
Chapter 5 End of the Battle

Momo and Jirou only opened their eyes upon hearing that growl of pain, only to see how their partner was pierced by the blades on his shoulders. They only watched as they both walked to the edge of the cliff, and in horror watched the Uzumaki pounce himself alongside the villain.

Naruto only growled at the moment he split the blades to break free, then only charge Raiton chakra in his right fist, to give a blow to the villain and send him to fly to the ground, he only saw that impact with force. He embedded his left hand to stop the fall, simply growling with the pain of the wounds, but they were closing in a matter of seconds.

- Naruto! - Momo shouts without realizing that I call the blonde by his name.

- I'm fine! - answered the blue eye when he made a big jump to fall behind the girls, only turned to see his companions who ran to help him.

- Are you okay? Are you hurt? Let me check you— the Uzumaki could not decline, since the black hair began to check it completely, especially the area where the wounds should be, I look at the place where the blades entered, I quickly create gauze and cotton for the wounds, but she changed her expression from frightened to surprised, since she expected to see a large wound, But instead, I look that he was fine, as if he had never received that attack, I just look up to look into the eyes of his partner.

"I have a healing factor, wounds like that heal instantly," was all he said when he saw the expression of the hair.

"At least you're fine," was what the Yaoyorozu said to sigh and get away from the blondo, and putting the things I believe in her belt pockets.

"There is no time to lose, we must go with the others— the girls just nodded, as they watched as another rock dragon appeared in front of everyone, the huge being alone under the head, indicating that they climb.

With some trepidation, the girls climbed first to the head of the creature, followed by the blondo that stood in front, the huge rock being just turned to start crawling like a snake, all while a few villains of the road ran to avoid that huge rock being, but not everyone was lucky, and were crushed.

"I can't get in touch with 13 or Aizawa, I'm already starting to worry, they haven't answered for a while. I guess I'll go when I finish school, but I can't get there like this," All Might said in his weak form. "I think I have about ten minutes of power left," I comment to sigh, at the moment that I was back to being the same as always. - I'd better go with them now! — he said with that big smile of his as he trembled.

"Calm down," said the director who entered the infirmary calmly. "You should rest after the busy morning you had, after all you solved three incidents this morning, you have already exceeded your limited power for now, over straining will only hurt you even more. So take your time, think about what you should teach that boy successor of "One For All" to become the next symbol of peace – declared the director to climb on the sofa in the living room as if he were a mouse. "Plus there are dozens, and dozens of heroes patrolling the city, so I'm sure they'll be fine, surely they must be training hard," said Director Nedzu.

"Even so, I have to prepare and go to the U.S.J., for some reason I feel uneasy to know that, I think I should not have demanded myself in the morning," said the hero of peace.

"But what are you talking about, if you did what was expected of the symbol of peace, solve three crimes in the morning something good," commented the little director who prepared tea.

"Well, I still think it's best that I go to the U.S.J., not even 13 or Aizawa have answered me, and Aizawa is not that type," All Might worriedly.

"If you leave now you will put yourself in trouble, they will return soon, right?" So you should not worry about them, surely they must be fine, better stay here for tea while I tell you the pros and cons of being a good teacher," said the little rodent giving the hero a cup of tea.

"Heck, once the director starts talking, nothing can stop him, and I really feel a bad feeling about all this. Young Midoriya, I hope everything is okay"— thought the peace symbol with concern, Aizawa was not one of those guys who did not answer his calls, although the blackhair always acted lazy, but when it came to teaching the boys, he was always attentive to take care of them.

Without knowing what was happening, the suspicion of something bad happening in the U.S.J were true, all the students in the class were fighting for their lives, to survive that day that was supposed to be a rescue practice, and ended up becoming a battle of survival.

- Where are the others?! Is everyone okay or at least in the U.S.J?! - Iida asked who was one of the few heroes who stayed at the entrance of the place.

"They're all inside the place still, they're just scattered all over the place," Shoji said in response to Iida's questions.

"This is bad, very bad," he commented in a low voice 13 who looked around, there were still some students with him, but still his enemy was that villain who was intangible, plus he could send them anywhere. I needed a plan, no, I needed help right away, Aizawa had a hard time fighting all those villains, and I don't want to imagine how the students had it.

- Who among you is the class president? - I ask the heroine to the few boys behind her.

"It's Uzumaki-kun, but he was one of those who disappeared that villain," Uraraka replied.

The professional just clicked her tongue angrily at that, the villain in front of them did not move, moreover, neither spoke, nor blinked or breathed. It was only in front of them as a simple black spot. Which made the fear grow, it was not fear of dying, she knew that death was a sure thing in this job. It was fear of losing a boy, that one of them would die, they were just children, I had a lot ahead of me.

"You, I want you to escape and warn the U.A. of this," declared the woman in the astronaut suit, looking at Iida.

- What? - was what the blue-movie said with surprise.

- Go to school as quickly as possible and see for help! Tell them everything that's going on here! Go quickly, I'll give you time to bring reinforcements! - Cry No. 13 seriously.

- I can't do that! I can't leave them alone! - Iida exclaimed earnestly.

- Just go and do what he says, this is an emergency! — Sato shouts to the blackhair.

- Get out of here quickly! Use those legs of yours to escape and call for help! Now you are our only hope, go for reinforcements!" shouted Sero as he prepared to fight this villain.

- Please use your Quirk to save others! — desperately asked for the professional heroine.

"Go Iida-kun, we will distract you and support you. We are all companions, and we will help each other. Now you are our only hope, we are counting on you," Uraraka declared with a nervous smile, although inside he was dying of fear, he must be strong.

"I thought they would be smarter, but apparently they are not. In any case, none will escape from here yet," said the villain who was expanding through the air.

- Actually we let you hear it! Because no matter what it costs, we will stop you and the others! — I firmly declare 13 that he was using his Quirk at the time of a black hole on his right index finger.

—Idiots— the spectral villain only made a portal appear in front of him, to deflect the attack, or so everyone thought.

A portal opened behind the professional, at the moment that everyone saw how her suit began to break, and that was because she was receiving her own attack. Everyone watched as she finished her attack, to fall to the ground.

—"It can't be... All Might... whoever... Come and save the children"—was the heroine's thought as she fell like a tree.

Everyone was silent, and watched in terror at that. Uraraka only pushed his companion to leave the place, while his other companions stood in the way when they saw that their enemy was coming towards them.


Each of the people in the area turned to see the place where the roar of a beast was heard, all the boys who were at the entrance were astonished and frightened to see a huge rock dragon sliding at a great speed and strength. Of course, this opportunity was taken by the boys, who with the help of their Quirks, pushed Iida to leave the facilities, and just in time, since the villain only looked at them angrily, and then disappeared from the area as if nothing. Everyone just watched as that beast of rocks made a great leap, to fall on an area that was full of villains.

Naruto fell in front of all of them, frightening them at his sudden arrival, but he did not come alone, as he let go of Momo and Jirou, who were only glad to see their other classmates well, but fearfully saw their teacher injured on the ground. The blond only looked at the wounded professional heroine, I walk up to her when he bent down to see her, he really did not know what to do, practically the whole body was darkness, or so he thought, since he managed to see something similar to a back.

It was risky the idea I had in mind, I really did not want to use her powers as if nothing, the less she stood out the better, but if she could not do anything, it was possible that she died, she felt how her vital signs became weak, only growling at the moment she put her right hand on her back. Everyone was silent when they saw what their classmate was doing, and doubts increased when they saw how he put his hand in his teacher's suit, and then took it out as if nothing. None saw how a small sun-shaped mark appeared for a few seconds on the woman's back, then disappeared.

"I see that they managed to get one out to ask for reinforcements," said the blondo, observing the door that was open, not all, but enough for one person to escape.

"Iida went to get help," Mina replied serenely, astonished to see the calm expression her friend had.

"Well, you keep it here," I order earnestly to start walking.

- Where are you going? You should stay here too, wait for the real heroes to arrive," Sero said seriously.

"If I do that, Aizawa-sensei will die," was the statement he made, leaving everyone shocked by the news. "One of those villains is breaking his body completely, if no one helps him now, he will die without a doubt. By the time some hero arrives, it will be too late—I feel like looking at the place where the blackhair was being tortured, but not only that, I also notice how Izumi, Tsuyu and Mineta had an expression of fear and terror on their faces.

"If that villain is doing that to Aizawa-sensei, how do you think you can beat him if you're just a teenager?" — was the question that Momo asked the blond who only raised his right hand, at the moment that everyone observed how a blue sphere appeared on the hand of his companion, who only turned to see them.

—Because that's my hero path—

And with those words spoken, everyone saw how their friend made a great leap into the sky, only to see how that blue sphere became a bigger and whiter one, to which blades came out as if it were a helicopter. Naruto spotted his enemies, who looked up upon hearing that sound, only to find a blond boy falling from the sky with an attack, the blue-eye only turned around to launch his attack.

Everyone saw how that attack went at a great speed towards the enemies. For their part, the villains only opened their eyes wide by this attack launched at them.

- Shigaraki, come on! - said the spectral villain taking his companion, to disappear from the place.

Midoriya and company only watched in amazement as that attack hit squarely against that beast called Nomu, ally of Shigaraki Tomura and Black Mist, the villains who had just escaped. Leaving only his ally, who shot out when he received the attack hit by Naruto.

She watched as that monster tried to stop the advance of said attack, but it was impossible, the huge white sphere exploded with force. Creating a huge dome of air, trapping his enemy, who began to scream by the force of the attack.

For his part, the blond fell next to his teacher, who with difficulty raised his head, to observe his student, who bent down to lift him from the ground.

—Uzumaki... I ran... you're no match for that thing," Aizawa declared with difficulty as blood gushed from his face.

"It's not time to talk, you have to get out of here— was the only thing Naruto said, lifting his master, to disappear from the place, but not only with the black hair, since he appeared behind his other companions, to take them by their clothes next to Mineta's little pervert, and reappear with the others, only lower to the black hair to lay it down, and do the same thing he did with his teacher.

For his part, the black-haired only felt a warmth invade his body, his vision was blurred, but he could notice the blue-eye slowly moving away.

"Don't do it... you will die if you go," Shota declared.

"If I don't go, they'll come for us. And it will be much worse, and we do not know how long the help will arrive," he replied seriously.

"You will die if you go," Aizawa whispered, trying to move, but his body hurt a lot.

"So be it then," was all he said, to jump back into combat, while his companions tried to stop him, but to no avail.

Naruto arrived at the fight zone, where he watched as that huge beast came out of the crater that his jutsu created, part of his body was destroyed, to be precise, his right side. He kept a good distance, and watched as that thing regenerated the part of his lost body.

"That would undoubtedly have killed us," the blondo just watched as those types of hands appeared again on the battlefield, along with his spectral partner.

"Shigaraki Tomura, that boy is dangerous, I can see it in his eyes— the blond just remained silent about it, at least now he knew the identity of one of them.

"Quiet Black Mist, I already noticed. His attack was not to hurt, but to kill," replied the gray-haired.

"So they noticed, I thought they were such idiots that they wouldn't see it that way," the blondo commented serenely.

"You... you're different... I can tell just by seeing you... your look... I see that lack of spirit. It's like seeing a living puppet without a soul," Shigaraki declared, looking at the blue-eye.

"You're alive, but dead at the same time," Black Mist said, joining the conversation.

- You do understand that this is a fight, right? "It's utter stupidity to talk in the middle of a fight," Uzumaki replied earnestly.

"You... You lost everything, didn't you?" Yes, that's it. Your look is that of someone who lost everything he loved most in his life—Naruto just sharpened his gaze, making his enemy smile low for it. "Well, it doesn't matter that now. Nomu, kill him—and with that order said, the blond had to use his hands to avoid a direct blow to his chest.

He was dragged several meters by the force of the blow, stopped to try to throw a punch, but had to throw himself backwards, avoiding being taken between his arms by that huge beast. He only growls to disappear thanks to his speed, and reappear on top of him to give him a powerful Futon chakra-charged kick. A loud explosion was present, astonishing all the boys at the entrance, seeing how their partner seemed to have won the fight with a single kick.

More that happiness they had, vanished at the moment that the cloud of dust and earth disappeared, to reveal nothing else to the giant monster, using his arms as support, Naruto's attack had not had the effect that everyone thought. The ninja tried to plead himself, but was grabbed by his leg, only to be whipped hard against the cement.

Only gruntling in pain from the impact, he was going to throw a kick, but he began to be whipped as if it were a garbage bag, all under the gaze of the boys who watched in horror as their partner was being brutally beaten, without any mercy, without compassion. Nomu grabbed the blondo by the waist, and was ready to split it in half, but then his arms were cut off from his body, instantly he received a shot of air that pierced his chest.

Naruto only fell to the ground, free from his enemy's grip. Only to go on the attack again, and this time he would do it with everything. The villain's arms appeared again, ready to take the blond, but he received another air shot that pierced his stomach, and received a blow to his face, recomposed from the blow, to receive another one, and then be stabbed by two huge wind blades, the blue-eye only screamed to release another blow, sending his enemy to fly at a high speed, to crash into the fort that was in the middle of the area.

Naruto knew that this was not going to be enough to stop the villain, and that was confirmed when he saw how that thing called Nomu, came towards him at a great speed. Making use of his ninja powers and abilities, he began to dodge the attacks that were going towards him, that thing now tried to grab him, if he let him, it was clear that he was going to be split in half.

He only made a great leap to fly over his enemy, at the moment he began to breathe deeply, absorbing all the air that his lungs allowed, Nomu only jumped to try to catch his enemy. But that was a big mistake and mistake.

—"(Fūton: Renkūdan (Wind Element: Air Piercing Bullet)"—

A sphere of compressed air hit the villain, who grumbled in pain from the attack, to fly out and hit the ground as if it were a meteorite. But that did not end, when impacting the ground created another giant dome of air that created a huge shock wave of wind, the boys covered themselves to avoid flying out by that force, after a few seconds, everyone saw how part of the facilities of the place were destroyed, felled, the trees in the area were on the ground, matches in half.

Naruto fell to the ground at a safe distance from his enemies. He only observed the whole area, there was no sign of those two, again they escaped his attack, leaving his human shield to receive any blow or attack. Pieces of rocks flew everywhere, product of the strength and anger of the villain, in one fell swoop appeared in front of him. Even though his expression was empty like a toy, he could feel the palpable anger on his face, and it was to be expected, after all, right now it was barely half of what it was at the beginning. But its accelerated regeneration acted in seconds, returning it to its original form. The two looked directly into each other's eyes, of course the blond had to look up, since his enemy must be at least 2.5 meters tall.

But their fight stopped, the moment they heard an explosion. The guys at the entrance only prepared to fight before the arrival of another possible villain, but that did not happen, and everyone could only smile broadly, making some cry with happiness to see the person entering the door.

- Do not be afraid, for I have come! — That deep and loud voice was recognized by everyone, that voice could only be from one person, the person those villains had come to find and kill.

- All Might! — was the joint cry of some students who were nearby, seeing how the symbol of peace appeared with an angry expression on their faces.

—It seems that... the game must go on," Shigaraki said when she saw her prey who did not look happy at all.

All Might watched as his students cried with joy, especially Uraraka and Ashido who were taking care of No. 13 and Aizawa, both were seriously injured, that only increased their fury. Everyone showed an expression of happiness just by seeing him, I observe that almost everyone was in the place, he just kept walking with a strong and firm step, only to see how the Uzumaki was in front of a villain, but not just anyone, a big and strong one that exceeded the size of his student.

"I knew something was wrong, Aizawa and 13 didn't answer my calls, and that made me uncomfortable, since the two of them knew they should contact me if something bad happened, or answer me quickly if I called them. So I decided to come right away in the middle of the director's talk, and when I was coming halfway I met Iida and he told me everything that happened. I'm really angry! They dared to hurt my dear students, who gave their best! I can't bear the thought that they were scared because they wanted to! So I will say this one more time! Everything is fine now! — I declare the peace symbol that tore his tie while showing an angry expression.

—Finally you appear "Symbol of peace"— the blond minor watched as that Shigaraki came out of another portal, again he had been saved from his attacks, but of course, that was thanks to that villain called Black Mist, he acted fast and disappeared in seconds.

"Honestly it's disrespectful that you come at this time, you really made us work a lot All Might," said the peligris staring at the older blond. "You don't know all the inconvenience these boys have caused us, especially that pupil of yours... I never thought there was anyone capable of fighting Nomu... no one but you—I confessed as I stared at the Uzumaki, who only collided his gaze with Shigaraki's. - But that doesn't matter since you're just a little cockroach. You are nothing... Now a symbol of peace, let's see if the reports that you have lost your power are true—I declare, downplaying that menacing look I received from the boy.

- So this is the work of young Uzumaki? - I ask looking at the destruction of the place, but not only that, I also look at several villains on the ground, all injured. But it was not time to think about it, at least the boy seemed to have protected his companions. "Young Uzumaki, thanks for the help, but it's time for you to leave this to the professionals," I earnestly order the former One For All wearer who took a big leap to appear a few meters from the blonde.

All Might just watched as the Uzumaki made a big jump to avoid a direct blow to the face, only to fall on the water as if it were land. But it was not time to be surprised, he just prepared to receive a fist that went straight to his face, repelled him by hitting him too. Both fists collided hard, creating a wind wave, but it also caused both of them to sink their feet a little from the force of the blow.

Naruto only observed how from those blows, both began a close battle, the blows that both threw came and went with great force. But there came a time when the two separated when they saw that neither seemed to gain ground, or so thought the No. 1 hero of Japan.

—It won't work, your punches won't work against Nomu, his "shock absorption" ability makes him more resistant. The only way you can end him is to gut him, although, for him to let you do it is another thing," Shigaraki said to the peace symbol.

- That won't be a problem! - I declare the older blond who ran to take his enemy, he slid to avoid being taken by the villain, at the moment he took him by the waist to make a suplex, the strong blow created a great impact that caused the ground to break as well as create a large cloud of debris and dust. Everyone present began to praise the symbol of peace, the boys applauded for that, giving all their support to the hero, but not everyone did.

- So you were thinking! — All Might said that he was bleeding from the deep wound he was receiving right now.

And it was not too much, since the older blond was being stabbed on his left side, product of Nomu's claws, which his upper part was going through a portal created by Black Mist.

"You are too smart, you planned to bury him alive and so you could immobilize him, it was a good plan, but unfortunately for you you did not count on Black Mist to help us and give this opportunity on a silver platter. But anyway that wouldn't have helped much, since Nomu is at the same level of power as you, it wouldn't have really served any purpose," said the leader of the league of villains to the peace symbol, who growled in pain.

"Damn! He's hitting that point! If it goes on like this, I won't take much!" — thought All Might was trying to get rid of the monster's claws.

"It was certainly very convenient for you to do something like that, originally the plan was for Nomu to stop you from running away, so I could open a breach so I could kill you, and now it's my turn to gut you," Black Mist said seriously as he closed the portal while sucking All Might.

- All Might! — shouted Izumi who jumped towards the area where his idol to follow, and his mentor were fighting. Not realizing that he was using his Quirk naturally.

Naruto quickly jumped to catch the girl, who was going to go through a portal of that villain. In just a matter of seconds, about 10 seconds maximum the blondo caught the green-movie to appear with it still side, I leave it safe to cut the arms of that villain Nomu with the help of water blades, I take the "symbol of peace" from his shirt, to fall next to him even side of the enemies. All under the gaze of the boys who only swore to see a ray of blue light come and go.

All Might just looked surprised where he was, to see the young Uzumaki next to him, while he seemed to catch his breath, of course the younger blondo was acting, since what he did was relatively easy. Nomu was going to leave the portal, but was hit by an ice rink that began to cover most of his body on the right side, the former shinobi only watched as Bakugou fell from the sky to hit that spectral villain in what should be his neck.

"Hear about your plan, you bastards, listen to each of your roles in this plan to kill All Might," Todoroki commented, suddenly appearing with the others, who looked happy to have arrived at the battle.

"Haha, you can't do anything anymore, you can't do anything anymore? Now that you are cornered you can not do anything anymore you can no longer make those portals right?, as I thought, your power is limited, you can not create those portals constantly, you have your limit like everyone. And you use this stupid smoke to hide your real body, huh?, I had my suspicions from the first moment we attacked you, you told us "that's dangerous" which means that if we can kill you, Bakugou commented with a big smile, while Black Mist tried to move. - Don't move! If you try anything, rest assured that I will not be afraid to use all my power—the explosive blond stuck his right hand in the fog, while smiling with joy.

"No... No... this should not be so, damn, we just wanted to kill All Might," said the leader who began to scratch, then compose himself and look at the boys. "This is certainly too bad, the whole plan was ruined, we have been cornered. And besides, you guys are intact... as if nothing had happened. Without a doubt you children are formidable, at this rate the league of villains will be the laughing stock for losing to stupid children like you," I declare as I clasped your hands together to look at the black beast. "Nomu, finish with those children, we must recover the exit," I order the black beast.

The boys watched as the huge being came out of the portal slowly, the moment he did that, the ice that imprisoned him began to break, the monster came out completely, screaming like a wild beast, breaking the ice that was left in his body. Everyone quickly saw the remaining parts of his body regenerate, although that did not surprise the Uzumaki. After all, he had already attacked him and the same thing happened.

- Back off, all of you! — I order All Might watching as that monstrosity growled more.

"Nomu is not something normal, he is an artificially created creature, he has more than one Quirk, since he had been a human before, but as you can see, we turned him into a being that was able to face All Might with all his power," said the leader of the villains, as the great beast ran towards Bakugou who was looking at the smoke villain.

The big dark beast rushed to Bakugou to give it a heavy blow, the boys just watched in amazement as something flew out at high speed, followed by a smoke screen. Naruto just stood still, everyone looked at each other surprised before the speed of All Might, but the younger blue eye was not, he had seen everything.

- You really don't know godliness, do you? — All Might asked looking at the villain.

"We had no choice, we had to save our ally, and recently one of your students tried to kill me, and do you know why he committed such an act of violence?" - I ask to extend his arms. —Society has categorized us by heroes and villains for using our powers, it does not matter if we use them for good or evil, in the end it is violence, this society has categorized us by sides, society is the one who decides who is good and who is bad. Symbol of peace! Don't me with that nonsense! Once we murder you, people will realize that you were just an oppressor! A simple tool that served as a limiter! — said the leader of the League of Villains.

"You're insane, you should stay away with those antisocial points you have, plus you just want to have fun with all this, like a little kid," All Might said seriously.

"You saw through me so quickly," the villain commented calmly.

"You're nothing but stupid. Acting as All Might says, people like you will never win, people like you must die—I declare the Uzumaki speaking, calling everyone's attention.

"So far you have managed to face Nomu, but like I said, he was created to give face to face with All Might, and you have only been very lucky. Let's see "symbol of peace" do you think you can save that boy too? — was the prepit Shigaraki with a smile.

The older blond only watched as his enemy disappeared in a burst of speed, to appear in front of the Uzumaki, ready to give him a direct blow to the face. The professional also shot out to save his student, but his speed was lower now, he felt like his power wished to leave, but he couldn't do it now, or else the boy would die. Naruto only looked at the last second the blow of the huge black being, the fist was close to his face.

Suddenly everyone saw how a huge pillar of water ascended to the sky, but not only that, everyone saw how the water of the place began to spin as if it were a tornado of water, which was going at a high speed. All Might stopped at the last second of entering that whirlwind of water, while watching like the others, as in the center of the place the villain was spinning.

But it was not only that, everyone watched the blond go around at a high speed, which they could barely observe, everyone came to the conclusion that this show was like seeing a shark hovering around its prey. Which they were right, since they saw how the Uzumaki began to attack from all sides to his enemy, who could not do much to be in a prison of water of great magnitude. They only watched in amazement as the villain was hit with such force, that even the whirlwind of water seemed to move before the impact of the blows.

Everyone for a moment thought that it was going to end like this, but then they saw how the villain caught the blond in a rapid movement, and with his strength, leaving the water field as if it were a missile, the villain fell on the blondo that was dragged by the force of the impact, felt how his back fractured before those blows, In a quick move to free himself, he turned around to punch him with full force, followed by a kick to throw him away from his place.

For a second he thought he had gotten rid of his enemy, but he had to use his arms as a shield to withstand a strong blow that broke his arms, in addition to hitting his chest, and feeling how his ribs broke like simple sticks. Despite the pain, he recomposed himself as he touched the ground, looked up, ready to receive that direct blow to his head.

But that never happened, as All Might appeared in an instant, giving Nomu a direct blow to his face, which sent him flying again to hit some trees.

"Thank you, Young Uzumaki, but from here I handle it," declared the former "One For All" wearer.

"You're weak, I can feel it, you won't be able to win this alone," Naruto said seriously, feeling his healing factor kick in.

"Although I'm amazed that you manage to put a fight on that thing, this is a lot for you," Toshinori said.

"Believe me old man, you haven't seen anything," confessed the blond preparing to fight.

"Young Uzumaki, thank you, but that's it. Now leave this to the adults—I order the "peace symbol", trying to get the Uzumaki out of danger, after all, although I considered it worthy of admiration that he managed to give that thing a certain battle, he had to remember that this artificial human was created to give him a fist-to-fist battle.

"I'm sorry... sensei. But I won't, you can give me a punch to pull me out, but I won't let you do this alone—the older blond just stared at his young counterpart, after all, they were both blue-eyed blonds, he couldn't retort, as from one moment to another, that beast shot out.

He just gritted his teeth tightly, to go on the attack again. But now he would go with everything, he only had about 5 minutes left, no, maybe 3 minutes maximum before returning to his original form. He had to end this now, and he would. The two slammed their fists with a huge and hulking force, creating a strong wind wave, breaking the ground under their feet.

- You said this thing was made to support my 100%! Then I just have to make sure I use more than 100% of my power! - Scream to start hitting that giant beast that received the blows fully, but still remained motionless, or so he thought when little by little he noticed that he began to recede by the powerful blows that created sound waves, in addition to gusts of wind. — A hero is one who overcomes every obstacle that life throws at him! Being a hero doesn't mean being famous! A hero is one who helps the weak and the innocent! He is the one who is there to protect everyone, especially his friends! — Scream as he increased his strength and speed, making the boys feel even from afar, the huge wave of air, while watching in amazement their teacher fight, while watching the major leagues in person.

- Don't forget about me you damn unhappy! — shouted the Uzumaki appearing behind the huge beast, to start hitting it with all his might.

Everyone present watched in amazement as their master and companion mercilessly beat the enemy, who only received the blows as if it were a punching bag. The two blondos hit with all their strength and at a high speed to the villain, until he reached a point where the Uzumaki crouched to break the legs of the artificial human, moment that All Might took advantage to give him a blow with all his strength, to send him to fly while destroying everything in his path. Naruto disappeared in a flash to appear behind his enemy, only to give him a chakra-driven kick Futon, although it cost him due to the force of the blow that his master gave him, he managed to send him back to the "peace symbol", who received him with an ascending hook that made him rise, the two blondes disappeared from the ground, to appear on his enemy.

— A hero is someone who overcomes the obstacles that life throws in his way! — Yagi declared at the moment that both were punching Nomu in the chest, to throw him against the ground with great force, which broke the ground and bounced by the same blow. "Hey villain, have you heard these words?" Always go to the limit! — asked the No. 1 hero of Japan, appearing next to the Uzumaki in front of Nomu, who observed both blondos.

The two stretched their arms back, clenched their fists tightly, as they charged their final attack. The blonde's fist brightened a red color, while in the blondo's hand was surrounded by a fist of compressed air.

— PLUS ULTRA! — shouted All Might as he released his punch next to the blonde.

The two fists impacted strongly on the body of the monster, who only opened its jaws wide by said attack, only to fly out at a high speed, while the fists of both bloondos released smoke from the force of impact. But that wasn't over.

—"(Futon: Rasen Shuriken)"— within seconds, the blond's famous attack appeared the instant he launched it.

Everyone saw how the attack of the blond impact against his enemy, to hit the iron dome with greater force, a strong explosion was present, while everyone watched as the villain was expelled from the place. Everyone was stunned to see that there was someone capable of matching All Might's strength, and worst of all, a boy who was the same age as them.

—"E-E-E-E-That was not normal... that was a great force," Midoriya thought, looking at her mentor and friend.

"What the **** is all this? That's at a higher level, is this the world of professionals?" — thought Bakugou in shock at seeing that absolute brute force fight.

"This must be the pinnacle of every professional," Todoroki thought in shock as well.

"I've really weakened, on my best days I would have ended all this with just five strokes... But now I threw more than 300 punches. And still need help—I declare the professional hero who released smoke, the symbol of peace I look at the leader of the league of villains. - And well villain? Do we end this once and for all? - The professional asked the leader of the villains.

- That was cheating! - The leader of the villains shouted angrily when he saw how they defeated his creation.

The Uzumaki noticed how the hero of peace trembled, as if he was tired, he noticed the wounds he still had after being stabbed by that beast, he was bleeding a lot, besides that he noticed how he was taking smoke from his body, as if he was releasing his power.

- You're a cheater! You are a cheater! Sending one of your stupid students to help you! Wasn't the symbol of peace enough and he had to turn to help?! You are nothing but a subjugator who has everyone under his feet just because you are a hero! Forcing others to fight, and you still put a hand on my Nomu! - I shout angrily to the hero of peace.

- All Might is no cheater! - Naruto said taking the floor now. "The only cheater here is you, All Might would never let an innocent fight for him, I acted on my own, full stop," declared the blond seriously who approached the symbol of peace, to help him stand.

"No... This can't be true... didn't you weaken yourself at all? Perhaps... Did he lie to me?! — Shigaraki shouted angrily.

- What happened? Where is that anger from long ago? Will we not play anymore? - I ask with a smile the hero of peace, and then change that smile and look seriously at the villain. - Come and see if you can defeat me! — I declare to look angrily at the leader of the League of Villains.

"We don't have a chance to fight them, it's best to leave here, let's go Midoriya," Kirishima said to her partner.

"No, I can't leave like this, All Might... it's losing its power, I know that steam, it's about to transform, it's just bragging," Midoriya thought looking at her mentor, swallowing dry to run to her mentor's side. - Yes, they want to fight All Might! They must first pass over my corpse! — She screamed earnestly as she clenched her fists, ready to fight, even though they both saw that she was trembling with fear.

"Si Nomu... only if Nomu were here," Shigaraki said angrily as he looked at the peace hero who was accompanied by those two boys. - You! Damn nosy kid! Getting into an adult fight! You must die! — I declare looking hatred at the Uzumaki that he only remained alert, ready for any attack.

"Shigaraki Tomura, stay calm, just look at the damage Nomu did to him," Black Mist said to his companion who looked at the hero of peace. "He's hurt, and the boys just watch, the only problem is that boy, combining our powers even he couldn't prevent us from finishing off the symbol of peace," said the villain to his companion who stopped scratching to look straight ahead.

"Yes... You're absolutely right... combining our powers we can kill All Might... we can't afford to lose to them, after everything we went through to get here We must kill the final boss!" — said the leader of the league of villains with seriousness and anger to start running alongside Black Mist.

—"I won't allow it! There are still many things I want to learn from All MIght! He has yet to teach me how to control my power! I must teach him that I can do this, I must become aworthy successor!" - thought the green eye, raising her right arm, ready to strike the first blow. —"Because I must protect the secret that only I know!" — I declare to go on the attack, ready to fight.

Naruto only released the "peace symbol" to stop his partner, but he realized that it was going to be impossible. She stared at her friend's right fist, she shone the same way, she planned to attack at all costs no matter what. So he could only do one thing, he began to gather Futon chakra in his right hand, when they were a few meters away. Both Naruto and Izumi launched their attacks, All Might only saw how a strong wind currents dragged the enemies, which flew out to hit the ground hard, the professional hero saw that Shigaraki had cuts on his clothes and body.

The two villains just growled as they stood up in pain, both growled while watching the pair of young people. Izumi just stared in surprise at the strength of his attack, and then observed how his arm had not been broken by his attack, followed by seeing his partner next to him.

- What the hell was that?! — was the question that was asked on the air, at the moment that the students who were nearby looked with joy at the reinforcements.

"Sorry guys, we're sorry to be terribly late," said Principal Nedzu, appearing with the other teachers of the U.A. with Iida.

- Iida Tenya, reporting to duty! - shouted the black-haired man with glasses who arrived with the other heroes.

"Agh... Came... The others — commented the leader of the League of Villains, who held his right arm in pain, while his companion looked weakened, since he floated with difficulty in addition to that in his eyes you could feel the pain. "I think it's time to go... the game ended here," Shigaraki said painfully as he was sucked into Black Mist.

Sero and Sato lifted up their teacher who somehow remained conscious despite the wound she had. While Tsuyu and Uraraka helped carry their tutor of classes.

- They will not escape! — said Snipe who started shooting, wounding the gray-haired in the arms and shoulders, causing him to fall to the ground again.

- We won't let them! — cry No. 13 that with its last strength began to absorb the bad guys.

- We failed this time! But the next time we will kill you, symbol of peace! — Shigaraki declared the professional hero.

"Hey, you damn disturbed," said the blondo, watching as the two villains tried to escape, but it seemed that they were going to be absorbed at any moment by the power of the heroine. "Next time, you won't be so lucky," he musito seriously, both of them collided at all, but Shigaraki disappeared in the end.

The place was completely silenced after the last villains left as if nothing, the smoke present completely covered the symbol of peace that returned to its original form.

- L-L-L-We defeated them? - Midoriya asked with surprise, to retract her arm and notice that it was not broken, nor her legs, only sigh to drop to the ground, many emotions invaded her right now.

"That's my girl," All Might spoke to the hairdresser, who turned around to notice how her idol returned to her original appearance. "You've saved me again, no, you've saved me both this time," I comment on the peace symbol looking at the blond, who turned to see it.

- All Might! Your secret?! — Midoriya shouted when she saw the blonde.

"Don't worry about anything Midoriya, I won't say anything, but I want to know everything," I speak seriously the Uzumaki looking at the symbol of peace, and the green oji. "Now if you both excuse me, I have to rest," he declared, feigning tiredness, he had to act so that no one would suspect, he already had the lie he would tell if asked about his sudden strength, and the first step was to fall, but he was stopped by Izumi, who helped him lie on his body. "Thank you very much," he thanked his companion.

For their part, the teachers only observed the whole place, it was a battlefield, as if a war had happened. It really was a mess, and without a doubt, it was going to cost a lot to rebuild it.

- But what the hell is all that mess? - asked Snipe seeing all the mess there was.

"Damn, they came out of nowhere so loud and we let them escape," Present Mic commented angrily.

"They really attacked us when we were off guard," Power Loader said.

"Don't worry about that now, the most important thing right now is to make sure of the students' health," Principal Nedzu said calmly.

"And not just them," Cementoss said looking at All Might.

- You won't say any of this, will you? - I ask the peliverde staring into the eyes of the blue-eye.

"Not at all, but I want to know what happens exactly," Naruto clarified looking at the green-hair, although he had to admit that he felt somewhat uncomfortable to feel the girl's breasts behind his head.

- Midoriya! Uzumaki! They're fine?! - asked Kirishima looking at the blond and the hair, the smoke covered All MIght who became nervous.

—"Young Kirishima, I admire that battle spirit you have, but don't come here right now! Please walk away!" — He asked the redhead for the peace symbol.

- Kirishima?! Wait...! — the new bearer of the "One For All" tried to stop her friend, but before he finished speaking a large cement wall appeared in front of the redhead.

"We want to check the wounds of all the students, so go forward and meet with the others," Cementoss ordered suddenly appearing.

- Yes, sir! Kirishima replied to go to the entrance.

"You really saved my skin Cementoss," said All Might who threw himself to the ground to rest.

"There's no telling All Might," smiled the cement hero to look at the blond.

"Don't worry, he's coming with us," I speak the symbol of peace to his companion.

"Okay, then let's go to the infirmary to make sure no one finds out your true form, but the next time try not to try so hard," he asked the cement hero to the peace symbol, who just smiled at that.

Without a doubt, this day was going to be unforgettable for all the boys in class 1-A. Everyone would remember this day as the first encounter with the real villains, and face the reality of the world. That fantasy they had that the bad guys were weak and easy to defeat was destroyed. The real world was cruel and dark, something they were never prepared for.

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