A man died due to the mistake of God, and got the chance to Reincarnate in random universe with some cheats. He reincarnated in MCU as a Mutated Kryptonian. . - First world:Marvel -Second World: Not decided yet.
—— 3rd person P.O.V ——
~Helicarier Bridge, After Loki Left~
Fury gathers Tony and Steve back into the briefing room, everyone there has a look as if in a daze. A look of numb shock is shown on their devastated faces.
"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you and Bryan to sign them." Fury broke the silence and throws Coulson's CAPTAIN AMERICA AND BRYAN's TRADING CARDS on the table towards Steve. Steve picks them up, STAINED WITH BLOOD.
"We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, location of the cube, Banner, Thor, Bryan. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming." Fury spoke again after his words had settled down, reminding them the grim situation.
"Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called THE AVENGERS INITIATIVE."Fury stops for moment and then continues again.
"The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes." Fury finished his sentence and reminded what they lost here.
Tony gets up and walks off, not wanting to hear it anymore.
"Well, it's an old fashioned notion" Fury commented, watching Tony leave.
~In a grassland, Some where on earth~
Thor walks out far into the meadow. He looks down. At his unresponsive hammer, Mjolnir.
~An Abandoned Building~
Bruce wakes up, in human form. He looks around and sees he is In a pile of rubble and looks up at the open ceiling, he crashed from. Looking around, the first thing his notices that, he is completely naked. A Security Guard stands there, amazed.
"You fell out of the sky." The security Guard flatly stated.
"Did I hurt anybody?" Bruce asked a bit concerned, even though Bryan had made him kill some terrorists, Bruce had never hurt an innocent, at least knowingly.
"There's nobody around here to get hurt. You did scare the hell out of some pigeons, though." The old man said, and this did calmed Bruce.
"Good-luck for me and Bad-Luck for the pigeons, I guess" Bruce thoughtlessly replied to the Security Guard, caring more about his nudeness than the sacred pigeons.
"Or just good aim. You were awake when you fell." The Guard replied
"You saw?" Bruce questioned
"The whole thing, right through the ceiling. Big and green and buck ass nude. Here..." He throws Bruce a pair of big pants. The Scientists-then-Butler-Now Scientists again silently wares the pair of jeans, lost in thought.
"I didn't think those would fit you until you shrunk down to a regular size fella." The Guard suddenly spoke, bringing Bruce out of his brooding.
"Thank you. They fit fine" Bruce briefly said and returned to his thoughts again
"Are you an alien?" The Guard spoke again, Breaking Bruce's line of thoughts again
"What?" Bruce confusedly asked the Guard.
"From outer space, an alien?" The Guard repeated the question with more few details.
"No." Bruce answered with a blank face, thinking about his extraterrestrial employer.
"Well then, son, you've got a condition." The Guard simply stated.
"I know" Bruce simply agreed with the kind old man.
~Unknown Location in Space~
Bryan was floating in the ever expanding space, with his eyes intensively glowing crimson. It was the first the time, after his wife died that he felt such rage, not on Loki, he's not that petty, but on himself.
He felt anger on himself, for making the same mistake, he blamed comics heroes and Anime characters countless times. How could he let his pride become arrogance and look down on his enemy, how could he let his guard down and not dodge the incoming object.
He had seen Superman getting injured many times, believing in his invulnerability. He had blamed goku for letting his guard down and getting injured from a bullet. QuickSilver tanking bullets, when he can out run them.
Taking a deep breath even though, the vacuum of the space didn't allow him, the force behind his lung's inhale was so powerful that the surrounding space trembled, exhaling the stored oxygen, he calmed his emotions down.
After calming down, Bryan pulled a small device from his Pocket Dimension, and sends a massage to Nick Fury
-[ I'm on my way ]-
~Helicarier Detention Section
Tony look at the empty cell container. He stands not saying a word. Steve walks in.
"Was he married?" Steve questioned
"No. There was a uh...cellist, I think." Tony replied unsure, he didn't even know the guy's first name before this, only remembered Coulson pestering him through his girlfriend, Pepper.
"I'm sorry. He seemed like a good man." Steve gave his condolences to Tony.
"He was an idiot." Tony replied
"Why? For believing?" Steve questioned a bit aggressively
"For taking on Loki alone." Tony corrected, while facing the Soldier.
"He was doing his job." Steve said, respecting Coulson's decision
"He was out of his league. He should have waited. He should have..." Tony didn't complete the sentence, just stood there lost in his thoughts.
"Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony." Steve said.
"Right. How did that work for him?" Tony sarcastically asked and walked away.
"Is this the first time you've lost a soldier? Steve questioned tony.
"WE ARE NOT SOLDIERS! I am not marching to Fury's fife!" Tony sharply turns and angrily replied to Steve.
"Neither am I! He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki does. Right now we've got to put that aside and get this done. Now Loki needs a power source, if we can put together a list..." Steve said, wanting to focus on the problem.
"He made it personal." Stated Tony, while looking at the blood stained wall
"That's not the point." Stave said.
"That is the point. At least that's Loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?" Tony questioned Steve
"To tear us apart." Answered Steve.
"He had to conquer his greed, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience." Tony explains Loki's narcissistic personality
"Right, I caught his act at Stuttengard." Steve agrees with Tony
"Yeah. That's just a preview, this is opening night. Loki's a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered..." Tony suddenly stopped talking and exclaimed loudly
~Few minutes later~
Steve walks in full uniform. Natasha looks at him unprepared.
"Time to go." Steve stated.
"Go where?" Natasha confusingly asked Steve.
"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Steve questioned again after answering Natasha's previous question.
Barton walks out of the restroom. Looks at Cap.
"I can." And replied to Steve.
"Steve looks at Natasha and she nods her head to confirm Barton's on their side.
"You got a suit?" Steve questioned turning his to the Archer
"Yeah."Barton simply replied
"Then suit up." Captain ordered and walked back.
—— Montage——
- Bryan looked at the Iconic red and blue Superman suit inside his Dimension.
- The mighty Thor raised his hammer. KRAKAKABOOM! A blinding BOLT OF LIGHTNING strikes down from above, colliding on Mjolnir.
- Captain America pulls on his HELMET and SHIELD.
- Tony WELDS his Iron Man helmet. LIGHT slips down over Iron Man's eye holes.
- Black Widow attaches a GLOVE GAUNTLET with her rounds on her wrist.
- Hawkeye slips on his QUIVER of arrows.
~New York city~
A hole in space rips open, and from it, the Chitauri Army Spills out in Flying Chariots, carrying ENERGY RIFLES with a bayonet on the end.
Inside the suit, Iron Man flies up towards the portal. From his shoulders, a miniature multiple rocket launcher, pops out and FIRES. Like the Jerico Missile, several targets are taken down in an instant, but It's useless. Thousands of more Chitauri flew out.
At Stark tower, Loki walks onto the balcony as the Sounds of the Chitauri rings out. He admires his soon to be kingdom, but Thor's landing ruined the moment for him. Loki turns to his Enemy.
"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Thor said in a commanding tone
"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!" Loki declared before rushing at Thor with his sceptre, and they started fighting.
Soon the Chitauri army started destroying buildings and killing innocent civilians. Soldiers and Cops responded quickly, and started to evacuate the New Yorkers, with Iron man helping and dealing with the nearby Chitauri.
'Sir, we have an incoming' Jarvis informed Tony inside the suit. Tony looks up to see 4 leviathan coming out of the hole, with two of them already starting to destroy the nearby buildings.
"Thor, leave your brother alone, come with me. We have bigger problems to deal, and I mean much-much bigger problems" Tony said looking at the leviathans.
"Don't worry, I got them" Suddenly Tony hears a deep voice both above him and through the coms.
Looking above, the sunlight from the direct contact of sun instantly blinds him, but he still manages to caught the silhouette of the floating Bryan, through the suit's camera Tony saw Bryan, wearing a different red and blue colour suit, observing Chitauri Leviathan calmly.
"You are late" Tony said with a relieved smile behind his helmet
"I know" Bryan replied and chuckled hearing Tony's relieved voice
"I'll handle the three of them, and Bruce who's already here can handle the remaining one" Bryan said and flew after the Chitauri Leviathans.
While flying Bryan's eye shines a deep crimson colour, as he fires two beam of intense heat at one of Leviathan. The heat was so high that the head of the Leviathan instantly vaporised, and the middle part of its body melted, only the tail remained, sizzling from the attack, it fell harmlessly on the empty street.
Bryan didn't even stopped to look at the falling junk, as he quickly flew towards the second Leviathan, and threw a normal uppercut with his right arm, but the air pressure and shockwave caused by the punch was anything but normal, which instantly blew its head to a million pieces, holding the falling body with his left arm. He rotated his body in mid-air with mild effort and threw the Leviathan's body towards the hole in the sky.
Bryan flew toward his last target and released an extremely cold breath, which instantly froze the third Leviathan, following the previous example he threw a weak punch, shattering the his last target in to millions of pieces.
After taking care of the three Leviathans, Bryan looked below and saw that, the now-transformed Bruce took care of the last Leviathan, and the Avengers gathered together.
Seeing that, Bryan also flew towards the gathered Avengers.
The Avenger and Bryan formed the Iconic circle from the first movie, and looked at the portal in the sky. From the portal, Thousands of more Chitauri soldiers and even more Leviathans flew out.
{An: Another one. How are you good people, I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic.}
{Today I had to use pen diary to write this chapter, lol}