
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


After the night of the abduction, Mu Ning Xue left, and a fence was erected around the villa and the territory was carefully monitored, so it was simply impossible to get there. Mo Fan went around furious all the time and scolded everything and everyone, starting with the Mu family and ending even with me. True, then he cooled down a little and apologized, but it was still obvious that it left a strong imprint on him. It can be seen that I somehow had a wrong influence on the canon and Mo Xin did not get his salary cut, although they began to treat him much worse. I bet that's what Mu Ning Xue did before she left. But I don't think it will have any effect in the short term, and I don't really hope for further ones, preparing only for major events.

Time flowed again at breakneck speed and soon almost two years passed. Mo Fan and I were about fifteen years old and we were in our last year of high school, and a fateful moment was approaching for any person in this world. Exams for admission to the school of magic and the right to make your first awakening! Although there was nothing interesting for me in elementary school, in secondary school, subjects such as history, the general theory of magic, which replaced physics, as well as biology, in which there was a section of the study of magical beasts, interested me quite a lot. But apart from that, I often disappeared into the library, doing my own research, filling in some gaps left after reading the canon. Unfortunately, there was nothing particularly interesting except for new animals. Although I have figured out the cultivation resources of this world, otherwise it usually confused me.

In the sense that it was obvious to assume that resources are called magical tools that accelerate cultivation, but this has always seemed to me insufficient. I bought such a thing and that's it, and Mo Fan was constantly whining about the fact that he didn't have enough money! Well, it turns out there are a whole bunch of different stones, flowers and other nonsense that contains magical elements and can speed up cultivation. However, their use is fraught with some risks and this should be approached carefully… And they are also quite expensive ... the main such resource is the essence of the element, which has no side effects and is quite common, but it is very difficult for ordinary people to get it. This is due to the fact that all their reserves are controlled by clans and the government, and they themselves need these resources and they don't really want to sell them. But distinguished students at leading universities may fall.

As a result, we can say that I was a pretty smart, if not more brilliant and well-read person. Even in a previous life, because of this, I did not get sick. And in this one, in order not to trample Mo Fan into the mud with my excellent grades, I kept about at his level and was in no hurry. You can show your brains at the school of magic, and then at the university, where they will not pay much attention to this because of the importance of the magician's personal power.

About three months before the start of the exams, Mo Fan returned from a walk with a talisman around his neck. That's the beginning. Eight years of waiting was worth it. To be honest, I was worried that Mo Fan wouldn't get the dark talisman and the plot wouldn't start because of me, but fortunately everything went well and my adventure with Mu Ning Xue didn't affect it, although I think it will have big consequences. But we'll wait and see. As expected, the next day my Mo fan woke up, not understanding anything and surprised by the presence of magic. It's good that he knows me, that's not bad, otherwise it would be really hard. On the same day, I saved him from problems by doing his homework for him and explaining what was happening in class.

What can I say, the author clearly embellished Mo Fan at the beginning, and not the force spoiled him, a lazy person to look for, although quite smart, to grasp everything on the fly. For eight years of living under one roof, this was especially striking. In justification, one can only say about his good character and loyalty to his friends and family. For them, of course, he is a mountain! After that incident with the incited hooligans, we ran into many more times and we did not always manage to give them a decent rebuff. Perhaps during this time I have fought more than in my entire past twenty years of life! Although I must admit that the fights themselves gave me pleasure, and if there were no manx in this world as well, then I seriously considered the idea of becoming a bandit… Although it's better to be a hunter, it should also be fun there.

However, the world apparently was not going to smoothly follow my plans and two months before the exams there was a curious meeting. As always, I wandered through bookstores in search of the next volume of my favorite mankhwa. Because of problems with pocket money, we had to look after the main sales, when the main circulation was dismantled in an already provincial city. But this is not the main thing, walking down the street, not really thinking about anything, waiting for the awakening of magic and the beginning of real work, I decided to relax and continue to enjoy life. Of course, keeping myself in a more or less normal shape, I couldn't do anything more useful anyway.

So, I caught sight of a girl with black hair braided in a ponytail, dressed quite simply. But it was not even all this that was important, but the fact that her face was similar to the face of Zhou Ming from the original, though less cartoon and completely realistic. It is worth admitting that she really was symptomatic. If it's her, of course, because I could easily be mistaken, given all the differences and the past eight years. But I still had a photographic memory and I trusted her completely. That's why I decided to go up and ask her, she still looked kind of sad.

- Hi, is something wrong? I asked, not really thinking about it.

- No, nothing like that, just tired ... - she waved me off without even looking in my direction.

- Really? You look kind of exhausted. I said, shrugging my shoulders. - Maybe it's because of exam preparation? They're still a headache.

"Huh?" she asked in surprise, finally looking at me. - So you're a schoolboy too…

- And who else should I be? I asked her in surprise, yet my voice is not so rude as to be mistaken for someone older.

- Well, you never know ... - she shrugged her shoulders without much enthusiasm.

- My name is Xing Yun, and what about you? I asked, holding out my hand to her.

- Zhou Ming, nice to meet you. She said, slapping my hand. - Did your parents bother you with exam preparation too?

- Yes, no, it's somehow easier with us... - I said with a grin. - And you?…

- My mother is a teacher at a magic school, so if I fail the exams and can't get in, they will take out my brain! Zhou Ming said resignedly, rolling her eyes. I was finally convinced that this is the same girl from the canon. The moment I realized this, a plan was born in my head how to win her over to my side. Still, she was a good magician, even though she disappeared from view for quite a while after the events of Xi'an. But I think she has a good potential, if you give her a push… So it may well become a weighty figure, which as a result will make it easier to save the world and preserve my quiet life. If it were not for the danger of global p ****ca, I would sit quietly and read mankhwa. Maybe I would become a magician for the sake of interest…

- I see... quite severe… Maybe then it's worth it to unwind? I suggested to her. - I'm just going shopping, you could keep me company. And in return, I would help you in any way I could with exam preparation.

- Do you think you have a classification for this? Zhuo Ming chuckled, "You don't look particularly smart.

- Well, preparing with someone is still easier than one. I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Then why don't I ask my friends?" She smiled slyly.

- Hmm... well, why didn't you ask them? I said, thinking a little.

- And maybe I asked them? She asked with a chuckle.

- Then I'm afraid my powers are all here… But nobody forbids you to try to sit with a complete stranger in the library after you go shopping, right? I asked, smiling. - Why wouldn't such a chance meeting suddenly become fateful for you? Anyway, we met by chance and even if you don't like something, we may not meet at all… Of course, if we don't get into the same school.

- And what if you take me somewhere or kidnap me? Zhou Ming continued to speak with a smile, more fooling around than really rejecting my offer. It was clear that she didn't mind so much, mainly because she really got tired of preparing for exams, which is no wonder, normal people prepare for a maximum of a month, and even better in a couple of days, and then two whole days!

- Where will I take you? To the library? Who's going to let something happen there? I said, shaking my head.

- Well, anyway, I decided to run away from home for a couple of hours, just to unwind. Zhou Ming said, getting up from the bench. - Well, shall we go?

After that, we never found the volume of mankhwa I needed, instead we quickly moved to the library, talking about all sorts of nonsense. Here I flashed my knowledge and talents, starting to prepare her for the highest level! I needed to gain her trust if I wanted to use her in the future, and for that you need to be someone more than just acquaintances. At the end of our little get-together, we agreed to meet in a couple of days and continue our lesson, so the plan can be considered a success.