
A Love thorn pendent Memory

"In 'A Love Thorn Pendant Memory,' a woman's journey through love, promises, and life choices unravels the threads of her past. With each page, her heart leads her to discover the power of love, the weight of promises, and the path to forgiveness. Join her on this poignant exploration of heartache and hope, as she learns to follow her heart's true desires."

PearlRing1841 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

"Mountains of Hope

Anna climbed, driven by the need to reunite with her father and brother. Whispers echoed around her, mixing with the rustle of leaves and rocks. "Brother, where are you?" she called out, her voice filled with emotion. Despite her fatigue, she pressed on, her determination unwavering.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the mist—it was her brother. "Anna, I'm here," he reassured her, his voice both comforting and eerie. Anna quickened her pace, her heart pounding with anticipation. But as she drew closer, her brother's form began to fade, disappearing into thin air. "Please, don't leave!" Anna pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation. But her words were lost in the wind, unheard amidst the vastness of the mountain.

Disoriented and heartbroken, Anna continued her ascent, her steps growing unsteady with fatigue. Loose gravel caused her to slip, sending her tumbling down the slope. Pain shot through her body as she collided with rocks and branches, knocking the wind out of her. Anna fell hard, hitting her head as she rolled towards a lonely road by the mountains. Dizzy and disoriented, she struggled to stand, but darkness closed in, and she collapsed, her world fading away.


Meanwhile, a sleek car glided along the winding mountain road, its occupants lost in their own thoughts. Ethan Johnson sat in the backseat, his demeanor icy compared to his friend Max's lively energy. Max fidgeted with excitement, regaling Ethan with stories of his mother's matchmaking escapades.

"Ethan, you won't believe what my mom tried to set me up with this time!" Max exclaimed, his words tumbling out in a rush. But Ethan remained stoic, his attention fixed on the passing scenery. Max chuckled, recounting his misadventures in the world of blind dates, but Ethan's amusement was fleeting.

"You're not kids anymore, Max. You need to start taking your future seriously," Ethan admonished, his tone firm and unwavering. Max's smile faltered, the weight of Ethan's words settling over him.

As the car climbed higher, Max's excitement turned to unease. "Stop the car!" he suddenly exclaimed, startling James, the driver. Concerned, James asked if everything was alright.

Max's eyes widened in fear as he whispered to Ethan, "I saw someone, Ethan.." Ethan remained impassive, but a hint of concern flickered in his eyes. Max insisted he saw a someone in the shadows, but Ethan found nothing but trees.

Despite Ethan's reassurances, Max was adamant. "We have to do something!" he urged, his voice shaking with urgency. Ethan relented, agreeing to investigate. They stepped out cautiously, but found nothing except the whispering wind.

Max breathed a sigh of relief, but his relief was short-lived when they discovered an unconscious girl by the roadside. "She needs help! We have to do something," Max exclaimed, his concern evident. Ethan's response was detached but decisive—he instructed Max to get her into the car.

As they drove towards the hospital, Max sat beside the girl, offering words of comfort. He glanced at Ethan, searching for any sign of emotion, but Ethan remained focused on the road ahead. "Do you think she'll be okay?" Max asked urgently.

Max asked urgently. Ethan's answer was succinct—she would survive, and that was all that mattered.

Max's heart raced as he watched the girl, his concern growing with each passing moment. Ethan's stoicism unnerved him, but he trusted his friend's judgment.

As they neared the hospital, Max's mind raced with questions. Would the girl be okay? What had happened to her? Ethan's silence offered no answers, leaving Max to wrestle with his thoughts in the quiet confines of the car.

Arriving at the hospital, they rushed the girl inside, where medical staff sprang into action. Max hovered anxiously nearby, his mind consumed with worry. Ethan stood nearby, his presence a silent reassurance amidst the chaos.

Hours passed before a doctor emerged, delivering the news—they had arrived in time to save the girl's life. Relief washed over Max as he exchanged a glance with Ethan, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.

As Max settled back into the car, his phone rang, Glancing at the caller ID, he saw it was Ethan's mother calling. Swallowing nervously, he hesitated before answering."Hello?" Max greeted tentatively."Max, dear, Is everything alright?" came the concerned voice from the other end.Max took a deep breath, trying to sound composed despite the whirlwind of emotions inside him. "Yes, aunty everything's fine. We just had a bit of a... situation on the road, but we're okay now."There was a pause on the other end, followed by a relieved sigh. "Oh, thank goodness! I was worried sick when Ethan didn't pick up his phone. Is he there with you?"Max glanced at Ethan, who remained silent, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "Yes, he's right here," Max replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty."Could you please put him on the phone? I need to speak with him," Ethan's mother requested, her concern evident in her tone.Max hesitated, unsure of how Ethan would react. But sensing the urgency in Mrs. Johnson's voice, he handed the phone over to Ethan.Ethan accepted the phone reluctantly, exchanging a wary glance with Max before putting it to his ear. "Mom?" he said, his voice guarded.

Ethan's mother's voice crackled with disappointment and concern through the phone. "Ethan, I've been worried sick! You never pick up your phone, and you hardly ever come home to visit us. All you seem to care about is your business and your career. When are you going to start thinking about your family and your future?"Ethan listened in silence, his expression stoic as his mother's words washed over him. Max could see the turmoil in his friend's eyes, the conflict between duty and desire."I know, Mom," Ethan finally responded, his voice tinged with guilt. "I've been busy with work, but that's no excuse for not keeping in touch. I'll try to visit soon, I promise."But Ethan's mother wasn't satisfied with his reassurances. "It's not just about visiting, Ethan. You need to start thinking about settling down, about finding someone to share your life with. You can't spend all your time chasing after success."Max could sense the tension mounting in the car, the weight of Ethan's mother's expectations bearing down on him like a heavy burden."Ethan," his mother continued, her tone pleading now, "you're not getting any younger. You need to start thinking about your future, about starting a family of your own. Don't let your career consume you."Ethan's jaw clenched, Max could see the internal struggle raging within him, torn between his sense of duty to his family and his desire for independence."I understand, Mom," Ethan replied, his voice strained. "I'll... I'll think about what you said. But right now, I have a business meeting at s city I'll call you later, okay?"..

"Ethan, what happened? max told about it ?" her voice filled with concern.Ethan glanced at max, unsure of how much to reveal. he explained carefully, choosing his words with caution. "We found a girl who .."But before Max could elaborate further, Ethan's mother misunderstood, her tone shifting to one of excitement. "A girl? Is she your girlfriend, Ethan? Have you finally found someone special?", his knuckles turning white. "No, Mom," he replied tersely, his frustration evident. "She's just someone who needed help. Nothing more.", the miscommunication adding to the already strained atmosphere in the car."Ethan, don't be like that," his mother chided gently. "You know I just want what's best for you. If you've found someone you care about, you shouldn't be ashamed to admit it."