






*¡Clanc!* *¡Clanc!*


A deep voice resounds abruptly in his ear, surprising him, to the point that he ends up rolling over several times on the scrap metal, trying to get out of the way.

Sin embargo, inmediatamente después se levanta y mira a su alrededor con cautela.

[Kid, you will not see me] The voice affirms, with an apathetic tone.

Kaél, ignoring what he has just heard, continues to attentively check his surroundings; and only after making sure he is alone in the place, he takes a few seconds to focus his thoughts… He has already seen many shocking things today to worry about something like that. 'That voice is heard in my head… ¿is it me? it sounds like... '

[Yes. We are essentially the same being] Interrupting him, the voice is heard again. Even with the same tone, giving the impression of someone indifferent or unattached.

"¿Can that voice read my thoughts?" Surprised by that fact, Kaél rechecks his surroundings, while touching his face; looking for some object, or something strange that help him understand what is happening.

Without finding anything, Kaél gets up from the place with a frown, but without forgetting to have a sharp piece of metal close enough to use it for self-defense.

"Who are you, and why are you in my head?" He says in a deep voice.

[I will not repeat] The voice answers him, before continuing.

[To your second question. I have always been in his head. I've been asleep, until an external stimulus caused me to wake up]

Kaél, who was listening attentively, was puzzled. He understood what was the external stimulus mentioned by the voice; it was the hell he had gone through today, causing him to wake up.


'¿Has he always been in my head?'

[Yes, because we are two souls of the same origin. From what you read at the orphanage, you understand the concept of "soul". Originally we were one soul, now we are two] The voice responds, still with an apathetic tone.

In the books Kaél has read, the concept "soul" represents an immaterial entity that, together with the body or material part, constitutes the human being.

'I understand the concept, but I have never read that there is a body with two souls.... Moreover... ¿Didn't he just wake up?, ¿How does he know me?, ¿How does he know I was in an orphanage?'.

[Intelligent] Comments the voice with slight esteem, puzzling Kaél by the sudden discordance in tone.

[When I awoke, our souls resonated, and that allowed me to see his memories. 16 years of memories]

After a few minutes of complete silence, Kaél asks.

"So... What do you want from me?"

After living on the streets, he knows that everything in life is give and take.

He does not know why this is happening to him, but if that voice took the initiative to communicate, it means that he wants or expects something from him.

[You're decent] declares the voice, now sounding a bit... appreciative; or so Kaél thinks.

His tone when expressing 'appreciation' was, to say the least, horrible.

A completely discordant tone, which seemed to be the result of possible attempts to convey emotions... Something impossible, considering that distinctly apathetic tone to the voice in his head.

Oblivious to Kaél's passing thoughts, the voice continues to speak.

[However, you are wrong about something, Kid. I don't want or expect you to do anything for me; rather, you need to do something if you want to live... And I have what it takes to help you].

[But, if you think you need a reason from this old man to help...] And, after a few seconds in silence, he declares. [I despise knowing that, my "self" in this life is pitifully weak].

[It is your decision to accept my help. But be warned, that decision is not only to get out of the current problem, it will also affect your life beyond your control; where dying, would be a luxury that, unfortunately, you will not have the pleasure to enjoy].

Kaél, although a little annoyed by the voice's obvious disdain for him, understands that, now, survival is more important. To seriously consider what could be his only chance to leave this damned planet, despite the possibility of being tricked...

Knowing that he can get out of his current situation relieves him a little, but... Knowing that he will be heading into something unknown, obviously full of dangers that threaten his life, ¿...and that even dying is not an option?

A discouraging and uncertain future will be the only thing he will get if he accepts the voice's proposal. But, he is also aware that his future is not so different now. In cruel contrast to the impediment of death mentioned by the voice, the only option that will be available to him if he stays, will be death...

With the above, it is already more than evident the choice you should make.

Unfortunately, from there arises another problem...Believe in what he says.

Lost in his thoughts, Kaél unconsciously remembers what he has lived so far.

The loneliness he has felt in the orphanage and the danger he has endured living on the slums... In addition to what he has experienced these last few days.

An emotion of dissatisfaction is the only thing he feels.

Dissatisfaction for a shitty life. No friends, no power, and no control over his life or death. For someone like him, who has always wanted to change, his life up to now is a life worse than death....

"I'll do it!"

If anyone were to look at Kaél at that moment, they would see on his face a firm and resolute expression; but, unfortunately, seeing his ragged clothes and unkempt appearance, they would run away thinking they had seen some possible lunatic....

[Good] The voice comments with slight satisfaction. Leaving Kaél somewhat stunned, as he still hasn't gotten used to that 'unique' tone.

[Now it is necessary to find a quiet and clean place] He says, returning to his usual tone.

"A quiet and clean place..." Looking around, Kaél sees only rubble and more rubble ... He is here because it was a quiet place... to vent.

Twenty minutes later, Kaél finds a mansion in good repair.

He knows that most wealthy people will already be buying passes, leaving behind their uninhabited residences, including huge villas and mansions.

Ironically, from the first day that word of the predator invasion got out, most of the rich people had mysteriously disappeared.

All the important leaders disappeared. Without leaders, no countermeasures were taken against the invasion, for that reason, only a few days were enough for the predators to invade the entire planet.

Kaél chooses that mansion because its security measures have been deactivated, facilitating entry. It also has a huge garden.

Sitting on the grass in the best part of the garden, surrounded by trees and artificial lakes; Kaél concentrates, clearing his thoughts.

[Now, Kid, imagine entering his subconscious, a completely white space] The voice comments, echoing in his head.

"I have a name ..." Kaél mutters, feeling uncomfortable at how the voice refers to him.

[I'm not interested]


Feeling a bit helpless, Kaél refocuses.

Imagining that white place, Kaél feels slight vertigo, as if he were jumping.

The scene of his imagination suddenly changes to a completely white space. Only the white color exists, except for a person who is in the center of that space...

Next to a white table, and a few meters away from him; a man is seated.

Hello everyone.

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