
A mastermind in multiverse

In Ajay's POV, he is likely thinking about the potential for adventure and discovery in the world of One Piece. With his reincarnation and the multiverse gate, he has access to countless worlds and possibilities. It's exciting to think about what he might discover and accomplish in the future. I don't own any character except for original characters of my own .

water_law · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


Title: The Plan

Ajay sat at the small table in his room, staring at the map of Germa Kingdom spread out before him. He had been studying it for hours, trying to come up with a plan to infiltrate the kingdom undetected. Germa Kingdom was known for its strict security measures, and he knew that any misstep could mean the end of his mission.

The kingdom's technology fascinated him from the start but judge's narrow minded thinking wasted all of that potential of his technology.

Ajay took a deep breath and began to sketch out his plan. First, he would need to gather information about the kingdom's security measures and the location of all the valuable resources .

Ajay knew that he would need a team to carry out his plan, He would need someone with technical skills to help him bypass the kingdom's security systems, a skilled fighter to protect him in case things went wrong, and someone with knowledge of the kingdom's politics and power structure.

As he worked on his plan, Ajay couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This was his first mission as a solo operative, and the stakes were high. But he knew that he couldn't let his nerves get the best of him. He had a job to do, and he was determined to see it through.

He finished his plan and read it over one final time. He was satisfied with what he had come up with, but he knew that there was still a long road ahead of him. He would need to gather more information, and be ready for anything that might come his way.

But for now, Ajay was content to sit in his room and bask in the glow of his accomplishment. He had a plan, and he was ready to put it into action. so a called buddy to help him with the 1st step .

Ajay: Hey Buddy, I need your help with something.

Buddy: Sure thing, Ajay. What do you need?

Ajay: I need you to make a small airplane for me. It needs to be able to fly on autopilot and be able to get in and out of Germa Kingdom undetected .

Buddy: Wow, that's a tall order. But I think I can do it. What kind of specifications are you looking for?

Ajay: It needs to be small enough to go unnoticed, but powerful enough to fly over the kingdom's walls. It also needs to have an autopilot feature so that I can fly it in and out of the kingdom without being detected.

Buddy: Okay, I can work with that. Do you have any specific materials in mind?

Ajay: I was thinking of light weight material for the body and wings. it should also be strong enough , which is exactly what we need for this mission.

Buddy: That's a good choice. And what about the autopilot feature? Do you have any specific requirements for that?

Ajay: It needs to be able to follow a predetermined flight plan and be able to avoid obstacles along the way. I also want it to have a remote control feature so that I can take over the controls if I need to.

Buddy: Got it. I'll get to work on the design right away. This might take some time, but I'll make sure it's done , that aside we should probably start to worry that we don't have enough funds and materials to make this work.

Ajay : We've been managing with whatever we had in the abandoned lab, but this mission will require a lot more resources.

I'm not sure how we're going to get our hands on the materials we need to build the airplane and all the other equipment we'll need for this mission.

Buddy: Well, we could try to find a way to acquire the materials illegally, but that could be risky. We don't want to get caught before we even start the mission.

Ajay: I agree. We need to find a way to get the funds and materials legally. But how?

Buddy: We could try pitch our mission to people who are interested in supporting covert operations like this one. Or we could reach out to organizations that have a vested interest in taking down Germa Kingdom.

Ajay: That's a good idea. We could also try to sell some of the equipment we have in the abandoned lab to raise funds. or their is much more faster way to acquire funds . I could probably hunt some low life pirates .

Buddy: Yes, that could work too. even though the profession is frowned upon it still earns good buck .

Ajay: Okay, let's start working on a plan to raise funds and acquire the materials we need. We can't let this mission fail because of a lack of resources.

Buddy: Agreed. I'll start looking for some low bounty pirates and see what kind of organizations might be interested in supporting our mission.

Ajay: Thanks, Buddy. I knew I could count on you to come up with a solution.

Buddy: No problem, Ajay. We're in this together. We'll make sure we have everything we need to complete this mission successfully.

Ajay was wearing a mask standing in front a mirror in order get ready . he had decided That he become a bounty hunter but also make it so he has some sort of a protagonist complex.

Ajay : I'm Ajay, a bounty hunter by trade. I don't carry a traditional weapon like a gun or a sword. Instead, I use my fingers to shoot powerful blasts of energy known as finger pistols.

It all started when I was training under a legendary martial artist who taught me how to harness my inner energy. He showed me how to focus that energy into my fingers and shoot it out like a bullet. It took years of practice, but I finally mastered the technique.

Now, I use my finger pistols to take down some of the most dangerous criminals in the world. I've collected bounties on pirates, assassins, and even corrupt government officials. My finger pistols are fast, accurate, and deadly.

But being a bounty hunter isn't always easy. I've had to go up against some tough opponents, some of whom were skilled fighters in their own right. But I've always managed to come out on top, thanks to my training and my finger pistols.

I've made a name for myself in the bounty hunting world, and I'm known as one of the best. But I'm always looking for my next challenge, my next big bounty. And I know that with my finger pistols by my side, I can take on anything that comes my way "

Buddy p o v

Ajay was literally taking to a mirror has he finally lost it or something . maybe his body is not the only thing that revert back to a child .

Buddy : "Oh wow, I'm sure the most dangerous criminals are quivering in fear at the sight of your finger guns, Ajay."

Ajay was still smiling but his face was twitching a bit .

Buddy : "I bet those finger pistols are really effective against hardened criminals...or maybe just a group of rowdy toddlers."

This time twitching was uncontrollable and now the smile look like it was forced

Buddy :. "I've heard of bringing a knife to a gunfight, but I guess you're bringing finger pistols to a Nerf battle, Ajay."

Ajay : " can you stop your making me embarrassed "

Buddy : "Are you sure you're not just playing cops and robbers, Ajay? Because I don't think real bounty hunters use finger pistols. And I do hope you have some backup plan when your finger pistols run out of imaginary bullets, Ajay."

Ajay : shut up !!!!!!!!! how do you even know sarcasm .

BUDDY: OH so you finally came back from making a joke out of your self .

Ajay : sigh ..... maybe I asked for a wrong A I