
A long walk

A pair of siblings start an unexpected adventure that will take them beyond the limits set to their lives. The unknown is their daily quest while they look for answers to the big questions of their lives. What is this world? Why things work like this? Who are we?

ASV · Fantasia
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2 Chs

A city to sail off from

From the location they were staying at there was no view to the port, but still there was enough of a feeling in the city to understand that it was, both, a well-regulated port but a lawless place all the same.

The area was crowded with bars and hotels, there were markets and gyms, mercenary offices and several variant types of businesses offering all kind of services. Restaurants, painters -both for buildings, rooms and fine arts-, musicians, plumbers, lights, medicine, pharmacies, fortune tellers, wish givers, churches to the various gods as well to sanctuaries to several different renowned heroes of faraway lands. A single library that had restricted entry and a fee for the usage of a single book. That place was regarded as the safest place on the city. The grand library of Lovicio, center of knowledge; a door of opportunities; the highest window to infinity.

All revolved around the library. Yes, there was people trying to get into a ship, sailing to unknown lands through the portals, but all started at the library. All who entered wanted to get a book. Not a specific book, just any book. It was said that reading one of those would result in a dream of such power that nobody would stand in your way until you were able to achieve it. The shrines to the heroes were the excuses to fuel such fantasies, stories were told all over the place, so children hoped for the day entered the library to arrive. The majority of people would never actually get to set a foot inside, and not all of the ones that entered could even get a glimpse of knowledge from the books stored there, you'd see people entering the place and then going out and start loitering around. Some would just look to their feet, and some would look to the top of the library, but none would spoke of what they saw inside the place. After a while those people would either settle down on the outskirts of Lovicio or get a job on a ship and sail forever to be seen; maybe to come back as a legend and have a shrine be built around the library, or just be forgotten in the annals of history.

That was the dream M.K.2 had. To get into the library, to read a good book and then sail beyond the known limits to be remembered in history, to build a story so grand and long that there were no bigger shrines than his own, to have the city be renamed under his achievements. He wanted to exist

The inn was less that than a makeshift bar with mattresses and hammocks that people would use however they wanted. Day and night there was a constant fight over who would make use of the space. M.K.2 was able to finally get a hammock, even thought it was on the Mating area. For the first time in weeks, he would finally be able to get some sleep, he had just to endure hearing the humming, twisting and cries of pleasure surrounding him, it was going to be a long night, probably longer than the ones he usually had. He covered his body with a dark blanket he carried everywhere and attempted to sleep, closing his eyes, covering up his ears as best as he could and thinking of the day ahead, thinking of how he would get in to get the fantasized book that would lead to his destiny.