalm.

"Sorry for not being clear, I don't need your bareback just turning your back against me is fine." Ace said.

Naaza pouted because of the misunderstanding, she is used to Miach updating her status so she thought that Ace will also do that.

"I will turn you into level three right now so you can ask Miach to update your status when he woke up."

Naaza silently nodded, her curiosity right now is killing her that man at her back is full of mystery.

Ace places his palm upon Naaza's back.


'Did she just moan?" Ace thought but didn't voice out to avoid awkwardness.

Ace slowly transferred some of his falna to Naaza's back, He used detection to weigh how much power he needs to transfer for her to reach level 3.

Actually Ace can level up to 5 now all he needs to do was achieved a great feat the even gods cannot ignore. Pretty sure defeating the sword princess in sparring already achieve that so he just needs Miach to update his status.

"Done, you might now feel different now because your status is not updated."

Naaza said a sincere thanks because she knows that Ace doesn't have a reason to lie.


Tomorrow morning Naaza successfully becomes level 3 as Miach needs to report to the guild again to inform them of her level up.

Ace already know about Naaza's trauma about monsters so he didn't ask her to come into the dungeon.

Naaza is a pharmacist who belongs to the pharmacy.

Outside of Babel, four people are in front of Ace, They are the recruits that Ace thought has potential.

They are all level 1 but they are showing determination to be useful for Ace and the Familia.

Rafia the raccoon girl. She is a swordswoman.

Richard, a cute pallum guy. He has a short blue hair couple with his sky blue eyes making the oneesama type of girls go ara, ara. He is a support and like Naaza he uses a bow and arrow as his main weapon.

Elsa, a human mage that knows a single Ice spell called Ice spear. She can use it as a long-range and melee attack. She has a doll-like face with long platinum-blonde hair tied in a french braid.

Eddy, a bald man with muscle everywhere he is perfect to be a tank.

"This is your first dungeon dive and also the start of your way to becoming a proper adventurer, Since all of you don't have your weapons yet I will create something for you all to use." Ace said as he created a bow and arrows, katana, shield, and staff and poured enough energy on it so it can last for 2 days. Arrows and staff cost the most energy.

The staff costs 10x more energy than the other weapons mainly because it has the property to enhance magic attack by attaching Ace's energy into magic.

"Here get your weapons they are temporary and will only last for 2 days...You won't be staying in a dungeon for more than a day so I guess that will suffice for now." Ace said as the recruits grab their weapon.

"Did you see that, chantless magic like the rumors...I can't believe what am I seeing," The crowd who's been watching Ace rub their eyes to confirm what they are seeing was real.

"Thank you Ace-sama!" The four bowed to Ace expressing their gratitude.

"Your weapons will be available a week from now...For now every day you must go home to the pharmacy and have me refresh the availability of your weapons. I assure you that weapons are durable that even the floor boss Goliath cannot break it." Ace finished his sentence.

Ace's party entered the dungeon where Ace began supervising them.

Because Ace is with them they have a chance to venture to a deeper floor where new adventures wouldn't even dare enter.

Ace first teach them how to fight monster when they are alone after that he teach them how to do team fight. Well, Ace is not an expert in team fights but he has experience when he was fighting demons with the demon slayers.

After the gruesome hours of training the party exited the dungeon, they are all worn out, tired and dirty from fighting and grabbing the stones. The only person who is still lively, neat, and proper is Ace.

All of them went home and get their well-earned rest.

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