
A Little More Time

Both parents of Tabitha has left her alone, now Thalassius took her in to take care of her instead. But how will they overcome difficulties together? Will they reach the end together?

Isha783 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The power

Montavia felt that today would be the day Tabitha would awaken her power, and she was right about that.

This sounds creepy, but Montavia is outside the balcony connected to Tabitha's room watching her sleep, watching her every move, looking outside from time to time as someone might interrupt the moment and listening carefully as someone might walk in and disturb, but she already told Pierson about this, just that she doesn't know if Delilah and Aeris are aware

The moon's luminous glow shined through her window, the spaces covered by dark were now occupied with the moon's radiant glow, and soon enough, not only was the room glowing bright, Tabitha's hair began shining in white, producing such a blinding glow.

Montavia smiled to herself knowing well that Tabitha has successfully awakened. You may think that this is such an easy task why is it a need that someone should stay by their side? Well, you see, sometimes it has side effects, as mentioned before, there are different ways of awakening, and you may think the dream only involves happiness, no it sometimes involves sadness, Montavia is even afraid that she might confront her trauma in her dreams. But seeing how she's smiling in her dreams, it seems there's no problem to be solved.

She approached Tabitha and touched her forehead and felt that her body isn't producing a hot temperature as some might trigger fever. She knew she'll feel guilty or might regret her decision but she touched her forehead once again and closed her eyes, her hand produced a dim blue glow and she looked into Tabitha's dreams.

In the dream, Tabitha can be seen looking up at the moon in a silver dress, then she looked down at the pond in front of her and the moon's reflection can be seen. Not long after, a strange thing dragged her into the pond. What's surprising was the fact that the pond was so deep and despite being dragged down, she didn't show any emotion, she herself is also confused as to why she's not feeling anything. Knowing herself she's probably screaming and panicking in the water but no, she's letting this strange thing drag her down in the depths of the pond. Or maybe it's not even a pond anymore? Whilst being dragged down, she still kept looking at the moon.

She can't understand the meaning behind her actions in this dream, but she hopes and thinks that maybe the moon will associate with her life soon. Maybe it would hold a meaning, it would have a purpose.

Montavia retreated her hand and sighed to herself, she then left the room and upon arriving at her room, she took out a piece of paper and wrote the contents of what happened today and will sent them out to Thalassius to keep him updated.

Now, Montavia began thinking to herself, knowing that the history of the Vandeleurs at the age of 9 was able to rival an official knight despite being uneducated. It's something people would never believe when told to but once they actually see it, they'll believe the story. Montavia can feel herself laughing if she told this to Pierson. Knowing Pierson is someone who overacts sometimes, she can see herself laughing at his remarks and saying that he doesn't believe her words.

After writing the things that happened today, she kept everything tidy and went out on her balcony and made the paper fly away for it to reach Thalassius, she hopes that this letter won't encounter any obstacles on the way.

Before Montavia went to bed, she felt as if the moon shined brighter than usual for a second, and when she looked back, it was shining like how it was as usual. Ever since coming into this household everything has been weird for her, hell she was even afraid that someone is behind those paintings this family has because she swore one of the painting's mouth and hair moved. And what she hated the most, was the fact that one of the maids show hostility towards her.

Not that she's rude or anything, but she wants to complain to Pierson and Aeris that one of their maids served her rather awful food earlier. But she decided to keep quiet as she wanted the maid to last longer here.

Anyway, she then fell asleep not long enough after being so tired today.

The next day, Tabitha woke up feeling that something is off with her today. But she can't decipher what it was. Not long after, the door of her room opened, and saw Montavia


"Are you feeling something is off with you today?"

"Yes… Did something happen to me?"

"Yes dear, you have successfully awakened your powers!"

"D-did I really?!" Tabitha questioned Montavia excitedly, she quickly wants to get ready for the day and try out her powers, she wants to know what type she has, she wants to know what she can do. Can she grow flowers out of her palm like Delilah does?

"Now now, you should get ready first, have your breakfast and the whole day will be ours, hm?"

The day then started off with Tabitha getting ready for the day and they ate breakfast together. Once me and Delilah finished eating, we are now on our way to Montavia's room so she could teach us. While on the way, Delilah complained about how yesterday's history lesson was boring. It's true though the previous emperor before the current one today, didn't do much in the kingdom. And the year of his ruling, the records were less about him, almost all the pages were just about his loyal knights and what they did. The magicians who played a huge role before, the maids that sacrificed everything they had for the emperor. And more, and yet the emperor's doings were boring.

Pierson even told me that my father could've become a duke, but he chose to be a personal knight to his majesty, it would've been better as he could be the one giving orders and not the one following the orders. He and my mother could have a better life, and I would be happy as both my parents are present. All my life all I did was spend time with my grandma and didn't see my parents that much especially my mother. All I wanted was to have a mother as Delilah does, someone who is there with her as a parent. I know that my grandma can be a parent too but I just wish that she was my mother. I hate how I hoped there could be a time when my father can take me to the castle and show me around, introduce me to the emperor, and be friends with his son. But I was kept inside grandma's house all the time.

We finally arrived at Montavia's room and greeted her. She told us to sit down so she can explain what we'll do today.

"Okay, we'll start with Tabitha and after I tell her everything she needs to do for now, I'll teach Delilah next. Are you two fine with that?"

"Yes!" We both say at the same time and paid attention to Montavia

"Okay Tabitha, to start off, I want you to do something like this"

She showed off her palm and white crystal pieces began floating around and formed a bird, once it was fully transformed from a piece to a full bird, it began flying and came back to Montavia's palm. The bird didn't have any color, it was transparent like a glass window or cup.

Both me and Delilah were stunned by what she did.

"Am I able to do something like that as well?" Delilah then asks, feeling curious.

"You are, but I want you to focus on something else first, we'll discuss that later. Now Tabtiha, I want you to think of a small animal, something like a butterfly. Then gather your magic in your palms and once you have gathered a good amount, release that and a butterfly will appear"

I did what Montavia told me, I had trouble doing her instructions but I did what she said. And a butterfly appeared though it wasn't perfect. Its wings were broken, and it didn't even look real! It wasn't transparent like Montavia's it was almost as if it was created through paper.

Both laughed at my creation and I stared at Montavia with a sad expression, disappointed at the outcome of what I did.

From the corner of my eyes, Delilah who is beside me tried her best not to laugh.

"Hey come on! You're laughing as if this didn't happen to you!" After I said that, Delilah burst out laughing, tears almost came out from her eyes from laughing too much. Was it really that funny or is she going insane?

"Hahaha! That's okay Tabitha, things take a lot of patience to be perfect. Keep trying and don't give up, hm?"

"Okay!" I now focused on perfecting my butterfly, while Montavia talked to Delilah.

"Now Delilah, I want you to do the same thing Tabitha does, but you're making flowers, not animals. How about tulips? Are you fine with that?"

"Yes! I just have to do what you explained to Tabitha earlier right?"


Delilah then did what was explained earlier, what happened? Well… The moment the tulip came out of her palm perfectly, all of us were shocked as it was just her first try, but our excitement was gone the moment we saw the petals fall. Now it was me who was trying my best not to laugh like Delilah earlier.

And then for the next 30 minutes, we both tried out best to perfect what we were doing, and all of a sudden, a perfect butterfly is now flying around.

"No way! You learned faster than I did!"

"That's because I'm better than you"

I gave her a smirk playfully to which she reacted back by glaring at me then we both laugh.

"Alright, That's all for now. Let's have a 2-hour break. I still have things to finish"
