A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I woke up the next day and looked at my ceiling. I turned my head and noticed Rhea sleeping beside me. I got out of bed and went to go take a shower and get ready for the day. I thought about the events that transpired last night and what Rebecca said to me. I stood in the water for a while and had seconds thoughts. If I tried to buy Rebecca from Lukas then he would definitely know something is up.
"What should I do..? Do I confront Charlotte or just go to Lukas directly..or say nothing. All three options will put Rebecca through too much. I don't know what to do." I sighed and stood in the water contemplating my choice that could prove to be fatal.
I closed my eyes and thought for a while. I sighed then just decided to wash myself and think over it over breakfast. I finished taking my shower and turned the water off then got out, putting on new clothes. I put my old clothes in a basket and walked out of my bathroom then walked downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast. I fixed myself a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and sat at the table in deep thought as I ate.
I looked at my phone and noticed I didn't get my usual morning messages from Rebecca. I quickly gobbled down my cereal and got up to wash out my bowl quickly. I grabbed my keys from the keys and hurried into the garage with my mind made up.
I got in my car and opened the garage door with a click of a button. I started my car then drove off and used the button to close my garage door. I drove to Rebecca's house and had to make sure she was alright. I made it to Rebecca's house and parked my car in front of her house then got out. I walked to the ground door and hear the faint sound of items breaking and arguing. I rang the doorbell and the arguing immediately stopped. I waited a bit and noticed the door open. I noticed Lukas open the door and look at me.
"Uh...Did I come at a bad time?" I asked.
"Kinda yeah." Lukas said. "Come back later when everything's calmed down."
He tried to close the door then I stopped him by placing my hand on the door. He looked at me and I looked at him.
"What's the issue..? Why am I hearing things breaking and arguing? Where's Rebecca? She's usually always on the couch." I said.
"Look, something's going on and I'm not gonna let you get in the middle of it. Now I said come back later." Lukas said then slammed the door in my face.
I stared at the door and glared a bit. I pounded my fist on the door like an angry ex boyfriend. "Lukas! Open this door and let me in!" I yelled then constantly rang the doorbell. I noticed he had closed the blinds and curtains. I slammed my hand on the door out of frustration.
I walked away from the door and pulled my phone out of pocket then decided to give Rhea a call. She quickly picked up and answered in a tired voice.
"Rhea. Come to my location. It's urgent. No I don't have ten minutes. Six. No five. Three take it or leave it. Alright I'll wait here for three minutes. Mhm..." I said then she hung up.
I walked over to my car and got in. I waited in my car for three minutes and got a text from Rhea.
Rhea: I'm on my way, Bubba.
I smiled at her text then looked at Rebecca's house. Rebecca had always fought for me even when we were younger and had different ideals, she always had my back. Now it's time for me to have hers as a brother...and lover. I noticed a black car pull up behind me and I got out of my car. I noticed Rhea get out of her car wearing her suit and hat.
"What do you need me for?" Rhea asked.
"I need you to lockpick Rebecca's front door open." I said.
"You don't have a key to this house?" Rhea asked.
"Well there used to be a spare key here in the plants, but it soon turned into Lukas's key to the house I assume when I left for college. So no I don't have a key to this house." I said.
"Fair enough." Rhea said then walked to Rebecca's front door and I followed behind her. She pulled out a set of lockpicks out of her suit pocket.
I watched Rhea closely and watched her lockpick the door in a matter of seconds. "Wow that was fast."
"This is my profession. It would be embarrassing if I wasn't quick and efficient with my abilities." Rhea said then opened the door.
I walked inside the house seeing pillows and broken glass all on the floor. I looked and walked around feeling the glass shards crunching under my foot. I made my way upstairs, hearing some arguing in a room. Rhea followed me and took some mental notes of the area. I got to Rebecca's room door and heard the arguing.
"You can't stop me from seeing my brother, Lukas! He's my little brother! You don't know what I've gone through to make him happy and I will continue to make him happy until my last fucking breath!" Rebecca yelled. "I love him. You won't separate us. As his big sister, I will stay by his side."
"Really? I've noticed how you talk to him and I've done my best to ignore it. It's fucking disgusting how you speak and treat him. He's your brother, not some boy toy. I'm your boyfriend, your lover. You need me. You wanted me." Lukas said, a bit too calmly.
I looked at Rhea and signalled for her to be silent. She nodded and stood where she was. I walked closer to the door then placed my hand on the doorknob and silently tried to twist the handle, noticing it was locked. I looked at Rhea and she nodded then walked to the door and began to lockpick the door.
Lukas heard the lock click and looked at the door. I noticed the talking stop then hid in one of the rooms. Rhea hid in another room and watched Lukas open the room door. I watched Lukas walk by the room and snuck my way into Rebecca's room and noticed her sitting on the bed. She had a bruise on her cheek and I looked surprised. I hurried to her and she looked at me surprised.
"Ryder? Why are you here? You need to leave! Go to Charlotte!" Rebecca said.
"I'm not leaving you with him!" I said and pulled her off the bed.
Lukas entered the room and looked at me. "I told you to leave!"
"Rhea!" I yelled.
Rhea ran towards Rebecca's room and tackled Lukas, causing him to fall and she sat on his back then raised her skirt and pulled out a knife from her thigh holster then gripped his hair and held the knife against his neck. "Move...and I'll make your death as painful as possible."
Lukas stayed here he was and looked at me. "Who do you think you are..? I was cool with you until I noticed Rebecca becoming a bit too friendly with you. I see the lust in her eyes for you and I can't stand it. You make me sick. Rebecca is mine. Your job is to just be her younger annoying brother not her lover.."
"How are you so calm with an Agent who's ready to kill you at any moment? How can you be so calm when you know you hurt my sister?! How can you be so fucking calm?!" I yelled and held onto Rebecca.
Lukas looked at me and smirked a bit. "You know, this is technically illegal. Why? Rebecca no longer works for Paid Relationships. I am legally allowed to do whatever I want with her and if this agent kills me, it's going down as manslaughter and Paid Relationships will be shut down."
"Don't tempt me...Hold your tongue." Rhea glared and gripped the handle of her knife even tighter.
"Let him go, Rhea. If you kill him, you'll be fired and get the business shut down. Ryder why didn't you go to Charlotte like I explained..?" Rebecca asked.
"Why does he need to go to her? What the fuck are you talking about right now?" Lukas glared.
Rhea kept holding Lukas in place then looked at Rebecca and she noticed Rebecca looking at her then sighed, releasing Lukas. She got off him and fixed her clothing.
I watched Lukas stand up then stood up. "I'm buying her from you. She told me everything about you. I'm taking her under my wing now, you've done enough."
"Yeah? Wanna bet?" Lukas said then walked forward and got in my face. "You aren't taking her anywhere. She's mine. Always will be mine. There isn't a thing you can do."
I looked at Rebecca and she looked a bit nervous. I looked back at Lukas and glared. "I am taking her one way...or a fucking nother!"
I gripped Lukas's shirt and pushed him against the wall then tried to punch him. He caught my fist and grunted as he pushed my hand away and kneed my stomach. I groaned and he punched my face.
"Leave him alone!" Rebecca got up and ran to Lukas.
Lukas pushed her away and walked to me. I grabbed the lamp off the nightstand then swung it, hitting him across the head with it. He groaned and stumbled back a bit. He held the side of his head then took his hand off his head and looked at it. He saw the blood and looked at me. He walked to me and I swung the lamp at him again. He caught the lamp and punched my face. I groaned and fell to the ground.
"Leave my brother alone!" Rebecca yelled and pushed Lukas against the closet door.
I panted a bit and slowly stood up. Rhea looked like she wanted to help, but knew she couldn't. If she made any lethal move against Lukas, she would be in trouble. All she could do was stand there and helplessly watch.
"Get the fuck off me." Lukas pushed Rebecca back then walked to me. He grabbed my shirt and punched my face again.
I groaned in pain and began to hit his face to get him off me. He punched my stomach and I coughed a bit. He let me go and I fell to my knees. Rebecca pushed Lukas again and tried to punch his face. Lukas weaved her punch and punched her face. Rebecca groaned and stumbled backwards against the desk. I looked up at Lukas and noticed is extremely calm face. He was completely stoic.
"You don't think I realized the fault in your bonds? You don't think I notice the nickname she calls you? I've noticed. For a while I've been silent, but this is it." Lukas said then opened a drawer and pulled out a pistol. "By law, you're trespassing and you hit me first...so me killing you here is a sign of self defense. You can't call the police, once they see the mess and see the damage you did to me and I tell them the story, they will only see you as the insane younger brother."
Lukas held the gun to my head and looked at me. Rebecca stood where she was and watched Lukas. Rhea looked at her phone and dialed Charlotte, giving her a distress signal then watched the scene go down. I looked at Lukas and stayed still.
"It's over, Ryder. We are done here." Lukas said. "Now get up and get the fuck out of my house."
I stood up slowly and looked at Rebecca. "I'm sorry.." I said and noticed her tear up.
"Ryder..." Rebecca sniffled and watched me walk out of the room with Rhea. "Don't go...please."
I opened the door and noticed Charlotte with Wendy, Eliza, and Alice behind her. I looked a bit surprised and looked back seeing Rhea take off her hat.
"You're just in time." Rhea said.
"Like I always am." Charlotte said then walked inside of the house and walked up the stairs.
Lukas looked back and noticed Charlotte walking toward his room. He held the gun towards Charlotte. "I wouldn't do something stupid if I were you. I can get your entire business shut down."
"Yeah? I should tell you the same." Charlotte said then ran to him then ran on the wall and kicked off the wall, headed straight towards him and punched his face.
He groaned and stumbled backwards. Charlotte noticed him quickly point the gun at her. She scratched his face with her nails then quickly disarmed him then shot him in both his legs with no hesitation. He yelled in pain and fell on the ground. She stomped on his stomach, digging her heel into his stomach, nearly piercing his stomach.
"Here's why you can't get my business shut down, I practically own the police force in America and Japan. I'm Charlotte mother fucking White. If you see me, you better fucking fear for your life because I only know how to kill. My business is more than a business, it's an organization. If you dare to harm my women, I will make you pay the appropriate price. Rhea, you're new to the Agency so I understood why you didn't take him out. Next time, eliminate the target." Charlotte said.
"It won't happen again, Boss." Rhea said.
Rebecca looked at Charlotte then noticed she spared him. "Charlotte..?"
"It's not even worth it." Charlotte said then pushed in the magazine release and allowed the magazine to fall into her hand then pulled the slide of the gun and allowed the round inside of the gun to come out of the gun. "I'd rather take down actual threats to my company than deal with bullshit people like him."
Charlotte picked up the bullet and walked to Rebecca then placed the gun and magazine in her hands. "I want you to stay with Ryder. He seems like the best option for you. I was never aware that this guy was actually this bad."
"But what about Lukas? He will definitely come after me and Ryder.." Rebecca said.
"He won't." Charlotte said then crouched down and took out a handkerchief and a bottle of perfume from her pockets then sprayed the perfume on the handkerchief.
She pressed it against Lukas's face, making him inhale the fragrance. Lukas grunted then soon fell asleep and went limp.
"He will either wake up with no memory, or bleed out. Either way he won't remember this at all." Charlotte stood up and walked out of the room. She looked at me and gave me a card. "Visit me tomorrow after your classes are over. I've got an offer for you."
"O-Okay.." I said then watched her leave the house.
"I'll have a mover come here and help you move Becca!" Charlotte said the left.
Me, Rhea, and Rebecca all looked at each other. I hurried to Rebecca and hugged her tightly.
"I'm never leaving your side..." Rebecca said.
"I don't want you to leave me again.." I said back.
She smiled and let me go the looked at Rhea. "Thank you for calling Charlotte...Things could have ended pretty badly..."
"I had to do what had to be done. If I knew The Boss OWNED the police force, I wouldn't have hesitated like I did. All I knew was she had the police force on her side." Rhea said. "Sorry Rebecca."
"It's okay." Rebecca smiled.
"Now who's gonna help me pack up?" Rebecca asked.
"I'll help." I smiled.
"Yeah me too. Why not." Rhea shrugged.
Rebecca smiled happily and Rhea and I helped her pack her stuff in boxes. In a few hours we got all of Rebecca's things in boxes and a move came by and helped us even more. We drove back to my house and Rebecca was now an official household member.
"Welcome to your new home." I smiled.
"I can't thank you enough.." Rebecca smiled and kissed my cheek. "I promise to spoil you even more~"
I chuckled and stopped my car then we got out and helped move Rebecca's boxes inside of my home.