
56. Miracle on 34th Street


"Alexis?" Kate's soft words bounced back sharply from the sterile hospital walls, causing Kate to startle at the sound of her own voice.

Her eyes found Alexis' small body, which was almost swallowed by the big hospital bed, her right arm in a cast resting on top of the covers, her pale, usually perfect skin marked with angry bruises and her face contorted in a mask of discomfort.

"Alexis?" Kate said again, stepping closer to the bed and this time the girl opened her eyes, slowly focusing on the familiar face in front of her.

"Kate?" Alexis whispered and then the tears started to fall and Kate was at her side in seconds, gathering the girl up in her arms, one hand drawing slow, soothing circles on Alexis' back, the other holding her head to her chest.

"It's okay, baby," Kate mumbled into Alexis' hair, cradling the girl in her lap, careful not to jostle her injured arm too much. "It's okay. I'm here. It's gonna be alright."

Kate let her cry, while she kept mumbling nonsense into Alexis' ear until the sobs subsided and her breathing steadied.

"Where's Dad?" Alexis asked after she had calmed down, snuggling deeper into Kate's warm and comforting body as her left hand fisted in Kate's uniform shirt.

"He's stuck in D.C. because of the snow, but we can call him, okay?" Kate told Alexis and already pulled out her phone to dial Castle's number as the girl nodded into her neck.

"Kate?" Castle answered immediately, almost yelling into the phone, "Kate, how is she? Did you see her? Is she alright?"

"Calm down Castle, she's right here with me," Kate told him reassuringly, her voice warm and steady "a broken arm, some bruises and she's pretty shaken up right now, but other than that she's fine."

"Thank God," Castle sighed, swallowing hard as he sank back against the wall behind him.

"She wants to talk to you," Kate said with a smile and put the phone on speaker, so Alexis didn't have to hold it.

"Daddy?" Alexis' small voice came over the line and Castle had to suppress a sob of relief at hearing his daughter's voice. His overactive imagination had provided him with a dozen of worst case scenarios over the past hour and to actually be able to hear his baby's voice was almost breaking him.

"Hey Pumpkin, what kind of stunts are you pulling while I'm out of town?" He said, trying to make it sound light, but failing miserably.

"The car didn't stop, because of the snow," Alexis told him, reaching for Kate's hand with her left, "and I wasn't quick enough and then it drove right into me."

Kate cringed, pulling Alexis a bit closer as she listened to her recalling what happened.

"I'm sorry Pumpkin," Castle said quietly.

"It's not your fault Daddy," Alexis said so matter-of-factly that both adults let out a relieved laugh.

"No, but I wish I could be there with you right now," he sighed, feeling immensely guilty for being hundred of miles away and with no hope of changing this any time soon.

"It's okay Daddy, Kate's here," Alexis said, beaming up at the older woman, who smiled back down at her.

"I know," he breathed and he didn't think Kate could even imagine how grateful he felt for it.

"I was so scared Daddy," Alexis confessed after a moment of silence, sounding almost shy, "because Miss Powell couldn't come with me in the ambulance, she had to stay with the other kids and I was all alone the whole time."

Kate placed an absent-minded kiss on the top of Alexis' head as she listened to her confession, feeling awfully miserable for the girl.

"I'm very proud of you Pumpkin, for being so brave," Castle told her gently. "Very proud."

"Can I go home with Kate?" Alexis asked, looking back up at the woman next to her. "I heard the nurse say I have to stay the night, but I don't want to, she looks mean."

"Of course you come home with me," Kate said before Castle could even respond, there was no way she would leave a scared Alexis all alone in this impersonal hospital room.

"How about you talk to your dad a little bit longer and I'll go and find your doctor and see what we have to get you out of here? Is that okay?" Kate tipped her finger against Alexis' nose and was rewarded with a chuckle and a nod.

"I'll be right back Pumpkin. Keep your dad entertained," Kate smiled and got up.

"Kate," Castle called out, "Can you -," he left the sentence unfinished but Kate took the hint, taking the phone back into her hand so Alexis could only listen to her part of the conversation.

"Mrs. Powell, Alexis's teacher called me," he started, "she was on her way to the hospital but I told her it was fine, that you were already taking care of things."

"Good," Kate nodded to herself, "Did she tell you what happened?" she asked, getting up from the bed and stepping a bit further away from Alexis.

"Yes," she heard Castle sigh on the other end, "they were on their way to a nearby playground for a snowball fight when it happened. Apparently they had already crossed the street, but Alexis stepped back because she had dropped her glove. Her teacher said the driver wasn't going too fast, just couldn't control the car on the slippery road and ran into Alexis and almost another kid. She doesn't think he was drunk or anything, just unfortunate."

"Okay," Kate took that information in.

"She said he was very worried, terribly sorry and took all the blame for what happened, but do you think you could still check about him?" Castle asked, "If he was reckless in any way, I swear I will -," Castle didn't finish his thought but Kate had a pretty good idea what was going through his mind.

"Of course, I'll talk to the guys from the 5th."

"Thank you," he mumbled, his thoughts obviously already somewhere else.

"I'll hand you back to Alexis, okay?" Kate spoke gently to pull him back from whatever dark path his thoughts had descended to.

"Yeah," he said, more with her again, "Oh and Kate, let me know if you need me to do any thing to get Alexis discharged. I can fax something or call, whatever it takes."

"Will do," she told him, "and you two behave while I'm gone." She ended on a lighter note, putting the phone back on speaker and placing it in Alexis' lap, before she stepped out of the room to let father and daughter chat a bit more.

Kate found Dr. Davidson lingering close to Alexis' room and for a moment she wondered if he had been waiting for her, when she recognized the too bright smile on his face.

"Hey," he greeted her. "How is our little patient doing?"

"She's talking to her dad right now, that helps a lot," Kate smiled more at the thought than at the doctor before she cut straight to the chase, "but she wants to go home. Is there any way you can let me take her?"

Dr. Davidson sighed, "That's really against the rules, but given the circumstance I will see what I can do for you. It would be good though if Mr. Castle could give the administration office a call to give his approval."

"I will tell him right away, thank you," she nodded and turned to head back to Alexis's room, but was stopped by Dr. Davidson's hand on her shoulder.

"Kate," she looked at him surprise, not sure where this was going. "You and Mr. Castle, are you …?"

"Together? Yes, we are." Kate nodded, apparently Dr. Davidson wasn't a fan of Page Six either.

"I see," he swallowed and for a moment the silence between them stretched uncomfortably, "okay let me go check with the front desk what options we have. I'll be right back."

"Thanks," Kate said, glad he didn't ask any further questions regarding her private life.

Three hours later, Alexis was snuggled against Kate's side in the back of the town car Castle had sent for them as they were on their way to the loft, where Cynthia and Jamie were waiting for them. Kate had called Montgomery to take the next day off and he had told her not to worry, to take as much time as she needed. And Kate was grateful that her Captain was so understanding and supportive. She knew he didn't have to be.

The snow was still falling heavily and Castle had called minutes ago to tell them he probably wouldn't be able to leave D.C. until the following day when hopefully the weather would have calmed down.

It would be just Kate and the girls tonight and Alexis had already decided she wanted pasta for dinner, a wish she naturally had been granted. Kate would allow almost anything today if it meant Alexis had no time to dwell on what happened and the pain she must be in after all.

They finally made it through the front door and were immediately hit by a little whirlwind called Jamie.

"Hey Mommy," she grinned and then beamed at her sister until the smile left her face, "Lexi hurt?" She asked with wide eyes.

""Yes Baby Bird," Kate leant down, "Alexis hurt her arm so you gotta be super careful for a while, okay?"

"Okay," Jamie nodded, looking very serious, "Super careful."

Kate helped Alexis out of her coat and sent the two girls off to choose a movie for them to watch later before she made her way over to the kitchen where Cynthia was sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee.

"Hey," the older woman smiled at Kate, "How is she holding up?"

Kate sighed, sinking down next to Cynthia whom she had called from the hospital earlier to fill her in.

"She's a tough little thing. She's going to be alright," Kate smiled, looking over to where Jamie and Alexis where looking through a bunch of video tapes.

"I'm sure she will be," Cynthia reassured her and got up, "I better get going before the weather gets any worse."

"Yeah, it's pretty bad out there," Kate agreed.

"Any chance Rick will come home tonight?" Cynthia asked, but Kate shook her head.

"They cancelled all flights, we're hoping for tomorrow," Kate told her. "I know it's killing him that he can't be here."

"Understandable," Cynthia said and then shot Kate an encouraging smile. "Hey, she's in good hands though. She's got you."

"Thank you," Kate mustered a weak smile, hoping that Cynthia was right and that Alexis would be fine without her father for tonight.

Cynthia hugged the girls goodbye, telling Alexis to get better soon and suggesting that her class mates could sign the cast, an idea Alexis immediately got excited about. Kate walked Cynthia to the door, thanked her for watching Jamie and watched the older woman disappear down the hallway before she closed the door and made her way over to the girls.

"Have you picked something?" Kate asked sitting down next to Jamie and Alexis on the hardwood floor.

"Can we watch Miracle on 34th Street?" Alexis asked, holding up the tape with a hopeful smile and Kate nodded.

"Sure, but dinner first, okay girls?", she got back up, "and until then I want you to sit on the couch and elevate your arm, okay Alexis? Jamie maybe you can show your sister a picture book to pass the time, what do you think?"

"Yes, Zoo and animal book," Jamie nodded eagerly.

"Or Jamie could paint a picture on my cast?" Alexis suggested, grinning at her little sister.

"Okay, Jamie can you get the pens from Daddy's office?" Kate asked and Jamie skipped off to get what she needed.

Kate made sure Alexis was comfortable on the couch, before she made her way into the kitchen to get dinner started. She heard the girls giggle in the living room and was glad that Jamie seemed to be an excellent distraction for her sister. While she left the sauce on the stove and waited for the water to boil she went in search of popcorn and some other treats they could share while watching the movie. Ice cream was probably a good idea as well. Kate was glad to find everything they would need for a movie night, hoping to tire Alexis out so she would be able to sleep alright.

"What's that Jamie?" Kate heard the older girl ask while she set the table, "A dog?"

"No," Jamie exclaimed, "Kitty. Look."

"Oh yes, now I see it," Alexis confirmed and Kate smiled to herself at the cute exchange.

Kate helped both girls with the pasta over dinner and still the tomato sauce was smeared all over their faces, causing Jamie and Alexis to break out into a fit of giggles.

They were still laughing when Kate's phone rang, "Beckett?"

"Hey Kate," Castle greeted her, "how is she doing?"

"Listen for yourself," Kate said and held the phone out into the direction of Jamie and Alexis, "they're having a ball," she chuckled into the receiver.

"Good," Castle sighed, "that's good."

"Hey Rick," Kate said softly, "don't beat yourself up for not being here. It's not your fault."

"I know, it's just hard," he mumbled, "I'm not used to not being there for her."

"Jamie and I are taking good care of her," Kate said quietly, unsure if there might be more to his mood, if the events from a week ago where still lingering in his mind.

"I know Kate," he got out quickly, "God, I know. I'm so glad you're there. That's not it, believe me. It just sucks being stuck here."

"I tried to call Meredith," he said after a moment of silence, "she didn't answer her phone."

"I'm sorry, Castle," Kate mumbled, moving a bit further away from the girls.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I thought maybe she could at least call Alexis to make her feel a bit better." He said bitterly.

"Hey," Kate's tone was encouraging, "stop it. It's not helping anyone. I'll put you on speaker and let you talk to your daughters now, okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," he replied and Kate could hear he was smiling.

She listened to Castle and the girls joking around, while she cleaned the table and got everything ready for their movie night, hearing Castle and Alexis debate over whether they should watch the original or the remake of Miracle on 34th Street. In the end they let Jamie decide and the girl chose the remake over the original.

"See Dad, I told you Jamie would choose Mara Wilson," Alexis stated with a big grin on her face.

"Ha, I'm sure you two are ganging up on me right now," he pouted and heard the girls giggle. "Okay I'll let you go see your movie you two traitors. Can you hand me back to Mommy?"

"Will you be home tomorrow?" Alexis asked, while Kate waited behind her to take the phone.

"I hope so Pumpkin," he sighed.

"Okay Daddy," she mumbled disappointed.

"I'll do everything in my powers to come home tomorrow, okay? I love you Alexis." He said just as disappointed that he couldn't make any promises.

"I love you too," Alexis replied.

"Love you Daddy," Jamie chirped into the receiver as well, "Bye Daddy."

"Love you Baby Bird," he laughed, sensing that his youngest was eager to get the movie started.

"Hey," Kate's voice came over the line, "So how disappointed are you really about your daughters taste in movies?"

"The original is just so much better," he whined and Kate could tell that talking to his daughters had been good for him.

"Tell you what," she said, the phone clamped between her ear and her shoulder as she helped Jamie out of her highchair and watched the girls skitter off to the couch. "I'll watch the original with you."

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Yes," she smiled, "and now let me go and watch sexy Dylan McDermott."

"Beckett!" He exclaimed shocked.

"What? He's got these fascinating blue eyes," she grinned from ear to ear.

"I have fascinating blue eyes," he protested.

"And such great hair," she sighed.

"I do have the greatest hair," he almost shrieked. "That guy is just a poor substitute for my ruggedly-handsomeness."

"I know," she said, taking mercy on him.

"Good," he breathed relieved. "And don't you forget it until I get home."

"I'm sure you'll find a way to remind me," she purred into the phone and heard him gasp.

"Not fair, Kate," he growled. "Not fair."

Kate had already put Jamie to bed and kissed her good night when she made her way into Alexis' room where the girl was struggling with her pj's.

"Hey," Kate smiled gently, crouching down in front of Alexis and reaching for the shirt she was holding in her left hand," let me help."

She carefully pulled the shirt over Alexis' broken arm, before asking her to hold up both arms and slipping the shirt over her head.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Kate asked, while helping her with the pyjama bottoms.

"Yes," Alexis nodded tiredly.

"Good thing you're left-handed, right?" Kate tried to make her smile, tipping her nose but Alexis just shrugged.

"Hey," Kate placed a finger under Alexis's chin to make her look at her, "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"Yes," the girl whispered, her lips quivering.

"Come here," Kate pulled her close, letting her rest against her. "How about you stay with me tonight, mmh?"

Alexis nodded.

"Okay," Kate stood up, grabbing Alexis who wrapped her legs around Kate's waist. Thankfully Alexis was a tiny, skinny 8-year-old so Kate could actually make it down the stairs carrying her. She checked the stair gate so Jamie wouldn't climb down the stairs on her own in the morning but would have to make herself known over the baby phone and then descended downstairs and headed toward Castle's bedroom.

Placing Alexis down on her father's side of the bed, Kate grabbed a mild painkiller for the girl from the bathroom and fetched her a glass of water.

"I'll be right back," she told the redhead, letting her hand run through Alexis' hair, before she headed for the bathroom to get ready for bed herself.

Kate climbed in next to Alexis ten minutes later and reached out for her, "How's your arm?"

"It hurts a bit," Alexis replied, rolling over on her side to look at Kate.

"Do you think you'll be able to sleep?" Kate asked, her right hand coming to Alexis' back to draw soothing circles with her fingertips.

"I think so," Alexis answered, moving a bit closer to Kate whose hand sneaked under Alexis' shirt, continuing their soothing motion directly on her skin. "That feels good," Alexis sighed.

"Yeah?" Kate smiled, it was a technique that always helped Jamie when she couldn't sleep.

"Mommy never took care of me like this when I was sick," Alexis mumbled into the pillow and Kate took in a sharp breath. "I wish you could be my mommy."

A tear ran down Kate's face as she watched Alexis drift off to sleep, "I'm sorry Pumpkin," she whispered into the semi-darkness and moved just a bit closer to the sleeping girl at her side.
