
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasia
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48 Chs

Chapter 33 : The Reunite Part 1

"Eh, okay, I understand" said Katarina to Lord, Katarina start to leave Lord room and head back to her room, "more than just killing an evil human? What was that?" ask Katarina to herself when she on her way to her room. After reaching her room, she look inside and shocked cause Tobe get beaten by Tzkulbe, "Stop!" shout Katarina to them, they suddenly shocked and fell silent after that, "why?" ask Katarina to all of them, "it was Tobe fault madame" said Armama to Katarina, Katarina start to fell silent hearing that, Tzkulbe start to give a hit code to Armama to told him stop answering Katarina.

"You know, we facing some real problem in here, so, don't let this kiddos problem bother you all, understand, I wont repeat it twice" said Katarina to all of them, "yes madame" answer all of them with a quiet sound. "good, now, I don't want hear any of you guys do any fight in here, so continue the preparation, I need to check our document for tomorrow" said Katarina to all of them. They just nodding their head to Katarina, after that, Katarina start to leave them and head to the Mission room, "madame!" shout one of the receptionist in there to Katarina, "Eh, me?" ask Katarina to the receptionist, "yeah, we just received your document from Headquarters, and here is your Paper for the gate of Alvera, just give this to the gatekeeper tomorrow and you can enter the location, that is the mission location, it was inside the Alvera mega cave" said that receptionist to Katarina.

"Eh, okay, thanks, anyway, is there any other mission near there that still unsigned?" ask Katarina to the receptionist, "Currently no madame, why you ask about that?" ask the receptionist back to Katarina, "Nah, just wonder, if we can accept two different mission, I just curious about this cave, and anything near it, so, if I get some others, maybe, I can explore it more" said Katarina to the receptionist. "well, if I was you madame, I will focused on this dangerous mission from headquarters first, cause this mission was really dangerous above all mission that they ever had" said that receptionist to Katarina, "why would you said that?" ask Katarina to that receptionist, "yeah, maybe cause of you, and if this one success, you know, Headquarters will be open their services to public and you will get a big reward from them" said that receptionist to Katarina.

Katarina start to remember what happened this morning on headquarters, "Anyway, thanks, I will prepare myself now" said Katarina to the receptionist, "Your welcome madame, if you need anything again, you can ask me here" said that receptionist to Katarina. Katarina start head back to her room and see all of them already packed up in there, "well done, now you guys can take a rest, I will pack all of my weapon and needs" said Katarina to all of them, "Yes madame" said Tzkulbe to Katarina, "or, if you guys want to go to the canteen, just go, I will paid your guys bill in there later" said Katarina to all of them, "are you serious madame?" ask Dunima to Katarina, "yeah, im serious" said Katarina to all of them. "well, let's have some fried chicken in there" said Armama to all of them. they start head to the canteen leave Katarina in there.

"Huh, all I need to bring is this weapon, bottle, and, this dire book speel" said Katarina while packing up all of her tools, "damn, this food taste really great" said Dunima to all of them, "you can say that twice" said Armama to Dunima, "yeah, how about more?" ask Dunima again to all of them. "Dunima, better watch your mouth!" said Tzkulbe to Dunima, "Waitress, one more please" said Dunima to the waitress in there. After a moment, the second Fried chicken come, "Aha, come to papa!" said Dunima while start eating the Fried chicken, "damn!" said Tzkulbe while touch his head.

After a while and they all done eating their dinner, Katarina come to them and start ask to them, "Are you guys done?" ask Katarina to them, "Yeah, we just done, how about you madame?" ask Tzuklbe to Katarina, "Don't mind me, I already take some dinner on my room" answer Katarina to them. "Are you sure about that, madame?" ask Tzkulbe to Katarina, "Yeah, now you guys need to take a rest, remember tomorrow" said Katarina to all of them, "yeah, thanks madame" said Tzkulbe to Katarina, "Oh, damn, that chicken was straight into my lower stomatch!" said Dunima while stand up from his chair and start go away, "thanks a lot madame" said Tobe to Katarina and start to leave her in there.

Katarina start to wave at waitress in there, "how much all of this?" ask Katarina to the waitress while pointing to the table where Tzkulbe and others had dinner before, Waitress show the bill to Katarina, Katarina shocked by the bill that she need to pay for Tzkulbe and other dinner. After that, Katarina go to the cashier and paid all of it, she start to leave the canteen and head back to her room, on her way to her room, her stomatch start groaning cause don't have any of lunch and dinner today, only quick breakfast at 11 am. "huh, maybe I need to stop being loyal at them from now on, in fact, they will get some of the money from the mission tomorrow" said Katarina to herself.

Katarina start look inside her room and see all of them already fall asleep, Katarina close back her room door and head to the middle room lobby, no one in there, except some of the librarians who sort some book into a sealed room. Katarina seat on a sofa in there and took some water to drink, "Katarina?" ask Yulnera that suddenly passing by in front of her, "eh, Yulnera?" said Katarina again that shocked seing Yulnera in there, "What did you do in here?" ask Yulnera to Katarina, "Eh, I'm the one who need to ask that to you" said Katarina to Yulnera. "Oh, I, just need to exercise so my body will be stable real quick and can get back to the mission" said Yulnera to Katarina.

"All I know is you need to take a rest" said Katarina to Yulnera, "Nah, she's already good at all" said Gardonio that suddenly come from behind, "Yeah, I'm good like my old times!" said Yulnera while jumping, but suddenly she can't made her body stable so she start to drop on the floor, but quickly Katarina save her before she drop onto the floor. "OO-oww, what a spectacular reflect" said Gardonio to Katarina, "You okay?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "oww, yeah, I'm good, anyway, thanks, maybe I need to control my euphoria emotion from now on" said Yulnera while trying to stand back. "You need some well rest, don't push yourself for the misson" said Katarina to Yulnera, "but, you know, we aint get any money when we don't do any mission, right?" ask Yulnera to Katarina.

Katarina suddenly fell silent, and let Yulnera go walking alone, "Ey, what does she said that made your face like a bunch of weed nerds guy?" ask Gardonio to Katarina, "no, nothing, I just shocked by her reaction" said Katarina to Gardonio. "Anyway, you will had some big mission tomorrow as I hear from a lot of people, well, all I can say is goodluck with it" said Gardonio to Katarina, "yeah, thanks, I will do my best" said Katarina to Gardonio, "Anyway, I will tell you some secret, if you success at this mission, Headquarters will be put their trust on you instead of Albara, so, when I know your commandment is Lord, I will put a faith in him, so, we can made a protest to dethroned Albara" said Gardonio to Katarina.

"Wait, you guys want me to fight Albara?" ask Katarina to Gardonio, "No, dethroned him, and by a paper from headquarters, we can do it, by how we get those papers? By made them trust to us, so step by step, we can get back headquarters and priestest that left us for a long time, and together we will strong" said Gardonio to Katarina. "so, if Albara dethroned from being an Centre Palace leader, everything will be back on order?" ask Katarina to Gardonio, "yes, so, all I can say is goodluck, and you wonder why everyone is not here tonight, yeah, cause they prepared for tomorrow, Maya will come again to bless you tomorrow" said Gardonio to Katarina.

"Well, I don't want to disturb you more, better be prepare, everyone put their hope on you" said Gardonio to Katarina while start to leave her in there, "Eh, everyone, eh, must strong, well, I can do this, this is the way I show to them that I'm not an evil!" said Katarina to herself. The next day, Everyone in the main palace prepare themselves for meet Maya, the head of priestest for the second time, this time is feel special cause Albara is not there and Maya will declare something important to them.

"Tzkulbe, you guys already prepared?" ask Katarina that knock from otside, "A minute!" shout Tzkulbe to Katarina, "okay, be quick, everyone waiting for us down there" said Katarina again to Tzkulbe. After a moment, Tzkulbe and others already prepared, "good, now go down there and meet them, I need to take all of my tools in here, don't worry, not long" said Katarina to Tzkulbe, "yes ma'am" said Tzkulbe to Katarina, Tzkulbe and others start move downstairs and meet all of them, all of them shout to them, "freedom, freedom, freedom!!" said all of them to Tzkulbe and others.

"Woah, what's the meaning of this" said Armama to all of them, suddenly a guard grab Tzkulbe hand, "this way, sir!" said that guard to Tzkulbe, "Hey, follow me!" said Tzkulbe to Dunima and others. After a minutes, they reached the centre lobby room where Maya and others wait for them, "Cheers, to our brave warrior!" said Maya to all of them, everyone in there give a shout to Tzkulbe and others. Tzkulbe, Dunima, Armama, and Tobe cant say anything except stand like a statue in there. "Anyway, where is Katarina? Ask Maya to Tzkulbe, "she will be here soon, madame, she need to took some of her tools that left in her room" said Tzkulbe to Maya, "okay, we will wait until she comes" said Maya to Tzkulbe.

"I'm here, said Katarina to all of them, Everyone in there shout more loud than before, "great, now, everyone, listen, we know, the Albara and Konco legacy was really bad for us, and headquarters cant do anything about it, but, when Katarina and her friends done this mission very well, me, along with the priestest, and headquarters will be back again and one with this Main Palace, and let's take those Albara down!" said Maya to all of them. Everyone on there shout louder to Maya and keep said "Freedom" all along it, Maya start give blessing and prayer to Katarina and others, while give some paper to her, "Mi lady, use this, we lend all of our hope to you, I know you can" said Maya to Katarina, Katarina nod to Maya and took the paper that contain some spell inside.

"Alright, you guys can go, may your trip and mission get blessed all time!" shout Maya to Katarina and others, quickly one of the guards lead Katarina team way, and get followed by some of priestest behind them that keep give prayer to Katarina and others. "Wait, why we followed by them? is they gonna fight with us, but first, who are they?" ask Armama to Katarina, "quit asking and just follow what they said" said Katarina to Armama, "listen, Katarina, we gonna teleport you to the Alvera mega cave, and we will give you this, a alert phone, once you done the mission, press this to call us so we can track you guys and teleport you back" said Maya to Katarina, "Okay, I get it" said Katarina while take the phone from Maya hand.

"Get ready all of my fellow priest!" shout Maya to all of the priest who follow them before, they start to made a circle, and ready to teleport Katarina and others, "Ready, be carefull, maybe you guys will teleported far away from the ground" said Maya to Katarina. After a second, they finally teleported into the Alvera Mega cave gate, "Woooaaahh, that was amazing, is that their secret power?" ask Armama again to Katarina, "I don't know, and I don't care about that, all I need is they gonna praise me later" said Katarina to Armama, "Yeah, fuck humans, great words madame, what I wanted from you after a long time!" said Dunima to Katarina, "Let's head to the gatekeeper and give this paper to them" said Katarina to all of them.

"Here" said Katarina while give the mission paper to the gatekeeper, "Okay, now wait for a second so I can open the seal" said that gatekeeper to Katarina, The gatekeeper start touch some key in there and unlock it, "Here, be carefull, and may you guys safe in there" said that gatekeeper as soon as the gate open. "Quick, get in before one of the monster come out!" said Katarina to Tzkulbe and others, Katarina suddenly rush inside the cave real quick while one of tentacle monster come out aamd rush her, quickly Katarina kill the monster with only one dash slash. "Sir, quick, I'm gonna lock this and reopen it after you all kill the monster" said that Gatekeeper to Tzkulbe and others.

"Come on, don't waste our time!" said Tzkulbe to all of them, "Haha, praise us!" said Dunima while running along with Tzkulbe and others, "Dunima! Did you see Madame?" ask Tzkulbe to Dunima, "not yet, oh ,there down there, she currently fighting someone in there!" said Dunima to Tzkulbe. Quickly Tzkulbe run into that place, a sword slash finish a guy with big and muscular body, right before Tzkulbe reach that room, "Madame! Wait!" said Tzkulbe that see Katarina run again after killing that guy, "Haahh, what a mad girl, no wonder why she called an White knight of Hell" said Tzkulbe to himself.

"Where is Madame?" ask Tobe to Tzkulbe, "she run away again!" said Tzkulbe to Tobe, "Quick, we must help her!" said Tobe to Tzkulbe, they start chase after Katarina real quick, after a minute of chase, they finally meet Katarina stand on the edge of big hole in front of them. "Madame!" said Tzkulbe and run into her, Katarina suddenly raise her hand that give a stop sing to them, "well, this one is not good!" said Tzkulber while trying to move back a bit. "Listen, we don't know how strong the monster is, but all I got is there is 10 of them down there, same tall like us, and builded by a flame, 1 of them is core of all, so, I will fight that one, while you guys distract them with all cost!" said Katarina to all of them.

"Follow me!" said Katarina to all of them, Katarina start jump into the hole, followed by Tzkulbe, Dunima, and Tobe, "Wait how about me!" said Armama to all of them, "Huh, no way I must follow them, whatever" said Armama that start to jump following them too. After reaching the lower ground of the cave, only a vaporized water around them and distract their vision from surrounding, "where was the monster madame?" ask Tzkulbe to Katarina, suddenly a fast shadow come to them, quickly Katarina stab it and the shadow suddenly disappear, after a moment, all of the vaporized water move slowly into a weird things in there, "there he is, prepare everything!" said Katarina to all of them.

Tzkulbe and others prepare their weapon and ready waiting for Katarina command, "Listen, you guys can choose 8 other of body that transparent was the core clone, so, I will attack the core and you guys attack the rest" said Katarina to Tzkulbe and others. "Now!" shout Katarina as she move quickly to the core body, "everyone, protect madame!" said Tzkulbe to all of them, Dunima and Tobe start attack the clone monster, followed by Tzkulbe, "wait, how about me!?" ask Armama to them, suddenly a monster come to Armama, "Damn!" shout Armama that suddenly spawn a fire from his book and burn that monster real quick, "okay, I think I get it" said Armama to himself.

"Die you little piece of shit!" said Dunima as he quickly slash one of the clone monster, but, that made the other clone monster that near to it, and suddenly the monster punch the dead clone monster body to revive it. "wait, a punch can revive?" said Dunima that seing the monster in there, "why in the world this monster got stronger!" said Tzkulbe that keep fight the monster in front of him with all of his power, "Tzkulbe, what must we do now?" ask Tobe that keep trying to fight the monster in front of him too, "keep protect madame until she's done" said Tzkulbe to Tobe, "Fire!!" said Armama that quickly release a wave of fire and exthinguished all of the monster in there.

"Wow, what an amazing power" said Tobe to Armama, but suddenly all of the exthinguished monster revived back and get more stronger, "what the, they must be jokin this time!" said Dunima to all of them. "Fire!" shout Armama again, but this time, all of the monster wont exthinguished, but digest the fire and release it back to Armama, that fire exploded as soon as it reached Armama, "ARRGGHH! Luckily, I'm an hell creature" said Armama to himself, "Keep attack them, don't let them reach madame Katarina!" said Tzkulbe to all of them, they quickly attack back the monster with all of their power, but this time, even one sword slash cant cut the monster skin even a bit.

"How long we will be like this!" Ask Tobe to Tzkulbe, "I don't know, but, we must keep doing this, for madame Katarina!" said Tzkulbe to Tobe, "Tch! How this could be!" said Katarina to herself while fighting the monster, "Katarina!" said that monster to Katarina, "Eh!, how did you know my name?!" ask Katarina to that monster, "you killed my brother, the illusion Aligator, now you should paid for that!" said that monster to Katarina while rushing to Katarina with high speed. "Huh, you miss your target!" said Katarina after dodge the monster attack, "ggrrhhh! You will regret this!" said that monster that start to attack Katarina again, "Hah! You miss again!" said Katarina after she can dodge that monster attack.

"This is bad, that monster had a strange ability, rather can absorb someone power, this monster can even attack with high speed after I attack him" said Katarina to herself analyzing the monster. "You, should not said that thing!" said that monster to Katarina again. "Dare to fight in short range?!" ask Katarina to that monster, that monster got angry and approach Katarina with high speed, "Dang!! I cant evade this!" said Katarina that almost got the monster punch in a inch", "Die!!!" said that monster to Katarina. That punch made Katarina bounce away and hit the ground hardly, "this power! Really great, grrraahhhh!" said that monster after gut a lot of power from Katarina from one punch.

"Uhk!! I can't, even with—hell, mode!!" said Katarina that hold all of pain on her body from that punch, Katarina try to stand back and see that monster already reach a meta death mode, where the monster can't be beaten by anything. "Katarina, burn into ashes!!" said that monster that rush Katarina to the ground real quick. "What happened?!" ask the priest in there to others, "the sky! Getting dark!" said Maya to all of creator in there, "We should help her!" said Gardonio to all of them, "no one cant move to the Alvera cave!" said someone that suddenly come nowhere to the front of all the creator. "you! Impostor!" said Gardonio to that guy, "haha, calm down latino, poor acting guy think he can fight greater monster but end with failure" said that guy to Gardonio.

Gardonio getting angry by that guy statement, "stop it, Gardonio, calm down, he's just nothing, now just sit back and let anything flow" said Martha to Gardonio, Gardonio start to calm down and back again into his position. "haha! Same like my friend, destroyed by a woman! What a bunch of weak guys, really wanted to be dominated by a woman?!" said that guy to all of the creator in there", "shut up! Gerald!" said Lord to that guy, "Oh, what a coincidence you talk to me, Lord, son of the highest, the only one, did I bother you?" ask Gerald to Lord, "this was this was your plan, right? Quit made a drama, you are only a failure from Headquarters" said Lord to Gerald.

"Oooww, crybaby, want me to wipe your blessed tears?!" you only stole this from a most succsesfull king on this world, and wipe them one by one, what a criminal after you separated, oh, wait, after we separated!" said Gerald to Lord. "Enough! Listen, we want to revive back our old kingdom, forget the past, at least we had a hell side on us, and it strong enough, we may win this war, so, all of our hope is in her shoulder now, don't made any of conflit again, past is past, face the future, for better people!" said Maya to Gerald. "Haha, okay, I knew it, yeah, since the head of priest talk about that, I cant deny, well, I put all of my hope to that girl, since HQ too will help you guys by the girl hand, so, you guys still worthless rather than a Hell citizen!" said Gerald to all of them.

"I want to punch that guy!" said Gerald that keep hold by Martha to control his emotion, "why they keep stronger, and why the sky getting darker!" said Tzkulbe to all of them, "graaahhh!! I- I don't know!" said Tobe that just get kicked and bounce away to the cave wall, "I hope madame will be fine in there!" said Tzkulbe to himself. "Done!" said that monster after stab Katarina right on her stomatch, Katarina just stand in there can do anything waiting to fall to the ground, "worthless thing, no one could match to me, and dare you to kill my brother!" said that monster while kick Katarina that trying to stand up in there.

"I- did I, Lost?!" said Katarina that almost unconscious in there, "Answer me, worthless hell citizen, what did you do in here, Katarina wont answer that, "cant talk!" an punch hit Katarina face, but, this time, Katarina wont respond any of pain, her body suddenly burn out, and her eyes turn into red of black blood. "ARRRRHGGGHH! What the hell is this!" said that Monster while run away with his burned red body that get burned by freeze flame, "you right, why must I hide my real identity, I just a weak girl, but, in the other side, you wont ever dream about me again!" said Katarina that regen all of her body real quick.

"Ha! Ahaha, you think you can beat me with that! I still remember my brother revenge" said that Monster to Katarina, "So, join him!" said Katarina that teleport to behind that monster real quick while push that Monster with one finger that made the monster bounce away with a lot of frozen fire on his body, "aarrggghh!" said that monster while try to exthinguish the frozen fire. That fire is eternal, same like other hell fire, luckily you got the hell power too, like one of my friend, this is only first level from 10 level of my power" said Katarina to that Monster. "oh, dare you, how about test each level of our power!" said that monster to Katarina.

"Argghh!" said Gardonio that suddenly bounce away after got a punch from Gerald, "want more! Come here useless Creator!" said Gerald to Gardonio, "big mouth!" said Gardonio to Gerald, "it better rather than a weak people like you who hold his useless words on his mouth!" said Gerald to Gardonio. "GGRAAAHHH!" shout Gardonio as quickly he run to Gerald, they fight each other without power, and once again, Gardonio knocked back after a hit on his stomatch. "Haha, this is, the Creator quality, better one with the useless knight, you don't deserve to be a creator!" said Gerald to Gardonio, "I get easy on you, I wont let my reputation drop just only by knock down an impostor like you!" said Gardonio to Gerald, "Heh, what an Alibi!" said Gerald to Gardonio.

"Goctha!" said Tzkulbe while cut one of the monster, and the monster cant be revived back, "hey, quick, I can kill this creature, maybe the core got weaken in there!" said Tzkulbe to all of them, They start to knock the monster real quick after knowing about that. "Grrrrrrr! How could be, even not in her perfect form, she can knock me real quick!" said that monster to himself, "Lord, I'm sorry, I must do this, I know I break the rules, but please, don't angry to me!" said Katarina to herself, "No mercy in war, let's end this!" said that monster to Katarina, the monster enter it's final form, while Katarina back to her normal form, and only pull out her swords.

That monster start rushing Katarina, Katarina pull her sword real quick, and start to attack the monster brutally and quickly while real quick to dodge the monster attack, "Huh, what a strong punch I got!" said Gerald to Gardonio, "don't mess with me, you HQ failure!" said Gardonio to Gerald, they suddenly continue their fight. "Great, I can kill this creature!" said Armama that burn the creature to ashes real quick, "yeahaha! Weak monsters better go die!" said Dunima to all of them, "great, we only need to kill one monster left!" said Tzkulbe to others. Suddenly, that monster quickly exploded and left some diamond in there, Dunima start to took the diamond, "hey, look, we will be rich by this, no more money from madame, I'm gonna save this one" said Dunima to all of them.

"HAhahaHAHAHA!" laugh that monster, "you are in a really unstable condition now, why you laugh like that?" ask Katarina to that monster, "we are same, Katarina, nothing different, come on, join me, or!" said that monster to Katarina. "Wait, hey, someone shouting really hard in my head!" said Dunima to all of them, quickly after that, Dunima try to hit his head on a stone near him, Tzkulbe that quickly realize Dunima was controlled by something, quickly command Armama to made seal spell so it can tie up Dunima, and Tobe for keep looking in there so Dunima can save by anything.

"Tch, how dare you!" said Katarina to that monster, "Haha, your beloved friends will die by diamond of sacrifice, now, better join me, I will let your friends go alive!" said that monster to Katarina. "I don't want to involve with any of your bussines, now, get back to realm and regret everything you said to me!" said Katarina, "Madame! If you kill him, Dunima will be killed too, there is no way, did you want Dunima died?" said Tzkulbe that just arrived in there, "tch" said Katarina after hearing Tzkulbe statement.

"Haha, I'm the one who will kill you!" said that monster to Katarina, that monster start to attack Katarina real quick, all of Katarina do is only dodge all of the monster attack, "how long this could be!" said Katarina to herself. "Ugh!" said Gardonio that fell on the ground, "Stop it! Gerald, enough!" said Maya to Gerald, "stop? Huh, he is the onw who start it first, told to him!" said Gerald to Maya, Maya start approaching Garodnio that trying to stand up again, "Enough, just let him, this is not the right time you doing this" said Maya to Gardonio. "GRRAAAHH!" shout Gardonio as soon as he stand back and fight back Gerald.

"Tch! I must find his weak spot real quick!" said Katarina to herself, "why keep running, weak ass hell creature, join me for the eternal of world!" said that monster while keep chasing for Katarina. "Everyone, be calm! We know this will be bad for you, but please sit back, you guys will be safe in here!" said some of the knight in there to calm all of the people inside the shelter. All of the people in there panicked cause the sky getting darker all over time, "What happened out there?" ask one knight to other knight that just come from outside of shelter, "we don't know, all we need is keep them sefe, and don't let them know what happened in out thare can be worse" said that knight to that knight in there.

"UUghh!" said Gerald that knock down on the ground, "dare to fight me again, useless Headquaters?" ask Gardonio to Gerald, quickly Gerald vanished in front of them, "Useless thing, better I killed him in here rather than let him go away" said Gardonio to himself. "Enough, now take a seat back, and wait for command!" said Martha to Gardonio, "Okay, I know, I know" said Gardonio that get back to his seat, all pf the priest in there keep praying for blessing. "hey, did you see that, something start falling from the sky!" said one of the god in there to everyone, "oh no, Everyone, Take cover! That was an poison cloud teardrop! If it touch your skin, it will burn you only in a second!" said Jeremy to all of them.

All of the creator and some god in there start to make a umbrella shield to protect them. the Cloud teardrop start to touch the ground and burn the ground that dropped by it, "what we gonna do now?" ask one of the god in there to all of the creator, "keep in cover, we cant move any inch, don't worry, it don't have physic like water, so it wont move to us!" said Jeremy to all of them. "Haha! How long you gonna run from me!" said that monster to Katarina, Katarina keep trying to evade all of the monster attack, meanwhile Tzkulbe hiding behind some rock in there cause scared by the monster power, and Armama that start struggling by sealing Dunima that keep want to get released from the seal.

"The core, remember Katarina! Eh, yeah, his genital organ!" said Katarina to herself, Katarina start to search her better way to do counter attack, "now!" Katarina already count 5 attack in each 1 second interval, so, she can only hit him between 0.5 second, as quick as she can to attack that monster genital. "Gotcha!" said Katarina as quickly she fly real quick to the monster, that monster prepare to attack Katarina in beetwen 0.9 second, but Katarina sucsessfully cut his genital before first attack in the next second released. That monster quickly screaming out cause the pain that he got from his lost genital.

"What the!" said Tzkulbe that quickly touch his body, "no, it's not, what does madame do so the monster stop attacking?" ask Tzkulbe to himself, "You done!" said Katarina to that monster, "uuuwwwaarrrggghhh! How did you know?!" ask that monster to Katarina, "all of the power wont inserted to their genital organ, cause it only centered on their brain, and brain wont control genitals sometimes, so, genitals wont accept full power or zero from the brain, meainwhile, all of your body that needed to move and operate accept full power from brain, so, the best way is to cut off your genitals to make your power lost it concentrate and try to re-fix your body" said Katarina to that monster.

"That-that's unfair!" said that monster to Katarina, "nothing is fair on a fight, you must get used to it" said Katarina to that monster, "you, you leave me without any choice!" said that monster that suddenly stab himself and start burned up his body. "okay, what's next" said Katarina that confused by what happened to that monster, "Feel my wraith!" said that monster with heavy and loud voice, "I think, this time to be more serious!" said Katarina that start to take her blade from ground again and rush that monster. "that monster release some ridiculous shaped fire that try to attack Katarina, but Katarina can dodge it and made it to the monster real quick. A sword slash hit the monster real quick, but, nothing happened and even none of it damaged the monster unless a bit ripped outer unseen shield of that monster.

"Tch, what was that!" said Katarina to herself, "really quick movement even without an hell blessing, I think you're an worthy opponent for me, you can even ripped my strongest shield with only 1 sword slash, what a powerfull woman" said that monster to Katarina. "I must beat this monster real quick, my body start to feel heavy all of sudden" said Katarina to herself, "look at your surrounding, all of it turned black, and you must know this sacred power of hell, since you were one of hell people" said that monster to Katarina. "Madame! This is a cloud tears! Remember that one!" shout Tzkulbe to Katarina, "What! How dare you use this one! And you must paid for it!" said Katarina to that monster.

"No use, this skill wont stop even you can kill me, that even the thing that you can't do!" said that monster to Katarina, "I will end this as quick as you blink!" said Katarina to that monster, "hahaha! You even don't use your hell curse power to beat me? What made you really sure can beat me?" ask that monster to Katarina, "hell power will eat the user if they are not from the hell, and I know how to do that!" said Katarina to that monster, "Haha, I will wait for that" said that monster to Katarina. "Everyone, use this mask, and protective jacket!" said all of the knight in there to all of the people inside the shelter, "mom, why suddenly this place getting hot" ask one of the kids to his mom in there, "don't worry, this cause a lot of people in here, not long, keep patient" said that kid mother to her kids with some smile on her face.

"Is there any of jacket and mask left?" ask one of the knight in there to the other knight, "nothing left, we must ask other creator for that" said that knight ot the knight wo asked for the mask before, "how long will we gonna be like this!" ask one of the guy in there to some of the knight, "please, be patient, we will take care of this as soon as possible!" said that knight to the guy that asked him. "everyone, keep your shiled hold the heat wave and all of the cloud tears, so it wont hit you!" said Jeremy to all of the people in there, "what happened now!" ask one of the goddess in there to Jeremy, "this maybe come from Katarina battle, we don't know is this was come from Katarina or that monster, but, 60% was the monster power so, we hope Katarina can beat the monster real quick" said Jeremy to that goddess.

"Tch! Haaaaa!" said Katarina that keep try attacking that monster without her hell power, "I told you to stop, you just waste my time, I will made my blessing so the heat haze will be more powerfull!" said that monster to Katarina. "I wont stop! Haaaa!" shout Katarina as quickly she slash the monster shield real quick, "what! It broken!" said that monster to himself, "goctha!" said Katarina to that monster, Katarina push herself on the mid air so she can slash the monster with full speed. "graaahhh!" shout that monster that cutted by Katarina, that monster half-body was dropped to the ground, while half of it still floating on the mid air.

"said that again, I will slice you in part that you cant even count how much it is" said Katarina to that monster. "hehe, hahaha, ahahaha!" laugh that monster as suddenly all the stone near of that monster floating and start pulled to him. "thank you, for make me easier to reach my perfect beast mode!" said that monster as suddenly all of the rock coating him. "tch, really hard monster as I see, but, for the reputation, and get praised by all of them, I wont stop!" said Katarina as quickly she raise her blade to the sky, and had a hell phoenix on her, "this time, I make sure, you will be extinguished by using my power for killing millions of people!" said Katarina to that monster.

To be Continue