
A Mafia Family's Reincarnation

"Please accept me again, my beloved family." After the heiress, Reverie serves her revenge, she took her life to be with her family in hell. Little did she know that her action caused a great change in their lives. In a mansion, a little girl saw her reflection in the water. "who is this little girl? This is not me, I'm a mafia donna!" Somewhere in the slumps, a little boy fell to the ground. "I'm Vincent? No, where's my wife?!" In the land of vampires, a boy was getting beaten by a noble "Wow, a consigliere like me is a slave now? how funny"

Ethrea_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Rp: Grandchild

"Sacred and pure? Correct! But anything about the Angels isn't something an ordinary human should know" Fion then looked at Creon, he was listening to their conversation but hadn't said anything the entire time.

Of course, Creon was shocked to learn that a human slave knew something about the Angels. Even he didn't know their existence until he started serving his liege. It isn't a secret or anything, but the high forces don't go around telling others about it either. If anything, they hoped that the younger generations will forget about them entirely.

"Well, it's alright even if you don't know anything. The one to be asked this question is the person who named you. Was it your parents?"

Raphael was glad that he didn't insist. "I don't have parents, I just know my name is Raphael from the moment I can remember" Fion narrowed his eyes, he wasn't entirely convinced but Raphael doesn't look to be lying.

Well, it's true though, he doesn't know who his parents are, at least in this life and his name came back along with his other memories.

"is that so?" Fion turned around as he glanced at Creon. "you'll be staying with us for a while. Creon will look after you, so if you need anything, go and ask him."

"Pardon?" Creon didn't know what to say. Did he just put him in charge of a slave's well-being? That's crazy! "my liege, why not ask another vampire, perhaps a maid?" as the settlement's first knight, Creon felt that such a task was beneath him.

Well, he couldn't be blamed, a first knight is the highest attainable position close to the Lord, and for him to be a human's babysitter hurt his pride a lot.

"come on it's not that bad" Fion brushed his concern, "or do you want me to take care of him myself? I won't mind but someone might talk badly of me."

"Don't worry, I'll do it!" it wasn't a matter of pride anymore. Even if Fion was manipulating him, it doesn't matter, he won't let anything hurt his Liege's reputation.

Creon massaged his temple before looking at the boy on the floor. He then sighed in defeat, shifting his eyes to Fion. "do I need to step out or are you going to do it quickly?"

"Just wait right there" Creon nodded and waited patiently on the side.

Without warning, Fion grabbed the child and lifted his body in the air. It was so sudden that Raphael couldn't see his movements at all! It was then that he felt a stinging sensation on his neck. It felt like two metal needles pierced his skin, digging into his flesh and bones.

He was sweating buckets but the pain only intensified with each passing second. "Argh!" blood rushed out of his neck as he felt his energy draining away. His vision began to blur as his body fall into a state of fainting.

Noticing his condition, Fion finally stopped, much to the boy's relief. "Have him recover his blood naturally, we'll talk more after that" Fion tossed the child in the air, fortunately, Creon was fast enough to catch him.

"Then I'll be taking my leave now" He then bowed slightly and left.

Fion narrowed his eyes and stared at the door. "what's with his blood? I almost lost myself for a moment" He looked at the blood on his hand and couldn't resist the temptation. He licked every bit and drop of it as his red eyes shone violently.

In the hallway, Raphael regained a bit of his consciousness. Everything was shaky and unclear, but for some reason, he saw a blurred image overlapping the person in front of him.


Creon glanced at the boy. It was obvious that he wasn't fully awake and was seeing things however, didn't he say he doesn't have any parents before, his come he had a grandfather all of a sudden?

"who's your grandfather?" Creon took the opportunity while the boy was in a dazed state.

"you are...of course" His voice was broken from the lack of energy, but it couldn't hide the joy in his eyes as he pointed with his trembling fingers. "you outlived me too--so young"

In Raphael's eyes, he could truly see another person. His grandfather never ages, a person forgotten by time. He visits them from time to time but never stayed more than a few hours. Still, he remembered how kind he was. He would often tell him and his siblings stories about his adventures and lores in the past.

He was truly loving, well, not until his children died one by one. He distanced himself from the family and rarely visited, he was afraid of attaching himself and losing everyone again. The last time Raphael saw him was at his sister's funeral. He never showed himself after that.

"Why would I outlive you? you're much younger than me" Creon thought it was best to impersonate his grandfather. Raphael was convinced he was that person it seems.

"Because-- you're... child of a blood cub"

Creon felt a shiver on his spine. He looked at the boy with widened eyes and stopped himself from walking.

What the hell did he just say?

"Child of our cub? What do you mean? Hey!"

Raphael felt his eyelids closing and looked at his grandfather one last time, "...dead" Raphael was saying something but Creon couldn't hear him properly.

"human? Raphael? Hey!" Creon tapped his cheeks multiple times but the child was now sleeping soundly.

Without much of a choice, he brought him to one of the bedrooms inside the mansion. After placing him in bed, he tried waking him again but his body was spent and won't recover until a few days of rest.

'child of a blood cub?--is he saying child of a blood clan's cub?' Creon pondered over his words. 'he said his grandfather is the child of a blood cub right? not a blood cub itself, he's mixed blooded then? No, mixed blood doesn't like being referred to like that, perhaps, he's a dhampir?'

Creon stepped away from the bed the moment that thought crossed his mind, as his heart thumped faster than normal.

'If... Just if, if he really is a dhampir's grandchild then... we're fvcked'