
42. Cocoa


When Kate woke up the next morning, something was stretched across her face, poking at the strips covering the cut over her brow. Slowly opening her eyes, she blinked against the darkness that was still dusting Castle's bedroom in heavy shadows and found that the something was Alexis's arm. The rest of the girl was sprawled half over Kate's stomach, her feet poking into her father's side, while Jamie's head rested on Alexis's back. Kate smiled at the sight, taking in a deep breath, content with the tangled mess of limbs around her and the quiet of the early morning that was only disturbed by Castle's light snoring. His daughters had crowded him toward the rim of the mattress and the position he was in couldn't be comfortable as his head was twisted in an awkward angle, his right arm seemingly trying to hold on to his pillow to keep himself from falling out of the bed. She glanced at the alarm clock on his side of the bed and sighed. It was still early, but she knew Alexis had to leave for school at half past seven. So she carefully untangled herself from under the redhead to climb out of bed to get breakfast started while she let the rest of the family sleep a little bit longer.

Alexis was the first to come out of the bedroom 20 minutes later, shuffling toward the kitchen and Kate who was currently filling a plate with freshly fried bacon.

"Hey there," Kate greeted when she spotted the girl, "did you sleep well?"

Alexis nodded, yawning as she made her way over to Kate.

"You made breakfast." She stated surprised when she spotted the scrambled eggs and pancakes on the kitchen counter which Kate had set out next to bowls filled with berries and granola.

"Mmh," Kate nodded, popping one of the blueberries into her mouth, "Are you hungry?"

"Starving," Alexis sighed dramatically, sounding very much like her grandmother and causing Kate to chuckle as she pulled the little girl into her side and placed a kiss on top of her head, a gesture that felt simply right and didn't seem to surprise Alexis in the least.

"Starving, huh? Well in that case I think it's alright if we start without the sleepyheads that are your father and sister."

Alexis grinned broadly, climbing on one of the barstools and watched Kate fill a plate with a little bit of everything for her, "Can I have chocolate syrup on my pancakes?" She asked tentatively.

"Sure," Kate replied, already grabbing the bottle from one of the cabinets, wondering when she had become so accustomed with Castle's kitchen. "What do you want to drink?" She asked placing the bottle in front of Alexis.

"Orange juice," the girl replied, chewing her bottom lip instead of the pancake and Kate knew there was more.

"Anything else?" Kate frowned, watching Castle's daughter carefully.

"No, orange juice is good," Alexis mumbled, concentrating on the pancake in front of her, but still not touching it.

"Alexis," Kate prodded, "It's alright to ask, you know. The answer might not always be yes, but how will you know if you don't give it a try?"

Alexis was still not looking at her, but Kate could tell from the frown on her face that the girl was contemplating her words and so she reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind Alexis' ear as she raised her eyebrows, "Mmh?"

Keeping her eyes sternly on her plate Alexis found her voice, "Would you make me hot cocoa?"

Kate laughed surprised, "That's it?" She let her hand run down Alexis' arm, "You can always get hot cocoa from me."

"Really?" Alexis lifted her big blue eyes at the woman who had become such an important and significant person in her life over the past few weeks.

"Of course," Kate nodded, "First, I don't have to use your dad's fancy coffee machine to make cocoa and second, I like it myself."

"Mommy never makes cocoa for me or breakfast at all," Alexis whispered and the smile dropped off Kate's face.

She had never met Meredith and after everything she had heard about the woman she didn't feel the urge to ever change that other than to give her a piece of her mind about how to treat your only daughter. Alexis was a sweet little girl who deserved better than a mother who forgot to call on her birthday after she couldn't be bothered to come over to see her in person. And if making the girl hot cocoa was all it took to put a smile on her face, well then Kate would gladly do that whenever possible.

"Alexis," she said gently, waiting for the girl to look at her before she continued, "I want you to know that you can always ask me, okay? No matter what, you can always come to me and ask when there's something you want or need. It may not always turn out your way - I may say no sometimes but never hesitate to ask, alright?"

"Okay," Alexis nodded, a shy smile forming on her lips, "Thank you Kate."

"Anytime, Pumpkin," Kate smiled reassuringly, running her fingers tenderly through Alexis' hair before getting the milk from the fridge to get the cocoa started.

Something was poking him in the face. Castle wrinkled his nose, his hand shooting up as if to chase away a fly, but the poking didn't stop. He grunted, turning on his side and smashing his face into the pillow, still the poking didn't stop. Huffing, he scrunched his nose again, before he buried his face deeper into the soft cotton under his head.

"Le'me sleep," he mumbled and heard someone giggle.

The poking stopped for a minute, before something tickled his side and he finally had to open his eyes, turning his head to look at his grinning daughter.

"Daddy," she laughed. "Up."

"No," he whined, "it's too early."

Jamie shook her head, crawling on his back and snuggling into him.

"Daddy," she said again, starting to sound impatient, "Hungry."

"Alright, alright," Castle grunted. "I'm up."

He carefully turned around so as not to accidentally kick Jamie off his back and out of the bed and the minute she landed safely at his side, his strong arms grabbed her, holding her up into the air. Jamie shrieking happily, her legs kicking out as Castle flung her up and caught her again.

"Daddy," she exclaimed, giggling, "higher!"

Castle did as he was told, throwing her higher into the air and catching her without trouble when she came back down until his arms got tired and he gently placed her on his chest.

Jamie pushed herself up on her small arms, grinning widely at her father, before leaning down to give him a smacking kiss on the lips.

"Love you, Daddy," she mumbled against his cheek and Castle's heart stopped for a minute, he would never get enough of hearing her say those words.

"I love you too, Baby Bird," he replied, his voice shaking slightly.

Jamie grinned at him and with a quick move that she didn't see coming he flipped her onto her back next to him, starting to blow raspberry kisses all over her tummy.

She was laughing so hard that Castle was sure Kate would come in any second to see what was going on, but then he remembered that Jamie had said she was hungry and stopped.

"Okay Jamie, let's get something into that cute little tummy of yours," he said and got out of bed, catching her as she jumped into his arms. "Ready for breakfast?"

"Yeah," she nodded eagerly and pointed toward the door.

"I smell pancakes," Castle announced as he stepped into the living room with Jamie sitting on his hip.

Alexis turned, grinning at them like a Cheshire Cat, "Kate made breakfast and cocoa," she told them before aiming her smile at the woman sitting next to her.

"That looks delicious," Castle mumbled as he stepped closer, eyeing everything Kate had lined up on the kitchen counter before kissing Alexis good morning on top of her head and then, without thinking, doing the same with Kate, who shot him a wide-eyed look.

Ooops. He grinned stupidly at her, but neither Jamie nor Alexis seemed to have noticed the way too familiar gesture between their parents, so Kate decided to let him off the hook with one last scolding look.

Castle sighed, relieved that his faux pas apparently remained without consequences and so he took the barstool next to Alexis', placing Jamie in his lap and started to fill a plate for the two of them.

"Do you want me to get her highchair?" Kate offered, but Castle waved her off.

"Thanks, but I think we'll manage, right Jamie?" He tilted his head to have a better look at his daughter, who gave him the thumbs up.

Kate laughed, "Alright, if you think so."

"We do," Castle stated and started cutting the pancake in front of him.

When they finished breakfast everyone got ready to face the day, Kate retreating to the upstairs bathroom with Jamie, even so Castle kept insisting they could use his, but they were running late and this was just the quickest way to get everyone out the door in time to walk Alexis to school.

They dropped her off just in time and promised to pick her up again in the afternoon and since Kate didn't have to go into work today they strolled through the city, enjoying the beautiful day unfolding in front of them.

Fall had a tight grip on New York City but the sun was shining and the leaves were gleaming in shades of red and yellow around them, making it impossible not to spend the day outside. The winter would be long enough, November just waiting around the corner.

They ended up at a playground in Central Park, Jamie happily gliding down the slide again and again, while her parents chanced longing glances at each other whenever they thought Jamie wasn't looking. Castle even managed to sneak in the one or other touch throughout the morning with his hand at the small of Kate's back, his fingers squeezing hers or a seemingly accidentally bump of their shoulders. None of it caught Jamie's attention.

On their way to lunch he was walking much closer to her than strictly necessary and when they stopped at a traffic light at Times Square, Jamie thoroughly distracted by the Ferris wheel at Toys'R'Us, Castle leant in and stole a quick kiss from Kate's lips. She slapped him on the chest for it, but the sparkle in her eyes gave her away, she didn't really mind.

Crossing the intersection Castle glanced back at the toy store, which had opened just about a year ago and had quickly become one of his favorites. Christmas wasn't far away and he was looking forward to wander through the aisles in search of the perfect presents. Especially since there was so much more shopping to do for him this year. He was sure it wouldn't be hard to find the right presents for the girls but Kate was an entirely different matter. So far he had no idea what to get for her and though he knew there was still time he started to worry he might not find the right thing.

They had lunch at Junior's, Jamie wanting cheesecake for dessert and the restaurant being on their way and then decided to pay the precinct a visit, figuring Royce would like to know how Kate was doing and maybe just a little because Kate wanted to see what Montgomery had to say to her latest escapade.

They walked into the buzzing bullpen, Jamie immediately letting go of her parents' hands and running toward Royce, the man who usually provided cookies.

"Hey Jamie," Kate's partner laughed and got up from behind his desk to scoop the girl up into his arms.

"Cookies," Jamie demanded immediately, skipping all pleasantries and pointing toward the break room.

"Jamie," Kate's voice was firm, leaving no doubt that she wasn't pleased with her daughter's behavior, "is this how you ask for cookies?"

Jamie looked down, her eyes immediately filling with tears as she shook her head, "Sorry."

"It's alright," Royce said, lifting her chin up to make the girl look at him, "we can go and see if we have some left later, okay?"

The girl nodded, still looking ashamed when she struggled out of Royce's arms to get into her father's.

"Next time you ask nicely, alright?" Castle mumbled into her ear and received a nod in return, while Jamie buried her face in his neck.

"How are you doing Beckett?" Royce turned his attention to the girl's mother. "You're looking good." He observed, shooting Castle a look.

"I am," she confirmed with a small smile and the slightest blush.

"Good," Royce nodded, satisfied to see she was doing so well, more than well as a matter of fact judged by the new glow that seemed to surround her.

"Did you talk to Montgomery?" Kate asked, unsure she actually wanted to hear what her Captain had to say about the latest events.

"Mmh," Royce nodded again but not offering any more information.

"And?" Kate looked at him with expectant eyes.

"No more Vice assignments for you, that's for sure," Royce told her, knowing what Beckett's reaction to this information would be. "And I agree with him."

"No, why?" She stuttered. She needed those assignments, Royce knew that better than anyone, "He can't do that."

"I think you should talk to the Captain about it, but he's not in today." Royce told her, watching Castle wander off and looking around the bullpen with Jamie, while Kate stared at him, obviously expecting more from her partner.

"He's good for you," Royce stated after a moment, changing the topic, "for both of you."

Kate's eyes followed Royce's, catching sight of Castle and Jamie talking to Officer Miller across the room, Castle saying something that made Jamie and Miller laugh, "Yes he is," she confirmed, seeing no use in denying it, since it was kind of obvious.

"I'm happy for you, Kate," her partner smiled, "He seems to be a good guy."

She was about to say something, since Royce's statement sounded way too much as if he thought they were a couple, which technically they were, sort of, but he didn't – couldn't know that, when someone called her name across the bullpen.

"Yo, Beckett."

Kate turned to find Officer Esposito coming her way, a friendly smile on his face.

"Hey," he waved, "I'd hoped to catch you."

"Esposito, what are you doing here," she smiled shaking the man's hand who had saved her life two days ago.

"We dropped off a witness and I thought I stop by and see how you're doing before we head back to the 54th," he explained. "Looks like I got lucky, you're not working today?"

"No, the Captain gave me the day off," she told him and Esposito seemed pleased about that.

"Good," he nodded, "that was quite a lot to take in."

"Yeah," Kate agreed, realizing that Royce had wandered off to join Castle and Jamie. "Listen Esposito," she started, before guiding them into a quieter corner of the bullpen, "I didn't get a chance to properly thank you the other day."

He waved her off, "You did thank me enough Beckett. No need to worry."

"Still," she shook her head, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he smiled, looking a bit embarrassed and seemingly relieved when he saw Castle coming their way, "Hey Castle man," he greeted the writer as the men shook hands. "And who is this lovely little lady?" He asked, looking at the girl on Castle's arm.

"That's our daughter Jamie," Kate said and the pride in her voice and the way she stepped closer to him made Castle's heart quicken with joy.

"Hey Jamie, I'm Javi," Esposito introduced himself, smiling warmly at the girl, "Nice to meet you."

Jamie hid her face in her father's neck, for now choosing to ignore the stranger.

"Smart girl, never let a stranger sweet-talk you," Esposito laughed.

"Javi works with me," Kate explained, tugging on Jamie's coat to make her look at them.

"Like Royce?" Jamie asked, tentatively looking at her mother.

"Like Royce, yes," Kate nodded, "but Javi is working at a different precinct."

Jamie studied the man in front of her, with his big brown eyes, the short black hair and the friendly smile on his face, she decided he looked nice.

"Hi," Jamie offered shyly and Esposito beamed back at her like a Christmas tree.

"We'll be friends in no time." He stated and then turned back to Kate, "Listen, I gotta go, but maybe we can meet for drinks after work sometime?" He looked at Castle to make sure that his offer didn't sound like a clumsy put on but like the friendly suggestion that it was supposed to be.

Kate was torn. She liked the guy and she felt like she owed him much more than a couple of drinks for saving her life, but with Jamie it was difficult to head out after work.

"Hey, don't sweat it," Esposito quickly jumped in, sensing her hesitation, "if you guys don't have time I totally understand."

"No," Kate shook her head, "that's not the problem. It's just difficult with Jamie, you know?"

"I get it," Espo waved her off, but Kate had an idea.

"How about dinner at my place instead?" She asked.

"Beckett you really don't have to -," she cut him off.

"It's the least I can do," she reassured him and then looked at Castle, "You can bring Alexis if Martha can't watch her."

"Or," he threw in, "we could do it at my place. That way we don't have to worry about a babysitter or getting the kids to bed in time at all."

"Okay," Kate agreed hesitantly, not sure if giving joined dinner parties should be the next step for them.

"It's just dinner," Castle looked at her, knowing exactly where her mind had went.

"Okay," she said again, this time with more conviction and then turned her attention back to Esposito. "So dinner it is?"

"Fine with me," he smiled, glancing over his shoulder at his partner from the 54th who was waiting impatiently at the door.

"I'll give you a call," Kate told him, before he quickly bid his goodbyes and hurried toward the door.

"He seems to be a nice guy," Castle stated. "I like him."

"Me too," Kate agreed with a sigh, "So dinner?"

"Just dinner," he smiled at her reassuringly. "And he deserves it."

"Right, you're right."

"I could get used to the sound of that," Castle smirked and could see Kate rolling her eyes as she turned to head for the break room where she suspected Royce with the cookies, knowing Castle would follow her.
