
Enemies (2)

Edited by: Theking13

The situation had immediately changed something that took Blue by surprise

But then he smiled as if this event did not matter "Who are we? What bad manners ... Could not you introduce yourself first?"

Clearly, he was making fun of Kalawarner, the other three also laughed with disdain as they surrounded Kalawarner in a circle

Kalawarner was standing right in front of Shuri and the woman Himejima, it was obvious that they had been cornered

Anyone would think that simply escape to heaven would be enough, but it was clear that if they tried to fly they would die without understanding how ...


That was because these four men were powerful and were also waiting for the moment they flew to kill them at three o'clock.

Kalawarner: "Why are you trying to attack the Himejima clan? ... Who are you? Do not you understand that this could break the balance?"

Blue: "Hoho ... Balance? That's interesting, but I do not really care ... As for who we are, you could call us your murderers"

He started to laugh while gesturing with his hands, it was obvious that he did not put Kalawarner in his eyes

Kalawarner realized this, but it did not bother her, she was rather trying to feel the power of these men

Black: "What are you doing talking to her? We do not have time for this"

Blue: "Tsk! ..." He put on an expression of disgust "You really do not appreciate the art of communicating with the enemy, but well ... Tell me, girl, do you know where I can find the leader of this place?"

Kalawarner: "Leader? ... Why are you looking for the faction leader?"

Blue: "About that, I can not tell you, or good if I can but I do not want hehe, as it now just tells me where you are and you can go"

Kalawarner: "Well ... If you are looking for the leader of this place, I would not mind giving it to you, but first we should reach an agreement"

Shuri: "Kalawarner ..." She was very confused by the words of Kalawarner

Kalawarner anticipated this and made a gesture to Shuri to stop talking, it was obvious that he would never hand over Suzaku, she just wanted information and have an opportunity to send a signal of help to the other Guardians

Blue was about to answer, but 'White' was ahead

White: "Enough, we do not have time for these games ... We only have fifteen minutes before the Guardian is alerted"

Black: "Shit ..."

The others also felt anxious and decided that it was better to hurry

Blue: "Yellow, take care of finding the presence of the person we are looking for, for now we will make a disaster here"

Yellow nodded and closed his eyes trying to feel the presence he was looking for, while others began to walk towards Kalawarner

Blue: "It's sad, but you'll die when you could have gone"

Kalawarner: "Do you think?"

Black: "Yes!"

Just when Kalawarner wanted to reproach, Black had appeared at his side

The fist of 'Black', was aimed right at the face of Kalawarner, she immediately took a turn managing to dodge and began to attack



The moment the fists began to collide with each other, the air was shaken intensely

They were just normal hits, but everything was very different for the spectators.

They were totally ten hits per second!

Not only that, the strength of each blow created waves that seemed to destroy the floor where they were standing

But clearly this battle was not fair, because at the moment when Kalawarner was fighting against 'Black'

Blue had sent a powerful kick to the chest of Kalawarner

She extended her hands and managed to stop the kick, but Black hit a hard blow on her stomach

Kalawarner: "Ugh!" She had to go back two steps

'Blue' appeared right on his back and hit hard

Kalawarner was thrown forward, at that moment Black wrapped his hand with a dark aura and stabbed him towards the heart of Kalawarner

She knew that this was a problem, she immediately moved her body in a flexible way

His hands touched the floor and with impulse, he threw himself over, only with that he could dodge Black's attack

But she did not stop there

Kalawarner: "Needle rain!" She spread her two hands as if it were a hug

But it was not like that ... Immediately on his back appeared two pairs of wings

Its feathers moved and fired at an amazing speed

Black: "Go ¡Blue!"

Blue: "I have it! Shield Flash!"

A spherical shield was created just above Black, the feathers started to rain

Tin Tin Tin

The sound was like thousands of needles hit the metal, the skill lasted about five seconds

The floor was full of black feathers stuck, it was a murderous move!

Unfortunately 'Blue' was too good at defense

Kalawarner: "Tsk!"

The moment the skill ended, Black ran out of the shield as he raised his hand as if it were a blade

Black: "My turn! Slash Decaid!"

In an instant, an arc similar to a dark blade came flying from the hand of 'Black'

The blade traveled at a speed impossible to see with ordinary eyes, Kalawarner felt nervous and covered her wings

Kalawarner: "Extend Wings!" Her movements were quick, she had trained a lot

She had been trained by Kuroka, the best way to use her power and, above all, new skills that she had never heard came to her

That's why he did not get scared


The blade hit the black wings, but the sound of water had sounded


It was for something quite lucky


'Black' raised his hand and held a heel that fell just above his head

He could not help but stagger back and release the heel of the person who hit him

His right arm seemed severely damaged, his hand was even bleeding

"Wings Storm" The person who attacked 'Black' previously let out a scream and four pairs of wings came out of his back

The feathers fluttered and went flying as they formed a tornado

Black: "BLUEEE!" He quickly shouted at his partner

Blue on the other hand immediately ran towards him to protect him "Shield B-"


He could not even finish naming his skill when a palm hit him right in his head

His body went flying a few meters while it rotated in the air

Meanwhile 'Black' found himself with the tornado of feathers that seemed to swallow him

Kalawarner who had hit Blue just in a time released a sigh, she felt immediately happy as she watched a woman floating in the air

Kalawarner: "You know ... If you had come from the beginning it would be better"

Raynare: "... At least you appreciate that I came, leaving that aside ... Who are these people?"

Kalawarner: "I really have no idea, but that guy from there has not even moved until now"

Raynare: "Who?" She looked at the place to notice 'White' standing with his hands on his back with a calm expression "That guy looks weird"

Both women also had that feeling, see their allies fight and not move a finger

Either that guy was not for battles or he really was strong enough to have such arrogance

Leaving that aside, a dark body suddenly came flying from the air


The floor was broken while 'Black' was kneeling, his two arms were ripped off and his body was full of huge wounds

Blood flowed from his body like a waterfall

Black: "Kugh ... Arghh !! ... Damn!" He could not help but scream with rage

This is supposed to be easy, enter and kidnap the Abyssal Dragon family

But before they could even get to know one of them, they were being defeated right now

Blue also thought the same, got up from the floor and looked seriously at his two enemies

Decided that this should end now, let out a sigh and rose in the air

Blue: "Unfortunately I wanted to save it for later, but it is better to move now, White I leave everything else in charge"

White seemed to know what was happening and nodded as he stood next to Amarillo

Kalawarner and Raynare got a little nervous, she got in front of Shuri

Shuri was somewhat pale, but she held the woman in her embrace

She was looking forward to Yukio being here, it was like that year where her husband did not come to rescue her in time ...

But strangely she did not feel alone ... She did not feel abandoned by her husband

It was as if she felt that her beloved husband was close to her, instantly she noticed

His 'Mark', his symbol of being a wife was shining in dim gold

She did not know why ... But she felt calm

Instead, his enemies did not notice anything abnormal, Blue was in the air and closed his eyes before he spoke

Blue: "I am Blue, name given by my Master and at this moment I am about to release my seal ... The dark moon is a rebirth!"

His words were strange to Kalawarner and Raynare, but instantly before their faces something strange

'Blue' began to change shape, her body began to grow up to two meters and her skin tone turned blue completely

Blue eyes and long blue hair while gaining muscles, a powerful aura began to emanate from him

Kalawarner could feel that the power presented by 'Blue' definitely surpassed them

Kalawarner: "Raynare ... Take Shuri-sama and escape from this place"

Raynare: "What? Are you crazy?"

Shuri: "Wait, Kalawarner-san, I can not leave you behind I do not think it's ..."

Kalawarne immediately cut her off "I'm sorry Shuri-sama, I know what you want to say, but if you get hurt, it will be a big problem ... Just escape and you can tell the others that will be enough"

Shuri: "No ... I can not leave like this"

Kalawarner: "... Raynare, please take yourself ... Suzaku-san is inside the residence ... Apparently this unconscious please take it and return to the base"

Raynare bit her lip, she could not accept this

She did not want to leave her best friend this way, but she knew it was important to put Shuri in safety

Raynare: "Kalawarner ... I .."

Kalawarner: "No need ... Just go now"

Raynare nodded, she took Shuri and the woman in her arms

Shuri: "No, no no! We can not leave!" She tried to resist

She did not want to leave Kalawarner in this situation, she regretted being weak, she could not accept such a thing now

Raynare bit her lip and started running, she wanted to run faster and be able to report all this

With that hope, she wanted others to come help and save her friend

Kalawarner closed her eyes and breathed, she knew that she would not live anymore ...

Kalawarner: "My king ..." She spoke in a low voice before reaching out her hand and a spear was created

'Blue' looked at those who escaped with a sinister smile "Wow ... There are those who want to retire from the party very soon, unfortunately, I will not let them go"

He raised his hand and pointed it at Raynare who ran

A blue sphere was created immediately and went off


It was too fast and was going to hit Raynare's back


But suddenly it was cut in half



The explosion resonated from the two halves, meanwhile, Kalawarner was floating in the air with a spear in his hands

Kalawarner: "Your enemy is me ... Do you dare?"

Blue smiled while nodding "Well, then come, but as for your friends haha, they will die! White now!"

White who had been standing all the time mysteriously disappeared

Kalawarner was shocked by the sudden speed of 'white'

She reacted somewhat slowly, but looked towards Raynare before shouting "Look out!"

But it was very late!


A hand had pierced Raynare's stomach

She had her eyes wide open as her legs weakened, unwillingly releasing Shuri and the woman who fell to the ground

Raynare: "Argh!" She vomited some blood as she staggered and her knees touched the floor

She had a hole in his stomach, the blood that came out of it was pretty

Shuri: "Raynare!" She ran to Raynare while taking out a green pill

The pill was swallowed by Raynare, she seemed to recover a little

The wound in her stomach was also healing, but clearly, a single blow made her so weak

This showed the terrifying strength of 'White'!

Blue: "See ?!"

Kalawarner: "You bastard!" She retreated immediately, her duty was to protect Shuri

She tries to attack White, but the spear was taken by 'White' with one hand as if it were a children's game

White: "You are annoying, already die"

He moved his arm and launched Kalawarner towards Shuri

Now everything went back to the beginning, they were surrounded!

Raynare: "L-I'm sorry Kalawarner ..."

Kalawarner: "No, you must not apologize, you did what you could if someone has to ask for forgiveness, it's me ... I could not defend you and neither did you Shuri-sama"

She had a serious expression while looking anxious

But contrary to his thoughts, Shuri smiled gently and took his hand

Shuri: "You should not apologize ... You did what you could and I appreciate that, even if I die now it's not a big deal ..." She was acting very mature

Defiant and without cowardice!

Even so, Kalawarner could see Shuri's tremor, well anyone would be afraid of dying

But Shuri really was not afraid to die, actually, she was shaking because she wanted to cry

Die? What a joke ... She did not want to leave this world now, she wanted to live with her daughter ... She wanted to be with her friends ... And ... She wanted to live peacefully with her husband

Kalawarner saw Shuri's expression of pain and felt very bad, but she held her Queen's hand tightly.

Kalawarner: "... Thanks"

Shuri: "It's not a big deal ..." She smiled "I'm sorry I made you come with you, you would be fine if you had not come"

At these words, Kalawarner just shook his head and looked towards the front

The woman on the floor and Raynare just smiled helplessly, for them to die was not a big deal

The woman was happy that her son was not going to suffer, while Raynare would die with her best friend ... No problems

Blue: "What beautiful words ... I get excited, but it's not the time for it, eliminate them White"

White raised his palm and released a slight power "Wind"

The moment he uttered his words the wind began to move irregularly

Many blades were formed and fired




The blades were endless and the sound reasoned the air

It was like a wind dragon, and the blades his teeth all went to swallow Shuri and company

As if that were not enough, Blue even threw four explosive spheres in his direction

With two combined attacks, it was impossible to live

They were clear ... They were going to die today ...

Fear, pain, and sadness were in their faces ... It was unfortunate that they died but they knew that there was no hope

But just when the attack was about to hit 'Yellow' cry hysterically

Yellow: "Stop!" Although he shouted with all his might ... It was too late






A thunderous explosive sound resonated, the blades flew between the explosions

Everything began to shake, the air stirred and the residence Himejima trembled uncontrollably

White: "What's wrong?" He asked in a worried way when I look at Yellow

Yellow: "... That woman ... She was the presence we were looking for ... And it was absolutely very important"

Blue: "Shit ... It does not really matter, we can only go for another, after all, did not you say there were four? then there are three left"

White also thought the same

But Yellow shook his head "Actually ... That woman was more important than the others"

Blue: "I do not understand"

White: "Stop walking around the branches, explain yourself"

Yellow nodded "In that woman, I felt the aura of the Abysmal Dragon ... But he could also feel something else"

Blue: "Aja?"

Yellow: "... Abysmal power" He stopped and then smiled helplessly "That woman ... I was pregnant with the Abyssal Dragon"

They were paralyzed, what did that mean?

It meant that they lost an excellent opportunity, if they had taken that woman as a hostage they could persist the Abysmal Dragon with the life of a son who was about to be born

Not only that, they could even take that son to his teacher Pegasus and get greater rewards

What did the Abyssal Dragon's son mean?

It meant having his power! It would be incredible if such power were united in their ranks

White: "How unfortunate ... If only you had said it before"

Blue: "I do not understand ... Why did you last so long to find out his whereabouts?"

Yellow: "Actually it cost me ... There was something protecting it, I could only feel it when you attacked it ..."

The three looked at each other confused, but sighed and decided to move away

They had to temporarily leave this world after all the Guardian of the dimensions should be on the walk towards here

But before they took a step something incredible happened

Push !!

Just where the explosion had occurred, the dust dispersed and a huge pillar covered everything

A pillar of golden light was covering the entire site and its height reached the clouds!

There was a huge black dragon surrounding the pillar, and a symbol was floating in the air in the four parts of the golden pillar

The three swallowed as they looked at Shuri inside the pillar

His 'Mark' was activated!