
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

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25 Chs

The Cliche Prologue!

Darkness conquered the world as the night came. But in a supposed to be an uninhabited rocky mountain, there stood a single traditional Japanese Dojo. The training ground was illuminated by numerous torches and you could see humanoid dummies made of wood everywhere.

But right in the middle of the training ground sat a man in a cross legged position. He blended with the surrounding with the black kimono that he wore. As the torches danced with the wind, the face of the man would occasionally be shown in a flash.

He had his eyes clothes and the cold wind did not seem to affect him at all. On his right was a cloth that had a sword, 12 shurikens, and a black box.

Suddenly the man opened his eyes slowly, revealing a pair of dark eyes that could leave a man drown from its depth and profoundness. It seemed to contain an endless abyss that could swallow the world.

The man then opened his mouth and spoke calmly,

"I trained for the clan. I worked hard for the clan. I killed, no... I slaughtered for the clan. But the clan betrayed me. Tell me, do you want to die?" His calm voice drifted in the darkness. It looked like he was talking to himself, but suddenly, shadows that was never there before slowly appeared one by one.

From the ground rose numerous shadows. From the roof stood dozens of them. And from the back of the dummies, shadows also appeared. From the looks of it, they numbered over a hundred. They all wore black clothing that covered their entire body except for their eyes.

Each of them carried a sword on their backs while some also had some chained blades. In other words, they were ninja's!

Still, even with the hundred people appearing out of no where, the silence was maintained as nothing was really happening.

"Hehehe. As expected of the former number one disciple of the Otoi Clan, even the elite of the elites don't stand a chance." An eerie whisper sounded from behind the man. "Now, hand over the Black Box, and we might consider letting you li- khuk!"

The eerie whisper was suddenly cut off and loud thud could be heard in the distance. If you looked again, you would find that the originally 12 shurikens on the cloth had one missing.

Instantly after that, shurikens bombarded the place he sat on, but they were too late, he already already disappeared. Before anyone could react, all the torches were extinguished and the darkness reigned over the place.

But it did not end there, the darkness was accompanied by the melody of flesh being cut, stabbed, mutilated and tossed.

Occasional grunts, thuds, and khuks would echo, but there was not a single scream. That was how these people were trained. To become elites of the elites, this was a simple task for them.

After an unknown amount of time, silence once again returned to the Dojo. And in the center of the training ground, a spark of life lit up and a torch was ignited.

And even though it was only able to illuminate a few meters in diameter, the blood on the ground was so visible. It flowed like water and connected with each other.

A bloodied hand stretched out and took the unscratched Black Box from the ground. It was precisely the man that sat here earlier. His body was soaked in blood, his clothes were cut in all kinds of places. He cut a sorry figure, but oddly enough, he did not have a single wound on him.

"Did those old men really think that a mere several elite squad could handle me? Still, it is a little intriguing how they would send their own people to their death just to retrieve this so called Black Box." He ignored his bloodied body and studied the box. But he did not find anything special from its external appearance, the only thing left now was to open it.

Click! The lock was cut with a single slash from his knife. He opened it and inside lay a small black ball. It emitted a feint dark glow, but other than that, it did not seem like anything special.

"Hmm? What's this?" Intrigued, he took the ball and held it closer to the torch. But before he could react, the black ball suddenly went 'swish' and it appeared right on his glabella. It sunk into his skin, and 'thud', his body collapsed to the cold, bloodied ground.

And then he was dead.

Who would have thought that the man who was able to kill hundreds of top ranked elite squad of assassins alone was killed by a single black ball?!


'What?! What just happened?!' The man thought furiously. He could only recall himself taking the black ball and then he just blanked out. As he tried to recall what really happened, a sharp pain suddenly assaulted his butt, and he heard a woman speak.

"Is my baby okay?" It was a woman's voice, she sounded very exhausted and tired.

"How odd. Everything seems normal but why doesn't he cry?" He heard another woman reply.

"Why don't you try slapping his butt once again?" Then he heard another woman say it.

'Baby? Slap his butt once again?' As if putting everything to pieces, the man suddenly got furious. His eyes snapped open and shouted, "Who do you think you are to dare slap my bountiful ass?!", well, at least that's what he thought he did. Cause the only thing he heard next shocked him.

"Uwaa! Uwaa! Uwaa!" The cries reverberated in the room shocking the three ladies. The nurse who carried the baby almost dropped him from the shock. She quickly handed the baby to the one who gave birth.

"Ah.. there you are, my little baby. I am your mom. There.. there.." She held the baby in here arms and tried to calm him down. But seeing her baby, her eyes reddened even more and tears poured out. Her lips curled up as she smiled from happiness and contentment.

'What the hell?' For the first time in a long time, the man was shocked. He looked at the large face of a woman who was looking down on him with a very kind eyes and a happy smile and tears on her face. He did not know what was happening anymore.

'What's going on?' He was lost on his thoughts when he heard the door slapped open. He tilted his head and saw a giant man enter the room with flustered expression.

"Nurse, how is my child?" He asked the nurse, but he only kept his eyes on the woman who was carrying the baby. "Mikoto, how is our child? Are you alright?!" It was only simple, but the emotion on his face told how worried he was.

"Calm down! You will scare him!" The woman who was called Mikoto reprimanded her husband.

"He is okay. He is very healthy." Mikoto added with a gentle smile. She then ignored her husband and took of her clothes revealing her breast and offered it to the baby.

"Now, here, my little pumpkin." She held her child in skin to skin contact and offered her breast. She knew that this way, her child would be more healthy and her bond would be stronger with the child.

"Dear, while I am at it, can you think of a name?" Seeing that the baby seemed confused, she did not force him to suck her milk and instead asked her husband to think of a good name for the child.

"O-okay." He sat next to her bed and held her hand tightly. Although his expression was a little indifferent, his action spoke volume. He showed care to her wife was clearly worried for her.

"Come on, Itachi. Why are you hiding, come meet your little brother." The head nurse who helped deliver the child called out to the door.

A little boy popped his head out. He looked at his mother with worry and sweat trickled on his forehead. Seeing that his mother was okay, he slowly walked to the other side of the bed.

"Say hello to your little brother, Itachi." Mikoto smiled from the cute Itachi and showed him the just born baby.

As for the baby, he just watched everything happen. After thinking it through, he concluded that he was reborn in a new family. Furthermore, looking at their clothes, it was easy to tell that he was either reincarnated to the past or to another world.

It did not make sense, but he could only accept the outcome thanks to him knowing that it was probably the Black Ball that killed him and let him reincarnate. He also finally understood why the elders of his clan would ally themselves to other clans.

The Itoi Clan is one of the few Ancient Clans that still existed on Earth. Hidden from the public that only few from the Government knew about. The Itoi Clan that he belonged to was a Clan that raised assassins. In fact, the most deadliest assassins. They were the scariest of the Ancient Clans.

He was an orphan, with lack of parental love, he survived in the sewers. But a day came when he was suddenly taken and was suddenly raised as a Child of the Itoi Clan.

A kind elder took him in as a student and taught him all he knew. After nearly 12 years of training, he finally mastered what was taught to him.

It was also then that his master mysteriously disappeared. He did not know why but his Master left him a letter saying that he was tired and he wanted to leave his life to the fullest. Since then, his life of slaughter started.

The Head of the Clan ordered him for his assignment, to kill a lawyer. It was then that he knew, the clan earned money from assassination. But still, he was trained to kill his own heart.

For 9 years, he killed what was asked for him to be killed. He forgot what was called an emotion. But a day came when he overheard the Clan Head talking to an elder on how he was brainwashed. He also found out that his kind master was also killed by the Clan Head himself.

He also found out that his parents were also killed by an assassin from the clan. He found out that there was a treasure passed down from every generation of the clan. It had an unimaginable power that only the clan head had access to.

The training he experience led him to kill his emotions. So when he found out all those truths, he was not really that affected. He just found the clan to be distasteful and not trustworthy anymore.

So he went to the clan head's chamber and attempted to kill him, but who would have thought that even though he was just a bag of bones, the Clan Head was still evenly matched with him, a man dubbed as the strongest in the Itoi Clan. A man that had the highest possibility of inheriting the Clan Head position.

Even though they were evenly matched, it was clear that the Clan head was getting exhausted. But still, if they fight longer, reinforcement would surely come.

With no choice, he could only escape, but of course he did not forget the so called treasure. He then took it and escaped, leaving the Clan Head panting from anger.

And it finally led to this situation. He was suddenly reborn. With a breast on his face, waiting for him to suck it.

As he continued to stare at it, the allure seemed to get stronger. But even with the mental training he had, he was not able to resist it anymore and ... puff... the savory taste of milk entered his mouth. He felt that he entered the paradise. All of the food he ate in his whole could not be compared to how delicious this milk he was sucking in was.

He smile as he sucked from the pleasure and satisfaction while ignoring the astonished stares of his new mother.

No pun intended!

A little confusing with the names, but I know you are smart people.

I don't really know how to describe appearances. It takes too much time. But I am sure that the one reading this would be those who watched the anime or read the manga.

I am sure you can easily picture their appearances.

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