WARNING! -DARK ROMANCE- A shifter will only have mate from their kind, but what happens if you are the last creature of your kind? Lycan. He is the last of his kind and is the most terrifying type of shifter. But, as scary as he was, he was alone. However, in order to survive, you don’t have to be the strongest, just deadliest. *** He looked at her like he had never seen anyone before. The sight of her calmed the rush in his ears, the beat of his heart and finally he was able to focus again… “She is no longer your responsibility. She is mine to deal with now,” the lycan said.
Zuri was rather thankful the voices in her head had quietened down and her mind was clear enough to understand what Khaos told her.
The alpha didn't spare anything. He told her everything and answered all of her question. Rhett had asked to talk to Zuri and Khaos could tell what kind of conversation that he was going to have with her. It was not that hard to guess it anyway.
That man had been around long enough for Khaos to observe him. Rhett had this blind faith tendency to put the old dynasty above anything else, though it was still a mystery why he was obsessed to the dynasty that he was not part in it.
Everyone on Khaos's side was those people, who had been afflicted directly or indirectly of the massacre three decades ago, but from what Khaos knew, Rhett had nothing to do with any of it. Alpha Roland didn't even have any suspicion that the lycan still existed.