
3. Time goes by


August 2002

Richard Castle was roaming the streets of New York in search of inspiration. There was the start of an idea floating around in the back of his head, a new adventure for Derrick Storm. Initially he had been surprised when his Derrick Storm novels had turned into such a big hit. They had made him one of the hottest mystery writers on the market right now and not only literally, though his looks certainly did work to his benefit.

The latest instalment Storm Warning had been released two weeks ago and he had spent the last few days at countless book signings and interview sessions. Today was his first free day in weeks and he just wanted to stroll through his city for a while in search of inspiration, before picking up Alexis at his mother's to spend some well over-due father-daughter time with her. Maybe they could have some cheesecake at Junior's or ice cream at that Italian place in the village. A movie? The MOMA? He kept rolling ideas, changing streets, turning left here and right there, without really knowing why, just going with the flow. His thoughts were skipping between ideas for new Derrick Storm adventures, possible activities for him and Alexis and his morning meeting at Black Pawn.

If he was honest with himself, he realized they circled, in particular around his new publisher. Gina Cowell, a dangerous woman, who had laid eyes on him like he was some kind of prey. Maybe he should set some boundaries right at the beginning, or … maybe not … . She was certainly a looker. But he shouldn't combine pleasure with business, it never worked. Though that ass … . He pursed his lips, then shaking his head, pushed the thought aside and instead tried to figure out how to get Storm out of a burning house, while being tied to a chair with a pair of nylon tights.

"The Zoo!" He suddenly exclaimed in the middle of the street, adding a remarkable impersonation of an Orang-Utan, simply for his own benefit, receiving a couple of disapproving headshakes he didn't care about. He was Richard Castle, New York Times bestselling author and he didn't care what others thought of him.

But then he heard someone giggle behind him and turning around to see who exactly he had amused with his strike of inspiration, he saw an elder woman looking back at him. Quickly crossing her out as the giggler he followed her view down to see a gorgeous little creature, standing between the woman's legs, smiling back at him.

He crouched down, giving the girl his best smile, "Hey there." He waved and the little girl gave him a wave back, while she kept grinning from ear to ear. "You think that was funny?"

The girl nodded, chuckling again, "Funny." She repeated, pulling a face and making an, "Uh-Uh," sound that mimicked his.

Rick laughed, "That's what I looked like?" He asked.

Again the girl nodded.

"Well that is funny," Rick grinned, then looking up at the woman accompanying her. Quickly assessing, he came to the conclusion she wasn't the mother.

"Richard Castle," he held out his hand. "I have a seven-year old daughter myself, though she keeps reminding me, she will turn eight in October and I should prepare to treat her like an eight-year old. Apparently turning eight is a milestone."

The woman laughed, shaking his offered hand, "When they are young, every birthday is a milestone. I am Cynthia. I'm looking after Jamie while her mother is working."

"Jamie?" Rick looked down again, catching the girl's attention. "That is a beautiful name. I'm Rick."

He received another gorgeous smile, winking at the girl he asked Cynthia. "How old is she?"

"She's turning two on the 1st of October," the woman smiled, emphasizing the month, since it was the same as his daughter's. She let her hand run through the girl's light brown curls. "Her mom is a police officer here at the 12th. We are picking her up for lunch."

Rick nodded, only now realizing they were standing in front of a police precinct. Looking back at Cynthia he caught her staring at him with a strange expression on her face. When he raised one eyebrow in question, she quickly shook her head.

"Sorry, it's just you two," she signalled down at Jamie, "you have the same blue eyes."

"Wow," he frowned, studying the girl a bit more carefully to see Cynthia was right. "Same as my daughter's too." He was about to ask another question, when Jamie suddenly parted from Cynthia's legs, running as fast as her small legs allowed towards a woman in uniform exiting the precinct, "Mommy!" She exclaimed while throwing herself into her arms.

"Hey there Baby Bird. Did you miss me?" Her mother asked, pressing a kiss to Jamie's curls.

The girl spread her arms as wide as she could, "This much?" Her mother laughed, twirling her around, before making her way over to Cynthia and the stranger standing next to her.

When she looked up from her daughter in her arms, Rick finally caught a glimpse of her face and froze.

It was her. It had been over two years, but he had no doubt it was her. He would never forget her face, the face with the sad eyes that seem to be green in one moment and brown the next, those eyes had haunted him in his dreams.

"Kate?" he stuttered surprised and saw her startle as well, when her eyes met his.

She didn't say a word, didn't acknowledge him in any other way either. She just stared back at him.

Finding his words first, he took a tentative step towards her, "I'm not sure if you remember, but we met a couple of years ago. I'm -."

"Rick," she finally found her voice, "I remember."

He let out a sigh of relief. Running his hand through his hair, he tried to figure out how to proceed. "This is a surprise?" He offered, chuckling nervously.

"Well, yeah," Kate returned, her eyes darting from her daughter to him and then Cynthia, realizing her nanny was watching their exchange with interest. She finally stirred into motion, "We need to go," turning to Cynthia she continued. "Thanks for bringing her over. I'll drop her of at your place in an hour."

The other woman smiled, "Sure Kate," ruffling the girl's hair she added, "I'll see you later, Jamie."

She then nodded towards Rick, shaking his hand once more, "It was nice meeting you."

"Likewise," he nodded back, a forced smile on his face. His attention was certainly elsewhere.

Cynthia walked away and Kate's eyes followed her as she suddenly felt very alone and trapped, standing here with the father of her daughter, a man she thought she would never see again.

"It was good to see you Rick." She finally offered with a polite smile, before setting her daughter down, taking her hand and turning around.

"Yeah," Rick mumbled, not sure where his ability to speak had gone.

He started watch her walk away before he was suddenly spurred into action and sprinting after the two, he called out. "Kate, wait!"

She did, with panic flashing in her eyes even though she tried to hide it, but she wasn't fast enough. He noticed, he was an excellent observer. He just hoped it wasn't because of him per se, hoped she was just as surprised to see him as he was to see her again.

"I know, now is not a good time, but maybe we can catch up some other day?" Rick suggested carefully, pulling out his card. "Just give me a call?

He let out a sigh when she took it, watched her staring down at the paper in her hand, the suspicion in her eyes, turning into surprise.

He wanted to catch up?

"Okay," she mumbled, shoving the card into one of the pockets of her uniform.

"Okay," a hesitant smile was playing on his lips. "It was nice to see you again, Kate."

With this he turned and walked away, not wanting to push her any further. He wasn't quite sure what just happened, but he knew he couldn't just let her walk away again like the last time. After all Richard Castle was a man who believed in fate. And walking into the woman who had found her way into his dreams again and again over the past two year, well it had to be fate.
