
The club

Travis pov

happy birthday bro, my friends bro hugged me.

"you know it's your 39th birthday and we should celebrate it at the club,"my close buddy James suggested.

"No guys, I'm not interested", I replied.

"Don't be a chicken, it's your last birthday in your thirty's, next year you will be an old man", James said and they all laughed and that's how I was dragged to an arranged club birthday party.

Iris pov

We entered the club, went straight to dancing after a long time of twerking and wining with loads of crazy dance moves I went to the bar, and ordered a glass of whiskey, a shot of tequila and a shot of vodka mixed it all and drank it in one shot, I felt high.

I went for three rounds of each and I could feel the adrenaline pumping, I stood up to dance and a waiter bumped into me.

" What the hell is wrong with you?", I screamed at the waiter's face.

"you bumbed into me miss but I'm sorry", he replied.

"what the heck, how dare you ..?," as I was about to make my mind known to the waiter a voice stopped me.

"it's okay miss", a deep voice said.

"Who are you to meddle in my business",I said while scanning the people dancing trying to find my friends and I remembered those they left me to God knows where hoping I get laid.

" Sorry miss but you bumbed into him", he replied.

As I was about to scream at him I felt light headed and I puked on him and then everything went blank.

I woke up the next morning feeling uncomfortable, I noticed why I felt uncomfortable, it was because I was in the dress I wore last night, it might be comfortable to seduce a guy in it but uncomfortable to sleep in.

I then noticed something I wasn't home, I hurried off the oh so cozy bed out of the room to where I assume is the hall and was met with six grown hotties, they looked like they were in the late thirties.

"So you are awake at last", the hottest one, gosh let me take my time and explain him, he wore a tight round neck shirt and brown loose trousers not to loose cause I could see his muscular thighs gosh. He complimented his shirt, it shows his six packs and a cough distracted me and I realized I was caught starring.

"if I'm not awake would I be here or what do you think I'm sleep walking ", I sassed.

"Travis this girl seems fun", a cut looking guy said .

"where is my phone?"I asked.

"it's on charge", the one I assume is Travis replied

"I want it "

The Travis guy went for it and gave it to me and I walked out, when I was out I noticed it was a mansion.

Too bad I had to go home now, I called Anika and she picked me up.

I went home, freshen up and was about to rest when the unexpected happened


I mean she's never home always working , as a single mom she works really hard and she never has time for me, I just believe she sees me as a mistake but I don't blame her if you were in her shoes and had a kid at 16 with the world against you, you would do the same or that's just me trying to give excuses not to hate her.

"Iris what are you doing in pajamas at 10am, you should be working",mom said

" Why should I work, is your work not enough to feed us both?" I asked her getting pissed.

The thought of me working pisses me off and besides mom and I never had normal conversations.

"I won't take laziness from you, I'm going to block all your credit card and reduce your allowances", mom threatened.

"You can't do that", I screamed.

" I just did ",she said and walked out.

" I don't need your money I will work for mine", I screamed angrily.

After searching for jobs for months I finally got one , I'm the secretary in the largest IT company in America called Stone.

I walked into the huge building and went to the receptionist.


"Hello",a petite brunette woman replied.

"I'm Iris Coal, I'm the new secretary"

"oh yes I was told, let me usher you to where you will work, you will be working in the bosses office "

we enter the elevator and went to the top floor, a huge office ,if you added my room to my kitchen it wouldn't be as big as the office.

"Here's your table"

"Who is the boss?"

"Don't tell me you want to work here and don't even know the boss "

I just looked at her bored.

" He is Mr Stone"

"okay", I replied and she left.

The office was just wow and the chair, more cozier than my bed.

I was admiring the place when someone said,"You must be the new secretary"

I turned and all that came out from my mouth was "You..?"

"You", I repeated bewildered

He just stared at me and sat down.

"You aren't saying any thing?, so you must be Travis Stone?"

"Yes I am, Do you have a problem"

"No, I mean why would I?"

"That's good, so get to work"

I spent half the day working the other half staring, I won't lie the guy is a geek god .

This is how it went on till the end of the month and I got my first pay , it was a lot.

I was on my way home and I saw some disgusting things that made my day worse,

it was my ex Marvin and his animal, that bi*t**h Malisa his child hood friend he dumped me for. They were coming my way and let me tell you they did spare my humble ears , they open their mouth and spat trash out of it , I just walked out of there beyond pissed.