
A man who wants to change his life in another world

tell a man Named amamura akira. who died being killed in a previous life and awakened in the presence of a god. who takes care of the recently deceased. and the god also gave him safety to change himself in another world

yatosensei · Fantasia
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4 Chs

New world

starting with a man named (amamura akira) who is in trouble. he was the one who billed playing games when he was in junior high school he always skipped school. until he was in high school level 3. after he want to graduate. he also wanted to go to school.

but on the way to school he saw a girl who was about to be raped by 5 thugs. he immediately helped the girl and the fight was inevitable. he can beat the 5 thugs. when he approached the girl.

suddenly the girl screamed and said. (watch out!!!

when amamura looked back he was too late to avoid. and he was stabbed right in the middle of his stomach. he pulls the thug and makes him faint. But he was starting to lose consciousness. slowly his eyes closed. and he said to himself. "I don't want to die yet, there's a lot more I want to do" he lost his consciousness. and just died because he lost a lot of blood.

The 5 thugs were also detained 4 of them were sentenced to prison for 5 years. 1 of them died because of a murder case.

Amamura also woke up. when looking around her all slag and white. looking ahead he saw an old geezer playing chess alone. he asked. what happened. and the grandpa said you're dead. and I am the god who welcomes the recently dead.

he also brought amamura to play chess. they also play together while telling stories. and the god said. "Your life is full of regrets. Because you can't spend your youth. Then you die when you are young.

amamura said "I don't regret anything. God answered." and I can see all your feelings right now. amamura was silent and their chess ended too. and the winner is amamura. God was surprised and asked questions. "why does this young man have good abilities but not in use"

Amamura was given another chance to live. but not in the world before but in another world. which is always called the fantasy world. or in an RPG game. when hearing those words amamura also agreed

and the god also said turn your lonely self into someone who is known by many people. and this world you will be able to use magic. and in this world there are many Races for example like

and one more of your main mission is to defeat the demon king. but it's still a long time ago you can again take a high level. I will give you clothes and money that you can wear there. and strength too. but this power you need to learn. this is for yourself

(Cat race)Orc)monster)elf)and more.

amamura said, "Okay, I will change myself. And I will prove it by defeating the demon king. The god gave Amamura strength and opened the gate. Amamura went to his new world