A man died due to the mistake of God, and got the chance to Reincarnate in random universe with some cheats. He reincarnated in MCU as a Mutated Kryptonian. . - First world:Marvel -Second World: Not decided yet.
—— Emma's P.O.V ——
I returned to the room after declining the two future leaders of mutants.
Looking around, I found Bryan looking outside the window, lost in his thoughts.
"Bryan…" I softly called him. Now that everything cleared out, I don't know how to react with him, but that is the last of my worries. I need to tell him about Wanda, and it honestly scares me to think how he will react.
"Bryan" I called him again, seeing him not reacting to my previous call.
"Huh? Sorry about that." Bryan turned his head and spoke apologetically.
I shuddered involuntarily when his sharp eyes met mine.
"Ahmm, there's something I want to say." I said as I avoided his eyes, but I still caught the weird glint that passed in them.
"Why do you sound like a Japanese high-school girl that about confessed to her crush," Bryan asked with a teasing smile.
I ignored his irrelevant words and spoke with an absolutely serious tone. "Wanda…something's wrong with her" my words froze Bryan's smile.
"I know…" Bryan replied with an equally serious tone which made me subconsciously retort. "You know?"
"Yes," He said.
"Then you already took care of it?" I questioned him again.
"No" Bryan curtly answered. His calm tone made me slightly annoyed.
"What do you mean by that," I asked him calmly, not letting my annoyance affect me.
"I didn't know back then, but with my recent evolution, I gain some kind of Omniscience, although weak it still answered some of my unanswered questions," Bryan explains, it seems he felt my annoyance. And his explanation did lessen that annoyance.
"I already tried to open a space portal to leave but my recent fight and evolution had left me all dried up." Bryan continues, his forehead narrowing in frustration.
"We can use America Chavez, she could probably connect with your Universe." I offered, but much to my confusion he shook his head in denial.
"My Universe is different, almost no one can disrupt its Time and Space," Bryan said after seeing my confusion.
His word made me realise why America was unsuccessful in opening a portal before yesterday, he probably wasn't in his Universe when she opened it.
"So, are we going to wait for you to recover your energy?" I questioned him again which caused his left eye to raise in question. "We? You coming with me." Bryan spoke.
But before I can speak, he continued, cutting me off, " That was my original plan, but after those two visited you, it changed."
His word made me raise an eyebrow in question, which he saw but avoided.
Seeing him not answering, I spoke, "What plan?" Bryan's eyes landed on mine again, but this time I didn't revert it.
Bryan chuckled at my reaction, and spoke, "I know this Universe, and if what I know is correct, there should be a guy that can absorb any kind of energy, even physical energy."
"And?" I urged him to continue. I had inkling of which guy he's talking about, after all that man has effected a major part of my life.
"Well, I plan to punch him and absorb the physical energy from him. Once my body adapts to that, I will never have problems with energy recovery. I can just fly at light speed and convert the physical energy into my Unique energy, recovering my reservoir instantly."
"Is that even possible" I dumbly asked, having difficulty wrapping my head around something so outrageous.
Bryan chuckled again and replied "Darling you have no idea what's possible"
Bryan then turned his head back to the window again, observing the city below with a lost expression.
—— 3rd Person's P.O.V ——
The group of teen mutants that Magneto and Professor gathered were sitting downcasted after they were scolded for destroying the statue and scaring the officers nearby.
They were silently discussing when they heard the panicked voice of the officer stationed outside their room.
Curious they peeked out, only to see a bunch of said officers knocked over the ground.
The sight caused the young mutants to become confused, but that didn't last as they heard footsteps approaching them from behind the door.
Sebastian Shaw walked up to the scared teens, and start talking, trying to manipulate them.
His Charismatic words caused them to doubt their decision, one of them even walked up to him and accepted to join his side.
"Angel!" Shouted a young black man, the woman stopped to look back, but after a few seconds, she continued moving without replying to anything.
Once Shaw accepted her, she turns back and explained the reasoning behind her actions, and asked them to join as well.
"Darwin!!!" The other mutants kid shouted at the black man, as he also moved towards Shaw.
Darwin, the black man turns and looked at the group, his eyes meeting with a white teen, and tried to convey something.
Darwin shook Shaw's hand once he reached them, and stood beside Angel.
Shaw was going to continue when suddenly Darwin's skin changed and he hugged Angel. "Alex! Now!!!" He shouted at Alex, the white man, who instantly reacted and sent rings of crimson energy at Shaw and his followers.
But to the young mutant's horror, Shaw stopped those rings and absorbed them.
"You're good at adapting, right?" Shaw questions Darwin, as he walked towards him.
"Let's see how you adapt to this." Shaw continues as a red ball of energy forms inside his hand.
Shaw opened Darwin's mouth, and just as he was going to feed him the energy ball, someone grabbed his arm and yanked him back.
"Who are you?" Shaw questions the man who appeared out of nowhere.
"No one you need to know" The man or Bryan spoke, and to Shaw's horror broke his arm like a twig.
Shaw tried to scream in pain, but Bryan placed his finger on his head which caused him instantly blacked out.
Bryan sighed after Shaw blacked out, even when he used the smallest amount of power he could, he nearly destroyed Shaw's mind even with his Anti-telepathy helmet.
Bryan moved his eyes from unconscious Shaw to the shocked and dumbfounded people watching him, not giving them any heed, he flew away while carrying Shaw on his shoulder.
That pulled the watchers out of their shock. Shaw's group reacted quickly with Azazel teleporting behind Bryan only to receive a backhand blow that caused the red-skinned devil to be launched back to the ground, the devil collided the ground with a bone crunching sound, his life and death unknown.
Riptide also reacted and attacked Bryan with multiple tornadoes, but he just shrugged those off and flew away.
The young mutants also came out of their shocked state and argued whether to stop Bryan or not, but once they came to a conclusion, Bryan already left, leaving them dumbfounded again.
magneto and Professor shortly arrived after Bryan left and tried to catch Shaw's people, and with Azazel knocked out they easily subdued Riptide.
Bryan slowly flew for sometimes, and landed on a building where Emma was waiting with a knocked-out Emma frost of this Universe.
Bryan raised a questioning eyebrow at that.
"You will need time to adapt, right?" Emma questioned Bryan which he nodded and replies. "A day, or two, I'm not sure, but what does that have to do with her" Bryan points his index finger at the unconscious woman and asked.
"Well…I can't see her go through all this, I just want to help her, like I wished someone helped me in my younger days." Emma explained.
"You know that she might have different circumstances than you, right?" Bryan questioned again, but Emma didn't reply making him sigh and say "Whatever".
After that Bryan and Emma moved towards their current base with each carrying an unconscious person.
{AN: Go to my patr*on for extra 15 unedited chapter and 2 extra weakly updates on every Friday and Saturday.