A white light enveloped my field of vision. A feeling of emptiness developed within me, my mind seemed to leak all of my memories leaving nothing but a blank slate. Within a moment everything was lost.
Slowly my vision returned to me. Revealing a dimly lit cave. The sound of water droplets touching the stone surface surrounded me. Reaching my hand out I traced the thin layer of water that had puddled around my body. Seemly the water followed my fingers in a unnatural way. Almost as a outside force had willed the water to my command. A feeling of certainty began to develop as the water began to shake in reaction to vibrations that were accompanied by a low rumble from deeper within the cave. Quickly I stood up and reached towards my waist where a metal sword was attached. I was quite puzzled towards my reaction. Had I experienced this before? However, before I could pry any further, the sounds of a unnatural being seemed to be nearing. Turning around I quickly bolted the opposite direction. I had no recollection of why I was there, so why should I stay for something potentially dangerous? This thought lingered in my mind as I ran towards the source of light.
I'm not sure where I'm really going with this. :/ I am just really writing down some of my ideas \_○_/ Dont expect to much XD. Please leave some ideas in the comments or any grammar corrections. ?Bless