
A new life in a new world

Apparently, I died while helping an old woman cross the road the old woman crossed the road but not me I died and then reincarnated into a world of magic.

Megatrix123 · Fantasia
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A New Life In A New World

This book is my original piece I have Also Released this book on the website Wattpad under the Username megatrix123 so If you can please go there and vote my book there without further ado let's start the book


I wonder how I ended up in a royal-looking room on a bed with people who looked like servants worrying about me.








Hi, my name is Asher. One morning I was helping an old woman cross a road because, because I'm a kind person, she made it through the road but not me. A truck hit me. As I lay on the street, waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I couldn't help but think about how my life had led me to this moment. I was always a bit of a loner, never really having many friends or family to speak of. My parents had passed away when I was young, and I had been living on my own ever since. I had no siblings and no real connections to anyone or anything. I had always felt like a bit of a ghost, floating through life unnoticed and unremarkable.

But despite all of that, I had always tried to do good wherever I could. I had helped out at local charities and volunteered my time and services whenever possible. It was a small way of making a difference in a world that seemed indifferent to me. And so, when I saw the old woman struggling to cross the road, I didn't hesitate. I ran out into the traffic, ignoring the honking cars and screeching tires, and helped her safely to the other side.

It was a small act of kindness, but it would end up costing me my life. As I was crossing back across the road, a truck came speeding around the corner and struck me with a deafening crash. I remember feeling a sharp pain, followed by a strange sensation of weightlessness. And then, everything went black.

When I came, I was lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and nurses frantically working on me. They told me that I had suffered severe injuries, including internal bleeding and organ damage. I was in shock, unable to fully comprehend what was happening. But as the days passed and my condition stabilized, the reality of my situation began to sink in.

The doctors told me that I wouldn't be able to recover fully. Even with surgery, there was a high chance that I wouldn't survive. And even if I did, I would likely be left with significant disabilities. It was a lot to take in, but strangely, I found myself feeling almost relieved. Weirdly, it was almost a blessing. I had lived my whole life without much purpose or direction. Now, I had a chance to rest and finally let go of the burdens and struggles that had weighed me down for so long.

And yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, some doctors tried to save me, but I think they said something like surgery failed, so I was going to die.

not that it made any difference. I didn't have anything here; my parents died when I was young. There were no siblings, no fame, no name, nothing, so this wasn't that bad, and that was the last thing I remembered.








Now I'm in a golden-looking room on a king-sized bed with a blanket over me." What did I even do to let me stay in this luxury room? The room had a lot of stuff: a bed, a table, and a mirror. The mirror was so clean and clear that it almost looked magical.

I kept looking at it, then "Ah! What's that kid in the mirror? The kid had aqua-blue hair and sapphire eyes. I moved my hand, and the reflection followed.

I moved my legs, and the reflection followed. Ah, I freaked out. Who is that kid? I ran in circles around the bed, and then I jumped off of the bed, realizing that the kid in the mirror was asking, "Is that me?

No, no, no. How is this possible? Let's get this straight. I was supposed to die, wasn't I? So how am I alive, and why am I a kid right now? The door squeaked open, and a woman dressed in clothes that made her look like she was a queen came in. She gasped and ran over to me, "Oh, you're okay, my son, you're okay.

wait what? She is calling me her son. What does she mean by that? She hugged me tightly. "Stop it! can't br-breath i N-nee-d a-ir! I tried to catch my breath after the women stopped hugging me.

"Oh, sorry, son, I'm just so glad that you are okay. I couldn't understand anything that was happening before I could piece anything together. The woman went in for another hug. I can't breathe. Stop it!

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm just too happy to contain myself." Was she going to suffocate me or something? Just as I thought it was over, she was going for round 3. Oh no, please no!

I tried to push the woman away, but she wouldn't let go. She was crying and laughing at the same time, and her tears were dripping onto my face. I couldn't breathe, and I started to panic. I tried to struggle, but she was too strong.

"Mom, stop!" I shouted, hoping that she would listen. "I can't breathe! You're suffocating me!"

But she didn't seem to hear me. She just kept hugging me tighter and tighter, like she was trying to crush me. My vision started to blur, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

Just when I thought it was all over for me, the woman finally released her grasp. I collapsed onto the bed, gasping for air. My chest hurt, and I felt like I was going to throw up.

The woman stood over me, her face still wet with tears. "Oh, my baby," she whispered. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

That's it, stop! I shouted straight at her face. I glared at her and asked, Who are you? And why are you trying to suffocate me?

The woman looked taken aback by my question. Her face turned pale. She looked behind her shoulder and shouted, Maid, come, he is awake. I could tell she came in running because she was gasping for breath.

"Yes, Mam, she asked the woman who had just hugged me, "his memos were lost. The maid panicked and yelled, Oh no! We need to call a doctor; maybe he has a fever. Stop! it

I yelled at everyone, Stop it! Now tell me, who are you? The woman and the maid settled down. The woman who was hugging me said, "I'm your mom, and she's the maid. One of the maids asked, Do you remember anything? Her voice was almost soothing to the ears. I started piecing the puzzle together in my brain. Wait, have I been reincarnated?

The woman hesitated, looking unsure of how to answer. "You've been through a lot, son," she said slowly. "You've been in a coma for several weeks. Do you remember anything?"

I frowned, trying to think. Something was nagging at the back of my mind, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "I don't know," I admitted. "Everything seems kind of foggy."

The woman nodded sympathetically. "It's okay. It takes time to adjust. But you're safe now. You're home."

Home? I thought skeptically. They didn't feel like any home I had ever known. But before I could say anything else, the door burst open, and a group of people rushed in.

One of them was a young girl, maybe around 7; she was dressed in a simple but elegant dress. She had a kind face, and she looked worried.

She rushed to my bed. "Are you okay? She asked me like she had known me since I was born. The woman who claimed to be my mother looked at her. Lily, your brother's memories are lost. The girl gasped with shock all over her face.

"We need to get a doctor," she said, her face looking very frightened. I spoke up for myself; everyone stopped it. I don't need any doctors. Maybe I'll just try to remember everything.

Just tell me who I am and who you guys are. The girl looked at me and spoke up: "This is your mom, I'm your sister, and our dad is the duke, but he's out of town right now.

My name is Lily; I'm your older sister, and our mom's name is Sophia. Do you remember anything now? I didn't remember anything; all I knew was that I had reincarnated. I acted as if I remembered a lot of things now, so they calmed down a bit. Oh yeah, I remember everything now," they released a sigh of relief. "I just forgot things momentarily.

I tried faking everything so there wasn't a massacre and tried to understand his surroundings slowly. "My mom looked at me well. I think you might need food you haven't eaten for a week. She looked over to the maid for a second before speaking up.

"Mad, go get some hot soup for him." The maid made a determined face, almost like she was going to do an impossible task.

She rushed outside of the room to make my soup. After a few minutes, she came into the room with the soup. I thought she was going to hand it to me, but she gave it to my mother, who picked up the spoon and said, Come on, open your mouth."

what?! Is she going to feed me? I might be a kid right now, but I have the mind of a 16-year-old, and I'm not going to get fed by someone else. I can eat myself. My mom looked at me, surprised. I've never heard that a 2-year-old will eat a bowl of soup himself.

Now open up your mouth; she was seriously going to feed me!

Just as I was about to complain, my stomach growled. I was very hungry, and something just told me that this woman who was going to be my mother was not going to listen to me, so I opened my mouth forcefully, and she fed me the soup.

After finishing the soup, she smiled and asked me, "How was the soup? I stutteringly said the food was good and tasty. It was hard to speak because I was a 2-year-old, but I could speak, so that's great. I can't imagine being in this world and not being able to speak.

Okay, then, if you've eaten, now go to sleep. She picked me up and started singing a lullaby twinkle. "No stop! Stop! I don't want to go to sleep!

She didn't quit till I fell asleep, but I asked her a lot of stuff, and now I understand my situation. First of all, my name is Ember Celeste. I'm the first son of the Duke, and I'm a little kid, specifically 2 years old, which is just not okay. My dad's name is Alexander, and my mom's name is Sarah, but I have a bigger sister, Lilly, who is a 5-year-old, meaning she is 3 years older than me. And last but not least, the most epic thing in this world is magic! here and adventures!!!

That is the only good thing that has ever happened to me. Every day, the maid came into my room and taught me all these things. She even showed me maps and a lot of things about the world.

"There are four countries in this world," the maid said.

"4 countries?"

"Yes, for countries, each country has one race. Take our country, for example. Our country's name is Eldrida; this is the only country where humans live."

I couldn't believe what was happening right now.

"There are five countries here: the following," she said while pointing to the map.

Eldrida is a kingdom of humans known for their magical prowess.

Levania = Elf's where all of the elves live

Darkonia is where dragons live.

Khazad-dûm: A vast underground realm inhabited by dwarves

I stood there, mouth agape, as I took in the incredible scene before me. Dragons, elves, and dwarves—it was like something straight out of a fantasy novel. I couldn't believe that this was my new reality.

I had always considered myself a good person, someone who tried to help others whenever I could. But I had never expected anything like this in return. I had saved a few people from dangerous situations, gave money to charity, and volunteered my time when I could. But this? This was something else entirely.

The maid looked at me and spoke up.

"That's not it; there are even monsters."


I was very excited.

"Don't worry, there are adventurers who defeat them for us."


"I want to use magic too!" I mumbled while stuttering.

This was epic! 

Hello, readers Thank you so much for reading my book I would be very grateful if you read my books and so now I will tell you that I published this book on a website called Wattpad If you can please go and Vote my book there Thank you and bye.

Word count: 2084

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