A man died due to the mistake of God, and got the chance to Reincarnate in random universe with some cheats. He reincarnated in MCU as a Mutated Kryptonian. . - First world:Marvel -Second World: Not decided yet.
~ Forks, Washington, 1995~
——— Nick Fury's P.O.V———
"MotherFu**er!!!" I cursed the slippery surface for the hundredth time, Driving till here wasn't a problem because I asked a Junior, to change up the tyres on my car, but the walk from the car to the mansion wasn't that pleasant, the frozen pavement, overgrown weed and mosses, tells you that no one has walked this path in years, and from what I know of our local resident, it's not further from the truth, looking behind at my companion, and saw her, using that glittery powers of hers to melt the ice and remove the moss, and I can't but feel slight jealousy towards that.
"Danvers, you shouldn't use your powers on such things, less you want to get too dependent." I stressed out with my best poker face.
"Sure…" replied Danvers with a eye roll-wait a fu**ing minute, did this lass just roll her fu**ing eyes on me.
"We should hurry " Danvers said and quickly walked away, maybe sensing my fully loaded mouth with unsavoury words.
"So, we are meeting an extraterrestrial living being." Danvers inquired, further avoiding our previous bout.
"Presumed extraterrestrial, as we are still not sure, and honestly before I did some personal digging, I thought he was one of those skrull fu**ers."I corrected her, Forgiving the lass and saving my colourful words for another time.
"Ohh! So, What did you find?" Questioned Danvers with some intrigue in her voice.
"Not much, but I managed to find an old woman named Marry, who worked at the orphanage where our presumed alien grew up, and she had few things to say about him." I answered her, while my mind drifted to what the old lady said, and according to her, he had never cried as a baby, nor did he ever fallen ill, and she also has never seen him getting injured or hurt.
"Is he really that strong"Danvers asked, with some hidden excitement in her eyes, while she knocked at the door of our local alien's house
"He should be, from what I've gathered, he has super strength, super durability, super speed and super senses" I assured her and further explained what I found about the file"S.U.P.E.R".
"How did you find so much about him, and also in such short time" Questioned Danvers, and ma god this women's asking too fu**ing many questions, and all them being classified, with big red a*s words.
"I didn't find everything by ma self, there was already a file about him, which was personally made top secret by the first director of S.H.I.E.L.D, but later moved to the myth folder where all unexplained supernatural things are placed." I answered, and before she can ask another annoying and classified question, the door opened and revealed a huge a*s dude with a sharp but lazy purple eyes, looking down on us quite literally.
"Can I help you" asked the giant man whom I presume is one we are looking for, but I still I'm having some doubts cause the motherfu**er doesn't look a day older than his last picture Which "with capital W!!!", was taken during the "WWII"
"Are you Bryan Fury, We are from the S-
" It's a honour to meet you, sir, my name is Nick Fury and the lady beside me is Carol Danvers, and I'm sorry to disturb you on such a beaut-ahh I mean rainy day" I cut off Danvers and raised my hand for a shake, not wanting her to offend guy, and damn! I feel so violated for speaking like that.
"Fury…huh, sorry buddy if you are here to claim me, as your biological father then you will be disappointed cause I'm not, even though I have slept with many beautiful black women, but I'm quite sure none of them were made pregnant by me." Did this fu**er just called me his son, and here I was talking politely and giving him respect.
"If you thought, that was funny then you are beyond wrong" I replied and stared motherfu*kerly at him
"Fur-Nick Fury can you can stop wasting time, and tell him why we are here" interrupted the blonde, showing that women, powerful or not has little patience.
"Well, this little lady here, is not wrong, you should say what business you have with me, although I can guess, as It's not the first time SSR sent someone to recruit me, but go on, say what you came here for."
——Bryan's P.O.V——
'I waited for fury to say what he came here to say, even though I know that, he came here to invite me for the avengers initiative, but I can't really tell him, that I already know why he came here, so I waited patiently for his explanation'
"I came here for this" fury said and handed me a file, and after a quick read I looked at him and replied
"So, you want me to join you secret super boy band huh, and you're saying I have a bad sense of humour" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow
"Hey, it's not for boys only"commented the blonde with a bit annoyance, ahh I see, she's a bit mad since I called her a little lady.
"You believe, there are other people with powers like me?"I questioned Fury, and completely ignored the blonde, but I can see, this only raised her annoyance, and from what I know this woman has anger issues, so lets change the location or less the lady lost her patience, and destroys my beautiful home.
"Let's move to somewhere else, as I'm sensing a disturbance in the Force"I chuckled at my own joke, and led them to my, rather large backyard.
" Force? What force? Can you tell me more about it"Questioned Fury, taking my joke seriously, and I can't say I'm surprised, with how paranoid the guy is.
"Relax, that was just a joke, a little out of time but still a joke" I calmed the man down before he goes all spy-mode on me.
" Can you take this seriously, and stop joking, we are here for some important work but you are keep making jokes and sidetracking the conversation"Commented Carol with a bit raised voice, clearly her patience reaching their limits.
"Ahh! My bad, so where were we, Fury"I asked the man, not wanting to further annoy the blonde
"You were asking me about other superhuman's existence, but before that, are you not gonna deny you being superhuman?"Questioned the one eyed man, and I can't really blame the guy, as i totally skipped the cliché scenario
"Well, me denying that will be a insult to your IQ, I also don't want waste time on something we both know about, and honestly I never really tried to hide my powers."I answered the one eyed man with a shrug of my shoulders
"Is that really the case" questioned the man, while narrowing his remaining eye
"…Yes?" I answered, a bit confused to what he's implying
"Let's move on, and forget about my previous question, continuing where we left, to answer your previous question, yes other superhuman exist, and I'm not talking peak humans like super soldier, I'm talking about beings, that can do things, that are beyond anything a human can do, and Danvers here, are one of them" Fury said while pointing at the woman beside him, and I can see Carol straighten up and pose a bit.
"Well, I don't really want to offend both of you but she doesn't look all that strong to me."I said, sounding a bit unsure, even though I know all about her powers, but I have to keep my act, so I questioned her strength, but that doesn't seem like a good idea, as I can see a golden aura around the now really annoyed blonde, well I guess calling her weak was enough to break her already thinned patience.
"You think I'm weak, let's fight, and see how I'm a kick your old a*s up"Challenged the still in control blonde.
"Calm your flat a*s down woman, and don't go all super sayian on me, cause you won't like the result"I said, narrowing my eyes and leaking my willpower tinged with a bit bloodlust, and I see her flinch slightly, and before I further scare her, Nick spoke.
"It's fine, you can fight her, and with that you can see yourself that other super-humans exist"Fury interrupted, and walked between us, looking at his eye, I can't help but be impressed by how he didn't flinch even a bit after feeling my bloodlust, and I have to say, Bruce Wayne was really right, when he said those famous to superman words.
"Can you survive the space? I don't want to destroy the forest nearby." I questioned the glowing women with floating hair, man she really looks like a super saiyan right now.
"Yes, I can" Carol said, her aura intensifying, burning her cloths and revealing her battle suit
"Then, let's fight there " I suggested while staring at her eyes
"See you there, old man" Carol said with a smug look, and took off
"…I will be right back" I told Fury with a confident smile and also took off.
Easily breaking the sound barrier multiple times, and reaching the space in seconds and waited for Carol to show up, it took her few seconds to reach my location, and I can see her face loosing the smug look
"Quite fast for a old man, right?" I questioned sarcastically, and I have to admit, I really am enjoying annoying her.
"So what, speed is useless If I don't let you get close to me." Carol said and fired a energy blast at me, which I slapped away without even looking.
Now that I think, this fight looks like the Berus vs Goku fight from the battle of gods, Carol with her blonde flowing hair, golden aura around, fighting in space, and me floating with my hand folded behind my back, coincidentally the colour of my mana is also purple like my eyes, so if I release my mana, I will totally look like Berus minus the feline looks.
"Is that all you can do" I sarcastically said with nasty smirk on my face, trying to rile her up, and from the looks of it, it worked quite well
"Aaah" with a roar, Carol rushed at me, with a raised fist, completely forgetting about not getting closer to me, and after coming on to me, she tried to punch me, which I stopped with my index finger, seeing that her punch was blocked so easily made her even angrier.
"Ahhhh" roaring even loader she pulled her fist back, and send flurry of punches at super sonic speed, which I blocked all with the same finger, looking at her I realised that it's time to end this.
"That's enough, I have seen what you can do, let's end this" I said with bored tone while flicking Carol away, and after Carol regain her focus from the brain rattling flicker, I flew behind her at a speed she can't follow, and punched her towards the Earth, but I slightly miscalculated my strength, and punched so hard that she lost her consciousness, and if I don't stop her fall, she will definitely die, so I moved to save her, but also not forgetting Sheldon's concern about her splitting in three if I didn't stop the momentum, and with that in my mind, I saved her and then flew towards my home.
——3rd person's P.O.V——
It took Bryan only two minutes to reach his house, even with a moderate pace. Reaching there he dropped Carol Danvers near Nick Fury, and after that he and Nick Fury talked for few minutes before Nick Fury left with the still unconscious Carol Danvers, and also with an accomplished smirk hanging over his face.
{AN: Finally completed}