

It was a seven hour long journey from Oslo to Edda. In these 7 hours, I and laurits talked about a lot of stuff. Laurits is not a bad child he just doesn't know how to talk with someone without making them annoyed and, on the whole ride to Edda, he and I talked about how to manage this trait of his. we also talked about how he can help in the compony.

moms car was in front of my car and she explicitly told me not to overtake her, or else I would have a lecture to attend. so I just complied with her and now we are crossing a tunnel and at the end of the tunnel would be the town of Edda.

as we entered the town we saw a old man on his wheelchair trying to cross the road but not being able to and then saw magne getting down from the car and going to help him, so I unbuckle my seatbelt and follow him.

"did you chose which car you want" I said to magne sneaking up to him

"ahhh! bro don't do that" he said terrified

"hahaha! you are so fun to tease " I said laughingly.

"funny, now come and help him" he said clearly annoyed

"yeah lets go" I said excitedly.

"sir can we help you" I said, he saw me and nodded

"do you know what a strange town this is " the old man said but both me an magne ignored his comments.

then I saw a old woman coming at the corner of the road where we were going to, we got closer she came up to me and magne and slightly touched our heads and said "you two are good kids".

At that statement magne did not say anything just looked at her like he knew her or something but I was just so excited to go home and check my status that I slightly nudged magne to go to the car.

He complied and then we just started going our way towards our new house. 

"He is such a pushover" laurits said inside the car but he was smiling the whole way.

"did you say anything" I said getting in the car and tightening my seatbelt, he just waved his hands.

we then reached the house and I said to everyone that I am going in my room to rest for a bit an then ran up the stairs. in the room i called "status"



NAME:- Eririk Serie

AGE:- 19


STR:- 29-->150(normal adult 20)

SPD:- 18-->120 (normal adult 15)

COG:- 27-->150(normal adult 20)

INT:- 37-->40(normal adult 20)


Weather Control:- control over the weather and can use lightning and thunder as a weapon

godly Strength and Durability



weapon arts - proficient --> grandmaster

Computer skills - master

Coding - master

Businessman - expert

Acting - expert

hand to hand combat - expert

financial manager - expert

mixed martial arts - expert

leadership skills - expert

teaching - expert

cooking - proficient

medical skills - proficient


Mjolnir:-the mighty hammer of the great god of thunder THOR, crafted by the dwarf's brook and sindri as a present to the gods it is known as the greatest weapon of the old world and possess several magical properties:

1:- indestructability

2:- returning ability

3:-worthy enhancement

4:- control over thunder and lightning


that is a lot of information, so I am immortal that is a good thing and I have godly strength and durability that can only help when i know what is the level of strength the giants possess.

I have to integrate the weapon arts memories and then we can start the second layer of the plan and will see if the jutuls will be friends or foe. If they are ready to be friends than that is well and good but if they are foes than I will have to find how to destroy them.

it was 2 am, when Eririk fully integrates the weapon arts memories he received from thor he then falls asleep tired as hell


thank you for reading

the story is starting and the fun will now begin, pls tell me if you find any mistakes in the story so far.