
A Little Too Late You See

Hello! Good Morning! Morning! Hey! I Trust You! I Like You! I Adore You! I Love You! I Miss You! I Miss You.... I Love You....... Hey..... Night..... Good Night.... Am I even in your eyes? Like you are in mine.......

OggyM · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Thought process

OK. So this is to tell you ie the reader how to read it, the thought process behind it. Like the title says. The first part which the very start of every chapter is present. And after the indication it switches to past. One more past present indication is that i will use bold italics to present the present and regular and italics for past.

If anything more comes ill update this as it goes ahead.

Ah forgot to say. It can be gender neutral too. But my idea is as the tags says female oriented but like i said before - gender neutral, if you want it to be you can think of it that way.

Thanks for reading please do comment. It lets me know what you guys think of it.


Ps it will be pretty short.