
[58.1] Operation Ruin the Ophelio's

After I made sure everyone in the house was in a deep sleep, I went to the bathroom and put on black tight clothes with a mask so that only my eyes were visible. I tucked my hair into the bandana and then flexed in the mirror, "Operation ruin the Ophelio family. Let's go!"

I threw open the window and paused just before jumping outside, "Well… The Ophelio family except for Cyrus…"

Wait. Can he even be called an Ophelio?

I giggled, "Cyrus Marlow. It has a nice ring to it. I wonder what he would do if I suggest he take my last name."

Feeling slightly energized after that thought, I jumped outside while using my snowpile to break my fall. I soundlessly scampered off into the night, leaving nothing behind for anyone to track me down. Since I couldn't use my ice chunk to sneak to the Ophelio estate, I had to go on foot for most of the trip to avoid detection.

I used my wand to cover myself in invisibility and turn my steps silent. I tapped my foot and didn't hear a thing.

"Wow. Haven't done this in a while…" I giggled, "How nostalgic."

I hurried off into the night, rushing past the lone stragglers on the street that was completely unaware of my presence. I arrived in the woods near the Ophelio estate and snuck the rest of the way to the fence by the house.

The fence was made of thick stone, so I silently cursed my ill luck and slowly raised myself over the edge to peek over. My mouth dropped at the sight of all the guards walking around the perimeter.

What IS this?! Alcatraz prison!?

I jumped back down from the fence and clicked my tongue, "Great! Now I will have to actually put effort into sneaking in."

Good thing I have experience with this.

I poked my head over the fence again and watched the men walking repeatedly, each one with their own pattern. I started counting in my head, memorizing who is going where and how long it took them. Once it was the next shift of guards, I ensured my spells were working and hopped over the fence, avoiding anyone who might be able to detect my magic. I snuck around the outside of the house, stopping to catch my breath.


How can a house be this big?! I feel like I've been running for hours!

"-This is a catastrophe!"

I paused at the base of the window.

That sounded like Cyrus's Uncle.

I raised my head slowly and watched as the middle-aged man paced nervously in the room with a red face. A woman in a cloak stood with her back to me as she spoke to him, "Don't speak too loudly."

A shiver crawled up my back unconsciously at the sound of her harmonious voice.


That's the woman from the tunnel.

I held my breath as Uncle Albert spoke to the woman in the cloak, "My son was supposed to win the Crown! It's obvious that the taint is going to win instead!!!"

My ears picked up.

That trash is talking about Cyrus, isn't he?!

He continued in a whine, "My goddess… What can I do? If my son doesn't win, all of our work will be useless!"

A small, soothing voice answered, "Do not fear, my holy child. Your son will sit atop the throne. Our plans aren't ruined."

"How can you be sure? Everyone is talking about that taint as the winner!! The parade is this week… I fear that once the parade concludes, the King will announce that taint as the winner and my son would have lost."

"I told you not to fear, so you shouldn't fear."

"I-I'm sorry… I'm just anxious. It's such an important day. Please forgive me for being such an unfaithful follower."

"There is nothing to apologize for. When an arriver is involved, they always interfere with humanity's plans. I tried to warn you of this."



Could she mean… Me?

Uncle Albert's voice turned cold, "I should have tried harder. Those demons were always getting in my way! I should have finished her off at the orphanage when you first warned me of her."

My blood chilled in my veins.

The… Orphanage?

I listened closer, holding my breath while my mind was scrambling to make sense of what happened.

"We arrived a moment too late. It was my negligence for not listening to the voice of God sooner."

"Please do not say that, my Goddess. Those demons are masters at manipulation and deception. I promise you, I won't let them interfere any longer."

She let out a sigh, "At least we permanently got rid of one and chased away another one. Now only the troublesome one remains… But not for long."

"You have a plan?"

"I do. Since our initial plan didn't work, we will have to proceed with the next. There's still the issue with the troublesome demon, but it doesn't matter. I will finally get to have my darling, and you will have your son on the throne."

"Are… Are you sure we should proceed with that plan? Won't you-"

"My Holy Child… Are you doubting me?"

"No! Never!"

"Then we shall proceed with the next plan." Her soft giggle sent shivers down my spine, "Hehe. It's been so long since I've seen my darling. I wonder if he will recognize me."

"He will be a fool not to!"

"Hah! He is a fool, but you're absolutely correct. That's exactly why I'm planning something very VERY big to greet him with~"

"Ah! Such brilliance!"

Her laugh turned sinister, "When I finally have my darling, you will be able to take the throne. With that, our agreement will be fulfilled."

"Oh my goddess! You truly are an angel! How can I ever thank you?"

"Just have your people follow my moves and all shall go according to plan. I will go get things ready on my end. You just get yourself ready now."

"Y-Yes, my Goddess!"

Hm. Sounds like they are planning something BIG.

Hearing her exit the room, I continued walking with stealth.

At least today isn't a total bust. I need to tell the Headmaster that this family is planning something for the parade.

Eh. Wait a minute…

Are there no guards around right now?

I looked around in confusion.

Before there were so many that my heart pounded with anxiety while I walked past them…

But now there's no one around.

Isn't that odd?

My gaze paused when I noticed a dying tree next to a large rock.

That's not very feng shui.

Hm. Odd.

I walked over checking it out.

Rich people wouldn't ever have such an ugly thing. There must be something to it.

I leaned forward and sniffed. The rock turned to a shimmer, revealing stairs leading down into darkness.


I don't want to go down there, but…

If there are any secrets, it's definitely down there.


This week I considered whether or not to include this chapter, but in the end, I decided it is best to include it.

I hope you like it~

Nekorucreators' thoughts