
A problem with the Phenex

Riser : A pleasure ? I will show you what real pleasure is . ( He said while creating a ball o flames in his hands ) hope that you are ready for some pain , you prick !! ( And then started to laugh like a Mad Man )

Seeing the ball being created in Riser hand , Itachi just pushed Rias to the side and stayed there waiting for the impact , a few seconds later Riser released the flame ball , but Itachi ... he simply stayed until the ball hitted him , he was covered in flames , his body could not be seen anymore . Rias was shocked she couldn't talk or move , her eyes wide in horror .. was he really gone ? It can't be .. she was only shaked from her trance when Riser started to laug ( Like a hyena if you wish to know )

Riser : I can't belive this HAHAHAHA , just from a simple attack , this stupid boi was really thinking that he has a chance against me ? HAHAHAHA !! This is the boy that is supposed to be a prodigy ? They must to be kiddd----

But he couldn't talk anymore , his mouth got stomped by a foot .. his eyes widened in shock because it was Itachi foot , he was fine and without the slightiest burn mark , the next second in the corridor could be heard only a loud crack


Lord Gremory : What was that ?!!

A guard : We don't know my lord , we would investigate right at this moment ( He bowed his head and then left the room with the rest of the guards )

Lady Gremory : Where is Rias ?

Lord Phenex : She is with my son , i'm sure they are all right .. my son is a competent Devil , he would protect her no matter what .

Lady Gremory : I will go to look after them ( She said while she raised from he chair , walking towards the door she felt someone behind her , it was Lady Phenex .. most likely she wanted to go to see of her son well being )

In the corridor shouts and screaming could be heard , when they got there they could see the guards in a circle . Itachi with Rias in the center , all of their spears where positioned right to Itachi neck , she didn't understand what was happening until she heard the screams of Lady Phenex , she was her running to a shadow figure , after she got a better look her eyes widened understanding who the figure was . Riser Phenex the third son of the Phenex Family after his elder brother and an unnamed second older brother. He is the youngest son of Lord Phenex and Lady Phenex .. he was bruiesd .. most likely beaten , she looked more around the room until she stopped ... her eyes got the sight of the wall .. the wall got imprinted the form of the young poor boy on it .. he was bleeding a bit from the head but in rest , from what she could tell he was only passed out .. thanks the Maou for that .. still it was pretty bad and from the hostility of the guards towards some little devil , she knew who was the culprit .

Venelana : What is this madness ?!! ( She screamed loud and clear , her tone one of authority )

RIas : Mom ! ( She said running in her mother embrance , starting to cry )

Venelana : What is the meaning of this ? Showing the spears to the children ? Being Hostile Towards them ? ( She was angry , a mother scared for her child was not one to be trepassed )

Guard : I'm sorry my lady but Itachi Uchika attacked the young Lord Phenex , this is a crime for a low born to attack a noble son .. especially one coming from pure blood family

Lady Phenex : How dare you attack my son like that ? I want him in the red cells he shall pay for this ! ( She said with a rage and sending a fiercy glare to Itachi .. who did nothing by the way , just staying there with a stoic face , thinking when she would finish with her outrage so he could explain his reason )

??? - What's happening here ( was heard a voice coming from the other side of the corridor )

They could see Sirzechs Lucifer with his maid Grayfia Lucifuge , his father Zeoticus Gremory , Lord Phenex and Itachi parents coming hurry . Lord Phenex quickly runed to his son who was still unconcious , Itachi Parents runs to his side .. his mother embracing him , while Lord Zeoticus with his son and Grayfia got by his wife and daughter side .

Sirzech : What's this ?!

Guard : I'm sorry great Maou , but the young lord of Phenex family got attacked by Itachi Uchika ( The guard said with a bow , leaving anyone who was not present with their mouth agape especially Itachi parents who looked towards their son )

Zeoticus : Itachi , is this true ? ( He said with a concerned look )

Itachi : Yes ( With a stoic face and a nonchalant voice )

Kenji : But .. my son .. w-whh... ( but he could not said anything flames started to erupt from the place , everyone changed their eyes direction towards Phenex Lord )

He was angry .. his eyes were dangerous , fire could be seen in them .. Riser was weak Itachi knew that but with Lord Phenex was another problem .. the man was the head of a great noble house .. and with his actual body .. he could not fight him still he was not worried at all , he knew that it would not escalade in a full fight . They were in the Gremory estate and that would mean problems .. he could feel his mother grip becoming more harder , he could see his father going in front of him in a protective manner..

Lord Phenex : YOU !! You shall pay for this boi , no one is spitting on my family name and get away with it ! ( He said while creating a big ball of flame .. much more bigger than his son , and Itachi could feel that this was not even his full power ..)

Zeoticus : Lord Phenex i think you should calm yourself , you are all in my house after all . ( His tone was strict and he was leaving no room for argument .. but this chickens ... )

Lady Phenex : So you are simply going to let him go away ? Just like that ? I know of the love you have for you servants Zeoticus .. but he made my boy bleed .. he would pay for this

Zeoticus : I never said that he would escape , like nothing happened .. but is my House and no one would figh-- ( But he was interupted when Lord Phenex sended his ball towards Itachi Family , it hitted them ... hard . Flames got in the room , the gremory family used Magic Shields Barriers to protect themselvs . They looked at the flames until they was them being ... absorbed ?

Kenji : That was not verry nice of your Lord Phenex .. trying to harm my son and wife .. i'm afraid i can't let that pass so easily ( Adark aura started to conjure the room , his eyes glaring daggers at the phenex family , just after he said that, he created a dark purple magic cyrcle bigger than Itachi ever saw , from what he knew his father was a controller of dark magic , even if he was the one in command of butlers and maids ... i war would ever come the the underworld his father was one of Gremory Army Commanders .)

Lord Phenex : Trying to play the hero in the eyes of the family , how foolish , still .. i did not expect for you to block that attack of my mine , seems that i should have play more serious this time ( Creating a whip made of fire , dangerous weapon ... especially that their flames were not mere flames , but Phenex flames , they were burning much more hoter and were much more dangerous than normal ones )

Just before they could attack eachother a voice was heard , and both their attacks were anullated .

Sirzechs : That is enough !!! Both of you shall stay your grounds , have i made myself understood ?!!! ( His voice left no room for argument , both of them nodded and stayed their ground )

Sirzech : Good , Grayfia please attend to the young lord wounds .. it seemd that his body cannot heal itself , we would go to the guest room and wait there until he wakes up , then we would listen to what they have to said .

Grayfia : Of course Lucifer-sama ( And she dissapeared with Riser and his family )

Sirzechs : I hope that you have a good explenation .. both of you ( He said with a serious tone , but then changed it with an assuring smile )

Two Hours Later - Guest Room

They all gathered in the Guest Room . Gremory family with Itachi Parents in a part of the big table , Phenex family in the other part , Itachi with Rias and Riser who was no awake stayed in the center of the room , waiting to be questioned .. or interogate .. and Sirzechs at the head of the table with his wife by his right side .. he was to be a judge ... something he didn't want to do ... but he had to .

Sirzechs : Very well , as we are all gathered here .. we would listen to every part of your stories and then decide what is the verdict.

Lord Phenex : Why should we listen to kids stories . This low life attacked my son and he must to be punished

Sirzech : I will be the one who is gonna say who is punished and who is not ( Lord Phenex looked like he wanted to protest but he was silenced but the Maou )

Sirzech : Rise Phenex the third child of Phenex clan , please tell us your story , and do not think to lie , lying to a Maou is a great mistake

Riser : Of course great Maou . I was talking with Lady Rias .. speaking about normal things , when this boy suddenly came around the corner and started to insult me . At first i did not give him any satisfaction but later he became agressive and in the final ... h--hhh--he atacked me ! ( He said , trying to come up with some fake tears , trying making his story more hearbreaking and plausible )

Rias : That is not the true !! He is lying ! ( her voice full on venom and glaring at Riser )

Lady Phenex : See of your place litlle girl , how dare you to make my son a liar ? In the presence of Maou ( Soon shoutings started to spread around the table , but all of them stopped when Lucifer slammed his hand on the table )

Sirzechs : If you are saying that he is liying , then please Rias , tell my your part of story it seems that they got in a fight because of you , please tell me the truth , ok ?

Rias : I was going to my room . Suddenly Riser came up to my face and he started to talk to me , i wanted to be polite and answer everything he asked me , but his questions became more rude , i told him to stop and to leave me alone because i wanted to go to my room , he said that he would not have any of it , that one day i shall be his wife and he can do whatever he wanted to me ( at that the room started to shake incontrolable , everyone gazed on the Maou , his eyes flashing red , he was resting his chin on the hands kepping a cold stare towards Riser , he only calmed down when his wife , shaked him of his thoughts .. )

Sirzechs : What then Rias ?

Rias : Itachi came then , he did not said anything to Riser , he only saluted him with respect and then turned his gaze on me , it was only after Riser attacked him with a fire ball , that Itachi defended himself and then beat Riser !

Sirzechs : Itachi is it True ?

Itachi : Yes .. all of it . Riser-sama was not stopping bothering Lady Rias , i told him to stop but he only attacked me

Sirzech : Mhmm .. very well then i should say my verdict on this matter : Itachi would be desciplined for attacking someone of pure blood but nothing more of it , he was defending himself and my sister and Riser, he did not suffer anything bad .

Lord Phenex : Great Maou you can't do that this low life attacked my son .. i will not stay here and take all of this

Lady Phenex : He must to be punished ... just like our rules has been for a hundred of years ( Sirzechs knew where she was going and he did not like it , it would mean that Itachi has to be imprisoned in the red cells for 200 years or being sent in exile , it was a rule taken by the devils councils to punish their so called " unworthy " servants . )

Hana collapsed to the floor she stared crying , Itachi imediatly runned of to her , his father did the same Lord Zeoticus then got in his feet and said

Zeoticus : In the red cells ? For 200 years ? He is only a child , a good child , i watched him grow since the day he was born , children are fighting damnit

Lady Phenex : This is our decision Lord Gremory , Great Maou .. if you do not wish to punish him , then we shall let the world know that the Great Maou is trusting a lowlife born , more than a pure blood coming from a family with thousands of years of existence ( And so they took their leaving by a magical circle )

Sirzechs was angry .. he didn't know what to do .. Itachi and his family were importants people to his family , and now he had to take a decision ... Rias .. she would most likely never forgive him for this but he could not risk another civil war in the underworld . He had to take a hard decision , curseds be those chickens pricks !

End of Chapter 3