
Of adventures

When he reached the underworld through the portal, he went to a room, it was the same place where he was the last time he came.

His gaze traveled the place, it was exactly like the last time he saw her, except that this time Misla Bael was not in the room.

He was going to take a step forward but felt an incoming attack, instinctively ducked his head, dodging a sword that wanted to cut his head off.

Actually ... It did not matter if he dodged it or not, only that was his instinctive reaction.

He saw his attacker, he was a blond man .. Liban?

Behind him were two other people, he knew who they were.

Coriana Andrealphus and Misteeta Sabnock

Liban: "Who are you?"

Yukio: "Would it not be better to ask me before attacking me?" he answered with a curious voice.

Liban: "I asked you something, did not you hear?"

He looked at him and smiled "Me too ... Are we at hand?"

Liban pointed his sword at Yukio while releasing some of his aura. "If you do not answer in five seconds, I will not hesitate to attack!"

He looked at him curiously "Yes? ... That will not happen"

Before Liban could react, he was in front of him, he raised his fist and hit him hard in the stomach.

To his surprise, Liban shot through the wall like a cannonball ...

Think of the interior: -... Definitely, use a lot of force ...-

He could feel a magical increase in the room, he fixed his gaze on the two remaining people.

The first attack was a pillar of ice, he really did not pay attention, just blew a breath of air from his mouth.

Anyone would think that he was just sighing, but in reality, if you saw it well, it would look like black smoke came out of his mouth.

Before the ice reached him, it became water that fell to the ground.

Coriana: "What!?"

As for the second attack, it was a fire projectile, which completely hit his body.


Misteeta: "Eh?" The sound was something different from what would be an explosion, it was more like ... Wet?

When they saw the scene in their eyes, they felt that they were in a bad dream.

Well, she did not even burn part of his clothes, he was absolutely fine.

Yukio: "Can you stop doing that? It's useless ... Woah!" He did not finish his words, a purple fire surrounded him and then some strange symbols appeared on his body.

Misteeta: "Torikku Banisshu!" She called out the name of her Sacred Gear's ability "Coriana attack now!"

Coriana: "You do not have to tell me!" She began to gather mana around her palms where soon a large ice spear appeared and said: "Take this!"

She threw it at the maximum force that she could put together.

Yukio looked at her and then smiled "I have to decline."

Misteeta had a look of horror when she saw that the marks disappeared from his body as if nothing had happened.

He raised his hand towards the incoming attack and on his finger, a dark aura appeared, the spear crashed and broke into pieces.

Both present people recoiled with fear.

Yukio: "Do not waste your and more important my time, go to Sairaorg and tell him I'm here?" He said seriously, he really wanted to do this fast.

Since what happened yesterday with Shuri, he had realized that he was missing important things in his life.

He had been doing things very anxiously without taking breaks ...

He wanted to spend more time with his loved ones, maybe spend more time with his women.

As for little Rias, he will go for her the day of her wedding, first to announce that from now on she will be his wife and second to present himself before the factions.

-Present all the Gotei 13, and show our strength, we will change this world!-

He also sent a gift to Rias with Kuroka, she should have received it.

He will also visit his parents ... It will be difficult, but he knew he could do it.

He was going to tell them all about the supernatural and let them enter his dimension so they can rest assured.

While thinking about things ahead ...


Coriana: "Hey ... Is this guy not very strong?"

Misteeta rolled her eyes: "Wow, thanks for telling me that I had not realized ... We better call for our leader."

Coriana grimaced but nodded and they were thinking of leaving, but they saw Liban coming back through the hole in the wall.

Liban: "Damn, you'll pay for that!" His eyes lit up in golden color "Gravity jail!" he cried out the name of his skill.

Coriana and Misteeta knew that skill and felt they could win now, but those hopes were gone when they looked at Yukio, the place where he was standing on was completely destroyed but he was still standing there as if it did not matter.


Yukio: "This ability is... Pretty" He said his sincere thoughts, if someone did not train with the gravity it would be very disadvantageous "But if you continue like this you will break this room and blame me"

He vanished from the place where he was standing, Liban was afraid when suddenly he was right in front of him"How about you greet the birds?"

He smiled and hit him with the palm of his hand on his chest.

* PAF! *

A loud bang resounded and he flew out the window to who knows where.

He controlled his strength this time, he would not kill him but he would leave him unconscious for a while.

Turning his gaze to the two people in the room.

Yukio: "As for you, call Sairaorg and tell him to stop wasting my time."

Without more words they ran out of the room with fear, he could only sigh at their behavior.

--- Pov Kuisha Abaddon

Today I went to collect information about the so-called Gotei 13. Since Sairaorg my leader accepted the offer of that young man named Agarus, I was looking for something about them.

But there was almost nothing, just what happened years ago and a rumor about taking two fallen angels as prisoners.

That information was filtered by the current King Lucifer, who is also looking for information about these people.

Kuisha: "* Sigh * ... This is pretty annoying!" I said in frustration as I walked towards the house where Sairaorg lived.

Before arriving I felt an attack, I jumped to one side dodging.


Two blows sounded and the smoke spread all over the place, I put myself in a battle position but nothing happened.

I looked everywhere and then approached the place where I could see something quite new.

Kuisha: "Liban? ..."

--- Minutes later with Yukio.

Sairaorg: "Then let me see if I understand ... If I do this repeatedly I can increase the mana in my body, right?"

Yukio: "For the fifth time ... Do I have to explain to you with drawings? Just start" he said irritably.

Sairaorg had a complaining expression but nodded, sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes.

He was sitting on a rock away from the place while looking at him.

From a distance Yukio could see Misteeta next to Coriana who looked at him with a strange expression, he just smiled at them.

Misteeta continued looking at him but Coriana looked away.

Yukio: "Who sent them to attack and not to ask," he said and laughed a bit about their behavior.

???: "Strong words from the man who destroyed my room". Then he heard a voice coming from behind.

He turned to see a beautiful woman, who had brown hair and beautiful purple eyes, she was Misla Bael.

Yukio: "About that ... I do not have words to say ... Do you blame me?" He said helplessly, it was true without wanting to he destroyed almost all of her room.

Misla smiled and said: "No, I do not blame you." She raised her hand with a cup. "Tea?"

He took the cup from her hand and drank a little.

Yukio: "Wow, it's quite delicious."

Misla smiled and sat next to him "Thank you very much for your praise."

He looked at her and just nodded while watching Sairaorg.

Misla: "Can I ask something?"

Yukio: "I guess."

Misla: "Why are you doing this for my son?"

He looked at this woman a moment before answering "Actually I won´t lie to you, I want an ally, someone who is with my team without problems and who I have not to fear to betray me. Sairaorg is a guy who looks for strength but has respect for his rival, I know that with him this problem will not happen "

Misla looked at him and then nodded.

Misla: "But ... We are no longer related to the Baels" She said in a low voice.

Yukio sighed and raised his hand creating a sphere of <Destruction> "I know you think I come from the Bael family, but if you notice this you will know that it is not like that"

Misla did not understand but soon her eyes widened, this looked like the typical <Destruction> but she had felt something else, a feeling told her that it was different. To prove her point she created an equal sphere of her own power.

Misla: "It's amazing ..." She spoke softly when she realized that his <Destruction> seemed to be capable of destroying anything, while the one she held in her hands seemed simple in comparison, she fixed her eyes on his hands. Do you really not plan on doing anything against us? " She said in a serious tone.

He smiled at her "No, like I said I want an ally, Sairaorg seems to be a good choice, that's all."

Misla nodded and smiled, they both took their tea in silence.

When he finished his tea, he set his sights on Misla, she was described in the series as a kind woman.

He saw that she cared for her son.

Yukio: "You should not worry, he is strong, also nothing will happen" He assured her, she looked at him and nodded "Well, it's time for me to go," he said and got up from the rock.

Yukio: "Hey, Sairaorg, it's better that you try on your suit soon, in a few days we'll show us before the factions."

Sairaorg who was concentrating suddenly choked "W-wait, what, are we going to introduce ourselves?"

Yukio: "Sure, what did you think, that we would live in the shadows? That's not my style, thanks." He smiled.

Sairaorg had a complex look but then he just nodded "Understood ... Boss"

Misla looked at both of us and smiled when she realized that we looked like friends.

Yukio made the expression of a cut with his finger and soon a black portal appeared. "I'll visit you later when I return, I'll bring someone to show you the body skills," he said and went into the portal disappearing from the place.

Both presents watched his departure, Sairaorg sighed "I can´t get used to such an exaggerated ability ..." He said smiling bitterly.

Misla looked at him and nodded, then headed towards the house, when she was walking she saw a Kuisha with an expression of anger.


--- Somewhere in the dimensional gap

Yukio gaze traveled through this place, how to say that it could not be called home, it was totally empty ...

Yukio: "I do not understand how Ophis could want to live here, it's pretty lonely" He sighed and then focused his eyes "Hey, Ophis come play! Let's go adventure!" He said out loud, though it was more of a mental message.

While waiting for Ophis, he decided to spend some time in this place, increasing his <Magical Perception>, he could perceive some presences.

Even the so-called Great Red, did not want to meet that strange guy.

He also felt one that came in his direction, he recognized it as Ophis, there were others much more distant.

Yukio: "What happens if I make some visits?" He rubbed his hands, but soon felt Ophis getting closer "Well, I'll leave it for later."

Without waiting long, a little girl appeared in front of him, it was Ophis who, to my surprise, still wore the Ereshkigal costume (Stage 3)

Yukio: "Well, first we go for the girls," he said and a white door opened, he made the sign to enter but ... "Why are you holding my hand?"

Ophis did not answer and just looked at him, he could only shrug his shoulders "Anyway, let's go"

They both went directly to the portal that was connecting to his dimension.

Editor: maave