


- 3rd Person's P.O.V -


Two days passed and Bryan did what he said he would. Shaw was a really good punching bag, not only can he absorb physical energy from Bryan, but he can also help Bryan to get hold of his physical strength, at least to some degree.

After Bryan was done with Shaw, his body can finally absorb physical energy, and convert it into Void energy. The only problem he had with all this was that the conversion rate was very low, but he can't really blame anyone, the Void energy is the same energy that's found inside The Void. It is the origin of all Energy, he was lucky that when he merged with The Void while fighting Beyonder, he started evolving otherwise his core will never manage to birth such energy.

As for his new skill [Void Merge] that came from his unique Existence, with this he connects with The Void and uses its Omnipotent powers.

But like any skill, it has a downside. While in the Void merged state, his own energy reservoir will be used and that's also the reason why he lost consciousness when he was chasing the Beyonder.

And it's not the only thing. Every time Bryan triggered the skill and merge with The Void, a tiny part of his Existence permanently becomes a part of The Void and ceases to exist.

That's the reason why Bryan's been feeling a sense of loss ever since he woke up, even the sadness of Steve's loss and worries of Wanda's situation has been overwhelmed by this loss.

And as for recovering his Existence, his status screen says it's impossible, but so was surviving The Void. If he can survive The Void then he recovers his Existence from it too.

"It's time," Bryan says to the two geared-up ladies.

"You know America, you don't have to come, right?" Emma questioned the teen who looked slightly scared.

"Yeah…but I want to!" America says, her voice sounding determined.

Bryan and Emma guessed her emotions and didn't discourage her, after all the teen has suffered too much at the hand of the Scarlet Witch.

"Don't worry about me, I will only feel safe when I see her die by my own eyes." America tried to assure the cold face woman, but it only had an inverse effect.

Emma frowned at America's choice of words but didn't comment anything. Even if Emma took a liking to her quirkiness, she's not one to stop people from making their own decisions, even if it's stupid.

*Swish* Bryan opened the portal after seeing Emma not saying anything.


~Avenger's Headquarters~


Tony was having another headache, not on the fact that he has to donate billions to build this new headquarters and other infrastructure after the Infinity War, or his newly born daughter not letting him sleep even a little.

No! He was having a headache because of Wanda Maximoff who moved in here after Bryan left to discover mysteries of the Multiverse.

Luck bastard!!!

She has been too moody, even Pietro whom she moved here for, is having problems with dealing her random mood swings.

When her mood swings started first, he and Steve thought she was pregnant, but that changed when they did a secret scan.

After not finding any reason behind her craziness, they had to ask the magician whom he hates to his bones.

Anyways the party performer said that Wanda's energies are imbalanced with her mind and soul.

And that's causing her emotions to randomly pike up.

After knowing her problems. They tried to help, but it backfired, making her fight with them, and since no one wants to harm Bryan's woman, they decided to wait for Bryan to return and deal with her craziness.

"That's why I don't stick in crazies…" Tony muttered, making other Avengers look at him in confusion.

"Nothing! So, where were we?" Tony ignored their stares and questioned.

"We were discussing, how we are going to take down these recent Terrorist groups." Rhody whom Bryan healed, answered.

"Yea-*BOOM!!!* Tony's words were cut off by a giant explosion sound.

Friday immediately reacted and showed the explosion location on a giant screen.

"Not Again!" Tony frustratingly shouted, seeing Wanda coming out of a giant hole in the floor.

Tony and others immediately ran towards the explosion's location.

Reaching there, Tony saw Wanda descending upon an injured blonde woman whom Tony instantly recognised as Pietro's new girlfriend.

"Sis!!!" Pietro suddenly flashed at the scene and shouted seeing Wanda holding his injured girlfriend by her hair.

"Pietro this…this harlot was saying how she has you wrapped around her fingers" Wanda darkly said as her crimson hand touched Pietro's girlfriend's neck.

"No! It's all you, you have been doing things that are not making any sense. Your mood swings were already problematic, but now, now what you are doing is making no sense, you even attacked a facility and destroyed Vision's body which they were trying to repair." Pietro shouted, making Wanda halt her movement.

She looked into Pietro's eyes and spoke "It's all her fault if this slut hasn't seduced you wouldn't be talking like this to me." Wanda jerked the blonde woman's head up by her hair and used her other hand to summon an energy bomb.

Pietro saw Wanda's action and ran towards his girlfriend, his speed was too fast for anyone to react.

He easily got his girlfriend outside Wanda's hand and was retreating back when Wanda's energy blast hit him.

"Agh" Pietro collided with the wall, fortunately, he protected his girlfriend from the impact.

"Pietro!!!" Wanda anxiously yelled, hearing her brother's painful voice.

"I didn't mean to…" Wanda said as Pietro stood up with some difficulty.

Pietro raised his palm and gestured Wanda to stop approaching him.

Wanda's movements stopped, and just as she was going to say something a portal opened with a *Swish*

"~Whistle~" Rhody whistled subconsciously seeing a blonde babe walking outside the portal, Tony would have done the same if he wasn't happily married.

"YOU!!!" Wanda's suddenly screamed while pointing at Emma.

"Yes me, surprised I didn't die?" Emma said and then questioned Wanda coldly.

And before Wanda can reply two more people walked out causing her to freeze.

Bryan walked out alongside America and raised his hand causing the heart-shaped ruby necklace to fly towards it.

Bryan didn't waste time and sent his mind inside the necklace. Once he found Wanda, he formed a protective layer of Void energy around her and broke the necklace.

The real Wanda immediately came outside, into everyone's view, causing their eyes to widen. Her condition wasn't good.

She was malnourished, had many healed scars, and worst of all her eyes were hollow.

Bryan hugged Wanda tightly and muttered "I'm sorry.." near her ear softly.

He used his powers to slowly turned her body back to her original state, and rubbed her back gently.

Slowly, but surely Wanda's eyes regained her brightness as she felt the familiar warmth that she desperately missed.

"Bryan…" Wanda muttered slowly.

"Yes," Bryan replied.

"I thought something happened to you, ever since you left this Universe I had been having a foreboding feeling and…and that mad bitch also started torturing me recently." Wanda continues after hearing Bryan's voice, but her words cause Bryan's blood to boil in anger, even his evolved my mind and sense of loss couldn't control the intense emotion.

His rage-filled eyes landed on the restrained imposter.

The Imposter Wanda struggled to free herself from Bryan's restraint as she felt unimaginable pain from her soul, but to her horror, she couldn't even feel any of her powers.

And just as Bryan was going to kill her…slowly, the real Wanda stopped him, shaking her head she weakly moved towards her imposter, even with all her injuries healed, she was feeling weak.


{AN: Go to my patr*on for extra 15 unedited chapter and 2 extra weakly updates on every Friday and Saturday.

