
A Man's Journey

The main character in this story is "Great".He has reincarnated into another world.He thought to live calmly in this life, at the same time becoming strong.What is the story line of this Great? We have to read it and understand the story line.In that world, it is the same as other novels. However, it is a little different, it is mixed with all the places in the novel.Great also has a system, but various. All the systems that are in the novel are all in it.Great JOURNEY IS VERY INTERESTING, LET'S KEEP READING. UPLOADS!!! -Friday -Saturday -Sunday

Kai_9728 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 7


"Wtf!! His body is really big. His shoulders are broad and strong. He is brave and looks determined.I should ask him carefully"

"DO NOT DISTURB AND MAKE A NOISE HERE, IF YOU DON'T WANT THE CONSEQUENCES"-Qin Chen spoke in a firm and strong tone. Until it was heard on the ground floor.

"I'm sorry sir for bothering you, I'll withdraw first"-Huang

"It's done sir, now we won't have any problems here"-Qin Chen

"The food has arrived. Enjoy your meal"

"Ok, let's eat first"

While eating, they discussed and chatted for the next plan.

"The truth is this, I want to make a house and establish a sect. That is why I invite you to follow and become the right hand and the first great elder of our sect.I plan to build a sect on the highest mountain in the South. Behind the sect, there will be a house where I will live. The sect will be made as big and as luxurious as possible."

"But how?

"Don't worry about its development. The most important thing is to find the place. I want a quiet place in the middle of a vast forest. Your task is to find a place.We will stay in this city for a week, during that time look for important information about the location"

"Fine sir, I'll take care of it"

-Lodging of the Nobles-

"I want one room, two luxurious beds.I will stay for a week"

"Good sir, the room is on the 10th floor, room no 1.The price is 100 thousand gold coins"


-In the room-

"Hey Qin Chen. Tomorrow we will wake up early and go to the market and buy some clothes"

"Yes sir"

-The next day-

Great and Qin Chen got up at 8 am and went to the city square to see what was being sold.

-Luxury Clothing Store-

"Hello sir, is there a shirt that catches your attention?"

"I want to buy a white gold dress. The most expensive one"

"Yes sir, you have come to the right place. We are selling gold + white clothes, made from pure silk thread. Price is 5 million gold coins."

"Ok, I'll buy it"

"How is Qin Chen? Is it good?"

"Yes sir, thank you very much"

"Alright, you can start your assigned task. Be back before the sun goes down."

"Yes sir"

Qin Chen then searched for information about the location.Great didn't want to waste his time, he had to do something.

"Status Window!"




Gold coins:5 trillion





System:[Making a House and Establishing a Sect]

"Very bored. Let's go for a walk in the city market"

Great to see various items, fruits and vegetables for sale.