
A love not bound with Red

In the enchanting, bustling city of Westford, where people pass their day thriving for success and wealth, running after their dreams and goals, a 28 years old woman named Jasmine, a hardworking editor for a renowned publishing company, pursues her flexible and peaceful life with a huge secret and burden in her shoulders. A blessing, or a curse she can never share with anyone, an ability that makes her look into facts that no one can assume, or truth that often end up being bitter. From a very young age, she could see the departed soul with lingering attachments in the world, and the red thread of fate that binds two people together. Fate, however, plays a cruel trick on her when she finds out she doesn’t have any sort of thread to her own. Jasmine, a cheerful and friendly person, believes in the power of true love, even more when she sees two people bound to each other, loving each other unconditionally, even if they face an adverse situation. But similarly, she loses hope in people to have pure love, as all she can see is betrayal, and farce, which becomes obvious to her with just those threads. After being betrayed by the very first person she ever loved, she lost all the hope for herself, and fate. Until one day, she met a guy as captivating as the morning sun in the winter. Warm, gentle, with sharp yet kindness to his light brown eyes. As she locked her eyes with those pair of beautiful ones, playfully doing their magic behind his soft, chestnut brown hair, she was forced to admit that there are people like him for whom the word ‘love’ was made. And even though their relationship started as two bickering coworkers nagging at each other at every little thing, the love bloomed in her heart for her favorite author, and the one she was entrusted to take care of professionally, Carter Klein. Once again, she let herself lose in the strength of love, despite knowing she was doomed to be with no one, only to figure out that Carter was in fact, fated with someone else. Someone who he can never get, and someone with whom he can never resolve his feelings. “I should back off, shouldn’t I?” with an aching heart, and teary eyes, she sealed those feelings in her heart forever. But destiny had some other plans, as Carter seemed to notice his editor Jasmine in a different light. She was no longer a mere work partner, but a friend to who he could see himself sharing anything and everything. “If it’s her, then maybe I could dare to walk out of the mud I am stuck in.” Will these two tear apart the firm bond of the thread tangled to Carter’s past? Or Jasmine’s love would weaken itself at the mercy of fate? Join their chaotic journey to find out how the pages of their life unfold. – – – – – – Hey people! NamCandy reporting again, with her third book. Honestly, I had this planned for a long while, even though the main concept of “Red thread of fate” was something totally new for me. Those who know me from my first book, must recognize the male lead already. That’s right, I promised there I’d bring justice to my favorite boy, Carter. So here it is. And if you have been reading my second book, I’m sure the other character ain’t new either hehe. Well then, enjoy their rollercoaster ride!

NamCandy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

in 16th century?

"Yo, morning, Jass!"

"Not so good though, Steve. What are you doing here on a weekend?" Jasmine noticed a familiar voice greeting to her, as soon as she entered into the office. "I didn't know Samuel ended up dragging you down here too."

"More like my work did. Yknow, we editors are never on a proper day off, are we?" Steve shrugged his shoulders in a helpless manner. "Heard you are getting assigned to a new one today?"

"Yeah, I... heard the same." She nodded her head. "Though can't really figure out why would he be handing me a hotshot like K, that sounds terrible."

"Terrible in a good way, right? You have been a fan of their works." Steve landed a reassuring and encouraging pat on Jasmine's shoulders. "Go ahead in, I hope you are ready for the banger inside."

Jasmine blinked a few times at Steve, before walking ahead. It was rare for Steve to be this positive with his commenting, as he was someone to be known as extremely picky, no matter what. Reason why he was given the most confused and new writers, so that he could guide them well. To him to be so hyped about someone he doesn't even feel remotely interested at, Jasmine was quite surprised. Since when he started thinking so highly about romance genre writers, anyway?

Jasmine walked at the inner part of the large office room, standing right in front of a door which had a golden name plate clearly saying 'Samuel Smith' in a bold black letters. She looked over it for a while, before softly knocking on the door. Soon enough, she heard a 'come in' from inside, in a playful but low voice she would recognize any time. Somehow, his voice terrifies her, reminds me of those countless times he has called her for work, while she was planning to enjoy her relaxed afternoon while reading one of the newest releases of K. Just like how she had planned to do today.

"Hi, Samuel." Jasmine peeked inside the room, before letting herself in. She found Samuel talking to someone in a black shirt, and it was a male. He was facing Samuel, so she wasn't able to see him. But by that one glance at his back, she could tell he was someone of a considerably tall structure and a bit gloomy aura. Somehow, she just got that feeling from the ebony black shirt he was wearing, which kinda was a contradiction to his dark chestnut brown hair. What is he doing, wearing a color that would make him look kinda dull? He should've worn something lighter than that, maybe a grey or a white? Or maybe a beige. The fashion designing major in her was getting ticked really bad. She was sure if Yvette was here, she would immediately jump in a huge seminar about how this mysterious guest of Samuel was totally out of place in his selection of attire.

"Oh, finally the time. Come on in, Riley." Samuel signaled at her with his hands, and Jasmine took a seat right next to that man. Her eyes casually went next to her, and she found him fiddling with a pen, tapping it in a consistent but somehow in a rhythmic way.

Not giving him notice any further, Jasmine turned to Samuel, shifting a little on her seat. "Samuel, I could come in later if you need to tend to your guest first."

"No, no. That's related to you, of course you need to stay here." Samuel flipped his hand in the air, in a dismissal. "So, Riley, this is Mr. Carter Klein. He is one of the romance genre authors, as you know, which falls in your department."

"No, I don't know him at all," was what she wanted to say out loud, but ended up not doing so. Just because she is in the romance genre department, doesn't mean she would be going ahead knowing everyone. And there are tons of authors working under then who don't prefer to be come out in the public except for their editors.

"So, from now on, he would be entrusted to your honest and effective precision." While Jasmine was wandered off in her thoughts, the last words of Samuel caught onto her ears.

"Wait, there is something amiss here." Jasmine halted Samuel a bit, confusion clear in her face. She closed in towards him, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Didn't you say I was going to be entrusted with K?"

"What do you mean, he is..."

"Well, guess I should make a proper introduction as well." The man cleared his throat a little, and finally when he looked up at her, she noticed how much of a contradiction he made with his black shirt. He was someone with a cool undertone, and beautifully fair. The dark brown eyes were the most contradictory thing he had on him, as his eyes had much softer edge than the aura he was emitting. It almost looked like he was deliberately trying to act tough and cold, which wasn't suiting him, at all. His emotionless look on those eyes made him look so fake and gloomy even she could tell. He reached out his right hand at her, hoping for a handshake. "Hello, I'm K, author of the last year's best romance book 'Till the end'."

"You aren't a female?" As much as she knows that was totally the most rude thing she could ever say to anyone she was first time meeting, much less her favorite author in flesh. But that was all she could say, while trying her best to overcome the shock she got.

"Do you have any problem with me being a male?" The guy slightly retracted his hands, raising one of his eyebrows in a skeptical look.

"Yes, I do. Samuel, how can you assign me to a male author? You clearly know I am not comfortable working with any man." Jasmine turned at Samuel, giving him an equally pleading and questioning look.

"Excuse me, what?" Before Samuel could respond to Jasmine or even try to convince her, Carter was the one who snapped out. "What kind of rubbish is this? What are we, in 16th century?"