
A Monsters Mercy

Standing there looking at the extra soul took I feel cold sweat running down my back it was a huge mistake on my part I only intended to get the dying soul not the other that was with it who was the reason for the soul leaving its mortal shell, looking at the person with a completely blank expression I shudder normally a soul is extremely animated this one however is almost a void it just stands there like a statue not moving and having no hint of anything I turn to my husband with a fearful expression on my face I have been in this role for eons and this is my first mistake. “I think you need to speak to her” he says but continues after a breath “this is your first and I can see its not a good soul but in the same line you can’t send it to the underworld because you took its chance to reform itself into something good”.

Kellsia_Ing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Stats and Flashback

(You can skip this chapter as it has no impact on the story)

Name. Onyxia

Age 18

Race. Lesser Multi Elemental Wyvern

Gender Female

Level (10)

Exp 11275/ 13605

STR (30)

DEX (20)

CON (20)

INT (20)

WIS (20)

CHA (10)

Mana 2000/2000

Stamina 2000/2000


Flight (3)

[reduces stamina drain while flying by 1%

Darkvision (2)

[allows you to see in the dark up to 60tf in cresses but 10 per level]

Enhanced senses (1)

[increases the details you can pick up by 1% per level]

Pain tolerance (??)

[skill corrupt needs reconfiguring]

Venomous (3)

[inject a neurotoxin increases the speed and potency of the venom by 1% per level]

ice magic (10)

[Allows the use of ice magic decreases the use of mana by 1% per level]

fire magic (1)

[Allows the use of fire magic decreases the use of mana by 1% per level]

lightning magic (1)

[Allows the use of lightning magic decreases the use of mana by 1% per level]

iron scales (1)

[Increases the toughness of your scales, CON score increased by 0.5 per level when attacked by physical weapon]

elemental resistance (1)

[increases resistance to the magics you have, CON score increased by 0.5 per level when attacked by a magic you have]


Roar (1)

[ let out an intimidating roar which stuns opponents lower than your level plus the level of your roar]

Slash (9)

[slash increases your STR score by 0.5 per level when using slash]

Bite (12)

[Bite increases your STR score by 0.5 per level when using bite]

Stealth (2)

[makes you harder to be spotted when hiding]

Ambush (1)

[increases your STR or WIS score when attacking from Stealth]

Appraisal (2)

[allows you to see information on the object or living creature you are looking at]

ice breath (13)

[Increases your INT score by 0.5 per level when attacking]

fire breath (1)

[Increases your INT score by 0.5 per level when attacking]

lightning breath (1)

[Increases your INT score by 0.5 per level when attacking]


ice shard (1)

[crate a shard of ice]

fire Ball (1)

[create a fire ball]

shock bolt (1)

[Create a ball of lightning]

Sophie's first kill

I am stood by the river near the orphanage where I have lived for most of my life unlike most kids I was left here by my parent's, who would of though a baby that doesn't cry at all would be a problem but oh well, anyway I have lived here for most of my life and the other kids have bullied me for almost the whole time I have been here but it never seemed to get to me until I started my journey in to womanhood then I got an emotion anger since then I have been holding it in but today when I saw Chloe I snapped she was walking down the river bank and this was the first time I have seen her without her gang of friends so I walked towards her in the rain and wind one she spotted me she calls out "hey if it isn't the freak!" that's when it happened I punched her on the nose and the sight of blood got my heart pumping and I kept going we are on the floor before I know it she is crying and begging me to stop but I just keep going after ten minutes she goes unconscious but I keep punching my arms are getting tired so I glance around and see a rock, I pick it up and examine it, its about the size of my to hands together and quite heavy without thinking I bring it down on her face, I think I hit her with it four or five time before my arms are to tired to lift any more, looking down on the bloody mess of the girl I smile and stand up, looking around I see that no one is around so I just push her in to the river and pick up my rock walk about an hour up stream and throw the rock in then simply walk back to the orphanage for dinner.