
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasia
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127 Chs

ch 14

Feeling relaxed and refreshed dragging an unwilling participant our hero sets out out on a quest of self serving justice to beat the ever living shit out of his cousin in fit of near homicidal mania. On his journey to through the family estate he encountered many servants all with the good sense to pretend they saw nothing until he finally reached Albert's private home within the family estate very picturesque easily allowing others to see he retained a very high position within the family where as I lived looks like a fancy hotel room by comparison with this in mind approach the gate where I'm stopped by the doorman.

Doorman:"As the personal gate guard of Albert..."

Me:"Oh your a security guard ha ha ha"

security guard:"I'm not a security guard I am a very well trained elite"

Me:"And your job is to secure the the premise?"

security guard:"that is correct"

Me:"Security guard"

security guard:"Fuck you! I'll have you flogged!"

Me:"Do want to end up like your friend here" he finally starts to notice the guy I've been dragging

security guard:"Is that Donald?"

Me:"So that is his name" I notice him flinch "So you were awake this whole time? Don't you think the smart thing is to lead me to Albert unless you like being in my care?"

Donald immediately jumps to his feet and pushes the security guard out of our way and begins leading me through the beautiful courtyard into the mansion upstairs to the master bedroom it looks like he was expecting his guards to bring my elves directly to his bedroom to have some fun defiling them before anyone could do anything in order to cuckold me now I'm going to raise his punishment up a notch.

Albert:"Good your finally back leave the elves here and...WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!" holding a whip wearing nothing but a bathrobe

Me:"I'm here for retribution and compensation"


Me:"I'm here to beat you and take your stuff"


Me:"Hard of hearing I said I'm going to whip your ass and steal your home!"

Before he can continue this bit I proceed to make a brick and fling it into his face breaking his nose before he can recover I grab the whip he drops and proceed to whipping him until he literally pissed himself.

Me:"How dare you piss my floor lick it up"

Albert doesn't even argue and proceeds to use his tear stained face to lick up the mess once he is done cleaning up the mess I tell him he can have one last thrill using sexomancy on Donald he became harder than steel and direct all sexual desires to Albert making him loose all reason while using biomancy to restrain him.

Me:"Your punishment is over your free to go but if I were you I'd run unless you like the idea of a man having his way with you" as finish speaking Albert noticed the change in Donald and goes pale "You have thirty seconds after that I let him off his leash"

Seeing the cold look in my eyes and the indifference in my voice Albert waste no time limping his way out the door and began running as fast as his injured body could take him as a man of my word I set Donald free after thirty seconds after that I no longer cared what happens to Albert.

Now that I have a house I find a servant and have him gather all the staff when that is done I fired everyone of course there was a few bad apples that didn't take news of the mansion being under new management well that is when I summoned my familiar in her hydra form as the head of my H.R. department to handle any and all grievances but after the first asshole got eaten alive everyone else didn't seem to have complaints about it anymore.

I then called Meghan and told her to have all my things moved to my new accommodations when she got here she was freaking out asking all sorts of stupid questions like what was that screaming she heard on her way here where was the staff minor things that just weren't my problem I told her to hire new staff and guards. She seemed annoyed and was about to walk away until I mentioned that the all had to be female and beautiful which for some reason lead to another tirade which I immediately stopped listening to and walked out the room taking a tour of the mansion later in the evening Lord Eric called very pissed off about how I handled things.

Lord Eric:"Why the hell was Albert found passed out with a gaping asshole!"

Me:"I don't know Albert's hobbies why are you asking me"

Lord Eric:"I'm asking because you are now living in his mansion, fired all his staff and he was raped!"

Me:"That was my compensation for his attempted theft of my property and because he broke my door with a rapist on the loose how can I feel safe with a damaged door?"

Lord Eric:"You have the grand Elder's protection so I won't pursue this..."

Me:"So are you saying that if I didn't you turn on me?"

Lord Eric:"That's not what I meant"

Me:"So it's okay for him to steal my elves and his guards to command and threaten me without consequence?"

Lord Eric:"What!? but surely Albert..."

Me:"Was the master mind and as for the rape that was his guard's doing not mine"

Lord Eric:"How dare that piece of shit think he can run wild he will pay for his arrogance!"

Lord Eric seemed to completely forget about what I did and went after Albert that's what happens when you act as if own the place and the actual owner finds out the people that work for him listen to someone else and the rule of the house have been changed.