
A New Challenger Approaches

No way home? Maybe so. But one Uzumaki Naruto doesn't believe that. This world is strange, filled with interesting people and things, but no matter where you are one thing never changes; with a strong will anything is possible. A few clones never hurt either...

X3nr0x_Starfield · Videojogos
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42 Chs

Unsung Heroes...

Chapter 25 - Unsung Heroes

Naruto didn't really know which thing to fight in his life had been worse upon a later comparison; taking on a gigantic snake that moved faster than humanly possible and could swallow him whole, or taking on a Russian attack helicopter in an upper floor office with no permanent place to take cover.

While in his current state, fighting one of Orochimaru's mindless gigantic snakes would have been completely easy it wasn't when he was twelve, which was where the comparison was coming from.

In the same vein, it was only one helicopter here while Orochimaru summoned around three huge snakes when Naruto killed one and then decimated another, so there was that to be kept in mind too.

'I'd rather have the snakes.' Naruto thought to himself as he hid in a side room underneath a desk while the helicopter's bullets tore through the wall to the extent that he could still see through the holes in it to see the aerial vehicle outside, 'At least those things were really stupid and straightforward.'

And there went the ceiling, crashing down on top of his desk. Damn it, he was not going out like that without even fighting.

"Who the hell does this guy think he is?" Naruto said to himself over the sound of the helicopter's blades whirring as it circled the building to try and get a killing angle in on Naruto. The glass windows that lined the outsides of that floor were all shot through. It looked like a warzone on that floor and that floor alone, "He thinks some cool chopper with a gun on it makes him good enough to kill me? No way."

Talking about it was one thing though. He actually needed to back that up for that pep talk to himself to mean anything.

From under the desk, Naruto shoved the ceiling debris out of the way and quickly made some clones for the purpose of attracting attention when the helicopter started making its rounds once more around the building.

They all fanned out away from where Naruto remained taking cover underneath the desk to buy him an opening to figure out what to do about his current problem.

"There's five of him now? Which one's real?"

"It doesn't matter, shoot all of them!"

And the front cannon of the military helicopter opened fire on all of Naruto's clones, whichever one was the easiest to take aim at. The confusion provided by how they kept criss-crossing the now entirely blacked out floor of the building, ducking and jumping over and from behind torn apart workstations, file cabinets, and anything that could be used for just a bit to conceal their moves and confound.

Gritting his teeth, Naruto knew that his clones weren't going to last much longer. As fast as they were, there was only so long that they would work. While he wasn't a military buff, when he had first come to Japan and learned about things like planes and helicopters and tanks, he found out about just what those things were capable of… just in case. And he learned that most military helicopters could hold an absurd amount of ordinance.

"To hell with this! Fire the rockets!"

"Rockets?" The unnaturally high squeak of Naruto's voice at hearing the sound of the helicopter's loudspeaker could be forgiven as he watched the pods on the vehicle open and fire several small projectiles into the building. Naruto quickly grabbed the edge of the desk and flipped it downward with the top of it covering his front effectively burying himself underneath debris as well, "Rockets!"

Every window that comprised the outside appearance of the building on that floor got blown out in a massive burst of fire, smoke, debris, and other materials that fell down from the air to the ground below.


(With Sakura and Karin – Stairwell)

"I cannot believe that you managed to lose sight of Rolento. I suppose that if I require something to be done-."

"Don't give me that. You were right there too. You didn't see him make a turn to the stairs?"

Both Karin and Sakura were arguing amongst themselves as they ran upstairs. When they had taken off after Rolento on the floor they had entered the building through they had lost sight of him. That had led to them bickering as they went through looking for him.

Eventually it was obvious that they had a need to begin heading upstairs after the man. He was clearly heading to get to more favorable ground, especially since it would have been two-on-one.

It didn't stop them from bickering back and forth as the stairs they climbed dragged onwards.

"I do not use stairs to begin with, even at school, even at home." Karin said as she put one foot in front of the other and climbed higher and higher up the tower, "That is what executive elevators are for."

"Well you're using them now." Sakura replied dryly, "Or do you want to go back outside and climb the building with Naruto?" That was the only place she could figure he still was since he hadn't come inside with them. Then again, there hadn't really been much time to go over an actual strategy. They had called an audible of sorts and were freestyling their plans.

Karin shook her head and got silent at the thought of having to scale the face of a skyscraper being held up by metal wire. She was quite certain that she would be having nightmares from that point onward of being dropped in such a manner. But then she might be able to turn them into good dreams where a heroic young gentleman would save her mid-fall.

Yes, he would have the most beautiful sapphire blue eyes and untamed blonde hair, and adorably rugged marks on his cheeks that looked like-.

"WAAAH! Watch out!"

Before the girls could continue traversing the steps, the tower was rocked and shook heavily. The quivering building almost caused Karin to lose her balance and fall backwards down the stairs until Sakura held onto the railing to keep her own balance and grabbed onto Karin's hand to keep her from catastrophically hurting herself.

Both of them collapsed on the stairs as the scary crashing noises went off around them. They had absolutely no idea what was going on, but for a moment it felt like the place was going to come down with them inside of it.

Eventually it stopped, and both Sakura and Karin stopped huddling together as they mentally swore that such a situation where they hugged fearfully would only be kept between the two of them. Deciding to press forward as it would be far further going to the ground level than going to the top floor, both continued to take flight after flight of stairs until they found their way blocked.

The stairs had collapsed, keeping them from going any further and the wall leading to the actual office area had been pulverized.

"Hah…" Sakura exhaled desperately, "What happened outside that did this? Did Rolento booby-trap the stairs?"

"I do not think he would use a trap on stairs that he had been running on as well." Karin pondered aloud before snapping her fingers and pointing to the door at the end of the landing that they were on, "The other side of the building. Use that stairwell."

Nothing else needed to be said and they turned to head through that floor of the building. However they ran through the destroyed wall to find something that they hadn't been expecting to see. The entire floor that they were on had been ruined. It looked as if a firing squad had rolled through and had shot up everything in sight. There were smoke and small flecks of fire all over as debris and pieces of ceiling continued to spontaneously fall.

The stunned teenage girls walked further and further within, shocked at the unexplainable damage that had been wrought until an explanation came in the sound of Rolento's voice, "Good work." They followed the sound to see him standing on a pile of debris on what used to be a desk within a cubicle, speaking into a radio, "There is no such thing as overkill here. It can all be rebuilt. This building is in a company that was left to me… not that it will matter after tonight anyway."

'He had to have been using an alias if this company is his.' Karin thought to herself. The owner of the company, at least as far as her investigations had found, showed to be a man named Horace Belger from America. It would explain how Mad Gear was funded so easily though.

Crunching of glass and minerals under the feet of Karin and Sakura directed Rolento's attention towards them. Seeing that they had caught up to him he gave a wide-armed gesture of invitation, "Ah, you've caught up to me. A shame you couldn't have been on this floor as well when my helicopter took care of your pest of a friend. Climbing up the side of my building? Really, I have to give you all points for originality though."

Their pest of a friend. That only meant one person, "You didn't." Sakura said, looking around before kicking a piece of wall out of the way to slowly walk closer to Rolento, "You can't seriously sit there and tell me that you sicced a helicopter on Naruto." Was that was caused all of this damage?

"I'm not sitting my dear, I'm standing, and that's exactly what I'm telling you." Rolento said with a smirk on his face, "I've trained my pilots personally, and they saw to the devastation of this floor and to Uzumaki Naruto. I can see no signs of him here and neither did they."

How the building was still standing was quite unclear. It looked almost hollow on that floor. Thank God for structural support beams.

"To challenge me is to challenge my army. The most prominent and real threat that this city had to offer to my ambition is now buried somewhere underneath all of this." Rolento continued as he hopped down from his pile of debris and took his staff from his back, "The question is, what are you going to do about it little girl?"

"Hadoken (Surge Fist)!"

Rolento jumped out of the way of a large blue ball of ki that had been fired at him. Upon landing he looked over at a rather angry pair of eyes on Sakura. Apparently doing what he had ordered to be done to Naruto struck a nerve, "Did you expect me to keep your boyfriend alive while he was intentionally trying to destroy my plans? You'll get as much mercy from me as he did. In Tokyo he crashed my rally and declared right then and there his intention to stop me."

Ignoring the 'boyfriend' remark in exchange for remaining angry, Sakura's glare could cause a man to spontaneously combust as she had it affixed to Rolento, "And then he went and got himself destroyed by someone you ran away from! He was in a coma until a few days ago! The only reason we care about your stupid plans in the first place is because you started picking with our town! You tried to hurt and kill us first!"

"Blame Uzumaki and the Chinese assassin for this town's misfortune." Rolento stated firmly, "They were the ones that made this place a target."

"I'm blaming you!" Sakura cried out as she attacked Rolento head-on. In order to cover her own direct approach, Sakura slid on the debris covered ground, kicking up a cloud that she launched her assault from behind, "Shou'oken (Rising Uppercut)!"

A solid clink sounded out as the dust cleared to show that Rolento had blocked Sakura's ascending uppercut with his staff. He had been able to keep her from leaving the ground entirely, and the only thing that her fist had connected with was the underside of his weapon. He trapped her stiffened arm with the staff and pulled her towards him before kneeing her in the stomach and smashing her over the back with the very same staff.

Sakura fell down to the floor and looked up hatefully before pushing herself up and kicking at Rolento who blocked her again with his staff. A confident Rolento then had to duck a kick aimed at his head from behind as he then found himself having to contend with Karin as well.

He took a full swing of his weapon at Karin's head only for her to duck underneath it and try to sweep his legs out from beneath him, but he blocked that as well by posting the end of his staff on the ground to stop her leg. Sakura tried to attack again, but Rolento used the staff as support to push off of the ground entirely and kick her away forcefully with both legs, knocking her down.

As he landed back on the ground, Rolento lifted his staff and tried to bring it down with the end once again to try and break Karin's sweeping leg. She was able to pull it back though and redistribute her weight on one arm to land a low kick to his side.

A grunt came from him at the stinging blow and he jumped back out of Karin's range, drawing a throwing knife that he threw right at her, "Stinger!" It came close enough to nick through the shoulder of Karin's clothes and cut her flesh as well, but that was all it was; a flesh wound in comparison to what could have happened to her.

"Sakura Otoshi (Cherry Blossom Drop)!" Sakura attacked Rolento the moment he landed with a falling double-handed hammer strike that he blocked with his staff. Though Sakura had put enough force behind the move to crack the floor beneath them. He was left wide open for Karin to kick him right in the stomach.

That sole attack set the stage for both Sakura and Karin to begin working in tandem, pummeling away at Rolento despite his best efforts to stop them. His staff became useless as a tool when he needed to use it to defend against one girl, leaving him vulnerable to the punches and kicks from the other girl. The duo kicked him away with authority to conclude their dual assault.

It was strong enough to send him stumbling and sliding across the floor as Sakura stood ready to take him on once more at Karin's side. As he looked at the two quite dirtily smudged girls he couldn't see an ounce of understanding for his ambition in their eyes, "You think I'm a madman don't you? It's okay to admit it." He said as he brushed their twin shoe prints off of the chest of his uniform.

"Fine, we admit it." Sakura said without a moment's hesitation, "You think we care about sparing your feelings after what you've been trying to do to us for a month? What you did to Naruto?" How could they not think he was insane? The entire rhetoric for his organization was that they were going to bring a new world order about.

"I don't see why it is so hard for you to accept that I wish to change this country into a utopia that the world will model itself after." Rolento said in an honest and heartfelt manner, "I want to bring about a world with no war, no politicians using the people underneath them like pawns on a chessboard. Instead order will reign. Discipline will find value in society again. Surely you can see my point."

Karin let out a scoff and wiped at a smudge on her cheek, "We do not care." They were sixteen. What would they have had time to find themselves disenfranchised with when their lives hadn't even started yet? He was preaching to an audience that was deaf to him, "The only people that remain pawns are those that allow themselves to be pawns. If we remained out of your way while you tried to tear our home apart and fulfill your own egotistical ideal we truly would have been pawns."

"You still are." Rolento assured her with a smirk as he realized that nothing he said would matter to them unless he was surrendering, and that would never happen, "Because pawns fall first… and my revolution hasn't even begun yet! Mine Sweeper!" From underneath his clothes, Rolento triggered a set of grenades and dropped them forward before rolling back away from them as quickly as he could.

The flying metal orbs prompted the two girls to leap away with as much acceleration as they could muster. The grenades exploded and the pair of females screamed as the blasts blew them both away.

Even Rolento suffered from his double-edged attack as he had been injured and knocked away violently from the concussive force of the blasts as well. But he got up to his feet as quickly as his equilibrium would allow because he needed to make sure that neither Sakura nor Karin had managed to avoid his grenade attack.


(Aohura City Industrial District – Mad Gear Hidden Warehouse – Sasuke vs. Sodom)

While on the ground the Mad Gear militia in attendance panicked on how to put the fires that raged their building out to save what was left of their equipment, they found themselves accosted by three powerful combatants. Meanwhile on the roof there were two warriors unconcerned with the flames surrounding them. The bigger threat at hand was the other, and the fire meant nothing to either of them.

The more pressing issue as far as Sasuke was concerned were the pair of swords that Sodom had brandished to cut him into ribbons.

Letting out a kabuki shout (or what he believed was a good rendition of one), Sodom launched himself at Sasuke, swinging his swords with no room for Sasuke to counter even with his Sharingan noticing everything. It was more than enough for him to evade it all though, and Sasuke did just that.

He had to take great care when he did even that though, because as he had felt earlier, Sodom had no qualms about grabbing him and making him pay for dodging in close. That kind of dexterity had to be hard to develop, so respect to him there. He was still going to kill him though.

Sasuke started to build up lightning chakra in his right hand before placing his left behind it and pointing it towards Sodom, "Chidori Senbon (One Thousand Birds Senbon)!" Countless tiny needles of electricity flew from his hand at Sodom, and much to Sasuke's surprise he jumped back into the flames on the rooftop.

Seeing through the blazing fire was not possible for him. Sodom had no idea how good of a move he had just made with that gamble because Sasuke had to end the Chidori Senbon to refrain from wasting chakra. If he couldn't aim it was useless.

From his blindspot, Sodom came flying out of the fire, swinging his swords in downward strikes, "Jigoku Scrape!" He missed Sasuke again, but the sword strikes were forceful enough to smash a trail into the roof all the way to the end of it.

This man was infuriating. He didn't even know how effectively he was fighting. But it was time to put a nail in Sodom's coffin, because Sasuke had fought enough of that battle.

A quick sleight of hand placed a folded up fuuma shuriken in Sasuke's hand. That got Sodom's attention as he held his swords up, prepared to defend against the wicked-looking projectile weapon, "You'll never touch me with that. It doesn't matter how hard you throw it."

Smirking, Sasuke didn't throw the shuriken at Sodom. He channeled lightning chakra into it and tossed it into the air before tugging on a ninja wire that ran underneath his sleeve to the shuriken. He pulled on it hard enough to unfold the large weapon in the air and get it spinning around.

Sodom laughed and simply rushed at Sasuke, opting to cut him down where he stood. If a fancy little throwing knife diversion trick was his best option it was time to put things to an end.

Sasuke saw him coming and flashed through several hand-seals before aiming his hand into the air where he fired off a shot of electricity that hit his lightning chakra-coated shuriken, "Taka no Ame (Hawk's Rain)!" The lightning around the spinning midair shuriken took the form of a bird of prey and from its 'talons' lightning began to strike at the roof hard enough to pulverize portions of it.

Of course, being electricity guided by chakra, among other things it was attracted in particular to metal. And the most open metal in the vicinity was all over Sodom. Lightning hit his swords, his body armor, and even his helmet and electrocuted him in one hell of a light show as he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I like using that jutsu on opponents that think their bodyguards with guns will protect them from someone without one." Sasuke said, though it wasn't like Sodom was listening as volts and volts of electricity coursed through his system, "Hopefully by now you're numb. And by the time the jutsu ends your heart will stop. It won't hurt."

At that point however, Sodom could no longer hear him, not that it mattered anyway because his heart had indeed stopped. Even then he remained standing though, not falling to the ground from his position due to how his muscles had locked from having electricity course through them. He still even had both of his swords held up as if to attack with them.

Smoke was emanating through his facemask's eyeholes and from underneath the mouth, and Sasuke walked over to check his pulse at his neck to find none.

Nodding to himself, Sasuke managed to catch Sodom when his body went limp. He picked up the massive man over his shoulders and walked to the edge of the roof before dropping down right in the midst of an ongoing scrum between the remainder of the Mad Gear militia and the three people left in town that chose to fight it out against them. Despite clear numerical superiority it didn't matter from the looks of how many of them had been beaten down at that point.

The weekend warriors all paid attention to Sasuke when he landed amongst them though, more notably to what he had hoisted up on his shoulders. Upon seeing Sodom's limp and non-responsive body they all then looked at Sasuke's eyes, and those he managed to influence then were blasted with killing intent, enhanced by their dead ringleader being carried by him and by the intimidating outline of some creature surrounding Sasuke's person.

He had to thank seeing the same thing while fighting Naruto for the illusion idea, as he knew firsthand just how intimidating that combination of things could be to get sight of, "Next?"

Not likely. None of them wished to fight Sasuke and turned back towards Batsu, Cammy, and Akira only to find similar devilish outlines on their bodies as well. It was backed up by the fact that the three of them were able to fight casually against and decimate over more than half of 400 of them all at once by themselves.

That was the point where they finally had enough and fled. Those children were monsters. Teenagers shouldn't be so ridiculously powerful. If only the three of them could beat so many of them, what was going to happen when they actually fought soldiers and the like that would try to fight against their insurrection? They didn't stand a chance. They didn't even have their weapons anymore.

Everyone that was still awake and able to move around in some way, shape, or form escaped the vicinity of the warehouse in any way that they could. By running right out the front gates and scattering through the abandoned industrial district streets and alleys, or for those too scared to risk running past any of the kids they climbed the fences in droves until they overweighed them and sent them tumbling down. Even then they kept on running. They didn't sign up to get bludgeoned to death by a gaggle of superhuman brats that could rip the doors off of military hummers and use them as weapons.

Batsu, who was holding up a door of a military hummer that he had planned on using as a weapon, looked around at the mass hysteria and then at a smirking Sasuke, "Did you do that?" Sasuke let his silence answer for him as he began walking off of the property, "Man…"

"You killed him?" Akira asked quietly, moving closer to see Sodom as Sasuke nodded and Sodom's body on his shoulders to carry him easier.

"It's my mission." Sasuke stated, not trying to excuse his actions. This was a main reason why he didn't like working with people. He didn't need others getting involved in the fact that if he was going to fight someone, chances were that the person in question was going to die because of it, "…Thanks by the way." With that, he quickly left their reach in a whirlwind of leaves and dust to reach the rooftops.

Akira's gaze lingered on the place Sasuke had vanished to and from until she heard Batsu blow a raspberry from somewhere behind, "Someone's trying too hard to be cool." She turned to see Batsu and Cammy clearing debris and crud off of a tarp that they then pulled off to reveal one of the very few vehicles that hadn't been annihilated in the attack; a jeep, "Mine. Dibs." Batsu said before anything as he jumped in the front seat and hit the starter switch to turn it on, "Oh yeah, you've got to love the no keys part about these things."

He was already thinking about how he was going to get that baby ready for the road. Nobody else was going to be needing it, that was for damn sure. Oh, first he was going to switch out the seats and put an actual sound system into it, and then he was going to paint it the color-.

"What makes you think you get to keep it?" Cammy said, interrupting Batsu's thoughts of his new car with her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised, "We all fought here tonight. There should be a fairer way of determining who gets to have it." Because Akira wouldn't be involved in the deliberations due to her bike and Sasuke was gone… so she could have it.

While she was an amnesia-afflicted assassin she was still a teenage girl behind all of that, and she wanted a car too damn it

In return, Batsu just scowled at her from the driver's seat, "Okay, you want to play that game, let's be fair then. I go to school every day and all you do is hang out at Naruto's place until you want to go somewhere. You got a ride here from Akira and I had to bum a ride from my mom because you all ditched me, so on that note-." He then quickly backed up and shifted into drive as he peeled out of the warehouse grounds and into the night, "Whoo! My jeep!"

Cammy frowned as she watched the lights of the jeep disappear down the dark road and then turned to Akira who had been standing there watching the entire time, "Could I trouble you for another ride home?" Akira just shrugged and gestured for Cammy to follow her back to where they had hidden her motorcycle.


(Downtown Aohura City – Synth Logistics Company Building)

A quiet pained cry escaped Sakura as she tried to move her legs to push herself out from beneath all of the office materials she found herself buried beneath. Desks, cubicle wall parts, file cabinets… they all had her pinned in various places. Not only that, but she could feel her own blood from shrapnel that she had taken from the grenade in her arms and in part of her torso.

Taking a quick look around at the utterly ruined office floor, she caught sight of Karin sitting against a support pillar. She too had suffered her share of blast wounds that she had luckily been able to save her body from via her injured arms, but unlike Sakura she was unconscious. She looked almost blissful in sleep if one were to ignore the blood coating one side of her face from where her head had been bumped.

Sakura started pushing thing off of her body to get up but after she finished freeing her upper body and got to trying to shove the heavy file cabinets off of her waist to begin liberating her lower half, a heavy boot stomped down on the cabinet and elicited a shout of pain from her.

The bottom of Rolento's staff pressed against Sakura's chin and directed her gaze up towards Rolento who wasn't particularly unscathed himself, "You're alive. Well aren't you two tough? It truly is a shame that you two can't see the world through my eyes."

Sakura moved her hands to try and fire a Hadoken from her back, but Rolento swatted at her hands with his staff and knocked them out of position before pressing the end of the weapon down on her throat with intent to choke her.

It was all she could do to keep Rolento from crushing her esophagus with that damned staff. That damn dirty grenade trick. She couldn't kick her legs to try and free herself either. Sakura coughed and gagged while Rolento simply did not care. Child or not, she was a fighter, and he would lose no sleep over taking her life just like the rest of them.

From the edge of the building, over the side from below came some form of salvation as a blur streaked across the dark and devastated office before Rolento saw nothing but blue light, "Chou Ikitaihou (Chakra Breath Cannon)!" There wasn't even enough time for Rolento to look shocked as he found himself blown away from Sakura via a huge, human height and width wave of millions of chakra needles from Naruto's wide open mouth.

Rolento's body started bleeding from the pores on the front of his body in multiple places as if he had been pricked all over by needles. He landed and bounced off of the floor until he fell out of the window and had to catch his staff between two metal struts to keep from falling.

Naruto, who looked to be a complete mess with ruined clothes, looking like he had just walked out of a blast furnace, started rapidly throwing the hodge-podge of objects off of Sakura as she held her throat and continued to gasp and cough for air, "N-Naruto!" She managed to get out before another coughing fit got to her, "I thought-! Rolento said you had gotten killed by a helicopter!"

"It was actually kind of closer than you think." Naruto said as he went over to Karin and picked her body up. Despite being completely out of it she shifted with difficulty in his grip and whimpered slightly, instinctively trying to pull herself closer to him for some kind of comfort in her pain. Poor thing, "I got blown out of the back of this place by that stupid rocket."

And he looked like it too. Burns littered his arms and chest, even on parts of his face and neck. His legs were in better condition, but not by too much.

But there was something wrong with that story. Naruto couldn't fly. So how the hell did he avoid falling to a fiery and catastrophic death? It didn't make sense, "Naruto, how did you survive then?"

Turning towards the far end wall that he had climbed back through and attacked Rolento from, Naruto gestured his head in that direction as he set Karin down on the ground, "I was still attached to the ninja wire that I dragged you two up here with. It caught on the end of a beam and stopped me. I climbed back up here." Once again proving that he had calamitous luck. Either things went really bad, or exceptionally well in dire situations, "What happened to you two?"

"Rolento pulled a nasty trick with some grenades on us." Sakura said as she stood up and walked over to Naruto and the downed Karin gingerly, "I've been around fighters that were soldiers before. Guile and Charlie didn't fight like that."

Comparing Guile and/or Charlie to Rolento was like night and day. Rolento's sense of honor was very different from the two of them. As long as he won, that was what mattered to him more than anything else.

Speaking of Rolento, he still hung outside of the window, using his staff as his only means of support to keep from falling, 'I thought he was dead. He should have been dead.' It didn't matter. They were all going to be done with in just a matter of seconds. The Mad Gear ringleader grabbed his radio from his belt and started speaking into it once more, "The target is not dead! Bring the Ka-50 back down for another pass to pick me up and finish the job!"

He didn't have to fight with them. That was what all of their military hardware was for. There was no reason to fight them with a numerical disadvantage against him. He'd just use the helicopter available to him to blow those kids away.

Inside, Naruto's ears almost noticeably twitched at the sound of helicopter blades spinning again, "Oh no… Sakura-chan, take Karin and stay down behind something sturdy."

Sakura wanted to heed the warning and kneeled down by Karin to prepare to move her, but she then looked around at the bombed out hovel that they both stood in and turned back towards Naruto quizzically, "Where do you see anything sturdy left in here to hide behind?"

Before Naruto could come up with a smart-aleck response to his attentive best friend, the helicopter appeared right in front of them outside with Rolento standing on the open second cockpit of the helicopter. He opened it up and hopped inside before the aircraft began circling the building around Naruto, Sakura, and Karin, "Hahahaha! You can't stop me. Not unless you grow wings. Now kill them!"

"Fuck it, just stay down!" Naruto said as he saw the pods of the rockets open up again to fire at them, "Isseishageki Chakura Tanki-sha (Chakra Spitfire Volley)!" The small chakra bomblets acted as countermeasures that forced the rockets to prematurely explode before they could devastate the kids.

Sakura covered her face and Karin's body as the blasts went off and Naruto stood firm at the face of it even though he could clearly feel the heat from them. He didn't turn away from the exploding rockets that he had managed to stop with some quick thinking, even when verbally prompted to, "Naruto, you get down before you lose your head dummy!"

Naruto could hear the helicopter's blades begin to move in another direction and shook his head at Sakura's request, "No… sorry. Not doing that." He then turned to his left and cut a straight sprint as fast as he could to the end of the building in that regard.

From the point of view of Rolento's chopper, after the rockets went off and exploded there was no way for him to see if his targets were killed due to the vision obscuring material stirred up by the explosions. Thus he prompted the pilot to go around to another side and try to look inside from another position.

Naruto was aware of this from the altered sound of the helicopter's movement. He was also aware that most people were dominant on their right side, hence why he took off to his left side. And his hunch was correct when he saw the helicopter swing right, heading right his way.

Jumping out of the hole in the wall that used to be windows, Naruto actually managed to get a hold of the underside the helicopter and held on for dear life as he looked down at the ground and realized that this might have been his stupidest move to date. Now what was he going to do?

Yeah, it most certainly was not his brightest move as he crawled back to the tail of the helicopter and clawed his way to the upside of it. He had to make a move before that dust cleared though, or both Sakura and Karin were going to bite it.

By this time Rolento saw Naruto on the tail of the helicopter and opened his cockpit to try and get at Naruto from where he was strapped into his chair, "What are you doing?" He seethed. He didn't even understand how he got himself attached. Then again he didn't understand how Naruto climbed up the tower without anything but his bare hands either, but right then he didn't care, "Get off my helicopter!"

"Get out of my town!" Naruto replied, creating a clone that helped him form a rather huge Rasengan between the two of them, "Odama Rasengan (Great Ball Rasengan)!" That helicopter tail crumbled underneath the force of the jutsu until it blew apart and fell to the ground below. The chopper started going out of control due to its lack of a balancing tail, and Rolento was seething.

Naruto on the other hand was getting physically ill from how the chopper began to spin around. He knew he hated all kinds of aircraft for a reason. And then the helicopter plowed into the side of the building, taking out another entire floor of windows on that side of it. Naruto's body was thrown from its position rather violently to a crash landing on the hard floor, but it was better than the alternative that awaited Rolento and his pilot.

The propeller on top of the helicopter had been ruined by crashing into the building and broke. That was the death knell for Rolento's chopper, and it fell out of the air to the ground amid the angered yells of a man that felt he had come so close to reenacting his dream of a Mad Gear state, 'I was so close! Nooo!' "Damn you Uzumaki! Burn in hell!" He shouted as loudly as he could while he careened to the ground.

"You first…" Sakura muttered. She had seen the entire fall of the vehicle with Karin's arm over her shoulder and cringed when it hit the ground a metal flaming wreck. She was pitying whoever it was that would have to sift through that crash when the flames were put out. What a way to go. She didn't see Naruto on it, so she hoped that he was safe, "Naruto, are you alriiii-!"

The edge of the floor she had been standing on suddenly collapsed as she spoke and Sakura found herself and her rival Karin falling just like she had seen Rolento fall, for at least a second though because she found an arm wrapped around her waist that kept her from falling any further. Hearing a grunt of effort, she looked over her shoulder to see Naruto holding her and Karin up with one arm each.

Behind him holding onto his legs, a chain of clones stretched from the floor of the building that he had been thrown from the chopper onto. The unfortunate clone on top had to root himself down behind an anchor point to hold onto his doppelganger brethren, gritting his teeth and struggling heavily as he started slowly pulling the load back up.

"You two are kind of heavy…" The original Naruto said in a straining voice, still clutching onto both Sakura and Karin tightly so that they didn't fall. He'd be damned if he found a way to knock down a military aircraft with his bare hands just to have to watch those two drop, "…Is it over?"

"I guess." Sakura said, looking back down at the wreck. She could see the Mad Gear militia members that had been on the ground preparing to battle with the Kanzuki-hired mercenaries were crowding the scene. She could only imagine what they were seeing and what they thought, "What now?"

The motion of being jostled by Naruto's clone chain pulling them back up to safety awakened Karin who was still quite groggy as she looked down at the harrowing heights before her. She blinked drearily and then looked over to see that Naruto was the one that happened to be holding onto her and keeping her from falling. Her mind wasn't fully active yet after being clocked on the noggin and she felt as if she were still asleep.

"Oh, another of these falling dreams." She quietly uttered, barely audible for others to hear, "Very well then Naruto-san, my hero, here is your reward." She spoke as if she were recanting lines that she had spoken time and time again in a similar predicament, and her next move was done with a numbingly practiced ease that caught the other two teens off-guard.

Naruto almost let go of the girls out of pure shock when Karin turned his head toward her and kissed him right on the lips, deeply. Sakura went wide-eyed and slack-jawed, unable to register any words as the heiress continued to plant one on Naruto, 'I… did not see that one coming at all.'

Eventually Karin broke the kiss and ran a thumb over Naruto's cheek fondly with a small smile, 'Hah… if only it were not merely a dream.' She then slowly gained enough awareness of her surroundings to notice that Sakura was right there as well, 'What is Sakura-san doing here as well? I do not have dreams including her unless they involve me standing over her in victory.'

Her mind then fully caught up to the reality of the situation, the pain that her body was in, that this was a real situation, and that she had really kissed Naruto for real. It was all simply too much for her and the blood running to her face turned it beet red until she passed out again from embarrassment.

Both Naruto and Sakura stared at the once again limp form of Kanzuki Karin for quite some time until Naruto cleared his throat with the bravery to speak up on the topic at hand, "So." He started, smacking his lips as he could still taste Karin on them. She used her tongue too. Where did she learn that from? Awesome, "This stays between us, right?"

"Absolutely not." Sakura replied with a deadpan look on her face, "The next time you spank me for something stupid, I can't hit you back but I can bring this up. So watch yourself Mister Handsy." She was saving that ammunition for when it was needed, even though she was irked at Karin's audacity whether it was intentional or not. Who said she could do that to Naruto? Sakura certainly didn't.

"I could just drop you and save the two of us a lot of embarrassment."

"You'd drop me for blackmailing you about the fact that Karin kissed you?"


"Because you lo~~ve me-." Sakura cooed jokingly, grabbing a hold of Naruto's cheek and pinching away at the whisker-marked, soot covered flesh. That scowl was just priceless. He'd get her back later though, he always did.

"-Because I love you." Naruto admittedly interrupted, shaking his head to get Sakura to let go. He had just knocked a damn helicopter out of the sky with his bare hands and instead of instilling fear and awe into her he got kidded with afterwards. Something wasn't right about that, "Yes damn you. Now shut up or I'm taking away everything in your room related to Ryu and destroying it."

That threat wasn't as empty as one would have figured upon further scrutinization. Naruto could break into her room and strip it bare in a matter of minutes any time he wanted to. He'd done it before. The best thing that Sakura could do at that point was change the subject, and there was one subject tailor-made for switching to, "…Naruto, how are we going to get down from here? The stairwells collapsed when Rolento's helicopter blew up that floor."

"Who cares right now? For Kami's sake Sakura-chan, can't I just bask in the glow of victory for one minute? Clean wins don't come this often, dattebayo."

"You consider this clean?"


(One Week Later)

There was no leadership chain put into the Mad Gear authority system past Rolento and Sodom who ran the entire show together. Poison came the closest, and while Hugo had major status as well he was nowhere close to being capable of leading anyone to anything, and even they had been taken down already. Past them, the quality of solo members dropped sharply.

The order to arm and board the trains at midnight was supposed to be sent out by Rolento as a show of solidarity amongst them that this was really happening. But due to his misfortune with a Ka-50 and a young man named Uzumaki Naruto this never came. Without the order no one had been given enough rank and authority to issue the command to do such a thing and they all simply sat and waited for word.

Word came in the form of the evening news, as the end of the fighting came very close to most timeslots for such a thing. Many people were presented with live feeds from the scene of the fire in the industrial district and the damaged Synth Logistics Company building in downtown Aohura City, complete with the 'standoff' that had been going on outside at the foot of it.

Coupling that with the unexplained incident that had destroyed the arena in Tokyo that saw similar traits, such as the normal civilians seemingly ready for full-scale street battle outside of it, and the country was put on basic lockdown until things could be sorted out and explained.

That was all that was required to spook the rest of Mad Gear's branches elsewhere, because the Japan Self-Defense force was sent into Tokyo and many areas around the metropolis to ensure that peace was kept. The plan most definitely never called for them to directly fight Japan's military in order to get to the leaders of the country first and foremost, and they all cut out and went home.

It was like dominoes falling.

People were still picked up, names were still dropped in a bid of those that had been in the militia to try and save themselves, and even when the state of emergency had been lifted from the country interior there were still arrests being made to many civilians who thought they could just return home. After all, there was no way they'd arrest them all right?

They were kind of right. Not all of them. Not even close to all of them. But a hell of a lot of them, yes, a hell of a lot of them were arrested.

Credit for the destruction of the building went to the mercenary group employed by Karin's family shooting down the helicopter containing Rolento before he could rain down fire from above onto them in the streets. They were admonished and suffered severe repercussions for it from the city, but it enhanced their reputation and increased their business worldwide to the extent that it didn't matter, so they managed to win and couldn't hold the impish manipulation of their force against the client Kanzuki Karin, as it worked out for them goldenly in the end.

The fire at the warehouse was left an open mystery due to the lack of telltale explosives that would indicate how the blast that had caused the fire came about. Just an armament malfunction was what it was chalked up to being.

With that near-catastrophe averted, life soon enough returned to normal. As normal as things got in that corner of the world anyway.

And Naruto still had three weeks of his summer vacation left before he had to return to school in July. Damn his previously comatose state for keeping him down for a month, but at least he had some time to himself regardless.

"I can't believe that jackass just up and left to go back to Hong Kong to report to his boss." Naruto griped as he aimed and fired a handgun controller on an arcade system shooting game. The arcade district of Aohura City had been repaired, and Naruto was wasting away his lazy summer day in his favorite part of town alongside Batsu, "I didn't even get to kick his ass for getting me stuck here to begin with."

"-And for the setting you on fire and shoving a hand through your shoulder thing… right?" Batsu asked as he and Naruto were going co-op on the same game. Why was Naruto's aim so much better than everyone else's? It was ridiculous, "…You take the 'him dropping you here' thing way more seriously than the other stuff." He pointed out. That jerk Sasuke would be back though. He tried to be cool, but he wanted to stay around Naruto, it was clear.

"Kyuubi patched me up as good as new so I got over it. I had more important things to worry about, like finding out where the hell I was." Naruto explained reasonably, at least by his standards. Speaking of Kyuubi, it was still unresponsive, but he felt himself getting healthier and healthier every single day. He had to find some way to help the biju out. There had to be something, somewhere that could assist, "I'm sick of fighting carefully."

A snort came from Batsu as he stopped firing and waited for Naruto to have to reload in-game before taking any more shots. Otherwise he'd never get a chance to hit anything, "You can't call anything that we just got through doing careful. We're damn national heroes and no one's ever going to know."

Naruto rolled his eyes and kept on shooting at the targets that presented themselves on the screen, "Yeah, I'm sure that bringing that up has gotten you plenty of hero sex from Sakura-chan's friend Hinata. Sakura-chan told me she only talks about you these days. I can only imagine how annoying-." He then took a solid blow off the side of his head that got his full attention, "Did… did you just pistol-whip me with a plastic controller?"

"Oh it didn't hurt and you know it." Batsu said, smirking as Naruto's side of the screen started getting lit up with damage, "Ha, you're dead." In retaliation, Naruto grabbed Batsu's controller and shot out all of his virtual ammunition before handing it back and leaving Batsu a sitting duck where he was soon killed, "Hey! What, are you jealous because you don't get hero sex?"

"I'm not having this argument with you!" Naruto exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and walking away with Batsu following behind. It wasn't that he didn't want to have that argument; he'd have that argument all day long if he had to. It was that Batsu was prepared to have that argument in public, and Naruto wasn't cool with that, "I wish you'd have never told me that you were hooking up. I was better off never knowing that."

Both boys made their way outside and hopped into Batsu's confiscated jeep that was parked out front. Removing his homemade security measure from the wheel to keep folks from stealing it until he could change the starter over, he hit the button and started the vehicle, "I had to tell you about it. Who else would I talk to it about? She saw me on TV and was worried about me. The night we got back from taking down that warehouse too. It was amazing."

Naruto had his hands over his ears while he hummed loudly to himself. The last thing he needed to hear about was Batsu's Penthouse article story. He continued to do so as his snickering best friend drove them down the street. By the time they stopped at a light though, Naruto had stopped and so had Batsu, "What are you going to do after high school?" Naruto asked idly.

"Go to college I guess." Batsu responded with a shrug, "My grades aren't that bad that I'd get turned down from anywhere but the best places, and I think I could get a loan off of you or rich girl if I had to." The thought of having to sell his soul to that devil wasn't very reassuring though, "My last year is this fall. What about you?"

Naruto was only in school because he had been forced to be at the time while they tried to find somewhere to put him when he first arrived in Japan as a ward of the state. Eventually they gave up and left well enough alone, but Naruto still remained in school because he had met his best friend there by then and wanted to stay with her.

It was quite clear that Sakura was going to a university in two years time. Ibuki wanted to go to college too after she graduated. They were smart girls and their grades were awesome, but this time he wasn't really keen on doing the same. He had no motivation to.

"I guess I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing, especially since I'll have the opening to do it after I graduate." Freelance missions for those willing to hire him, and his real goal that he still wasn't convinced didn't exist, "I've got to find a way home."


That question caught Naruto off-guard, and he realized that he had never told anyone that he was looking for a way home. He made certain to never let that slip, but since every other secret he'd been keeping to himself for years had spilled out he had lowered his defenses on that last one. It seemed irrelevant in comparison to the others, "Why what? Why look for a way home?"

"Yeah." Batsu confirmed, keeping his eyes on the road as they kept on rolling, "You've been gone for four years by now. You showed up here when you were twelve, now you're sixteen. So what's the point? Do you really want to go back that bad?"

"No… but I promised." Naruto said, crossing his arms over his chest and taking on a deeply introversive personal view, complete with squinty-eyed gaze, "I promised myself that I'd find a way home."

"But you don't want to go back." Batsu deadpanned, "That doesn't make any sense. Why would you make your entire life goal something that you don't even want to do? You don't do anything else that you don't want to do no matter what, but you're trying to find a way to do the impossible, and your only motivation for trying it is some bullshit promise that you made to yourself when you were a runt?"

"You don't understand." Naruto sighed out, turning his gaze toward the side as he watched the storefronts and the people on the sidewalk fly past them, "If I can't keep a promise to myself then what good am I to anyone else when I promise them anything?"

"You've never screwed over anyone else with a promise that you didn't keep." Batsu said as he palmed the top of Naruto's head and shook the younger man's head around like a bobblehead doll, "So cut yourself some damn slack. Do what you want, not what you feel like you have to do. What do you think Akira?"

Turning to his right, Naruto let out a frightened yelp when he saw that Akira in her complete biker outfit, skull helmet and all, was riding alongside them seemingly listening in. Damn, what kind of engine work did she do on that engine? It was coasting instead of accelerating, but it still should have been able to be heard.

Ignoring Naruto's discomfort, or delighting in it because he couldn't tell which one it was through that helmet visor, Akira spoke, "Someone that does what they want the way you do shouldn't be so inflexible on something like that. I don't know anything about it, or even what you two are really talking about, but that's what I think." She concluded with a nod before speaking again, "Where's Sasuke?"

"Hong Kong. He went home for a bit to report to his boss." Naruto answered, staring at Akira's dark helmet visor where he thought her eyes would be, "He'll be back soon enough… the jackass. Why?" He asked carefully, figuring that Akira only asked him about Sasuke because they seemed to know each other well.

"Too bad." Akira said before turning to face the road, "I liked him quite a bit, he was cool. I especially like that he wasn't too fond of you." Naruto gave her a stunned look. Really, you grab a girl's chest one time when you think she's a boy and she holds a lifelong grudge against you, "I'll have to make sure I look him up when he comes back here." With that she pulled off and rocketed down the street on her racing bike.

A still confused looking Naruto slumped in his seat and ran a hand through his spiky locks, "Even here Sasuke gets girls without trying. And why is Akira so damn aggressive with that gear on? It's like she's bipolar and her moods depend on what she's wearing."

"Dude, I don't even want to hear you bitch about the thing with girls." Batsu said, smirking to himself at the thought, "You've already heard what I had to say about that, and it's not like I don't have even more ammo to use on you now after the thing with rich girl." Why did he even tell him that?

There was also the hot spring thing with Ibuki, but he wasn't telling anyone about that one because no one needed to know. Man, he had a busy week last week. Not bad for a guy that had just woken up from a coma, "We talked about that. She just thought it was a dream when she did it. You know that you try doing weird things in dreams."

That did nothing to refute Batsu's point and only fueled the fire further, "Oh, so she has dreams about you now? Did you ask how far they go, because I really doubt that they stop with one stupid kiss. She seems like the type."

"Batsu shut up. Or I'll snitch to your mom about what you did with Hinata and you'll never leave the house again." What, did Batsu think he was all awesome and untouchable now because he had a girlfriend? Admittedly though, Naruto had been given worse reasons for Batsu to have a big head in the past. This one was actually reasonable in comparison.

"No you won't, you're better than." Batsu was quite certain that Naruto would never go stool-pigeon to his mom, because that was not how they got one-ups on each other and they both knew it, "But I thought that it was unprofessional for contractors to have the hots for their mercenary hires. Don't you have some kind of code for that or are you just morally free to nail your cutest clients if you feel like it?"

"Karin is my cutest cli-. Grr…" Naruto saw what he did there. Trying to catch him off guard. Sneaky fucker. And he was supposed to be the ninja out of the two of them, "I will turn this jeep into oncoming traffic just to fuck with you. I blew up a helicopter, I can survive a head-on collision too, I'm sure of it."

Still undeterred by Naruto's threat to cause a major automobile accident out of spite, Batsu of course took the long way back to Naruto's apartment just to keep picking with him more and more, as was his responsibility.

Yep. Everything was back to normal. As normal as things got around there anyway.

Omake: Roomies

Naruto's eyes opened and were met with the blazing sun shining into them. Why did he put his bed there again? He needed to move it when he didn't have so much going on. But not right then though. It was summer, he was free, there had to be something out in the big wide city for him to get into today, and damn it he was going to find it.

The moment his feet hit the floor, Naruto stretched out quickly and made sure he was in a pair of shorts and a shirt before he ventured outside of his room. He had to remember that he was living with someone now, and he had to be dressed aptly for being in the presence of a lady, even if that lady was a killer.

…Actually, especially since that lady was a killer.

As Naruto walked through the hall of his two bedroom apartment, he entered the living room/kitchen area to find no pretty little assassin girl already awake and doing what it was that Cammy did in the morning. That was strange because she always woke up before him, even back when the school term was still in session and he was required to get up every morning on time.

Thus he walked his way back through the small hallway and stopped off at the side room that used to be where he had previously kept his weapons and equipment until Cammy required a place to stay. Naruto knocked on the door softly but received no answer. Finding the door unlocked, he turned the knob and nudged it open far enough to stick his head inside and look within.

Cammy was completely asleep in her bed covered by her comforter, with the kitten she had adopted sleeping right by her side. Aww… she was so adorable she almost looked like she was incapable of killing grown men with her bare hands. But she was, and he knew it, so no early morning pranks or he'd probably end up getting his arm broken out of a reflex from her.

She was apparently able to sense the shift of atmosphere that came with someone new entering her room, because her blue eyes cracked open and looked toward the door where she saw Naruto. Well that was new. He had never ventured into her room a single time before then. She wondered what brought him there this time.

"Good morning Cam." Naruto greeted, fully standing in the open doorway with his body leaning against the frame now that she was awake, "Didn't mean to wake you up, I just wondered why you weren't up like usual."

"I guess I was just sleeping too well." Cammy reasoned, shifting underneath her covers to prepare her body to try and get up, "I usually don't sleep too soundly you see. I have these… nightmares I guess you could call them, more often than not."

Well that was no good. Why didn't she tell him about that before? The entire reason Cammy lived with him to begin with was so that she would feel comfortable in a new environment. Having nightmares almost every night wasn't a sign that she was content with her surroundings.

Naruto picked up Agent Jack off of the bed so that he didn't jostle the kitten awake and sat down on the edge of it, "What are they about?" He asked her. There was a doubt that there was anything he could do, but it was still worth a shot.

"They come in spontaneous bits and pieces. A lot of them are about some powerful man in a red military uniform giving me orders." Cammy said, looking rather despondent as she curled up underneath the covers and continued to explain, "He ordered me to do things like kill people that I didn't know, and I couldn't stop even though I didn't want to. It was like I was looking at myself from the outside."

'Bison…' Naruto thought to himself with a hateful snarl, 'He got blown straight to hell and he still won't leave us alone somehow.' "I think those are your actual memories. Remember what I told you about how you probably wouldn't want to know about what you used to do? That's why."

"I saw you too. I was ordered to kill you before in one of the dreams. I remember hearing your name in a briefing." Cammy peered uneasily over at Naruto from where her head was laying on her pillows, "Naruto why did you help me after I tried to kill you?"

"Because honestly, Karin convinced me that it was better to help you than fight Bison by ourselves."

"No, I mean after the battle with Bison. You could have just left me in Hong Kong at the hospital with the other girls."

Naruto shook his head and rubbed Cammy's thigh consolingly, "Do you remember what it was like when you fought me in school?" Cammy shook her head. Well, she couldn't be pressed to have to remember everything. It was great that she was getting back what she had so far, "When people fight you can feel what kind of person they are from the battle. The first time I didn't feel a thing from you. I didn't feel any anger, fear, excitement, nothing."

Cammy didn't really understand what Naruto was talking about. That didn't explain why he decided to open his home to her and allow her to be so close even after everything that had happened when there was no logical reason to, "What does that have to do with anything?"

A grin sprang forth on Naruto's face and his hand switched to patting the girl's leg, "Well, that scared me at first. A lot." He confessed sheepishly, "When we first met back up, you probably don't remember but I almost snapped on you on Karin's yacht when you came asking for help. I didn't trust a single thing about what you were there to pitch. That was why."

Cammy's eyes widened. Naruto was never really scared of anything. Wary and reluctant to deal with things at times, yes, but never admittedly scared, "I scared you when we fought? But we've fought since I've been living here and you never acted like-."

"Just having people try to kill me doesn't scare me." Naruto continued "When it usually happens, it's strange but I can feel people's feelings during fights and at least I can understand why they're doing it, and that helps. I couldn't understand anything about you. You were like a drone. You were just numb, even to pain when I hit you. Then we met again and we fought Bison together, and I felt everything. Even if you didn't know what it was, I saw it all on your face."

"All of what?" She didn't remember the actual battle, again just bits and pieces of it, most vividly when she stabbed him in the chest with one of Naruto's strange black knives and then everything went all hazy and painful, "I don't understand."

But Naruto knew exactly how to categorize what he wanted to say, "You were angry that he brainwashed you, that he used you like a tool and wanted to kill you and the Dolls when he called you all useless. You were confused and scared when he told you… something else. You showed remorse over what you did under his control right before you tried to finish him, even though he already said that killing him would kill you too. And then in Hong Kong after it was all over you smiled."

That memory put a smile on Cammy's face right then. When she woke up with no memory she had been terrified, but those people that she didn't know why but she still wanted to trust; Naruto, Sakura, Batsu, Karin, they all were so kind to her and offered help to her when she had no background and no family to be left to. A smile was the least she could do to convey how she felt at that point just a number of months ago.

Before those things Naruto didn't trust Cammy and saved her out of debt for what she had done to help, he had still been very wary of her, "After that, I didn't see someone that tried to kill me because that wasn't you anymore. You were just a kid my age with nowhere to go that didn't know anything except her own name, and there was something I could do about that. And here we are. You live here with me now." That was that, "Now get your butt up. Go to the bathroom and wash up so I can use it too and get dressed. Let's go find something to do today."

"Yes sir." Cammy chirped cheerfully, sitting up straight and giving Naruto something of a playful salute, "Is something wrong?" Cammy asked when she saw Naruto's eyes nearly pop out of his head once the sheets that had covered her previously had fallen to the wayside.

"I… didn't know you slept naked Cam." That explained why she had never purchased any nightgowns or pajamas with the money he had given her to buy clothes for herself.

"Oh." A completely calm Cammy said absently before picking up the nearby kitten Jack and hugging him to her chest as a good morning to her beloved pet. It restricted part of Naruto's fantastic view, but not by very much, "Well I do. That isn't a problem is it?"

In the words of Batsu from months prior, if she was cool with it he was cool with it. And she seemed to be cool with it. So no, it wasn't a problem at all. However Naruto verbally conveyed this in a different manner, "…You are the most awesome roommate that doesn't pay rent ever."