
a mermaid's adventure

this story was inspired by the little mermaid. a girl named Moon who is beloved by her mother and father has to take up queen one day. with her father not understanding her, he gets in a fight with her. with the results ending up with Moon running away and to her favorite rock above the surface. she falls asleep on this rock and when she awoke she was on a beach with... WAIT WHAT LEGS! she meets her best friend a Pegasus named Amber and When Amber's Home went into utter chaos by "the dark force" it's up to Moon to help save Amber's home. will Moon and Amber defeat "the dark force"? will Moon find out her history? Why she was there? was she the chosen one? little note:I made this book for a project in gr 6 but I couldn't fit all my ideas in the short amount of time I was given so I ended up modifying it a year later and adding everything that I wanted to add. if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know in the comments of the chapter it is well appreciated. I made some other books too so if you want to read those ask me to publish them. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed making it. have fun reading!

Ocean_Depth · Fantasia
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9 Chs

The Forest Lined Beach

She awoke to segues singing their song of life . She was on the shore line. " W-what happened?" She said in confusion  "WAIT!! WHAT!! I HAVE FEET!"She yelled in surprise. She looked at her bracelet that her mom gave her, it was pearly white. "What?? The bracelet, it changed, it was blue and now it's pearly white? What?" She said to herself with confusion in her voice.

 She sensed that she was being watched, but was she? She called out, because right beside the beach there was a forest, that someone or something could be larking in, watching her every move. " Hello?!! Is someone there!!!" Moon yelled out to the forest. Just silence responded to her. When she tried to get up she couldn't. " GGAA! How in the name of the ocean do you work these things called "legs?" she said the last word slowly as she looked up and saw it, the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was snowy white Pegasus. The Pegasus helped her walk and took her to its home in the clouds. She felt so, free... was this the feeling she was longing for her entire life?

sorry for sort chapters everyone. but I hope that everyone is enjoying the book so far. love y'all ❤

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