
>>The Methodology of an infamous LESBIAN<<

Let's call our lead character Annie. Annie has a son who is about ten years. Annie can no longer take being a battered wife. Yes, she has been suffering this predicament for more than a decade now. You may be baffled and thinking what is the reason for her to survive such an ordeal, I assume by now. Annie is married to Richard, her used to be estranged husband. It was a fix marriage arranged by her parents. Annie was the second among three children. Her siblings are both men. She loved playing ball games with her brothers. Constantly, her mom would buy her very attractive dolls, nice dresses ( that pile-up in her closet ), fancy hair clips and nice accessories that a young girl like her could ever dream of. Despite this, she has always been unhappy. She would also rather play toy cars, basketball and some other games that boys normally play. Her eldest brother, Henrik and Trent would often tell her to play with their next door neighbor Helen instead. But as always, she would just shrug if off and play with her brothers instead. At her very young age, a lot of men are already are swooning for her. Some buy her chocolates, stuffed toys, roses and some even gift her expensive jewelry. She was just fifteen, but she never fails to stand-out in a large crowd, even if she was always wearing ragged and low-waist denims and really loose tees. Annie didn't like wearing very feminine outfits, let alone a high-heeled shoe which was what she often saw that was worn by her elegant mother Patricia.

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