
A love not bound with Red

In the enchanting, bustling city of Westford, where people pass their day thriving for success and wealth, running after their dreams and goals, a 28 years old woman named Jasmine, a hardworking editor for a renowned publishing company, pursues her flexible and peaceful life with a huge secret and burden in her shoulders. A blessing, or a curse she can never share with anyone, an ability that makes her look into facts that no one can assume, or truth that often end up being bitter. From a very young age, she could see the departed soul with lingering attachments in the world, and the red thread of fate that binds two people together. Fate, however, plays a cruel trick on her when she finds out she doesn’t have any sort of thread to her own. Jasmine, a cheerful and friendly person, believes in the power of true love, even more when she sees two people bound to each other, loving each other unconditionally, even if they face an adverse situation. But similarly, she loses hope in people to have pure love, as all she can see is betrayal, and farce, which becomes obvious to her with just those threads. After being betrayed by the very first person she ever loved, she lost all the hope for herself, and fate. Until one day, she met a guy as captivating as the morning sun in the winter. Warm, gentle, with sharp yet kindness to his light brown eyes. As she locked her eyes with those pair of beautiful ones, playfully doing their magic behind his soft, chestnut brown hair, she was forced to admit that there are people like him for whom the word ‘love’ was made. And even though their relationship started as two bickering coworkers nagging at each other at every little thing, the love bloomed in her heart for her favorite author, and the one she was entrusted to take care of professionally, Carter Klein. Once again, she let herself lose in the strength of love, despite knowing she was doomed to be with no one, only to figure out that Carter was in fact, fated with someone else. Someone who he can never get, and someone with whom he can never resolve his feelings. “I should back off, shouldn’t I?” with an aching heart, and teary eyes, she sealed those feelings in her heart forever. But destiny had some other plans, as Carter seemed to notice his editor Jasmine in a different light. She was no longer a mere work partner, but a friend to who he could see himself sharing anything and everything. “If it’s her, then maybe I could dare to walk out of the mud I am stuck in.” Will these two tear apart the firm bond of the thread tangled to Carter’s past? Or Jasmine’s love would weaken itself at the mercy of fate? Join their chaotic journey to find out how the pages of their life unfold. – – – – – – Hey people! NamCandy reporting again, with her third book. Honestly, I had this planned for a long while, even though the main concept of “Red thread of fate” was something totally new for me. Those who know me from my first book, must recognize the male lead already. That’s right, I promised there I’d bring justice to my favorite boy, Carter. So here it is. And if you have been reading my second book, I’m sure the other character ain’t new either hehe. Well then, enjoy their rollercoaster ride!

NamCandy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Ruined Relationship

A couple, happily talking with each other, occasionally taking sips of the coffee they have ordered. "She is late, right?" The lady spoke, looking up at her wristwatch. "Call her, babe. What if she faced some issues?" The man beside her asked with concern. To that, the woman nodded, and dialed a number that was right on top of the call list. But before the ring could go through, she noticed a hand excitedly waving at her, along with her name being shouted.


"Oh my God, Jass! Finally, you are here!" Sarah waved back at her, ending the call she was making to this girl Riley she had been waiting for. The girl named Jass walked up to them hurriedly, and took the seat right across the couple.

"Huff, I'm so sorry, there was this little issue on the road.""And let me guess, you ended up helping someone again, right?" Sarah cut in between, and the girl scratched the back of her head in an embarrassed manner. 

"Yeah, there was this old lady, she was having difficulty finding a place. I had to help her out!"

"Sure sure," Sarah took yet another sip from her coffee. "Oh, before I forget, let me introduce him to you. This is Ryan, my boyfriend."

Ryan extended his hands at the mention of his name. "Nice to meet you, Miss..."

"It's Riley. You can totally call me that." She took the hands gladly, giving it a firm and gentle shake. "Riley... doesn't sound like a first name to me, for some reason?" The corner of Ryan's brows went up a bit, expressing the confusion.

"Riley... is fine, actually." Her expression changed a little, fixing up into a more serious look on them.

"Yeah, Jass doesn't like to be called by her name easily. But she befriends people pretty quickly, so you gotta hang in there, Ryan." Sarah laughed, lightening up the mood. And Ryan chose not to drag over it for longer. "Hey, Jess, shall I get you something? You look like you practically ran all the way here."

"Yeah, lemme call the waiter..."

"This is a self-service cafe, Miss Riley," Ryan interrupted Riley from calling out to a waiter.

"Yep. so let me get something for you. You better be taking a little breather." Sarah placed her palm over Riley's, before walking towards the counter to order some snacks and drinks for her.

"So, Miss Riley. Westford University Alum?" Ryan made another attempt to talk to Riley, once Sarah was gone.

"Y-yeah, I am. Though not in Sarah's major. I just happened to befriend her in an elective course we took."

"The literature one?" Ryan leaned in a bit towards Riley, showing keen interest in her words and the entire conversation.

"Yep. That one." Riley replied in a low voice. "You seem to know a lot."

"Sarah speaks about you a lot." Riley let out a soft chuckle at that response of Ryan. "I hope she said only good stuff."

"She did, but quite less, I suppose." Ryan's response was quite brisk and sudden, making Riley feel a little bit perplexed. "She mentioned how much of a cheerful, free-willed person you are. But she never mentioned the absolute beauty and sexy you are, Riley. I would've been glad to meet you way earlier if I knew that.

"Now that was weird. Not the praises she was getting, but the words he chose, and the look on his face wasn't convincing to her. She was getting a weird, uncomfortable feeling from this man. Even his constant compliments about her absolutely perfect fluffy wolf cut on her short hair were making her skin crawl, when she usually loves people praising her hairstyle generally.

"Hey, I'm back." Sarah returned soon enough, breaking the chain of thoughts of Riley. "Is everything all right?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. We were just bonding here, Right Riley?" Ryan winked at Riley once before turning back to Sarah. And even though he had his hands over Sarah's waist like a protective loving boyfriend, Riley could feel this man's gaze over her, checking her out up and down in a really disgusting way, as if he was sizing her up.

"Gosh, I didn't want to do this to her at least," Riley thought to herself, as her eyes fell over both of their hands placed on top of the table. She took a breath in, and kept her eyes closed for a second. And the next time she opened them, she spoke up, interrupting Sarah's chattering. "Sarah, don't mind me asking, but are you absolutely sure about this relationship?" Sarah was left shocked by her words.

"W-what do you mean, of course, I am. Ryan is the best thing that happened to me, and he is so handsome, so smart, and smooth in conversations, I couldn't ask for better."

"This is exactly why you shouldn't have asked for him to Gods, Sarah." Riley's eyes burning with a serious look, peeled onto the intertwined fingers of them, while they were holding each other's hands. "Your man is cheating on you. He isn't in love with you. So, apparently, everyone else could thank the Gods for having such a handsome man to be their boyfriend.

"What are you talking about, Riley? How could you?" Ryan was shocked by the sudden accusation, his eyes went bigger with shock, which was an act not much convincing to Riley, as she kept staring at him.

"You totally know about what I am talking, Mr. Ryan Miller," Riley responded to him, as calmly as she could, even though she was burning with anger deep within.

"You haven't changed at all, have you, Riley?" Sarah spoke up, interrupting the heated bickering between Riley and Ryan. Her eyes were blood red, and tears were threatening to come out any moment. "And I thought they were making some false rumors about you. But it was true after all. You go ahead, ruining other people's relationships, making them break up so that you can snag them."

"The hell are you saying, Sarah!" Riley responded in shock, hearing her response. It has been ages since she heard someone mentioning those things she had left long ago back in the days of college. "I am not. Trust me, girl, when I say I know if someone is being loyal or not just by looking at them, I do know that!"


"Shut the fuck up, you filthy whore! What are you, a psychic?" Sarah poured the entire glass of water, splashing them on Riley's face. "I thought of you as a friend. Maybe we weren't close like your other two besties, but we were good friends, weren't we? And this is how you pay me back?" Sarah stood up, and walked out from the café, not even looking back for once, and not caring about whether the man with her was accompanying her or not. Ryan was unsure what to do that moment, but after a few seconds of pondering, he followed Sarah behind, leaving Riley all alone with the café full of people staring at her.

"Ugh, this is why I don't want to do this." Riley let out a sigh, taking some of the tissues from the table to wipe her face off. "Should've never looked at their hands." 

Getting back to writing after ages, support and criticism is much appreciated ><

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