
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasia
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48 Chs

Chapter 39 : Tvikt

"Okay, but promise, you wont angry by the truth?" ask Yulnera first to Lord, Lord just sit down and prepare to hear Yulnera, "your Father never made a star, he just stole a newborn star, and took it for being our stars right now" said Yulnera to Lord, "No, that's wrong, my Father made it, and only him" said Lord to Yulnera. "yeah, I know you wont trust it, so do I, and that's why me and Katarina want to find out about it" said Yulnera to Lord, "who told you that thing" ask Lord to Yulnera, "Serenia, she come to us and told that" said Yulnera to Lord, "and you trust a rebel like her?" ask Lord to Yulnera, "Lord, you hide a lot of things to us, now let us find out all of it, and if you try to stop me and Yulnera, be prepare your lovely heaven turn into hell in second" said Katarina that just arrive to Lord.

Lord a bit shocked by Katarina, Lord knows that Katarina had more strong aura than Albara, "okay, it's up to you, but, please, you guys must keep follow all this palace rules, and do all the commission on this palace frequently" said Lord to Katarina and Yulnera. Suddenly Lord got a urgent call from someone said some of Palace supply already stolen in the midway of delivery, "it's a bit lucky of you guys, there is someone that stole our supply, really rare things that happened to us, but, the thief is using some weird power, so, you guys must check it by yourself" said Lord to Katarina and Yulnera, "and, yeah, no need to make a report, you guys just do some sort of investigation" said Lord to Katarina and Yulnera.

Both Yulnera and Katarina quickly move to the destinated place, after a moment they arrived and check some people which supposed to deliver the supplies injured in there, while others try to take care the injured. Yulnera start to ask to them, "Hey, you guys, what just happened in here?" ask Katarina to them, "madame, we've been attacked by someone that just pass through us with the speed of light, and he stole all of the supplies by himself" said one of the guy in there to Yulnera, "you know in this condition that they already attacked by someone, why did you ask what happened to them again?" said Katarina to Yulnera, "that's how human works, we just wanna make sure that they doin good by answering my question and collect detailed information from them" said Yulnera to Katarina.

"Any of you guys see where the guys going?" ask Yulnera to all of them, "we don't know ma'am, he just come and leave in a second, but, as the trail he left, he go to the northwest" said that guy to Yulnera, "so, you will lead us to northwest? Yulnera?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "no, we head to the east" said Yulnera to Katarina, "ehh, okay" said Katarina that a bit confused by Yulnera. Quickly they head to the east and see some other trails on their way, "see, I choose the right route" said Yulnera to Katarina, "but, how?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "a thieft never easily left trails on their roads, they always change their road in the middle of their way and pointed to the right route when they almost reach their destination" said Yulnera to Katarina. "so, you told that we already getting close to the thief place?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "no, but, we found some clues where they head into, just like there, see that paper laid on the ground?" ask Yulnera to Katarina while pointing on some paper, "ehh, yeah, let me check" said Katarina while took that paper and start read it.

"For the blessed one, we don't know if this enough for you, we wanted to stay in here for a few days more, they wont find us" written on that paper

"Seems like they still don't finish to write this letter" said Katarina to Yulnera, "yet, they want to write a letter to their leader, but realize they will be found by both of us, so they quickly run from this place and left this one, just like normal panicked people, they will left something may usefull or may not for them" said Yulnera to Katarina. "so, what we gonna do now?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "we must find other clues in here, I will look around while you wait over here to keep everything safe" said Yulnera to Katarina,`Yulnera start look around for other clues, Katarina wait in there while keep read the paper, Katarina start to use her power to find a proper hint in that paper, step by step she read the unfinished paper to knew what the writer want to write on there, "Palace of the light!" said Katarina as soon as she finally found the right word that the writer want to write on that paper.

"Yulnera?" said Katarina calling Yulnera, but Yulnera didn't answer it, Katarina start to took a seat, but suddenly someone come from a portal behind her and start to choke her, Katarina with her good reflex dodge it and grab that guy hand, while with her red bloody eyes write down on how to use that skill. "shit, I will explode my self!" said that guy who wanted to choke Katarina, "to late, I already silenced all your poor ability, you will go with me" said Katarina while she started to create another portal into the same place where that guy came from, and sure, it brings Katarina and that guy into some place, and there is Yulnera already held as a hostage by them.

"Jyatro, you poor being, I told you to kill this woman but you fail, you will be punished after this" said a woman that suddenly come in front of Katarina, "what do you want from us?" ask Katarina to that woman, "so, this is the girl named Katarina, the one who killed Red Octopus just in seconds, I'm amazed by your ability, no one could ever killed that guy, even if that person did, that person would die instantly by Red Octopus" said that girl to Katarina. "a criminal never deserve win on their life" said Katarina to that girl, "ooohh, so you told Red Octopus a criminal, let me tell you something, you are the criminal in here, bring a lot of hell curse, and try to claim that Red Octopus power is your power? You never know that Red Octopus gain that power by himself" said that girl to Katarina, "I beat him in hell, then he get away while already in touch with my own gadget in hell" said Katarina to that girl.

"Let me goo!" said that guy to Katarina, hear that guy, Katarina even gripped that guy hands more hard, "arrrgghh you filthy whore!" said that guy to Katarina, Katarina getting angrier and broke that guy hand just in second, "arrrrgghhh! Shiittt!" shout that guy knowing that his hand already broke and start bleeding, but Katarina wont release it. "so, you want to play hard? Katarina?" ask that girl to Katarina. One of the guy that keep Yulnera in there release a swords and put it on Yulnera neck, "say goodbye to your friends then" said that girl to Katarina, Katarina stare on that sword and that sword quickly turn into dust, and quikly Katarina beat all of the guys that keep Yulnera in there. "Said that again" said Katarina to that girl while give a knife to Yulnera to cut all of the rope on her body, "thanks" said Yulnera to Katarina, "tch, you win now, but, next time, I wont let you get away, Alive!" said that girl to Katarina and quickly gone.

"Huh, I don't know, I got a clue in there and finally found their addres, that girl quickly come out from that portal, I try to fight her but there is other guy that tackle me from behind and start to bind me real quick" said Yulnera to Katarina, "that's not important, now let's take the supply from here" said Katarina to Yulnera, Yulnera understand that if they talk more longer in there, may that girl comeback with more people, so she start help Katarina to took all of the supply in there. "Madame!" said all of the people in there as Katarina and Yulnera took back the supplies back into the truck, "next time, bring more people if you guys want to bring supplies to Centre Palace" said Yulnera to all of them, quickly they put back all of the supply into the truck and bring it to Centre Palace real quick.

"Lord, here's the report" said Yulnera to Lord while give some paper to him, "so, they used an old formula portal, that's interesting, and, any others thing that you guys found there?" ask Lord to Yulnera, "no, but that girl seems really know about Red Octopus and Katarina a bit" said Yulnera to Lord. "almost everyone know about Katarina, but, Red Octopus? Well, we gonna find out this formula and will give the result to you guys later, now you guys can take a rest" said Lord to Yulnera and Katarina. Katarina get out from that room first while Yulnera still stay in there, "is there any problem?" ask Lord to Katarina, "no, nothing, just, Katarina looks like she really serious right now" said Yulnera to Lord, "well, it cause she always getting serious in any condition, you must get used to her" said Lord to Yulnera, "at least we will know te truth" said Yulnera to Lord.

"Anyway, why did you guys don't stop Serenia? i need to ask her about that" said Lord to Yulnera, "Katarina told me to not catch her, I belive on her eyes, it just different even we usually see her red eyes like that, but, today it just feel different" said Yulnera to Lord, "at least try to stop her, and let me talk to her, after that humiliating action on Mike, I think she just a different things too in here" said Lord to Yulnera. "what do you mean by that different things?" ask Yulnera to Lord , "I think, she literally not a human, just like what Mike says after how he badly injured by Serenia, "you mean, she was came from other race?" ask Yulnera to Lord, "yeah, but, please, don't spoil this to Katarina, otherwise she will do the same" said Lord to Yulnera, "yeah I will" said Yulnera to Lord.

"Good, we don't know Serenia species, but, I think, she just as same as Katarina, that was my first clue, maybe wrong, maybe right" said Lord to Yulnera, "let me know if you know about it, I will keep my eyes on Serenia once she come again to us, and, for others mission that related to this, just contact us" said Yulnera to Lord. "I think, we cant use that forum now, since some current incident that happened between us and headquarters" said Lord to Yulnera, "can we just stop begging to headquarters and stand in our feet from now on?" ask Yulnera to Lord, "my father only give recommendation to them, we can do much about it" said Lord to Yulnera. "oh well, just same like old days, everything goes to headquarters and even our marriage must accepted by headquarters" said Yulnera to Lord, "at least we got Katarina without their recommendation" said Lord to Yulnera, "and then they give us a spy for checking Katarina, and almost kill Gardonio in process!" said Yulnera to Lord.

"*sigh* I know, Headquarters really did dirty to us, but, by Katarina, I hope someday we can stand in our feet, and I will prove it to them" said Lord to Yulnera, "as I wish, and they must return all of my gadget" said Yulnera to Lord, "don't worry, it's still safe, I already ask it to my father" said Lord to Yulnera, "it better still in safe condition, if not, you will see!" said Yulnera with a bit angry tone in all over their conversation while Lord try to keep calm. Yulnera get out from that room with a little bit annoyed, outside the room there is Nora wanting to enter the room as soon as Yulnera opened the door, "Madame Yulnera?" said Nora that a bit shocked by Yulnera, "oh, did you see where Katarina go?" ask Yulnera to Nora, "she's in her room, I just bring some tea that she asked for" said Nora to Yulnera, "oh, ok, thanks" said Yulnera while quickly leave Nora there.

"Sir, Katarina want to ask about the forum that can't be used again now, what happened?" ask Nora to Lord, "the forum feature currently can't be used now, if she want to receive some mission, she can come here and ask about it" said Lord to Nora, "I will told her, and, what happened to Madame Yulnera?" ask Nora again to Lord, "nah, don't worry, just some little problem of us" said Lord to Nora. Yulnera sit on some bench beside the indoor fountain in the centre of the palace, "Yulnera, mind if I join, I had some coffe here" said Livanka that suddenly come and bring coffe to Yulnera, "sure" said Yulnera to Livanka, "you look a bit stressed today, what happened?" ask Livanka to Yulnera, "nah, it's about my old gadget that still held by Headquarters, I really need that" said Yulnera to Livanka.

"Old gadget? I never heard of it" said Livanka to Yulnera, "nah, it just some of my creation, I just need that for some reason, I mean, for Katarina" said Yulnera to Livanka, "oh, ok, anyway, what just happened, I heard you guys found some weird people that accused themselves as 'the stars', is that true?" ask Livanka to Yulnera, "we don't know, we just took care of the palace supply, nothing more" said Yulnera to Livanka. "I getting curious about that, as we all know, stars species already extinct long ago by Lord Father, but why there is people think that they were stars it self?" ask Livanka to Yulnera, "about that? I don't know, maybe nowadays people just can't handle pressure gvne to them so they start made some weird cult cheer them up" said Yulnera to Livanka. "the correct question is, why Lord father wont kill that person, if he could kill all over the stars by himself?" said Katarina to both Livanka and Yulnera, "maybe that he want to keep the last one to be undercontrol by heaven?" said Yulnera to Katarina, "no, stars is the most naïve and selfish species that we all know, if one of them pressed to be one with heaven, something worse will happened just like this one" said Katarina to Yulnera.

"So, you told Lord father is weak and a loser?" said Ramirez that suddenly come from behind of Katarina, "why would you said so? Isn't the one who think about that was you?" ask Katarina to Ramirez, "your words which pointed to that case, and, you come from the hell, no one would trust you in any of your speech" said Ramirez to Katarina. "Ramirez, stop she already proof herself and help us a lot, show some respect as a creators!" said Livanka to Ramirez, "showing respect to an race that extinguished a lot of this heaven? I would never bump into her, even she gain everything in this place!" said Ramirez to Livanka. Katarina look embarrassed by Ramirez words, "Ramirez!" said Livanka to Ramirez, "I just spittin a fact, this girl, will never be one of us!" said Ramirez while pointing into Katarina.

"What happened in here!" said Lord that suddenly come there and seing some heat with a lot of people watching Ramirez attitude to Katarina, "Ramirez!" said Lord angrily to Ramirez, "Sir?!" said Ramirez a bit shocked by Lord, "what in the world happened to you?" ask Lord angrily to Ramirez, Ramirez wont answer Lord while keep pointing to Katarina, "you safe this time, next time, you will see" said Ramirez to Katarina. Ramirez with still heat on himself go away from there leave all of them, Lord try to calm himself, "Lord, told that kids to show some attitude in front of people, I never like him from the first time" said Livanka to Lord, "I will" said Lord to Livanka, "Katarina, don't mind him, he just a temperamental guy, it was usual thing he do that too other people, I will teach him later again about some attitude" said Lord to Katarina, "one day, I will drink his blood without any doubt on my mind!" said Katarina angrily while keep look at Ramirez in almost far distance from them.

Lord and others people in there a bit shocked by Katarina words, "Katarina?!" said Lord to Katarina, Katarina wont answer it and go away from there, "Sir, please, this is dangerous, even Ramirez really annoying but, he need to stay alive" said Livanka to Lord, "I know, I will talk to both of them Later" said Lord to Livanka. Lord quickly chase after Ramirez that still not far away from him, "Ramirez! We need to talk on my office now" said Lord as soon as he catch up with Ramirez, Ramirez agreed and follow Lord to his office, "So, what you want to tell to me?" ask Ramirez to Lord, "Ramirez, after Firdaus we wont lost some knowledgable creator like him again, including you, so, can you please be more soft talking to Katarina, we still don't know about her that much" said Lord to Ramirez. Ramirez look like he disagree with Lord words, "and, you let an hell creature like her go around this heaven? Don't you ever know about hell creature?" said Ramirez that look really mad at Lord, "I know about it, but, everyone can change" said Lord to Ramirez.

"Lord, enough with this babyseat role of yours, we tired of it, Gardonio, and others, you really think that gonna works to others? Even Gardonio really tired of your attitude on them!" said Ramirez with a bit angry tone to Lord, "Listen, I know I was bad at take care of someone, but, Katarina is a bit different so don't think to much about it" said Lord to Ramirez, "but what if Katarina really want to take over heaven? Are you gonnatak responsibility on that one?" ask Ramirez to Lord, "I will, along with my Father" said Lord to Ramirez, "with your father? Even your great father throw you in this progressed land, what do you expect? An help from him? He will ignore it and let you watch us die with a lot of miserable things happened to us" said Ramirez to Lord.

Lord stand and ready to brust out his emotion, "Ramirez, without me taking care of you in the middle of that fire ring, you wont be even reach this place from the first time, and listen, you still paid by my Father own organization that is headquarterz, so stop messing around and follow my order, that simple, everyting that happen I make sure you guys will be safe in my hand even it cost my life" said Lord with all of his emotion to Ramirez. Ramirez just can't say anything except bow down his head in there, "Lord, I just cant let you do this, I just don't want you to bring all of this burden in your shoulder, just kick Katarina, everything will be okay" said Ramirez to Lord, "She had more vital things in here than you who just took every fame of Albara for yourself!" said Lord to Ramirez, "She will destroy this place into ash, she's not us type of heart, hell is just hell, we've been their enemy in a long time!" said Ramirez to Lord.

"did you miss the part where Katarina had more vital things to do in here rather than all of you? Now told me if you guys can beat Red Octpus under 1 hour without any of team injury?" said Lord again to Ramirez, "I know, Katarina is a strong being, but, if it always like this, she will be corrupted and bring back her hell memories, that's the turnpoint of everything" said Ramirez to Lord. "I know about that, and to prevent that turnpoint, I already let Yulnera to go along with her and Nora, one of talented servant in here to be her permanent servant" said Lord to Ramirez, "are you think that was enough for her?" ask Ramirez again to Lord, "not much, but I can keep my eyes on Katarina, wherever she goes I will got information about her" said Lord to Ramirez.

"if that so, Lord, I owe you our life, keep her in a stable condition, I beg you" said Ramirez while leave Lord in there, "okay, now it's time to meet Katarina, I hope she will understand everything" said Lord while quickly search for Katarina. "Excuse me, do you see Katarina?" ask Lord to some creators that pass by in there, "oh, she's heading there, about a seconds ago, ah there she is" said that creators while pointing to Katarina that far away from them in that corridor, "thanks" said Lord while quickly rush to chase Katarina, "Katarina" said Lord calling Katarina from distance, Katarina turned around and look at Lord, "we need to talk on my office" said Lord to Katarina. Katarina look a bit confused, "what? You want me to meet that person, or talk about him?" ask Katarina to Lord, "no, there is something more important than it" said Lord to Katarina, "if that so, let's head to the rooftop" said Katarina to Lord, "why?" ask Lord to Katarina, "you don't need to ask, if you don't want it you can go" said Katarina to Lord.

"Okay, cause this one really important, let's head to the rooftop" said Lord a bit disappointed to Katarina, they quickly head into the rooftop, after they reach the rooftop, Katarina keep going far into the edge of rooftop side, "Katarina, don't rush, there is nothing here!" said Lord to Katarina that keep walking fast to the edge. After almost reach the edge, Katarina stop, "what do you want from us!" said Katarina in there, while Lord wondering which one is Katarina refer to, "you really aware from anything, even I hide in any of shape and materials, you still realize it, your sense is top tier" said a sound that nowhere can't be found where it come from, "Who's there?" ask Lord to that sound, "no need to wonder, sir, you already know who am I, I'm the only one who had this special ability on this heaven, I'm the killing machine, and I am the spy" said that sound to Lord.

Lord strat to find out who is he, and suddenly, "Tvikt" said Lord spontaneously, "aha, you know me, now find me" said that sound again to Lord, quickly Katarina shoot on a bench in there, "wow, what an great lady she is, where did you found her, sir?" said that sound again to Lord, "you don't need to know, Tvikt, get out" said Lord to that sound. "But, I want to play a little bit more" said that sound, and slowly an particle absorbed in one centre human shaped, and suddenly it formed into a full human body, "you maybe don't know me, my name is Tvikt, one of current creator in here, I almost died in lastest 16 curse by Albara many years ago, but I managed to survive, and here I am" said Tvikt to Katarina. "Katarina, this is Tvikt, he's one of veteran in here, he come from spirit race, and he's the strongest spirit race right now" said Lord to Katarina.

"By stole my power, no wonder" said Katarina to Lord, "Katarina, enough" said Lord to Katarina with a bit of angry tone, "Tvikt, this is Katarina, come from, I'm sorry, hell, she will help us on fight hell, kinda irony but, she already prove that, and, she's a new creator in here" said Lord to Tvikt. "kinda more trusted than Albara, I like her, so I followed her an hour ago, her aura kinda different from others in here" said Tvikt to Lord, "I hope you guys can have a good relation in creator side, and Tvikt, welcome back" said Lord to Tvikt. "where is that loser? Attacking us while in the field, real what a loser" said Tvikt to Lord, "he's currently on test at his own world" said Lord to Tvikt, "all I know the creators who creating his own world cannot involved into any life form on his own world, except for helping, and I must from the altar of life place" said Tvikt to Lord, "this girl who in charge create the world for Albara" said Lord to Tvikt.

"new person, new creators, new face, and can handle a big project like that, I'm a bit amazed by you, Katarina" said Tvikt by bow his head a bit to show respect to Katarina, "im not that great as you know, Lord and Jason help me a lot on this project" said Katarina to Tvikt. "Oh, Jason the traitor, how do you guys still keep him on the radar? I almost kill him back then if not that Albara shithouse myself and trigger all my sanity for it" said Tvikt to Katarina and Lord, "Albara may had something special on Jason, so he keep the gate close to us in touch of Jason" said Lord to Tvikt. "you guys is the most weakest in terms of mentality, Albara is not that strong, he just a monster who can be formed into human, while you Lord, a son of the owner of heaven, you can even beat him in one touch" said Tvikt to Lord, "I'm not as strong as you think, I prefer to work on backline rather than being in frontline like Gardonio and others" said Lord to Tvikt.

"Does that weak mentality and childish creator still alive, I don't expect how far he goes" said Tvikt to Lord, "Tvikt, enough, he's still in charge of me, he need to learn a lot, but now he much better since you leave us" said Lord to Tvikt. "I hope so, I kinda scared if he not change his childish attitude, even with my step he goes to the toilet 50 times" said Tvikt to Lord, "I know, I never charge him on leadership, I always put Jeremy or Ramirez as leadership onfield" said Lord to Tvikt. "how about Yulnera, Irma, Livanka, Serenia, Yuka, Birvitisha, Ayunisa, Pika, the deadly woman of yours, where all of them?" ask Tvikt to Lord, "Yulnera still in here, Irma too, Serenia, she leave with a long story, Yuka and Yuki along create a new world like Martha, Birvitisha the tank died too in 16 curse, Ayunisa still in charge on outer world along with others outrider" said Lord to Tvikt.

"Huh, I told you, onlyYulnera and Irma that usefull, Serenia a bit shocked, what happened to her?" ask Tvikt to Lord , "she, killed, Mike" said Lord heavily to Tvikt, "hehe, HAHAHA!" Tvikt laugh with horrifying sound, "stop joke around Sir Lord, Mike not easily beaten by anyone, even myself and Albara" said Tvikt to Lord. "Many things changed since that 16 curse, Tvikt, even Firdaus died too in his mission beating monster" said Lord to Tvikt, Tvikt keep laughing, he seems don't trust the truth that spitten by Lord to him, "Firdaus? Mike? A top tier sigma male of us died? Am I wrong?" ask Tvikt with really things going trough on his head. "Tvikt, I know you wont accept the fact, but, that was happened recently" said Lord to Tvikt, "let me guess, Red Octopus died to in process?" ask Tvikt to Lord, "Red Octopus the great villain died in her hands" said Lord to Tvikt while pointing to Katarina.

"I'm kinda supprised by that, a girl like you, a bit short but can beat a Red Octopus which unbeaten everywhere" said Tvikt to Katarina, "he used my power, so, no coincidence, I know all of his weakness" said Katarina to Tvikt. Tvikt looks like a bit interested on Katarina, Tvikt pull his swords from a dimensional gate at his hand, "so, proof it, new creator" said Tvikt while point his swords toward Katarina, "Tvikt, stop it!" said Lord to Tvikt, "don't worry Lord, she will only sent off to hospital" said Tvikt to Lord. Katarina kinda obsessed to in fight, seing how the tension come from Tvikt, a battle between them happened, both attack in a lightspeed, "I'm impressed by your speed new kids, but, you wont escape by this" said Tvikt while quickly a circle come frome his swords handle and create a circle around Tvikt, Katarina quickly rush to Tvikt to do some attack in avoid any attack.

"Look's like an amateur" said Tvikt while suddenly Katarina hit into the Circle shield and the time Fractured, "don't expect this power, this one of my special ability, now, let me show you a dance that bring you to eternal sleep" said Tvikt while quickly he slash Katarina. That slash made the ground around tremble and crack the ground below a little, "Owari, Da"said Tvitk meaning everything done after that slash, and additional explosion come to explode Katarinabody, "Tvikt!" shout Lord to Tvikt, "heh, that amateurs wont ever being a knight in here" said Tvikt to Lord, "cause I'm more deserved as a creators than you" said Katarina to Tvikt while point her swords from behind of Tvikt.

"HAHA, impressive, congratulation, you almost disappoint me" said Tvikt to Katarina, "Yeah, Sir Lord, I hope you can lead her into good things, I must go now, I don't want to be seen by other people right now, and put that blade down Katarina" said Tvikt to Lord and Katarina, and quickly Tvikt disappear. "Sir!" shout a lot of people in there to Lord and Katarina still hold her swords in her hand, "what happened in here? Ask some people who just come there to Lord, "Some intruders come and almost kill me, lucky for me Katarina here and she ssave me from that intruder, you guys must keep safe around this Palace, maybe another intruder will come without knowing by our sensor team" said Lord to all of them. All of the people in there lower their tension and leave one by one while another checking around for another things, "Katarina, I need you to know one thing, Ramirez as you hear, is one of creators veteran in here, he just want to keep everything safe, he actually never in conflict that took a long time to be cleared, he need a time to accept you in here "said Lord to Katarina.

"He need to know that his mock on me can trigger some fire in me, so he better shut his mouth when he near around me" said Katarina to Lord, "I will" said Lord to Katarina, "anyway, that guy which just come to us, who is he?" ask Katarina to Lord, "he is one of creators veteran in here too, after 16 curse by Albara, he never seen under the radar again, and in the battlefield, none of his body founded dead or alive, so, we expected him already burned into ash" said Lord to Katarina. "is there a lot of people that lost after that 16 curse just like Tvikt?" ask Katarina to Lord, "no, only a few and I kinda forgot, and one of them is Tvikt, and I glad that Tvikt still alive, so there is another person that I can trust in here" said Lord to Katarina, "is he that good for you?" ask Katarina to Lord, "yeah, beside his kinda annoying sound, he's the one who almost kill Albara back then, but Jason help Albara real quick and really distract Tvikt in a long time" said Lord to Katarina.

"Anyway, he can be your information source for this mission, he hide a lot of truth from us, maybe you can ask him sometimes, and, cause he really love Yulnera right now" said Lord to Katarina, Katarina nod to Lord and suddenly someone come to them, "sir, you wont belive it, Tvikt –sama still alive!" said one of the guy that approaching Lord and Katarina, "yeah, we will come there, it was a great news, but, I need to talk to Katarina right now" said Lord to that guy, "yes sir!" said that guy while quickly leave Katarina and Lord there. "look, everyne really hope for Tvikt return right now, and, I want to tell you once again, pretend that you never see him, he will do the rest by himself" said Lord to Katarina, "mhm" said Katarina while nodding to Lord, "good, I will go down, you wait along with others in creators meeting room" said Lord to Katarina.

Lord quickly go down where a lot people in there already greet Tvikt, "Tvikt!" said Lord while wanted to hug Tvikt, "aha! Sir! I still alive yet!" said Tvikt to Lord, "welcome back, Tvikt, why wont you come to creators meeting room? Let's have a tea in there" said Ramirez in there to Tvikt, "aha, old Friends, yes, I will, long time no see that place, hope that old big hag Loser wont beg to me" said Tvikt to Ramirez while laughing. All of them quickly go to creators meeting room, while Katarina already there, all of them start to sit, and Tvikt sit in front of Katarina while wink on her. "a lot things changed here, and Lord, you can continue while give some explanation to me" said Tvikt to Lord, "yeah, at first, Tvikt, I know you really don't want to accept the truth, but, it later goes on, now let's give a warm applause to Tvikt" said Lord to all of them, and they start to give applause for appreciating Tvikt return to palace.

"Thank you, I appreciate you guys, now Lord, explain what happened in here?" ask Tvikt to Lord, "okay, thing had change a lot since you left, first, Serenia killed one of creators candidate, Mike, that was an intense battle since mike don't like Serenia at all, so Mike challange Serenia in the arena and things happened in just a second" said Lord to Tvikt. "As I know, Mike wont be beaten that easily by anyone, how could Serenia beat our greater Mike?" ask Tvikt to Lord, "we don't know, till now, cause Lord sent off Serenia after that battle from this Palace" said Martha to Tvikt. "ahh, Lord, you make one mistake in here, never let any of your kids from this Palace cause we don't know how they turn be out there" said Tvikt to Lord, "Don't you dare say that to Lord!" said Gardonio angrily to Tvikt, "I'm just spittin some straight fact you dummy" said Tvikt mock Gardonio, "I will pop your head off maniac!" said Gardonio again to Tvikt.

"Enough, stop, you guys!" said Lord to both Tvikt and Gardonio, "heh, not change to much, eh?" said Tvikt that mock Gardonio, "Stop it, Tvikt, we don't want another conflict in here" said Lord to Tvikt, "I don't care, and I'm kinda unfamiliar with the face in front of me, could you explain to me who is she, sir Lord?" ask Tvikt to Lord while look directly into Katarina. "okay, let me introduce you to our new member, her name is Katarina, and you will a little bit shocked to her since she come from hell" said Lord to Tvikt, "ohh, that nasty ass place, I wont even spit my lovely saliva on that dirty land" said Tvikt to Katarina, "Tvikt, stop mocking people, she was the most outstanding creators currently in here, she killed the Red Octopus in a second and help Albara creating the world to Albara self" said Lord to Tvikt. "ahh, I don't know that someone from hell had a heart too? I thought all of the loser in there just a sinners" said Tvikt to Lord.

"Glad to meet you, a sinner" said Tvikt mocking Katarina, Katarina understand by the first wink to keep their 'never meet' drama continue, "okay, so, that's all?" ask Tvikt to Lord, you don't want to hear about Firdaus?" ask Lord to Tvikt, "I don't care to that maniac, he just know one power, and his tactics was shit" said Tvikt to Lord. "if that so, that's all the information that we had" said Lord to Tvikt, "yeah, I just interested in this girl, and I need to talk to her right now about why she choose heaven over hell" said Tvikt to Lord, "okay, everyone, you guys can go, after Tvikt said so there is something important that you guys don't need to involve with"said Lord to all of the creators in there, "that's unfair, Lord, how did you do this, we must ask a lot of question to Tvikt!" said Ramirez to Lord, "you think you more veteran, shithouse? Go fucking away, I don't need you to ask another dumb question" said Tvikt to Ramirez.

Everyone except Lord, Tvikt and Katarina leave that room, "well, it's three of us, and I already check no one could hear what we do in here" said Tvikt to Katarina, "go ahead" said Katarina to Tvikt, "first of all, I'm sorry for my attitude, and, thanks for helping us to beat one of the most hardest opponent we ever meet, Red octopus, and now, I need to ask you a question, you told me Red octopus using your own power, how could that be?" ask Tvikt with a really serious tone. "it was a long answer, you prefer the long one or more short one?" ask Katarina to Tvikt, "the long one, I kinda curious about this one" said Tvikt to Katarina.

To Be Continue