
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasia
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127 Chs

ch 19

I need to figure a way out of this or at least profit from my current situation I overestimated my self and now this has become a salvage operation otherwise I won't be able to use this identity anymore and Amin will definitely be executed if I just disappear and while that won't matter to me it will probably be a problem if the Hydra family loses him and of course I will be blamed but I can't afford to be part of the sultan's family as it will put me in the spotlight making it impossible to just disappear when I need to like when I'm supposed to meet with the elven delegates in the empire.

While the wheels are turning in my head as to how I am going to fix this the sultan's escorts have arrived to take me to his private palace the whole drive there I'm looking for a way out only when I look out the window I see a speeding car as it collides into our vehicle and I blacked out for a few minutes then I wake up only see as my escort team is executed before they can recover apparently someone doesn't like the idea of the sultan adding more high serpent lineages to his own.

This could be good news for me as they executed my escort team and not me shame about the cute driver but as long as my life is okay what does she matter I don't resist as they pull me out of the wreckage.

kidnapper A:"We are here for you cooperate and you will not be harmed" I nod "good get him to the van" and now I got a bag on my head fan fucking tastic I start hearing spells being fired as I'm being taken

kidnapper B:"Go brothers we will hold them off we cannot fail because our cause is just!" shit! I hope they aren't all fanatics otherwise they won't bargain with me if they are I gotta get out of here!

Feeling the van pull off begin taking in as much as I could the vans seats are nice which means they are well funded if have money to waste on the seating they didn't tie my hands or legs which means they didn't have the time or they were sure I couldn't get away and the bag smells like cinnamon which tells me nothing other than the fact it smells good the only other thing I can draw from this is this is a well coordinated attack meaning they had inside information as it wasn't publicized yet that I was heading to the sultan's palace.

We finally stopped and I'm lead out of the van they remove my bag I come face to face with a gorgeous naga woman who I recognize from the party as one of the very few people who didn't seem interested in my sperm and where I put it but now she is here surrounded by scary looking bodyguards.

kidnapper A:"We have the lost a some brothers but we retrieved the lost decedent of Lernea"

sexy naga:"Good" then she murdered all the kidnappers before they can react "there is no missing decedent of Lernea if you are wondering why you're here its because Lernea is dead and you are like us a decedent of a Hydra and we need a new patron before one of the the other major houses figure it out" so think I have what they need

Me:"So what I'm hearing is you want to make a deal miss...."

sexy naga:"Haifa, yes we would like to make a deal"

Me:"Good then can we have discussion like civilized individuals or are we continue to discuss it here" we then get a limo and get away from here as we travel we continue our talk

Haifa:"I was assigned by the Lernea household to be your wife as you know what we want what do you want?"

Me:"That depends what can you offer me that the sultan can't?"

Haifa:"I think you'll find we are willing to offer more than the sultan would ever give and I can offer more than you would expect" she says in a seductive tone