
A new god

A guy makes a deal with a ROB and gets reborn as hades in the riordanverse

T_J_E · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

New beginning


As I wait for the rob in front of me to stop laughing. I was thinking about how I got here. I died, unfortunately not in the way you would expect.

As I was walking down the street on my way to get a cup of coffee as I had sma few extra minutes before work. I was suddenly blinded, whatever it was smelled foul and was warm, almost hot. Then as I'm bending over to wipe it away with the lower half of my shirt, everything goes dark and I wake up here. In an open white space with no end in sight and an old looking grandpa laughing at what I can only guess is me.

As the laughter dies down the old man then speaks, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Young man your death is by far the one of most entertaining one I've ever seen, HAHAHA. First someone vomits on you from the second floor of an apartment. Then a newlywed couple trying to take a photo of their trip on a hot air balloon drops their phone over the side, hitting and killing you on impact. So because you entertained me so, I'll make you an offer. You can pick a world to be reborn into and I'll even give you a couple wishes, I'll be watching you for my entertainment from now on, deal?"

I immediately burst out laughing excitedly, like a kid opening a present on Christmas. "Hahaha, of course and I'd like to thank you for the opportunity. I already know where I'd like to go and a few of my wishes!"

"Ok, let's hear it then, you get 4 wishes."

"Thank you again I'd like to be reborn in the Percy Jackson universe as Hades but can you make it so I'm the first one to go down kronos' stomach first. For my first wish I want full control over the Fates, like they will want to be loyal and won't work against me even without me saying it.

Second, I want to have unlimited potential in mind, body and soul. Meaning I have no limit, if I train my divinities I can surpass the primordials in power and keep growing with no limit. Third, I want all the original divinities of Hades but also a devourer/copy type divinity that lets me consume someone's entire divinity and let me have a choice to consume or just copy it, Is that possible?"

"Yes, you can consume the divinity of others but it will be incredibly slow at first but it can be trained up to the point where you can instantly consume the divinity of those weaker than you but for those stronger than you it will still let you consume only at a very slow rate. You will still need to train the divinities you consume to get the best results as they will be new to you and your body completely. As for the copy, Denied but if you only consume just a bit of someone's divinity you can train it to the point of surpassing them."

"Ok, thank you for the explanation. For my last wish, can I get an A.I system that will help me in anything I could need but mostly focused on helping me train and develop my divinities."

"Ok they're all good, off you go. Be sure to keep me entertained." Then everything goes dark again.