
A Paladin in Demon Slayer

Ace is drinking alone in his house while watching his favorite anime, Demon Slayer when suddenly his whole house began to tremble then a mysterious man wearing a royal outfit appears before him. The Man draws his sword and pierces Ace's heart. The last word that Ace's hear before he passes away is "This is the last chance we have, save the world we failed to protect." -- I don't own anything except my OC!. Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/MisterRen

Mister_Ren · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Chapter 31 - Familiar

"Hey Shinobu-san, Don't you think the demons are going active again?" Ace questioned as nearing Urokodaki's house.

"Yeah, It is weird that we encountered five demons before coming here," Shinobu said.

Ace and his group passed 2 towns before going here but they've apprehended five demons, The demons are bloodthirsty when they've appeared out of nowhere they rampage the town without eating single people.

"I healed 5 of them but they've eyes don't have any life, I am sure they didn't even eat a single person." Ace honestly said.

"This definitely a bad sign, The demons are working together and planning something..." Shinobu said with a serious expression.

"For sure, we need to move and find their base as soon as possible," Ace proclaims.

The trio reaches its destination. There they've seen Urokodaki with his arms crossed.

"Good day Urokodaki-san we come to visit," Ace said with a gentle smile.

"Good day, Hmm, I see, you are taking care of your body, great, great," Shinobu greet while checking Urokodaki's body.

"Of course taking care of oneself is essential, and kid, what do I own for you to visit?" Urokodaki asked.

"Nothing much we are on our way to my hometown and so we thought to at least give our precious grandpa a visit, " Ace with a smirk.

"And who is this girl, Your new girlfriend?" Urokodaki asked.

"Oh my, how daring..." Shinobu's side comment.

Mukago blushed deeply while flailing her arms in front of her, "Awa was, Um-m-m, I am n-no-no-noot his g-g-girl..."

Ace patted Mukago's head then turned into Urokodaki, "You shouldn't tease her Urokodaki-san, She is quite shy..."

Urokodaki invites them to his house. Ace saw Nezuko is still sleeping while Tanjiro is nowhere to be found.

"Tanjiro is doing his training," Urokodaki said then added, "Thank you for defeating him..."

'Well, I shouldn't expect a former Hashira to miss a crucial information," Ace thought.

Ace nodded, "Welcome, but to tell you the truth, demons or no demons the world will still want chaos, war never changes..."

Urokodaki nodded.

Humans will always find a way to cause war...always.

"So let's get to the point, I want to cure her..." Ace said straightly.

"Understood, I will call Tanjiro," Urokodaki said as he left and came back a minute later.

"Ohh! Ace-san nice to meet you again!" Tanjiro said with a happy voice.

"Tanjiro, I will turn Nezuko into a human now, are you ready?" Ace questioned.

Tanjiro looked at Ace with reverence, "Yes! Thank you very much!"

Ace remove the bamboo on Nezuko's mouth and did what he does best, he turned Nezuko into a human.

"No matter how much I see it, I still cannot believe how much light your skill show, " Shinobu said.

"I don't know why healing causes the brightest light too. Tanjiro your sister is cured," Ace said as Nezuko began to show consciousness.

Nezuko opened her eyes and saw Tanjiro looking at her with concern, "Onii-chan?"

"Nezukooooooo!!!" Tanjiro quickly hugged his sister while asking if she feels alright, and some random questions regarding how she feels.

"I can't wait to visit Aika-chan too, I am sure she will like my gift too," Ace said as he inserts energy into the daisy.

Although Aika is not Ace's blood-related sister he still treats her like one. Ace also wanted to apologize regarding his destroyed Haori to Taekayo in the village of madius.

"Who are they onii-chan?" Nezuko asked.

Tanjiro introduces Urokodaki and Ace then Ace introduces Mukago and Shinobu.

"Umm, You siblings should catch up with each other, I will bring some meat to celebrate this occasion," Ace said as he left the house then start hunting.

After walking quite far from the house, Ace controls his breathing at the same time circulating his aura. He is suppressing his emotion all this time.

He compresses his aura then shot it all out from his body, Air, trees, rocks, and everything around him became gold in color.

Ace did this because he wanted to make a new move. An area that he can control everything.

'Muzan cut my auto-guard like he was cutting butter, I just got lucky because he gave me time to use prayer of war, I was too arrogant...' Ace thought while controlling the whole dome of pure energy.

"I need stronger attack, I need more powerful defense, I need more effective healing," Ace said as he releases more aura and expands his dome of energy.

*Crack* *Crackle* *Crack*

Some crack formed in space. "I heed your calling..." An entity that is similar to a human but with wings came out from it.

The entity absorbed all of the energy in the air then float towards Ace.

The Entity's head is covered with a diamond-shaped helmet with a red gem in the middle. Its body was covered in white armor while its voice sounded like a human female. Anyone who saw this will only think one thing, An armored angel.

'Eh??? This isn't what I want,' Ace shouted in his head.

The angel landed on the ground and folds its wings. It kneels like a knight then said, "Here before you, the first familiar of the paladin of light, Aneesa. I offer my service to the new guardian."

'How the hell do I know that doing that thing will create a familiar for me,' Ace questioned every reality he knows.

After Aneesa said her greeting Ace felt a connection between the two of them, It's like he can call her whenever he wants.

"I accept your loyalty," Ace said.

The angel then turned into light particles then entered Ace's body. He felt his energy returned as nothing happened.

'So it's like that huh, Right now I can only call my familiar if I have a full energy in my body, meaning if I want to call her efficiently I need to increase my maximum reserves again,' Ace thought.

Information floods Ace's mind right now about Aneesa's ability.

It seems that Aneesa can use her wings to rain down multiple hardened feathers. Her armor is also super hard that even the current Muzan can only graze it with his sword hands.

But what made Aneesa most useful is her ability to clone herself using her feather.

Obviously, the clone is weaker than the original but still stronger than normal warriors.

She is also a weapon specialist, given how long she practices her arts, only a few can match her skill.

'I need to double my reserves for me to safely call her,' Ace thought while doing a scan in the wild so he can find a game to take home.