
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


In the next morning, all of the knight already waiting on New Knight Meeting Room, "Yep, it's feel comfort and nice" say one of the kinghts in there to his friends, "Yes, you right pal". Meanwhile in Rin's Room, Rin still puke in her bathroom after a half an hour. "Damn, what happened to me" Say Rin to herself. After that, she still go to the Meeting room even though her condition really bad. "Please be patient, Madame Rin still on the way to here" said Debora to all of the knights. "Damn, those girl always late." Said Ferdich. "Don't you hear what they said, be patient" Said Silvia to Ferdich while shakin her hands showing how disappoint her is. "Heh, I hope you can slap her today" Said Ferdich to Silvia

"I'm sorry, I'm late again, alright, let's get back to the topic, so, after our organization being legalized by all of the creator, now we need a new organization structure, and I already made it, so, there will be a Co-Headmaster to help me work, and I will chose Debora as our co-headmaster, Secretary will be held by Alina and there will be a Head Leader of every leader team, so I will choose Katarina as our head leader" said Rin "What? Hey, you already thinkin what you just said Headmaster? A new member as Headleader of us all? You must be jokin" said Ferdich to Rin that really pissed off for what just she said.

"No, this was my absolute selection, Katarina and her team was the only reason why All of Creator and God-Goddes still Trust our organization." Said Rin to Ferdich. "What? The heck was wrong with you, after you killing our best friend, and trying to kill me, then you trying to use a person that cheating on their mission? You already Lost your mind Headmaster" Said Ferdich Loudly to Rin. "Shut up! You are the reason why all of this happened, if you not try to tell him to interogate Jembod, he even not dare to touch Jembod since he is one of Jembod bestfriend" said Rin back to Ferdich. "I'm not doing that, how much you paided by Katarina so you always defend her for everything?" Said Jembod To Rin.

"You are the one who Paid Apin for interogating Jembod, and I already got all of the edvidence from my intel." Said Rin to Ferdich. "Wh-what, No, I never paid him, I even never meet him for a month, you lying to everyone" said Ferdich Nerveously. "Is that true, Ferdich?" Ask Allan the Leader of Tim 2 to Ferdich. "No, she tell fake news to all of us, she just try to defend Katarina because Katarina and Lord paid her with a lot of cash." Said Ferdich back. "Well, I guess you wont belive this" Said Rin while taking a tape Recorder from Debora. "What? What was the meaning of all of this? You trying to give a fake record right?" said Ferdich that trying to defend himself.

"Oh, so, why Apin eyes turning white at that time he interogated Jembod, that's your mind control power right? That can made someone said what you said from the distance, and even, Apin doesn't even know how to intterogate people as well, and he always scared of you" said Rin to Ferdich. "What, mind control technic? What kind of technic is that, oh, maybe that technic that god use to you?" ask Ferdich again To Rin. "Alright Ferdcih, we know all, you ar the one who lying here, what we gonna do to him madame?" ask Allan to Rin. Suddenly Ferdich Attack Allan, but Allan can Defend himself from Ferdich attack, "Don't you dare, you still weak Allan" said Ferdich to Allan that trying to hold his anger. "Enough Ferdich!" Shout Rin. "You too, just die Already!" Shout Ferdich while jump fast to Rin. "STRRIINNG" Ferdich Blade can be holded by Katarina blade. "As I thought, she's the real Knight in here, not you Ferdich." Said Rin to Ferdich.

"Get back to your seat." Said Katarina that still Hold Ferdich attack. "Wow, damn, you still new here but dare to said that to me, you are in trouble now Katarina." Said Ferdich while walking back to his chair. "I still forgive you today, I don't know if tomorrow you can still se sunrise again" Said Ferdich back after seat in his chair. "Katarina, you can go back to your seat too, and thank you." Said Rin to Katarina. "Yes madame" Said Katarina, then Katarina walkin back to her seat. "HAHA, really great Community, I'm proud of Knight organization" Said Ferdich loudly. "enough, Ferdich" said Silvia to Ferdich.

"Alright, now, I want to every team to do mission together from now on, since our mission rank will be upgraded, now C misson will fight a rank E monster, and so others" said Rin. "Ah, extra money" said Leader of tim 5, kuproy. "but, I want this first mission, rank S that fight a B rank monster. And I want Team 1 with team 85 together to do this mission" said Rin. "What? I don't want to work with nobs, let me work with Team 3 or 4" said Ferdich to Rin. "No, I want you to protect them, you are the strongest in here, so why you must take other strongest team to you?" ask Rin to Ferdich.

"OK, well, I guess, now I can see how the Lord bless look like" Said Ferdich. "huh, lucky you got that mission, that mission worth 3 box gold you know." Said Silvia to Ferdich. "Lucky? More like suffer cause I must carry those nobs." Said Ferdich while pointing to Katarina Team with full of disappointment. "I know you can do that, after you done carrying them, just take all of the money, don't give them any" said Silvia to Ferdich. "Ahaha, yes, thanks for the advice, I will work so I can change her and being a spotlight of this organization." Said Ferdich to Silvia. "Ferdich, take this paper" said Rin to Ferdich. "alright, I'm coming" said Ferdich that walkin to the Rin table in front of them.

"Here the mission paper, you don't need to give this to anyone, you guys gonna escorted by Royal servant that already waiting for y'all in front of this palace, just give this paper to them, they will know it" said Rin to Ferdich. "Well, this made my job easier, alright" Said Ferdich. "Ok guys, time to move" said Ferdich to his team, Ferdich and his team leave that room, then one of Ferdich team member calling Katarina "Katarina, you not go with us?" ask that girl to Katarina. "Alright" Katarina and her team leave that room too. After that Rin tell to everyone that they can leave that room and waiting for another mission for them.

"alright, here is the point, you guys just let Katarina and her team drop to the abbys, you all know what I mean?" ask Ferdich to his team. "No, sir, what does that mean?" ask one of his teammates that feel confused. "Ok, so, we must trap those noobs, I mean Katarina, so we can see that she actually cheating, so this is how we do it, first, you guys act like a pro move helped by me, then, in the middle of a battle or when team 85 start attacking near the monster, we just retreat without informing, and I want someone of you guys record team 85 fight, maybe ye can just leave them fight till dead, and after them cant handle those monster again, we gonna act like hero" said Ferdich to his team.

"But sir, that's to dangerous for both of us" said one of his team member. "Nah, I know what I do, just follow my lead, you guys will be safe, just like usual" said Ferdich again to his team. "Alright sir" said half of his team. "So, where are they?" ask Ferdich Whille looking for Katarina team. "There, sir" Said one of his team pointing to the back of Ferdich. "Ah, you guys, alright, so this is the point, you guys just need to help us, we know that you guys can't do anything, so, let me show you how real Knights works" said Ferdich to Katarina team that just arrived. Katarina and her team just keep silent. "Ok, so, let's move now" said Ferdich that confused seing Katarina team.

They meet with the royal servant that already waiting for them. "Alright sir, we gonna use this limo jeep that can only bring 4 people inside, so, here is written Ferdich, Katarina, Jembod, and pirvatta." Said the Servant. "What? I don't know that. And why only one limo while we need 15 limo for all, and what does that thing" said Ferdich while pointing to the bigger jeep behind the limo. "Sir, that's your team car too there, if you wont accept it, just go with your feet" said that Servant. "How dare you said that to me old man!" said Ferdich very angrily and get ready to take his sword form his back.

"Nah, don't worry, I will go with the jeep, half of his team are woman too, right? So, it's okay" said Katarina try to calming the tension that happened. "But, you are the important one here, madame" said that Servant. "Nah, just let her use that, but, I want all of my team use limo" said Ferdich to the servant. "Sir, we don't have enough limo" said the servant again. "What kind of poor you guys, even can take another limo for us" said Ferdich loudly to those Servant. "Sir, all of the limo already used by half of the creator for visiting another place to work." Said those Servant.

"Screw you all, guys, take out all of our available cars, I don't want to use this limo, now" said Ferdich to his team. half of his team immedeatly go to the Ferdich garage that placed behind the palace. "You guys can use this limo, I unlike it" said Ferdich to Katarina team. "Get in madame" said the servant while opening the car door. Katarina and his team get inside the car and waiting for Ferdich team ready to move. Not long, 16 cars came from other side of the Palace. "Alright you all, get in!" said Ferdich to all of his team. "We ready to move, now lead the way" say Ferdich to the servant that drive the limo.

"For sake, he's really annoying and, I don't know what to say to him, madame, did you know him?" Ask the Servant while driving to Katarina. "Eh, I don't know him well, but his name is Ferdich for sure" Answer Katarina. "That guy does not deserve as team leader, he very lucky that his parents was and knight veteran, if not, we don't even want him here, he even don't know how to fight well and talking to people nicely." Said that Servant again to Katarina. "Well, i'm sorry that one of my people acting like that to you, I promise it wont happened again." Said Katarina to the Servant.

"No madame, it's not your fault, it's him, no need to blame yourself for someone fault, it will only hurt yourself" said that servant to Katarina. "no, I'm in charge to him, I appointed as Head leader by madame Rin, so, that was my responsible" said Katarina. "Wow, madame, I just hear you recruited as new member of Knight 4 days ago and now you appointed as Head Leader of all knights team leader. I'm proud of you, and, I said congratulation at first cause you can defeated an C rank monster" said that Servant to Katarina. "Eh, yeah, thank you, we feel honoured by that." Said Katarina to the servant. "I hope we had more people were like you in that Palace, that would be great, and I hope you the best madame, I hope you can kick Albara ass out from that Palace" said that Servant.

"Wait, he was the Leader of all creator, right? Why you said that?" ask Katarina that confused. "He same like Ferdich, that guy, annoying and act on his own, he never think like 'oh, if I do this what will happen next', he just want to be the greatest from all, no one like him, the way he became a Leader of all creator cause he's really strong" said that Servant to Katarina. "Hmmm, you seems know a lot of things in that palace, may I know your name?" ask Katarina to him. "I don't have a name" answer that Servant to Katarina. "Eh, what?" ask Katarina again that Confused. "Madame, all of servant on our palace wont tell his/ her name until you trusted by them" said Jembod to Katarina.

"Oh, I'm sorry" said Katarina to the servant, "Nah, don't worry madame, my name is Gerald, formerly I work with Tasya, one of our creator, but she's got a new servant now, our head servant change our formation last year, and now I work as Head of Knight Servant, that formerly known as Mike, yeah, I don't know a guy like him can beaten to death by an unknown girl, such an crazy battle before he dies" said those Servant to Katarina. "Well, how strong mike that you know?" ask Katarina to Gerald. "Strong? Not for ask, actually he can beat an S rank monster alone, me and almost half of the creator know that, so that's the reason why he promoted as a creator." Said Gerald.

"What? Wait, oh well, Serenia can beat an B rank monster alone within 1 minutes, so maybe no doubt" Said Katarina. "Well, I don't know how she could do that, maybe you know it madame, so, can you tell me how her can beat those monster?" ask Gerald to Katarina. "eh, I don't know, I fight another monster that came out from another place inside those big monster, and, I almost die by those monster" said Katarina to Gerald. "Oh, that's the B rank monster, not the big one, yeah, if you kill the big one, the real one will disappear too" said Gerald. "Oh, wait, so she only kill the big one and use you as the bait, how shame was she" said Gerald to Katarina.

"Eh? I don't know about that, but, yeah, maybe, she's don't care enough to her teammate, and always act alone" said Katarina which starts moody. "don't think to much about it madame, you great, you can beat an C rank monster, it's an, ya know, an big achievement for your life, and everyone knows that" said Gerald to Katarina. "nope, it's not me at all, my team help me a lot, so, I'm still useless at all." Said Katarina. "Madame, listen even an knights with almost 30 people inside their team can only beat an F rank monster, but you with only 4 people on your team can beat more higher rank monster, that's just awesome" said Gerald. "and if you know madame, If you want, I want to be your private servant, and help you anywhere anytime without getting paid from you" said Gerald again to Katarina.

"Eh?! That's too exaggerating, I'm not that great as you guys know" said Katarina to Gerald. "Ehehe, I'm just too excited madame, a cool girl like you, just like my most wanted master type, I beg you never made everyone feel complicate when they with you right?" said Gerald to Katarina. Suddenly Katarina feel a little shocked and remember when she messed up her father important ceremony, failed to impress her mother before her mother dead and failed to save Serenia. "What happened madame?" ask Gerald that confused by Katarina who fell silent. Suddenly Katarina answer Gerald, "no, nothing, I just thinkin that my clothes still unwashed". "well, we almost arrive to our destination" said Gerald.

Not long, they already arrived to mombah town, an modern town in dungeon one from 4 explored dungeon. "Wait, it's an modern city we meet?" ask Katarina that feel confused. "Always has been, madame" said Gerald. "in here, they had an annoying tree, well something sort of that, and here is the leader of this city office. He is an handsome officier, you would love him, madame, if you need some information, just ask with him, ah, there he is, the tall guy with an t-shirt over there" said Gerald while pointing to destinated guy. "oh, thanks." Said Katarina. "I will wait here until your mission done, madame" said Gerald. Katarina just nod and walk away to meet those officier. "Excuse me, I want to ask about this" ask Ferdich that already got there a second before Katarina team

"You meet the right person, now follow me" said those officier. All of them following those officier entering his office. "I'm feel honoured to welcome you guys, my name is John, and I'm the leader of this town, so, I will give some point of this monster at my room" said John to all of the knights that follow him to his room. "We are so honoured too to meet you sir, my name is Ferdich, I appointed as this group leader, so, yeah, that's all" said Ferdich to John. "ok, now only one people that can enter this room, and Ferdich said he is the leader of this group, so, I will give the identity of this monster to him" said John.

"Wait for me" said Ferdich to his team, not long them two entered the room, an all of his team an Katarina team waiting outside the office, "Well, maybe this one took a long time" said one of team One knight Member, "huh, I'm still tired, maybe we can get something?" ask Katarina. "I'm sorry madame, I don't have money but I know this place well" said Alex to them. "here madame, drink this water to keep you sty hydrated" said Jembod while giving a bootle of water to Katarina, "Thanks a lot" said Katarina to Jembod. After half an hour, Ferdich and those officier came out from the officier room. "Alright, I already tell everything to him, now follow him to the mission place" said that officier to all of the knights in there. After that, they start moving following ferdich. 1 miles of waliking they reach an gated place that have a lot of tall tree inside. "Alright, you all, the mission in here is to fight the heavy tree, we must be carefull cause all of tree inside this place controlled by those monster, so, we must beat that monster before all of the tree inside this place turned red and gonna explode like a nuke each one of them" said Ferdich.

"Yes, sir!" said all of the knight in there. "alright, now let's get in and do our best!" said Ferdich to all of them, Ferdich opened the gate using the key that the officier give to him, not long the gate opened amd they walking into the center of that place where the monster sleep. After an 10 minutes of walking, they finally reach the monster place, an 300 feet tall tree with an demonic face in the centre of those tree. Suddenly the monster wake up and starts screaming histerically. "Be carefull! It's gonna attack us!" shout Ferdich to all of the knights in there. Suddenly all of those tree branches attacking them all, but all of them can evade those attack and trying to attack those tree with all of their power, but noneof them give some damage to the monster.

"Slash" the Ferdich great sword cut all of the brench that keep coming fast towards him, and always trying to hit those tree. "Alright, after I can damage those tree I can tell my team to retreat and let the Katarina tim fight this ugly monster" said Ferdich to himself. And then a chance to give a damage to the monster, "Almighty swords!" shout Ferdich, and a wave blade strike hit the centre of the tree until it shattered a bit and made some of the attack system of this monster broke a bit, and half of the branch attack were stopped. "Great, now it's time" said Ferdich. Ferdich give some symbol to all of his teammates. But suddenly one of the branches stab Ferdich right on his stomatches.

Ferdich shocked and puke a lot of blood, suddenly one of his teammates save him from another branches that ready to come towards Ferdich. And then those guy bring Ferdich away from those monster to the safe place. "Sir, hold on!" said those guy, and not long another of him teammates come and try to heal him. "Uhuk, damn! How could this thing happened" said Ferdich trying to endure his pain. "Hold it bos, we gonna heal you faster" said one of his teammates that just come. Suddenly the tree around them started changing it's color to red. "We all, gonna die" said one of Ferdich teammates again.

"Where is Ferdich?!" ask Katarina while tring to cut all of the branches that come to her, "Madame, our bos injured so bad and need to heal, but the bad news is, the tree started to change the color to red" said one of Ferdich teammates. "Oh, well, guess we gonna done on here" said Katarina to herself. Sudenlly all of the branches attack stopped, but, another mini monster come from the ground and starts attacking them. "Think something, Katarina" said her to Herself while trying to kill all of the monster. "AAAAAA!" said one of the Ferdich teammates that his feet biten by those mini monster, and suddenly explode. Those mini explosion made him turned to ashes. Everyone still try to fight those monster, but with limited time. Not long after the mini monster spawned, the bigger one come and rush all of the knight. "We all gonna die!" shout one of the Knight that scared by those monster, they all tried to run away from that place. But Katarina and Jembod with his team try to approach the monster.

"Everyone, follow them!" said one of knights from Ferdich team, only 6 people left on there. With Katarina team so 10 people still try to fight all of those monster. "This, has turned to difficult situation!" said one of the Ferdich teammates that tried runaway from the monster place, but suddenly one of the tree near their run exploded and made an horrifiying sound with a 1 megaton tnt explosion that kill everyone near those tree. Ferdich that knew one of the tree in there exploded scared and made his wound more worse. "Leader, you need to calm down!, we gonna get you out of here" said one of his teammates. But, suddenly some of the monster appear from the tree and try to attack them.

"Run!" shout Ferdich teammates, they run as fast as they can and bring Ferdich that still heavy injured. some of them trying to kill every monster that try to approach them. "I- I'am a bad leader, right?" ask Ferdich to his teammates while he's trying to stop the bleed that always came out from his wound. "Sir, you are the best, now keep going, we gonna bring you back to the Palace" said one of his teammates that carrying him. In other place, Katarina and the others still try to beat the monster. "Madame! What we gonna do!?" ask one of Ferdich teammates that keep fighting the monster with her. "Just keep the distance from the mini monster, the big one wont explode us, and try to reach those tree monsters and stab it" said Katarina.

"Madame! I can throw my spear to those monsters, maybe it would help!" said those guys again. "Great, now let's move from here, everyone, protect us now!" said Katarina to all of the knights that left in there, not long they got some backup, and they have time to retreat and prepare for attacking the tree monsters. "But madame, even we try attacking the monsters with our magic spear, it wont hurt the monsters, so what your plan?" ask those guy to Katarina, but suddenly Alex came from their back. "wait, you guys remember when Ferdich cut one of the branches that came out from the monsters and made some of the attacking system from the monsters not working properly? Now let's try to attack those tree once again with your spear and we will try to attack those monsters, I can jump faster when I entered my beast mode and can reach to those monster faster, so, we must stop his attack so we can finish this battle" said Katarina.

"But madame, our spear not strong enough to stop those monster" said those guy again. "We can use bombs, it may works." Said Alex to that guy. "Bomb? What kind of weapon is that?" ask that guy confused. No more ask, Alex, put that bomb on his spear" said Katarina to Alex. "This is auto detonated bom, so you must throw your spear directly to the monsters, if not, the bom will fail to explode" said Alex to that guy while put the bomb on his spear. The bom already planted "Alright, I'm gonna give my buff to your weapon so your weapon can stab deeper to those monsters" said Katarina while touch that guy spear. "Now you must throw it directly, this is your chance, that bomb is really expensive, don't waste it." Said Alex. That guy look so nerveous, "Alright, when I say throw, throw your spear as fast and strong as you can" said Katarina. Suddenly Katarina transformed to a big tiger and entering her beast mode, that guy shocked and a little bit scared to Katarina.

Alex hit him on his shoulder, "Keep focus" said Alex to him. That guy suddenly sigh and try to lock the monster and wait for Katarina order. "Throw it!" shout Katarina. Suddenly he throw the spear as fast as he can. The spear with the aura of Katarina finally can stab the monster after almost stopped by one of the mini monster over there. And suddenly, the bomb exploded, made all of the monster attack stopped and disturbed a little bit. Then Katarina that already entering her beastmode run towards the monster an jump. Then she cut the tree monster to two, horrifying sound come from the monster, and all of the tree over there stopped turning red.

But the monster still try to attack, and suddenly some of the tree exploded, they still keep fighting. And then Katarina look there is some of the tree roots that glow. Suddenly she return back to the ground and back again to her human form. But, she too exshausted to continue attacking those monster, "Ekh, I, will try" suddenly Katarina take out his swords and try to cut the roots with all of her strength. But, some of the monster caught Katarina and run towards her. One of the knight who seeing that run as fast as he can and try to save Katarina.

"Hnnggghhh, this roots really hard to cut" said Katarina that still try to cut the roots. Then she looks to her back and see some monsters approaching her, but that guy can save Katarina in time. "Madame, we gonna fight for you!" said that guy that trying to fight all of the monster that came towards her. Katarina shed her tears and smile hearing that, the she trying to cut the roots again while he heavily protected by that guy. But suddenly the big one stab him and kick him away from there. Katarina that scared still try to cut the roots. Finnaly the root cutted and all od the monster started disappear, but the big one near the Katarina try to stab her.

Luckily Katarina still can hold the monster attack with all of her remaining strength until the monster completly disappear. After that Katarina fall down to the ground cause really tired after the beastmode. And suddenly she hear all of the shouting sound from down there. "That sound, sound that I wanted!" said Katarina to herself. But suddenly she remember the guy that help her to take some time for her cutting the roots. And she looks the guy almost passed out cause he bleeding a lot.

Katarina try to approaching that guy, luckily all of the knight that fight in there come and help them both, "You doing great, madame" said the guy that helped her, and some of them bring the wounded guy to get some medical treatment. Ferdich and all of his teammates that carry him waited outside, and one of his teammates give some report to him. "Leader, seems like the monster already defeated by them, and I count only 10 of us here from 30 of us, with Katarina team so, it's 34" said that girl to Ferdich.

Ferdich feel ashamed while all of the police and army from the nearest city laugh at him "This is the most powerfull knight that even can't fight a B rank monsters" said one of the police over there. Ferdich already feel angry and try to give them a lesson, but his wound really worse so nothing can he do except lay down on the ground and get medical treatment from all of the nurse over there. Suddenly the 10 knight that fight the monster already came out from the gated place, Katarina and one of the wounded guy got some medical treatment immideatly. And some of them interviewed by some paparazzi and officier in there.

Suddenly one of the knight asked to them where is the other 14 guy, but none of them know where they are. Suddenly all of the police over there start searching the other 14 inside the gated place. Ferdich that knowing that try to get up and want to search his teammates, but he can't do that since he already heavily injured. "sir, calm down, you need to take a rest, let our officier in here do their best. Said one of the nurse that try to heal his wound. Ferdich that know he can do nothing cause his wound just lay back on the ground.

After and half of hour searching, all of officier that searching for another knight found nothing except one of burned badges that known as one of knight badges. Ferdich starts to shed his tears knowing that. But accidently one of the officer that come lastly from the gated place found an woman body with a lot of wound and her body turned green. As the medical check her can't be saved again and infected by some poisoned thing inside there. But no one knows it dangerous or not, so that girl wrapped with a special coat so they can identified her body to known how could her infected like that.

"Stay away from me!" said Ferdich angrily to all of the nurse that take care of his wound, he just sit down in there feel ashamed for what just happened. Katarina who see that come to Ferdich try to calm him. "I know it's hard for you, but we know, everything can get worse if you the one who died in there, so, just let them go, it's not all your fault, and as you know, this mission wouldn't finished without your help" said Katarina to Ferdich. "Screw you! If you are the strongest thing on this world, why you wouldn't instant kill those monster and save everyone life, then we wouldn't feel this suffer!" said Ferdich to Katarina angrily.

"I aint the strongest, I said it was by your strength that made us know how to beat those monsters, so you must proud of yourself, so do they" said Katarina again to Ferdich. "You talk like you are the one who gonna finish all, did you can finish all of the suffer on this world, you just a girl, know your limit, you are not the one who can do anything alone, so shut up and stay away from me!" said Ferdich again angrily to Katarina.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at talkin to someone maybe, so, I'-I'm sorry" said Katarina while she walkin away from Ferdich. "I'm the one who must die in there, I can't handle this suffer as the most useless Leader, everytime I let my teammates died and recruited new one" said Ferdich to himself. Everything has clear and done, now only 19 left on Ferdich team and Katarina team still complete but Tremor was heavily injured since he the one who try to throw one of the tree that almost exploded near the monster to save people around there. After that people who got heavily injured carried to the Mombah town official hospital.

While on the way to the Officier office in the middle of town, Katarina always thinkin what does Ferdich words mean, "do it all alone? What does that that mean? Is everyone here talk nonsense like that or something else? Uh, maybe I will ask Lord later" said Katarina to herself. "What's happened madame? You look sad today after fight those monsters?" ask Gerald to Katarina. "No, eh, I just look around this modern city. And feel amazed with all of this tall building" said Katarina to Gerald. "Oh, yes, this town is the most richiest modern town on this world, but, their military still zero from another city, so they always hire an blackmarket guy to destroy an town, yeah, so greedy but that's how politics play, really dirt and cannot stopped" said Gerald to Katarina.

"Wait? Blackmarket? What kind of is that?" Ask Katarina that confused by what just Gerald say. "Blackmarket had a realy large scale sell from around the world, wait, we already arrived" said Gerald that they just arrived and waited by a lot of people in there. After a moment Katarina opened her car door, a lot of flash from paparazzi camera turned on and almost blind her. "What is this, I can't hold this light, it's so annoying" said Katarina to herself that try to cover her eyes with her hands from the camera light. Later then a lot of people start asking her some weird question since she's the only one of the knight that just arrived.

"Madame, Follow me" said Gerald that grab her hand, they run from all of the paparazzi that try fo follow them. After they reached inside the officier tower, they already safe from paparazzi and starts move to the Officier office. "What all of that guys do?" ask Katarina to Gerald. "They called paparazzi, they try to take all of information from someone important and share that again to other people so everyone know what happened" said Gerald to Katarina. "But, that's so annoying" said Katarina to Gerald. "Yeah, that's how they work, oh, there is the officier room.

They walking to the officier room with full of guard, after that some guard over there opened the officier room over there, and how shocked Katarina when she knows that Serenia talkin to the officier. Serenia who look at Katarina suddenly kill the officier and run away towards the building windows and fly away. Everyone in there shocked and try to save the officier that slashed apart by Serenia. "How, how can she can be here and talkin to the officier but suddenly kill him" said Katarina to herself. Those calm night turned to chaos when everyone know that the Officier killed that night.

"Madame, it's not safe around here, get in and go away from here before everything get worse" said Gerald. "Wait!" said one of the guard over there. "Take this, and get away from here, this town will be in chaos for long time, so I recommend you to get out from this town" said the guard while he give a bag with full of money. Katarina take it and runaway from that place. After she reaches the main door, she look a lot of people do chaos, immideatly she run and try to get away from the crowd, but suddenly Gerald hit all of the guys and entered the building. "get in madame!" said Gerald. Katarina entered the car immideatly and Gerald bring the car as fast as he can from the town. "What just happened?!" ask Katarina. "we are the target" said Gerald. "wait, what?" ask Katarina Confused. "that girl maybe target us, so I must bring you to the safe place since the guard in there cant ensure your safety" said Gerald to Katarina. "No, that's my friend, I don't know why she there, that's the reason why her runaway and maybe kill the Officier cause scared of me, since she being one of most wanted person of our palace" said Katarina to Gerald. "What, so that girl is Serenia, she look beautiful than other people say" said Gerald.

"Just get back to the town, I can take care of her" said Katarina to Gerald. "we cant madame, your safety first, you are the most important thing now, and other of the knight will be out of the city soon, the mombah city is unsafe now" said Gerald to Katarina. Katarina cant say anything except follow what Gerald said since she know she can't do anything. Gerald bring Katarina head toward to the centre palace as fast as he can. "What happened now, Ferdich cry and told me to do all alone, and I found Serenia talkin to Mombahtown Officier and kill him, is Ferdich already know the true me? And, does Serenia Work with other organization?" said Katarina to herself.

To be continued

Now this novel will writen with english language and will be updated every monday, sorry if my grammar still bad

in this chapter Katarina and Ferdich team sended together as one team to kill one of the most hardest monster for knights division. could they kill the monster and survive, and will Ferdich trust Katarina?

CLEO_ZIPcreators' thoughts