
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


- Well, at least we're alive ... - I grinned, holding my side, leaning against the fence. After my unexpected appearance on the battlefield, everything took a somewhat serious turn and as a result we were still beaten… But we didn't just give up and beat them up in response! It's a pity, though, that I was exhausted and couldn't show myself in all its glory, as at the very beginning using the surprise effect.

- Ha ha… Did you see their faces when they started running away? Xiao Hou laughed, badly beaten, with a pair of black eyes and a face contorted with pain, walking leaning on Mo Fan. He, in turn, was also no better, and so was Xiao Hou supported.

"Xing Yun, where is Xin Xia?! How could you leave her alone! Mo Fan asked menacingly, immediately clutching his side. How sweet it is, he continues to think about his sister, even when he himself is covered in abrasions and bruises, barely strayed from a bunch of hooligans. For this, he can be given credit.

- She's fine… I took her to a safe place and returned to you..." I said, breathing heavily and clearing my throat. I got exactly as many of them, and maybe even more! Considering the fact that I was exhausted, as well as all the anger a couple of young scumbags decided to take it out on me. It even seems to me that they almost broke a couple of my ribs!

"What about the two who chased you?" Xiao Hou asked with a little interest.

"It's even worse for them than the ones who ran away..." I said, smiling weakly.

- I see… Thank you for helping, of course, but ... - Exhaling sincerely thanked Mo Fan, after which he added menacingly. "But if you didn't protect Xin Xia, I'll give you more!"

- Of course I protected her! How else? After all, she's my sister too! - I said confidently and slightly pouting, completing my plan, which cost me quite a lot. - So how could I leave her in danger?

"Your sister?" Mo Fan said, slightly surprised.

- Well, yes ... - I answered confusedly, scratching the back of my head. - Besides you, I have no one else left ... and if you also turn away from me ... - I said in a sad voice, turning away, starting to put pressure on Mo Fan's pity.

- Don't worry… If you live with us, then you are part of our family. Mo Fan patted me on the shoulder.

- Ah! It hurts..." I grumbled a little, turning to him with a smile on my face. The plan ended perfectly.

After that, we chatted about a lot more until we got home, where a worried Xin Xia was already waiting for us. She helped us treat our battle wounds, while Mo Fan has become and truly treats me differently, as if he was my older brother. This is exactly what I was trying to achieve, now everything has been captured. Literally the same evening, after Mo Xing's arrival, I saw them talking about something, and the next day I was glad that now I will always live here. Naturally, I showed that I was happy about it and all that. The result was not very different from my expectations, although such a quick decision was also an unlikely outcome.

For about two weeks I was still sitting at home, not having much desire to go out on the gun, even if Mo Fan called me. In the end, I had to move away from the consequences of my plan, but forever sitting in four walls was not an option. About a week before the start of school with Mo Fan, I still decided to go out and get acquainted with the remaining heroes of this story who should live nearby.

Taking Xiao Huo with me, Mo Fan and I went to the Mu family mansion, which I had only seen from afar before. There was no hedge yet, so it was quite easy to get into its territory, and the workers who were watching the garden did not pay much attention to us, as if it should have been. Climbing deep into the garden, we found a small table with a couple of chairs. A little girl with silver hair was sitting at one of them in a blue dress like a princess and drinking tea. There was also a boy about our age sitting next to her, who seemed to dote on the tea he was drinking.

- hello! Mu Ning Xue, this dress suits you! As soon as we got closer, Mo Fan spoke up. Of course, this girl was Mu Ning Xue, the future lady of ice, one of the strongest magicians of this element and one of the youngest spell magicians in the world. The one who was able to survive the polar night at the south Pole and sign a contract with the totem. Now she was just a cute little girl, in which there was absolutely no sign of the cold and distant girl that she would become later.

- Mo Fan, hi. And Xin Xia is not with you? Mu Ning Xue asked, slightly flustered and a little embarrassed by Mo Fan's compliment, looking at the three of us. If it wasn't for her silver hair and name, then it would simply not be possible to recognize Mu Ning Xue from the original work in her! However, this is exactly how I imagined her as a child.

- No, she decided to stay at home today. Mo Fan said calmly.

- And who is it with you this time? The boy sitting next to him asked irritably from a light.

"Oh, tea boy, I'm surprised you took a break from your tea to talk to us. Mo Fan chuckled.

- At least I noticed you, unlike some. Mu Bai said softly, angry.

- Really? I saw you too, but I didn't want to distract you from tea. Mo Fan waved him off.

This tea-loving boy was Mu Bai, in the future he will face a rather harsh fate, death, rebirth, death again, eternal service to the King of Darkness from the dark dimension. At least if everything goes as planned, which I'm not very sure about. So first you need to confirm the existence of fate in this world and that events will unfold the same way I know them. To do this, it is necessary to exclude all kinds of outside interference. Unfortunately, I have already failed this, but at least it is worth counting on the fact that the changes that have occurred from my manifestation will be insignificant. And to minimize the impact of this fact, I shouldn't really influence anything, being an ordinary background character of Mo Fan's childhood. Then there will be a chance that I will be able to conduct the most plausible experiment. I don't have much to do before magic awakens anyway, and I'll be restricted in my movement until the end of high school.

"Your name is Xing Yun, isn't it?" Xin Xia told me about you..." Said Mu Ning Xue, coming up to me while two blockheads were arguing about something.

- Uh... yes, nice to meet you. I said, pretending to be a little confused.

- Hee-hee ... - she giggled seeing my confusion, after which she asked, twirling on the spot. - Am I really beautiful?

"Probably," I said, shrugging my shoulders. Although I expected it, but such a Mu Ning Xue still baffles me and causes cognitive dissonance! "Do you live on this estate?" I asked, pointing to the main building of the villa, on the hill, deciding to change the subject.

- Yes! And my dad is in charge here! She smiled happily. - And just like Mom, he is a very strong magician!

- Really? And how strong are they? I asked, interested, feeling the opportunity to learn something that was not in the original for obvious reasons, but it was not destined to happen.

- Okay! I didn't come here to argue, but to have fun! Mo Fan said confidently, thrusting his chest forward. - Better let's decide what we're going to play!

- Maybe catch up? Xiao Hou suggested that he had been watching Mu Bai and Mo Fan arguing all this time.

- And maybe in pohit Princess? - Be inspired, Mu Ning Xue suggested, after which, after thinking and somewhat sadly, he said, turning to me. - Sorry, Mom and Dad don't like to talk about it.... They keep saying that it's too early for me to know yet.

- I see ... - I said sadly, having missed a good opportunity.

- To visit the princess again? Aren't you tired of it yet? Maybe we can do something more useful? Mu Bai suggested in a slightly confused and lost tone.

"Ha, ha, ha! As if you don't like being the protector of a princess! Mo Fan laughed and said, "Or do you suggest enjoying your favorite green tea?"

- So what? And I definitely won't give you my tea! Mu Bai said, offended, "A simpleton like you is not worthy of him!

- Oh, look at the beech tree here! Mu Bai started teasing him again.

- Maybe this time I will have two defenders? Mu Ning Xue suggested, smiling.

- And who will be the second? Zhao Kun San is busy right now..." Xiao Hou said, thinking a little.

- Yeah, who else would agree to be on the losing side? Mo Fan said with a smile, looking victoriously at Mu Bai.

- So there are four of us here! Why are you signing up Xing Yun for your team?! Mu Bai said resentfully.

- He is my brother and it is logical that he will be for me! Mo Fan punched himself in the chest, not really thinking about the honesty of the game in this case. Although I personally have not yet imagined what kind of game it could be…

- But it's not fair, which means it's not interesting! Mu Bai insisted. - If Sister Mu Ning Xue doesn't mind, then I want Xing Yun to be on my side and play for the defenders!

"Okay, let Mu Ning Xue decide! Mo Fan said confidently, looking at the poor girl, who seemed confused by the fact that she was made responsible, but at the same time incredibly happy about this outcome of events. It was clearly evident that she liked being the center of attention and the main person incredibly.

- I don't mind ... - she said happily, after thinking a little, she added. - Unless of course Xing Yun himself doesn't mind…

- This is ... - After her words, all eyes turned to me. - I don't mind either, because the main thing is to have fun?…

- Yes, that's right! Mu Ning Xue said, jumping up and down, clapping her hands.

- But, I don't even know what kind of game it is ... - I said even more confused.