

"Rhett and Declan fortified the River Creek pack." Dacre sat down behind the desk, on Khaos' chair. He hated when someone touched his things and the king did it casually, as he inspected every object on the table.


"Rhett must have been the one who led the warriors."


"Yes, I expected the same." Dacre looked around the room, as if he could suddenly find someone there, but aside from him and his royal beta, also Khaos and his gamma, there was no one there. "Where is that woman? Where did you put her?"


The way he said it was a bit weird, as if Zuri was some kind of decoration that needed to be put on display for whoever came here.


"Have your people found Silas?" Khaos ignored his last comment.


Silas was Alpha Roland's firstborn, the title of alpha would be passed down to him if Alpha Roland had not yet appointed a specific son of his to succeed him.