
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Naming the Goblins & To Dwargon

The night was over and the sun was out and shining again. It was the first day with these new allies of ours. I left the tent I was staying in and headed to a stump in the ground. Upon noticing I was up, both the goblins and the direwolves greeted me including the leader of the direwolves.

I reached my destination and began to speak.

"Alright! Everyone, please listen to this." Everyone gathered in front of where I was perched and was listening attentively.

"Alright, as you know yesterdays enemy is now todays friend, so please get along with eachother." Everyone seemed kinda hesitant. I get it the direwolves killed a lot of goblins and the goblins managed to kill a few direwolves, but lets put that behind us though it may be hard to.

"Starting off, I would like everyone to pair up. One goblin and one direwolf is one pair. Using these pairs we will do things like hunting as it can maximize efficiency." They one by one formed their pairs, But I can't be without my pair, so the direwolf with the star one his head was who I chose as my partner. He didn't seem mad or opposed to idea, why do I say that, because his tail is wagging like crazy.

"Now that everyone has chosen their pair, I shall bestow you guys with some names." This seemed to cause quite a stir as well. They began to ask if it was alright for them to have some names, of course I shrugged it off and began my naming spree.

"Elder, what was your sons name?"

"It was Rigur"

"Very well, I shall name your son Rigur to honor your deceased son and Elder you shall be named Rigurd."

This action caused them to be even more excited. I don't know if it was because I named them after their family member or because they received a name. With that done I turned my attention to the other goblins and proceeded to give them their names as well, it took about 7 minutes to name all the goblins, and so I looked towards the direwolves who were in fact wagging their tails in excitement. The first one to get a name shall be the one I chose as my partner.

"I shall give you my family name, You can call yourself Ranga, and your father shall be called Raiga."

"Thank you for these names master!" They said that perfectly in sync as if they were practicing. I was just about to name the other direwolves, but I was overcome with drowsiness as it felt like my body was melting.

"Master!" I heard Ranga shout to me in a panic.

'Don't tell me, I'm dying again.'

Time-skip 1 day

"Recovery complete!"

"Lord Rimuru, I'm glad your finally awake."

Huh? Who is this? I think I would have remembered seeing her.

"Hold on, I'll go get elder Rigurd."


Weird, did this village always have a girl that hot here.

"Lord Rimuru! I'm glad your awake!"

"Hey, Rigurd.. who was that girl... just.... now. Who the hell are you?!"

I turned to the voice and saw a ripped goblin covered in nothing but a loincloth.

"What happened to you?!"

"You gave us names, and as such we evolved due to your immense power my lord."

"Oh, really?" Damn. I already feel amazing. This really will help in the long run.

Suddenly though something crashed through the tent, damn near destroying the whole thing. What crashed through you ask? A giant wolf with a horn on it's head. But I noticed a star on their head.

"It's great to see your awake my lord!"


"Correct!" He wagged his tail even faster, as that happened he destroyed the entire tent with nothing but his tail.

After a bit, I called for a announcement and went back to the stump I was at when I named them.

"Alright everyone, we are gonna need some sort of order around here, so I want to set a few rules. The first is no attacking humans unless it's in self defense. The second no fighting among yourselves and lastly no belittling other races. Does everyone understand the rules?" Upon finishing Rigur raised his hand.

"Yes, Rigur?"

"Why can't we attack humans first?" It is a good question, I wish to be some sort of king of monsters but I can't have them attacking every human they see.

"It's simple. Humans like most species live in packs, if you attack one they will return with more humans to try and annihilate their attackers. So it's best not to get them in that state."

"Oh! I understand now."

"Anyone else?" No one else seemed to have a question to ask.

"Alright, now my question. Does anyone know where we can get some artisans to help build things like clothes and housing." A little hobgoblin raised his hand, though he didn't change at all. I think I named him Gobta.

"Yes, Gobta."

"There is the dwarven kingdom called Dwargon."

"Do you know how to get there?"

"Yes, I have been there before."

"Perfect, Gobta you shall lead us there in our travels. Rigur gather some more hobgoblins of your choosing, you will be coming with us. Rigurd I want you to watch over the village in my absence, I hereby give you the title of 'Goblin Lord' so lead this village well."

"I shall do my very best Rimuru-sama!" He prostrated himself once again before me, he seemed to be crying a tears of joy as well after receiving this title.

It took Rigur about 15 minutes to select the hobgoblins for our journey. Once they were ready we set off on our trip to Dwargon.

'My first journey in this world! I'm so excited!'

(A/N: These chapters are short because I want to get through the beginning of this so I can do my takes on the parts I have ideas for. So please don't expect much this early on.)