
A mastermind in multiverse

In Ajay's POV, he is likely thinking about the potential for adventure and discovery in the world of One Piece. With his reincarnation and the multiverse gate, he has access to countless worlds and possibilities. It's exciting to think about what he might discover and accomplish in the future. I don't own any character except for original characters of my own .

water_law · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


Chapter 2: Ajay's Training Gym on Karakuri Island

Ajay and Buddy had been living in Dr. Vegapunk's abandoned lab for a few weeks now, and they were starting to settle in. Ajay had been working hard to turn one of the rooms into his own personal training gym, and Buddy had been lending a hand with the heavy lifting.

Together, they had managed to set up a variety of equipment, including weights, a punching bag, and a treadmill. Ajay was grateful for Buddy's help, as he couldn't have done it alone. Buddy had been programmed with a variety of skills, including construction and engineering, which made him the perfect partner for this kind of project.

As Ajay looked around the gym, he couldn't help but feel proud of what they had accomplished. He had always been passionate about fitness and martial arts, and now he had a place to train and improve his skills. He knew that he would need to be in top shape if he wanted to explore the world of One Piece and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As he began his workout, Ajay couldn't help but wonder where exactly they were on the map. He had a rough idea of the area, but he wasn't sure which island they were on. He decided to ask Buddy if he knew anything.

"Buddy, do you have any idea where we are?" Ajay asked, taking a break from his push-ups.

Buddy flew over to him, his glowing blue eyes scanning the room. "Based on my scans of the surrounding area, I believe we are on Karakuri Island," he replied.

Ajay's eyes widened in surprise. He had heard of Karakuri Island before, but he never thought he would end up there. He knew that the island was home to some of the most advanced technology in the world, and he couldn't wait to explore and learn more.

"Karakuri Island, huh? That's amazing!" Ajay exclaimed. "I've always been fascinated by their technology. We should definitely check it out."

Buddy nodded in agreement. "I agree. We could learn a lot from their inventions and possibly even improve our own."

Ajay smiled, feeling excited about the possibilities. He finished his workout and began to plan their next move. He knew that they were in for an adventure, and he couldn't wait to see what Karakuri Island had in store for them.

As Ajay started his training, he felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside him. He had always been passionate about fitness and martial arts, and now he had a place to train and improve his skills. He knew that he would need to be in top shape if he wanted to explore the world of One Piece and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Buddy, on the other hand, had been busy downloading all the research of Dr. Vegapunk that was available. As an AI robot, Buddy had the ability to process and analyze data at a much faster rate than a human ever could. He was eager to learn more about Dr. Vegapunk's work and see if there was anything they could use to improve their own research.

Ajay smiled, feeling grateful for Buddy's help and eager to get back to his workout. Together, they continued to set up the gym and fine-tune the equipment until it was perfect.

As Ajay started his training, he felt his muscles stretching and flexing under the weight of the weights. He pushed himself harder and harder, determined to become stronger and faster. With each rep, he felt his confidence growing and his focus sharpening.

Meanwhile, Buddy continued to analyze the data from Dr. Vegapunk's research. He was amazed at the level of detail and complexity in the data, and he knew that they could learn a lot from it. He made a mental note to share the information with Ajay once he had finished analyzing it.

As the sun began to set, Ajay finished his workout and collapsed onto the mat, breathing heavily. He felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction wash over him. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was excited to continue his training and see where it would take him.

Buddy flew over to him, his glowing blue eyes scanning the room. "Great job, Ajay. Your form is improving with each workout," he said.

Ajay grinned, feeling proud of himself. "Thanks, Buddy. I couldn't have done it without your help."

Together, they sat in silence for a moment, reflecting on the progress they had made so far. They knew that they had a lot of work ahead of them, but they were excited for the adventure that lay ahead.

As Ajay caught his breath, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked over at Buddy. "So, what did you discover in Dr. Vegapunk's research?" he asked.

Buddy flew over to him, his blue eyes glowing with excitement. "Well, I discovered something incredible," he said. "According to Dr. Vegapunk's research, the world we are in now is seven times bigger than our previous world, and there are more than 20 million islands scattered throughout it."

Ajay's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Seven times bigger? That's incredible! And 20 million islands? That's insane!" he exclaimed.

Buddy nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's truly amazing. And with the multiverse gate, we have access to countless worlds and possibilities. The potential for discovery and adventure is limitless."

Ajay felt a sense of excitement building inside him. He knew that there was so much to explore and discover in this new world, and he couldn't wait to see what lay ahead. "I can't wait to explore this world and see everything it has to offer," he said.

Buddy smiled, feeling happy to see Ajay so excited about their new home. "Me too, Ajay. I think we are going to have some incredible adventures together."

As they sat there, basking in the excitement of their new discovery, Ajay couldn't help but feel grateful for Buddy's friendship and support. He knew that he couldn't have made it this far without him, and he was excited to see what they could accomplish together.

"Thanks, Buddy. I couldn't have done this without you," he said, smiling.

Buddy flew over to him and landed on his shoulder. "Don't mention it, Ajay. We are a team, and we will always support each other."

later on buddy mentioned about the potential dangers they could face while traveling around the world and since he was still just a 10 year old kid physical It might be difficult or next to impossible.

Ajay: "Buddy, I've been thinking a lot about what you told me about the dangers of this world. I realize that we're not in the same place anymore and that there are some really dangerous people out there, like Kaido and Big Mom. Not to mention the corrupt Marines and Celestial Dragons. I don't want to be caught off guard if we come across any of them."

Buddy: "I understand your concern, Ajay. It's good to be aware of the dangers that exist in this world. But don't worry, we can work together to make sure that we're prepared for whatever comes our way."

Ajay: "That's exactly what I was thinking, Buddy. I want to become stronger, so I've set up a personal training gym in one of the rooms here. I want to train every day and improve my strength and skills. I need to be able to protect myself and the people I care about."

Buddy: "I think that's a great idea, Ajay. And don't forget, I have access to all of Dr. Vegapunk's research. We can use that to our advantage and learn more about the technology and weapons that exist in this world."

Ajay: "That's true, Buddy. I'm really grateful to have you as my friend and partner in this. I know we can face anything together."

Buddy: "Absolutely, Ajay. We're a team, and we'll always support each other. Let's work hard and become stronger together."