
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


After looking at my wounds again, I was overjoyed that Xin Xia is a healing magician, however, it is impossible to ask her for help now. It is necessary to process them yourself, and even check everything is in order with her. By the way, the sun has already risen, dawn has come. Looking at the mountain of corpses that I wanted to use to buy off the three-eyed wolf, I laughed a little, but when I felt the pain, I stopped. I still didn't need it, why did I do it at all? Moron, how can you float an enraged beast on a small hill of food?

Groaning in pain, I headed to the supermarket, on my way to the security room, I dropped into the pharmacy that was on the first floor and took a bunch of bandages with hydrogen peroxide and some painkillers, otherwise I would die of pain before Mo Fan came here. In the security room with the help of cameras, I made sure that everything was in order, and people had not left yet, so I still have time.

First of all, I injected myself with painkillers, it eased the pain, but also reduced concentration and overall body sensation, now it will take at least two seconds to release magic. Next, I took off all my clothes, throwing them off in the corner of the clothing store. The mask was especially painful to tear off, since it was plastic and melted from the heat of the explosion, why am I such a fool that I didn't take it off before the fight?

After that, I began to treat burns and wounds, cauterizing them with hydrogen peroxide and green paint, and also smeared the wounds with a special cream that accelerates healing. After that, I bandaged the wound, this was taught to us in the lessons of first aid in the field, although Mo Fan listened to most of it. After the end of the process, I became like a mummy, well, okay, this will have to be dealt with somehow, before returning to the safe zone. In a clothing store, I found good jeans, a T-shirt and a sports jacket, as well as sneakers, so I was again dressed in everything clean, almost, at least in one piece. I also wore a black cap, but now my image is complete.

When I returned to the security room, I noticed that people were going somewhere and opening the doors of the shelter, what? Has it started yet? I thought I had more time, but come on. Quickly, after removing all traces of my arrival in the security room, I left the door open to swing open, taking a last look at the screens, I saw people leaving the shelter, leaving one Xin Xia.

Heading to the roof of the building, I passed by a shop with entertainment, where I took a mask, unable to resist, I took one with me, hanging it around my neck. Climbing up to the roof, I hid so that I could see what was happening on the street, but it was hard to notice me from the street and began to wait, restoring magical energy, at the same time healing my wounds a little. I had to wait for quite a long time, about half an hour, maybe an hour, no more.

On the way to the supermarket there were two people, a young guy and a girl, I was immediately alerted by this combination, Mo Fan had to come alone. After looking closely at the guy, I recognized Mo Fan, the girl turned out to be Lin Yu Xin! Damn, what did I do that she dragged herself here with Mo Fan!

"You shouldn't have come here with me. Mo Fan said a little shyly, I could only hear them by listening very hard. - These are my sister and brother, I have to save them myself.

- It's okay, I promised to help you save your family. And although a lot of time has passed, but I think they are both alive. Lin Yu Xin replied, with a rather cheerful voice. "We've already found out that your father, Mo Xing, is at the hunter base in the mountains and he's fine. It remains to find the brother, Xing Yun, who saved my sister and your sister, Xin Xia. I can't sit in a safe zone while you risk your life.

- Thank you for that, but you also found out that your father died, you saw him. Did you really decide to help me after that? Mo Fan asked doubtfully as he approached the supermarket building.

- That's why I decided to help you, I don't want you to lose someone close. I lost my father and almost lost my sister, twice! It was your brother who saved her, and I will repay him, as well as Aquilon, who saved me. Lin Yu Xin spoke very confidently and soulfully. A gust of laughter came to me. The person she wants to save and the one who saved her was me. So she owes me three times? Ha. At the same moment, Yu An was already entering the building from the back entrance with monsters, and I was wondering where he was.

- What is that huge carcass there? Mo Fan asked, pointing to the remains of the three-eyed wolf I had killed.

"It looks like a three-eyed wolf, only it's already dead," Lin Yu Xin said after taking a closer look. "We should be careful, it could only be done by a mid-level magician who subdued the stars. - She said, approaching the supermarket door. I went down the stairs to the supermarket and climbed on a metal structure, under the roof, began to observe what was happening. Inside, Mo Fan and Lin Yu Xin were already standing in front of Yu An and the ten black monsters. What a disfigured half of Yu An's face was, not knowing that he would not have believed it.

- Who are you? Mo Fan asked with undisguised anger. - You seem familiar to me.

- Ha, ha, ha. Yu An burst into devilish laughter, tilting his head back. "Don't you recognize me anymore?" I lost my face because of you! You took everything from me! Nasty boy! After I lost to you, the god of death Salan, stripped me of my face, ghostly acid and demoted me from a priest to an adept! And I was going to rise to deacon and work my way straight to a high level!

"Oh, are you Yu An?" Take off your mask, it only frightens children. Mo Fan chuckled, a little feigned. I was struck by a cold sweat, firstly, to Yu An, only half of the face should have been disfigured, not everything! Secondly, as far as I remember, he was supposed to become a priest after the abduction of the holy spring, did he become one before? Third, there are too many differences with the original, I may have to step in. Just in case, I put on a mask.

- Oh, you! I said it's not a mask, it's my face! Yu An roared. "I'll kill you!" Monsters kill them!

After his words, all ten monsters rushed at Mo Fan and Lin Yu Xin, fortunately they were able to dodge and run to the stairs to the second floor. Lin Yu Xin stopped one monster with a water shield, the third stage, but he can't hold out for long, and Mo Fan lit a fire in the way of monsters.

"Ha-ha! Yu An laughed, an otherworldly laugh. - Your light can only injure them with a direct hit, moron!

After what I saw, I realized I had to intervene, otherwise Mo Fan and Lin Yu Xin would die! Jumping almost from the roof of the supermarket, I softened my landing with the step of the wind, after which, with a slight delay, I created the anger of lightning and directed it at one of the monsters, causing it to shatter into pieces.

- Oh, and who is this? Yu An asked, paying attention to me.

- Aquilon? Lin Yu Xin was surprised. - No, it looks a little different.

"Kill him, too. Yu An waved his hand, pointing at me, and five monsters immediately rushed in my direction.

- Let's run, there's a strong door in the security room! I shouted, using the wind step to circle around the monsters and join Mo Fan and Lin Yu Xin.

Mo Fan launched an explosive wave at one of the monsters, causing serious damage to it. I could barely finish the wrath of lightning and kill another monster. The security room was right in front of us, a little more and we would be safe. Lin Yu Xin was the first to fly into it, followed by Mo Fan. I stopped at the very door, launching another lightning bolt at the monster, but he dodged and the spell turned half of the body of the one behind him. The first one almost swatted me, a stupid miscalculation, why am I so often stupid today, because of fatigue? Fortunately, Lin Yu Xin created a powerful water shield, saving me from the monster, without thinking twice, I closed the door.

- That we should do too many of them! Lin Yu Xin said excitedly.

- You need a mid-level magician who can release magic, then it will be quite easy to kill them. - I said dryly, and the speaker in the mask turned my words into soulless.

"But aren't you a mid-level mage, you have two elements and you, aren't you Aquilon?" Lin Yu Xin asked, looking at me intently. As if Aquilon was already releasing mid-level magic?

- No, I'm not him. My name is Austr, yes I am a medium-level lightning element mage, but I can't fully release medium-level magic yet. I replied, in the same voice.

- I will try to break through, you will make sure that they do not interfere with me. Mo Fan said, pointing at the door that the monsters were rushing through.

- Oh, can you do magic right after the breakthrough? Lin Yu Xin asked, not understanding Mo Fan.

- Yes, Teacher Tang Yue gave me the folios that will help me in this. - Right after saying that, Mo Fan sat down on the floor and began to make a breakthrough.

"Do you happen to know Aquilon?" Lin Yu Xin asked while Mo Fan was making a breakthrough.

- Yes, he's my older brother. - I waved her off, looking at the images from the cameras. In the hall, a man in blue approached Yu An, they talked and quickly left, leaving the monsters, well, one less problem. But Xin Xia was in the meat department, and there somehow brought another black monster who was clearly looking for Xin Xia! Heck!

- Boy, come on faster, there's a man in the refrigerator because of you, escaping from a monster! I said, hurrying him on. At that moment, a powerful energy of fire and lightning began to emanate from Mo Fan, sweat broke out on his face, and it itself was distorted from pain, he almost screamed. At the same time, monsters were banging on the metal door, trying to knock it out, and I must say they did it well! I retreated to the opposite wall, preparing the wrath of lightning, and at the same time punishing myself for all my actions that brought me here. Lin Yu Xin also retreated to the wall, preparing a water shield for defense.